Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2274394 times)

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« Reply #3500 on: September 24, 2008, 08:34:25 pm »
Day 5 of an absolutely idyllic fishing trip and Ennis didn’t want to leave.  He told Jack over a light supper that the two of them deserved a longer vacation than 10 days.  Better make it 12.  Jack couldn’t believe his ears.  He wanted to suggest the same thing, himself, but was afraid that Ennis would say no.  Jack gazed longingly at his lover over the dying embers of the supper fire.  “Do we have enough supplies for 2 more days?”

The answer was no, and that very next morning Ennis and Jack headed down from the mountain into town.  They would buy a few things that would hold them over for an extra 2 days.  Ennis drove the both of them to a shopping area that was anything but bustling.  Ennis pulled into the parking lot of a small market and killed the engine.  “I’ll go get us a few steaks and a whole chicken,” Jack announced, absently, as he climbed out of the truck.  “Okay, bud,” Ennis answered as he looked around.  “I think I’ll go take a walk down the block and see what there is to see.”  Jack smiled at that and entered “Richard’s Grocery Nook.”

Jack was in and out of the grocery in no time, carrying a large paper sack of vittles.  He was relieved when he saw that Ennis thought to leave the truck open, just in case he was out before Ennis made it back.  Jack placed the supplies in the truck bed and climbed in on the passenger side.  He pulled out a cig, lit it up and waited for his lover.  15 minutes and no sign of Ennis!  Jack was more put out than worried.  It was time to head back up to camp and start the mid-day meal.  He decided to give him 5 more minutes, and then he would go out and track him down.  5 minutes passed and no Ennis Del Mar.  Jack climbed out of the truck and headed down the block where he saw Ennis walking.  Ennis wasn’t hard to find, and Jack didn’t have to walk far.  He saw his lover looking rather fondly, almost dreamily in the window of a woman’s fashion store.  Jack sidled up to Ennis and followed his gaze to a woman’s leather handbag.  “Nice purse, Friend,” Jack giggled.  “It’ll go good with your blue jeans.”  Ennis cracked a tiny smile.  “I just thought Alma would like something like this, is all,” Ennis explained.  “She doesn’t get nice things very often and I just thought..”  Jack turned serious at the thought of Ennis wanting to do something nice for his spouse, and rarely getting the opportunity.  “C’mon, friend, let’s go take a look at the purse.”  “No, no, Jack, I can’t afford nothin’ like that..” “We just lookin,” Jack soothed.  “Nothin’ wrong with taking a look.”  Ennis shrugged and followed Jack into the store.  Mary’s Boutique was filled with girly wonders.  The accessories section was stocked with luxury handbags that carried steep price tags.  Jack picked up the bag that Ennis eyed in the window.  “You think she’ll like this?” Jack asked as he turned the handbag so Ennis could see it from all angles.  “Yeah, what woman wouldn’t?” Ennis answered.  “Okay, well, I see one that Lureen would like.  Why don’t I pick them up for the girls?”  Ennis was all poised to object, but Jack was already on his way to the register.  “Jack..I..,” Ennis objected, but Jack acted like he didn’t hear.  He paid for the bags with a credit card and had the cashier wrap them up.  Next he pulled Ennis out of the shop and led him to the truck.  Ennis opened the passenger side door of the vehicle and waited while Jack placed the packages alongside the bag from the market.  “Bud, you shouldn't a done that,” Ennis whispered as he placed the key in the ignition.  “I’ll never be able to pay you back!"  Jack shook his head.  “You don’t need to pay me back, Friend,” Jack began.  “Listen, I’m keeping Alma’s husband away from her for a few more days.  Consider this a thank you for her understanding.”  Ennis couldn’t argue with that.  And he planned to thank Jack himself when the sky turned red and the sun beat a hasty retreat.

