Author Topic: My dream.  (Read 7729 times)

Offline ednbarby

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #10 on: April 28, 2006, 06:55:44 pm »
You know, Barb, I actually do go into immediate REM sleep -- it's the only trace of narcolepsy that I seem to have inherited from my mom, who is narcoleptic.  But I don't have night-terrors.  My mom does, though, lemme tell ya.  I know it's scarier for the terror-haver, but it's scary for others in the house, too.  My experience consists merely of dreams of REM-level detail seconds after I fall asleep.

Egg-zactly.  That's why when I started having them again when Will was about 18 months old and they were scaring the daylights out of him, too (Mom screaming her lungs out in the middle of the night will do that to a kid), I was so relieved when the South Beach sty-lee eating plan seemed to have nipped that outbreak in the bud, I haven't strayed too far from it since.  My cholesterol levels are those of athletes', too, or so says my doctor.  And that's saying a lot for someone whose LDL used to be 137 pre-diet and is now in the low 90s.  And trust me, I ain't no athlete.   :P

Sorry to hear your Mom has them.  If she's so inclined, you might suggest to her to cut out the processed sugars and white starches, or at least cut significantly back on them.  They haven't determined the trigger(s) yet last I looked into it, but I'd bet anything one of them is sugar.
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Offline YaadPyar

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #11 on: April 28, 2006, 07:21:51 pm »

So... the last thing I did in my fun, smart couch-sit with Jake Gyllenhaal (back in the dream) was to go get my tiny sheep and show them to him.  I don't know if the subject had come up somehow, or how I remembered that I had something sheep-related that I could possibly show him.  But I did.  His response to my two little sheep: he was deeply moved by them, unto TEARS.  It was actually kind of uncomfortable for me.  Of course I was absolutely thrilled that I had connected with him somehow.  But we were suddenly much more intimate than I had expected.  He thanked me heartily, profusely, for sharing my sheep.

He didn't put his head in my lap, though.

Maybe it's a good thing Nicole Tremblay isn't around here too much, Stacey!!!

I want to see them - the little sheep and the tiny kitty and the wobbly Joseph...I want to see them all.  I've played around with FIMO, but have no talent for creating anything from it but a mess.

I have very lucid dreams.  CT posts are in my dreams much more than Jack and Ennis.  My least favorite dreams are either when my teeth are all loose and falling out left and right (I have very healthy teeth in real life), or when I'm eating broken glass.  You can imagine that both are deeply disturbing. 

They are both supposed to represent some regret about words spoken, but I never actually feel that, so it must be about something else, but I don't know what.  Let me tell ya - broken glass shards slicing into your gums and cutting the soft insides of your mouth is NOT a fun dream!
« Last Edit: April 28, 2006, 09:14:08 pm by yaadpyar »
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Offline cmr107

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2006, 07:35:22 pm »
In my psych class last semester my teacher said something about how it's very common for college students to have dreams about teeth falling out. I can't remember for the life of me what she said it was supposed to mean, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't regret about words spoken...

Offline ednbarby

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2006, 07:37:40 pm »
Ooh - I reckon that wouldn't be any fun at all, Celeste!  I've not had that one but I've had the loose teeth one *many* times.  They never actually fall out in my case, but they get precariously loose.  And has anyone else ever heard the urban legend that if you're falling in a dream, if you hit the ground, you die?  For real?  I've heard that.  And it's false.  Because I've hit the ground a few times.  Hard.  Didn't feel pain so much as pressure, and got up and carried on in the dream.