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Miracle of nature
« Reply #3501 on: September 25, 2008, 10:15:07 pm »
“Life can be hard, very hard, friend,’ Jack spoke silently as he picked at his lunch.  “Sometimes I feel the world is a dark, sad and evil place.”  Ennis nodded at Jack’s admission while Jack’s mind raced back to the week before the fishing trip.  Lureen was hostile toward him, old man Newsome was impossible to please at work, and little Bobby was spending too much time with friends.  Jack rarely got to see his only son.  Ennis watched his lover and was appalled to see that Jack was sitting at the table with his head hanging down.  He placed what was left of his chicken sandwich on the plate.  “C’mere, Bud, forget about lunch.”  Jack was puzzled, but did as he was told.  He placed his own sandwich on his plate and rose when Ennis came toward him.  “Let’s go for a walk,” Ennis said as he grabbed Jack’s hand.  “I have something I want to show you.” 

It was summer and very comfortable on the mountain.  Ennis held Jack’s hand and led him beside a raging mountain stream that was lined with fragrant blooms.  Ennis moved his hand in a motion that caused Jack to take in the scene.  “See the stream here, Bud,” Ennis began, “Do you like the sound of the waters moving, the sight of the current, the force of it all?”  Jack managed a smile so small that Ennis thought he imagined it.  “Sure, Friend, I like it fine.”  Ennis didn’t like the sound of Jack's response.  It troubled him.  He would have to try harder.  “What about the flowers?  Aren’t they beautiful?  You like flowers, don’t you?”  “I like the flowers,” Jack whispered, defeated.  “And look at the squirrel over there.  Ain’t he cute?  Look at how nature sends us little creatures to make us happy.”  Jack had to crack a wide grin at that one.  Why, Ennis was becoming a nature man!  “Yes, it is all very nice.  Is there a point to this, Friend?”

Ennis pulled Jack close and held him tight.  “I only wanted you to see that there is so much in life to feel good about, to make us happy.  And the things that are the best in this world don’t cost us a thing.”  Ennis looked into Jack’s baby blue eyes and thought he detected moistness.  “When you are feeling down, the Earth has a way of making it all better.  It’s why we’re here, Jack.  You have the entire wonder of nature to cheer you up.  And remember, you got me!”  Jack had to smile at that.  “Oh yeah,” he whispered, and allowed himself to be kissed.

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Bicycles for Two
« Reply #3502 on: September 27, 2008, 05:04:56 pm »
Ennis arrived at camp first.  He erected the tent in no time and had a fire going and a couple of hot dogs roasting for lunch by the time Jack drove up.  Jack jumped out of his truck and was in Ennis’ arms in a flash.  After the hugs and kisses, the uttering of “son of a bitch,” and the slaps on the shoulders, Jack unpacked his supplies and joined Ennis by the fire.  Ennis handed him a hot dog and some crisps, and settled down on a log to eat lunch and catch up. 

It was a trying half year for both of them.  Ennis was working hard to support his daughters, and Jack was a regimented husband and father.  But being together in the beauty of nature, both men felt their troubles wash away with the rivers current.  Jack was the first to finish his hot dog.  He watched Ennis as he ate.  “What is it, Bud,” Ennis asked as he noticed Jack’s stare.  “Oh, nothing, Friend.  I never get tired of looking at you, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.  You look good enough to eat.”  Ennis felt the flush rising from his neck, moving to his cheeks.  His hot dog was all poised to eat, but Jack’s words caused Ennis to stop – his hot dog inches from his open mouth.  Jack squirmed.  He wasn’t in a hurry to make love, though.  He had other plans.  Ennis recovered enough to finish his lunch and lay back, content, against a tree.  “Hey Ennis,” Jack began, “You want to try something new?”  Ennis looked at his friend.  “Well that depends, Rodeo.  What you got in mind?”  Jack was off to his vehicle in a flash, and before Ennis could join him, Jack had removed 2 expensive looking bikes from his truck bed.  “What do ya think, Cowboy?  Ya wanna go for a bike ride?”

Ennis squinted in the sun at the bikes.  “Jack, I don’t mean to be difficult, but riding a bike ain’t exactly new.”  Jack laughed.  “I know, but we’ve never rode a bike together.  When was the last time you rode on a bicycle, Friend?”  Ennis had to think about that one.  “Well, I can’t rightly remember.  I never owned one, we was too poor.  But I did borrow my friend Scott’s bike from time to time.”  Jack grew thoughtful when he heard this.  “Yeah, I never had a bike growing up, either.  Like you, I had to use a friend’s bike when I was little.  What ya say?  Ya wanna ride out to the river?  Maybe take a little dip when we get there?”  Ennis shook his head in the affirmative and climbed onto the bike that Jack held out for him.  Jack was the better rider, of course.  He owned the red bike and rode it often on the weekends at home.  He bought the blue bike especially for Ennis and the occasion.  Ennis hadn’t been on a bike in years, and it showed.  But by the time they neared the river, Ennis was riding along like a pro.  It was a great time for the both of them.  Jack neared the river bed first, and wasted no time in disrobing.  Ennis caught up in an instant and practically pulled off his clothes.  The water was fine.  Jack swam and splashed while Ennis floated and let the waves carry him along.  He made a point to keep in sight of the bicycles Jack brought.  That Jack Twist!  Never a dull moment.  Never dull!

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I Remember Ennis
« Reply #3503 on: September 30, 2008, 01:26:15 am »
Jack was visiting his home in Lightning Flat after his summer gig on Brokeback was cut short.  He sat at his mother’s kitchen table with a mug of steaming coffee and a glazed donut in front of him.  Jack took a sip of his brew after nibbling at his sweet.  “Good to have you home, son,” Mrs. Twist practically sang.  “You’re a sight for sore eyes, but you look rather thin, sugar.  You get enough to eat up there on that mountain?”  Jack didn’t even have to think about that one.  “The food was pretty bad,” Jack related as he took a gulp of his coffee.  “But there was enough to eat, for the most part.  Remember there was another guy up there with me this time, and he was in charge of bringing up food and supplies every week."  Mama Twist nodded, thoughfully.  “This other guy, was he fair when it came time to share with you?”  The question took Jack by surprise.  He was instantly transported back to last month, and in his mind’s eye, Ennis was crouched with him between two massive trees, the 30-30 in his hands and trained on an elk.  Ennis shot an elk for him to eat after the week’s supplies were all but lost when the mule Ennis was leading back to camp got spooked by a bear and ran off, spilling supplies all over the Earth’s floor.  And he did recall that time when Ennis heated up a box of soup for dinner.  “When did you start liking soup,” Jack asked as Ennis poured him a bowl of Chicken Noodle.  Ennis only shrugged.  It was then that Jack knew the truth!  He told him, “No more beans,” and Ennis ordered soup from the Basque to please him. “He was more than fair with the food, ma,”  Jack said as he drank his coffee.  It was an understatement.  Jack never met anyone as selfless as Ennis Del Mar.  To illustrate, Jack told his ma a little story:

“I remember one week about a month in, and our food was growing scarce.  We had a few days before Ennis left to go meet the Basque, and I didn’t know how we would make the food stretch until then.  Ennis was the camp tender at that time and whenever I rode into camp, he had supper ready for me.  That Wednesday Ennis prepared what was left of the canned meat.  He spooned a bit of the nasty mess on his plate, and he hesitated before loading my tin plate with the meat.  “Here, Rodeo, I’m not that hungry tonight, and you need your strength.  Take an extra helping."  Ma, he was willing to give me the bigger share of the meat, and even after that, he was piling food onto my plate!”

Mrs. Twist was so moved by Jack’s accounts of Ennis’ generosity that she couldn’t speak.  Jack’s ma knew what it was like to go hungry, and to her, sharing food was the exact same as sharing love and affection.  “He sounds like a fine man, that Ennis Del Mar,” Mrs. Twist finally managed.  “I would love to meet him someday.”  Jack nodded, sadly.  He didn’t hold out much hope for ever meeting Ennis again.  “Perhaps we’ll see him sometime, ma… I would like that very much.”

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Love/ Music
« Reply #3504 on: October 03, 2008, 10:24:01 pm »
Jack needed some music.  He walked over to Don Wroe’s entertainment cabinet and ran his fingers along the LPs stacked up along Wroe's state-of-the-art record player.  Jack was rather amazed at the range of music that Mr. Wroe collected.  He had everything there from Abba to Z.Z. Hill.  Jack felt in the mood for the soulful styling of Marvin Gaye.  He removed the LP, "I Want You," From the jacket and placed it on the turntable.  Marvin’s smoky voice filled the space instantly, and Jack curled up on the couch and grabbed for his glass of whiskey.  Marvin Gaye, Del Mar and whiskey!  What could be better?