I have the thing I have for Ralph Fiennes partially because one day a long time ago I was reading an interview of him in GQ in a dentist's office, and one of the interviewer's questions was "Do you ever have recurring nightmares?"  He answered that no, he has not, but that he has night terrors.  He didn't call them that at the time - this interview was from, like, 1997, and it may not have been in the vernacular then.  But he described the version of them I was having at the time in stunning detail.  I felt the hair stand up on my neck as I was reading it.  And I really was stunned because I had never talked about them with anyone except my mother and husband up to that point and I'd certainly never heard of anyone who had them.
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Re: My dream.
« Reply #14 on: April 28, 2006, 07:37:58 pm »
LOL.....interesting dream!   ;D

Offline henrypie

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2006, 10:47:47 pm »
Here are Mary and the sheep and the cat:

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Re: My dream--my first!
« Reply #16 on: April 29, 2006, 10:26:44 am »
Okay, so I've had my first Heath/Jake/Ennis/Jack/Michelle dream and it was a doozie. All these months and not a single BBM related dream, but last night this one came through my brain.

It started off that I was with Heath, Michelle, and Matilda when Heath went to get his most recent tattoo. I was busy discussing designs with him and he was trying to talk me into one. I was like, well maybe, but what I really want to do is get my nipple pierced. Well, this is a tattoo/piercing place so Heath tells me to go for it. So, I go talk to the woman and she tells me it's illegal to get your nipples pierced. "Really?" I said. "My husband has one." Well, it turns out it is illegal in NY!

I end up not getting anything done and the four of us head back to their (Heath and Michelle's house). We settle in on the couch to watch TV or something (maybe BBM on DVD, who knows). Heath can't figure out which remote to use to make the TV/DVD work and we are all laughing at this. I said, "Call the cable guy. I call the cable guy instantly when the remotes won't work. You're paying for it." And Heath says, "No, I don't like bothering them." And Michelle says, "He just likes screwing around."

About this time, Jake arrives, carrying a pitcher (??) of chopped red onions. The plan, apparently, is that he is going to make some sort of a delicious stir fry vegetarian thing for all of us for dinner. He goes into the kitchen to chop vegetables and then comes back and says, "When I'm Jake, it's fine, but sometimes I think he's still Ennis and I'm in love with him." He then proceeds to start making out with Ennis/Heath and I am thinking, this is just fine with me. Michelle picked up the baby and we are just having a grand old time watching the boys go at it.

Somewhere along the line we all decide to go out to dinner (I don't know what happened to the stir fry). There wasn't a car big enough to hold all of us so I had to go by myself in my own car...and then got lost so never got to go out to dinner. And then I woke up.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 10:40:36 am by lnicoll »
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Offline henrypie

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #17 on: April 29, 2006, 10:34:04 am »
I love it.  Favorite detail: the pitcher of red onions.

Offline FuzzyChanny

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Re: My dream.
« Reply #18 on: April 29, 2006, 10:41:51 am »
The thought is they're caused by a genetic abnormality in which the switching mechanism in the brain that helps us go from Stage 1 sleep to REM sleep is awry, and so our minds go directly to REM sleep while we're still partially awake.  My hallucinations involve the sense of some sort of malevolent presence that isn't supposed to be there standing over me and about to do me great bodily harm.  Sometimes I see a male, shadowy figure.  Sometimes an actual man with a face, and not even a particularly scary one but just one I don't recognize.  Sometimes it's animal-like.

In mine I just have this intense feeling of dread that the world's about to end. It's weird because the images are always different and often VERY random but there's always this horrible inescapable feeling.

My last one was really horrible because it involved me and three of my best guy friends. Basically, two of them died and the other one and I tried to save them but couldn't so we watched them die. To then come round from this, was pretty horrific because seeing as how I wasn't really asleep made it feel all the more real.
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Offline sparkle_motion

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Re: My dream--my first!
« Reply #19 on: April 29, 2006, 11:37:32 am »
"When I'm Jake, it's fine, but sometimes I think he's still Ennis and I'm in love with him." He then proceeds to start making out with Ennis/Heath and I am thinking, this is just fine with me.
Hummina hummina. I wish I could have one of those dreams.
...then you ask me about Mexico and tell me you'll kill me for needing somethin' I don't hardly never get.