Ennis was in the shower, washing off a day’s worth of grime.  He and Jack hiked and ran, swam, hunted and ate.  They did everything but love.  Love could wait until the dark of night after the last meal of the day was eaten, and the sky was black.  Ennis soaped his firm body, and when he heard the music, he instinctively moved in time with the beat.  Ennis felt caught up, led along by a melody, a music that he had never before experienced.  It was mesmerizing, irresistible.  Ennis stepped out of the shower and pulled a towel around him.  Soaking wet, Ennis walked into the living room while Jack hummed along with Marvin, and sipped his whiskey.

Jack didn’t notice his lover at first.  Marvin sang, “ohh aww aww baby, you sure love to ball..”  Ennis couldn’t believe the provocative lyrics, and was more than a little surprised that Jack seemed to know the words.  Ennis stepped in front of Jack and dropped his towel.  Jack looked up at his nude lover, soaking wet, lust pulsing from every pore.  Jack dropped his glass, but neither man noticed.  They were running for the bedroom before the last shard touched the floor.

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« Reply #3505 on: October 05, 2008, 01:38:04 am »
“Jack, what’s the matter?  You haven’t even touched your crumb cake!”  Ennis looked at Jack, concerned.  The crumb cake was one of his favorites, and a fitting end to the magnificent meal they just enjoyed.  Jack didn’t answer at first.  His head hung down just a particle, and he was unusually reserved.  The entire fishing trip had been a wash, actually.  Ennis looked forward to the time together, and Jack did the same.  But this time there was a distance, a holding back on Jack’s part.  Ennis didn’t make a big deal of it for the first few days.  But Jack being nonchalant about crumb cake?  Something was wrong.  Ennis eyed his lover as he pushed back from the table and stood.  Jack faced Ennis and his eyes held something dark.  Ennis felt his blood began to cool.  Whatever Jack was about to say, Ennis didn’t think he was ready to hear it.

“I got something to tell you, Friend,” Jack spoke, wringing his hands.  “I got to get this off my chest.”  Ennis was not the worrying kind, but the near hysterical tone of Jack’s voice gave him pause. 

“Look, Jack, we’re here to have some fun.  Why you wanna go spoil it by telling me bad news?”  Jack shook his head.

“I know, and I’m sorry, Friend, but I gotta get this out.”  Jack voice began to quiver, but now Ennis was the one who felt fear.

“Please, Jack?  Can’t we just forget whatever it is you need to tell me?  I don’t think I’m up to it.”  Jack walked over to his lover and sat right down beside him.

“I’m sorry.  You deserve to know.”  Now Ennis was terrified.  Not only that, he had an idea of what was to come.

“Go ahead!”  Ennis whispered, his voice trembling.  “Tell me.”  Jack placed a steady hand on Ennis’ thigh, as though the very touch fortified him.

“I was with someone else, Ennis.  I’m sorry.”  Ennis felt his throat constrict as Jack’s words hit home.  He wasn’t even aware when he fell to the cold Earth, his hands rubbing his temple as though to massage away Jack’s vile admission.

“He didn’t mean anything to me, Friend, and I swear it was just that one time.  It will never happen again.”  Jack climbed down next to Ennis and placed his head on his lap.  Ennis allowed him to rub his cheek.  "I..I just had to tell you or else I would be eaten alive with the guilt.  Can you ever forgive me?”

“Why?” Ennis croaked.  “What made you do it, Jack?  Who is this man?”  Jack opened his mouth to speak, but Ennis thought better of it.  He didn’t want to know the identity of his “rival,” nor could he bear to hear about Jack’s reasons for being with someone else.

“Never mind, Jack,” Ennis whispered.  “I don’t want to know his name.  I don’t want to ever hear mention of him again.  Are we clear on that?”  Jack nodded, but didn’t speak.

“Look,” Ennis began, tenderly.  “I know what I told you before about acting queer, but I also know you, Jack.  You can’t be happy with our arrangement; I know you want and need more from me.  You deserve more, Rodeo."  Ennis sighed, heavily.  "I want to believe that I’m your only one, Jack, but under the circumstances, I gotta know better.  I also have to make allowances.”  Ennis fought to release the words.  He couldn’t believe his own calm.  Jack couldn’t believe what he was hearing.

“If you have to have him, don’t tell me about it.  I can’t stand it, Jack.”  Ennis was folding, shutting down.  Jack noticed and pulled him close.  He rocked him, kissed him, cooed.

“I told you,” Jack began, “There won’t be a next time.  I was weak, Cowboy.  I was hurting, and when I came to my senses, I was terrified of you finding out.  But I had to come clean, Friend.”  Jack continued to rock his baby.  “I hope we can save what’s left of the trip.  I’m so sorry for spoiling everything, but I had to confess.”  Ennis shook his head and snuggled in closer to Jack.

“I think we’ll be okay.” Ennis whispered.  He was devastated, but resolved then and there to do better by Jack.  It was the only way to keep his man.

“C’mon, Rodeo,” Ennis said, recovered.  “I hope that guy taught you something new!”  Jack shook his head and laughed.

“Ennis Del Mar, just when I think I have you figured out, you say something that throws me completely off.”  Ennis smiled and reached out to Jack. 

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Getting to Know You (4)
« Reply #3506 on: October 06, 2008, 12:04:52 am »
Ennis was standing so close behind Jack that he practically melted into his flesh.  Both men were naked as the day they were born, and Ennis held Jack and moved him back and forth, swayed with him to a tune only he could hear.  Jack let Ennis lead.  He surrendered.  It was a tender moment for both men, but Ennis felt like talking.  He licked Jack’s ear, filling it entirely with his tongue.  Before Jack lost his mind, Ennis had moved away from him and onto the leather couch.  He motioned for Jack to join him.

Ennis: (Grabbing Jack’s hand)  “Can we play that game again?  You know the one where we ask the questions?”

Jack:  (laughing) “Again?  Don’t you know everything there is to know about me, Cowboy?”

Ennis:  “Well, I want to do this a different way.  Why don’t I ask you questions about myself and see if you can answer them?”

Jack:  (intrigued) “Sounds interesting.  Let’s do it.”

Ennis:  “Okay, then.  Where did I work before I joined you on Brokeback?”

Jack: (Instantly)  “The AAA Ranch.  You and your brother worked there for a few months before the owner went bankrupt.”

Ennis:  “Very good.  What is my brother’s name?”

Jack:  (smiling) “Easy one.  K.E. Del Mar.”

Ennis:  “Right.  What is the name of my youngest child?”

Jack:  (sighing) “Friend, you ain’t even making this a challenge.  Her name is Jennifer, but you all call her Jenny.”

Ennis:  “Okay, smart man.  What is Alma’s sister’s name?”

Jack:  (Thoughtful) “Uhh..I don’t know.  You got me there.”  Jack punched Ennis on the shoulder.  “No fair, Ennis.  You never even mentioned Alma’s sister.

Ennis:  “Okay, you’re right.  Her name is Hattie.  Now, where did me and Alma meet?”

Jack:  “At church.”

Ennis: “Right again.”  Jack smiled, triumphant.

Ennis: “What am I thinking right now?”

Jack:  (shrugging) “How in the hell would I know that?”  Ennis pointed a hand toward Wroe’s master bedroom.

Ennis:  “You take the hint?”

Jack:  “You jerk!  Don’t you ever get enough?”

Ennis:  (eyes twinkling) “I’m asking the questions, Rodeo.  Now how about it?  Ya wanna?”

Jack shook his head and smiled.  “Yeah, I wanna.”


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2 rings
« Reply #3507 on: October 08, 2008, 11:18:52 pm »
Jack was standing outside of his father’s shed, inspecting the building with a critical eye.  “We can rebuild ‘er, pop,” Jack offered.  I can come down next month for my vacation, and we can tear her down and build ‘er back up from the ground.”  Jack looked at his father, expecting a response.  Mr. Twist stood, silent, next to his son as he eyed the shed.  ‘I don’t think this is a job for two men, Jack,” he barked.  “What happened to that Ennis Del Mar?  I thought he was supposed to come down here with you and whip this place into shape?”

Jack winced at the dig.  He felt like a fool having even volunteered to rebuild the shed.  He should have known that his father, the wretched old jerk, would mention Ennis.  Never mind that it was the truth.  The truth hurt like a bitch!  Jack hung his handsome head a bit, but he didn’t answer.  “What you thinking, boy,” Mr. Twist challenged.  “Don’t tell me you can actually deliver some help around here?”

Jack dug his heel into the Earth.  “I can ask, Pa.  He got two little girls now and he has to work.  We don’t see each other as much as we did.”  Mr. Twist looked at his son’s wedding band.  “That looks different, Jack.  Is that the ring Lureen bought you?”  Jack’s right hand moved instinctively to his left.  He couldn’t believe that he actually had two rings: the one Lureen bought him, he wore while in Childress.  The other, the ring glistening on his wedding finger, he bought for Ennis in the hopes that someday…!!  John Twist didn’t get a reply.  He knew that his son had changed rings; he was very observant.  He was also very intuitive.  “Get the thought outta your head, boy.  That Ennis Del Mar don’t love you.  He’ll never be with you.”  The words cut.  Jack breezed past his father – practically knocking him over in the process.  John Twist rubbed his day old stubble and laughed out loud.  He didn’t know why he was so cruel to his only son, but then, misery loves company! 

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« Reply #3508 on: October 10, 2008, 01:46:36 am »
When Jack walked up to Ennis, he was leaning on his truck holding a triple scoop vanilla ice cream cone.  Jack blew his lover a tender kiss but didn’t move to embrace him...yet.  “Vanilla, one of my favorites,” Jack said as he eyed the cone.  “I know,” Ennis answered, suddenly snaking his tongue around the base of the ice cream.  Ennis licked a circle around all three scoops and passed the cone to Jack.

Jack wasted no time in licking the thick layer of ice cream that melted onto the sugar cone.  The morning sun bore down relentlessly and the ice cream wasn’t long for the world.  Jack passed the cone back to his lover.  Ennis lapped the top scoop, and allowed his hands to become sticky with the melted sweetness.  Jack watched, enthralled as Ennis licked the ice cream from his fingers.

Jack grabbed Ennis’ sticky hand and sucked what was left of the ice cream from his fingers.  He reached for the cone and Ennis passed it over to him in a shot.  “Finish it off for me, Rodeo,” Ennis pleaded in that husky voice of his.  Jack was only happy to comply.  He devoured what was left of the vanilla ice cream in an instant.  The only thing left was the tall, sugar cone.  “You want the cone,” Jack asked, panting, as he passed it to his lover.  Ennis accepted the cone and nibbled at the base of it, sucking out the ice cream that clung to the bottom.  Jack thought he would pass out.  Ennis threw the rest of the cone to the Earth and pulled his Rodeo into his arms.

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« Reply #3509 on: October 15, 2008, 08:42:27 pm »
Ennis finished a few seconds before Jack, but both were trembling like leaves in a chilly wind.  Ennis gave Jack a few seconds to recover before reaching for his pants pocket to fetch a cig.  “You want a smoke, Jack?”  Ennis whispered as he held out the pack so Jack could see it.  “I know it ain’t your brand, but I didn’t think to pick up any Marlboro’s for you.  How about a smoke?”  Jack pulled himself up on both elbows and smiled at his lover.  “You know I want a smoke, Friend,” Jack said.  “I don’t care what brand you go there!” 

Ennis lit his cig and put it in his mouth.  He pulled another smoke from the pack and placed it between Jack’s lips.  He bent down and placed the smoldering flame against the tip of Jack’s cig.  It was a sensuous act – almost like foreplay.  Jack inhaled deeply and blew out the smoke.  Ennis took a deep drag and observed his husband.  Jack made the very act of smoking a cig sexy.  Ennis watched as Jack placed the cigarette between his lips.  He was getting hot and bothered all over again.

“Put the smoke down, Jack,” Ennis commanded.  Jack looked up at him.  “Why?  I just picked it up,” Jack spoke, puzzled.  Ennis didn’t answer at first.  He put his cigarette out and reached for his man.  Jack pulled back a bit, but he was amused.  “I don’t think I can, Friend,” Jack whispered.  “You don’t have to do anything, Rodeo,” Ennis reassured.  He moved downward and Jack had no choice but to surrender.  He ground the tip of his smoke into the ashtray and in an instant he was on fire.