Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54681 times)


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14. juli 07
« Reply #50 on: July 15, 2007, 01:19:43 am »
Parks and Other Amusements by littlewing

The night was rather warm and the road was well lit.  Ennis and Jack were returning to camp after agreeing to dine in town.  They were too tired to cook after a day of hiking, boating, riding and loving.  The meal at “The Fat Lady” was very tasty, and very filling.

40 feet along the well paved road Ennis saw a silent, eerie looking structure.  Jack drove along in silence, obviously full, and seemingly oblivious to the small complex that Ennis noticed from far away.

“Hey Bud, look at that over there!  What do you make of it?”  Ennis said as he pointed to the small structure that they were just about to pass.

“Oh that?”  Jack answered, never diverting his attention from the road.  “What does it look like, friend? “  Ennis looked closer and noticed an elaborate arched entryway, and in the distance, a rotting ferris wheel, a rollercoaster seemingly frozen in its tracks.

“Oh, I see it now!”  Ennis observed.  “It looks like an abandoned carnival.  I’ve never noticed it before.”

“That’s because it wasn’t there before, bonehead!”  Jack laughed as he slowed the truck.

“How do you know how long that thing has been there?”  Ennis asked incredulous as he glanced over at Jack.

“Never mind!”  Jack answered with a wave of the hand.  He parked the truck next to the entrance and pulled at his seatbelt.

“C’mon, En, let’s go investigate!”  Jack, excited now.  “I’ve loved these things since I was a kid, but I was never able to go very often.”

Ennis said nothing, but sighed and exited the truck.  The abandoned carnival was obviously left by the owners only recently.  The smell of popcorn and cotton candy, along with the scent of burned grease, obviously used to fry the pronto puffs, still lingered in the air.  Jack moved toward the entrance, but Ennis grabbed his forearm.

“Hold on, Jack!  I don’t think we should just go in.  That would be trespassing!  And what if some people are squatting there?  I don’t want no trouble!”  Jack pulled free of Ennis’ grasp and walked through the rusty arches of the entrance.

“This is the first time I ever walked into a carnival free of charge!”  Jack enthused as he ran ahead.  Ennis shook his head and followed Jack inside.  Something about the place gave him the creeps.  It looked like one of those haunted, run-down amusement parks straight out of “Scooby Doo!”

“Hang on a minute, Bud!”  Ennis shouted as he ran to catch up.  But Jack was running around like a small child set free for the first time.  Jack slowed when he came upon a merry-go-round, a beautiful thing, in fairly good condition. He climbed aboard a fancy red horse and beckoned for Ennis to follow him.  Ennis, against his better instincts, climbed aboard the same horse, his chest facing Jack’s broad back.  Jack began to move as though he were riding a mare.  He ground his hips backward, moved against Ennis’ crotch.  Ennis couldn’t believe it!  He responded by grinding forward, and grabbed Jack’s hips to go along for the ride.  When it became too much, Ennis unzipped his fly and tugged at Jack’s belt.  He wondered what would happen when they entered the tunnel of love…

Unfortunate Fortune by Littlewing

Jack didn’t particularly mind school carnival nights, and when Lureen asked him to escort Bobby, he didn’t hesitate.  Jack fetched his blue parka and Bobby’s purple one, and off they went to the school for a night of fun.  Or so they hoped.

About an hour in, Jack began to feel the cold.  He pulled out a flask of whiskey and downed a few nips while Bobby stood over by the cotton candy machine talking to a few friends.  Jack looked around the carnival for something interesting to do before collecting Bobby to head home.

A fortune teller’s tent stood tall and lonely among the other fancy carnival booths.  Jack decided to go in, even though the tent looked mostly abandoned.  He produced a series of tickets bought at the ticket booth and pulled off 3.  He slid into the tent and found himself seated in front of a shockingly beautiful woman.  Jack studied the woman, and wondered, "whose mom are you?"  He never noticed her at any of the parent meetings.  She was not dressed as one would expect, but wore a pair of blue jeans and a tee shirt.  Jack shrugged and handed the woman the 3 tickets.

“Thank you, sir!” The young woman began as she accepted and placed the tickets into a large empty jar.  “What would you like to know?"

“Well..”  Jack began.  “I don’t have any specific questions.  I just want to know what the near future holds for me.”  The young woman tilted her head backwards and closed her eyes.  She remained that way for awhile as she grabbed hold of Jack’s hands.

“I see a very happy future for you.  Very pleasant days ahead.  You will be reunited with someone from your past, and will enjoy a happy life with that person.  Your life will be one of great joy.”  The lady then dropped Jack’s hand and looked him straight in the eyes.

“If you want another reading, I’ll need 3 more tickets!”  Jack thought about handing her 3 tickets, but decided he had heard enough.  He never believed in this crap anyway, just needed something to pass the time.

“No thanks, ma’am!”  Jack started as he rose from the ground.  “You told me all I need to know and I thank you.”  The young woman nodded and sat very still as she watched Jack exit the tent.  He pondered the fortune teller’s words as he searched for Bobby, even though he wasn’t a believer.  He found Bobby over with a few friends buying popcorn.  Jack thought about the postcard Ennis sent telling him about the divorce being final.  He hated to admit it, but the fortune teller’s prediction gave him the courage he needed to drive down to Riverton and claim his happiness.  Jack took Bobby’s hand and headed for the car.


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15. Juli 07
« Reply #51 on: July 16, 2007, 03:45:43 am »
Sing to him by Littlewing

“Your mom ever sing to you?”  Jack asked Ennis as he lay enclosed in his arms.  Jack couldn’t explain why, but he had been feeling very tired and rather blue.  He flung an arm around Ennis’ neck and pulled him in for a kiss.

“Well, yeah, I can remember a few songs, Jack.”  Ennis answered as he returned Jack’s kiss.  “Why do you ask, Bud?”  Ennis was becoming concerned.  He placed a hand on Jack’s forehead and rubbed.  He sensed Jack’s mood, and was determined to provide comfort.

“Can you remember any of them, Cowboy?”  Jack asked, as he removed Ennis’ hand from his forehead and squeezed it.  “I sure can use a song right now.  I love the sound of your voice, Friend!  Sing to me.”  Ennis looked at Jack and suppressed a chuckle.  He wrapped Jack into his arms and held him like he would a small child.

“Well, if I’m gonna do this, I may as well do it right.  Any requests, Rodeo?  What do you wanna hear?”  Jack felt his mood lift as he snuggled into his lover’s arms.

“Oh, just anything.  Sing to me, Ennis... please?”  Ennis smiled down at his lover and cleared his throat.

“Okay, I’ll try.  This tune is one my mom used to sing to me when I was afraid to sleep.”  Ennis sang,

“Go ye therefore and teach all nations
Go, go, go!
Go ye therefore and teach all nations
Go, go, go!

If you love me, really love me
Feed my, my sheep!
If you love me, really love me
Feed my sheep

Lo I’ll be with you
Forever and ever
Until the end of the world!
Go, go, go!”

Ennis stopped at this point and looked down at Jack.  He was wide awake, but a lone tear was falling down his cheek.  Ennis reached down and wiped the tear with his tongue.

“Everything will be okay, Bud!  You’ll see.  Just hold onto me… I’m here.”  Ennis pulled Jack closer and ran his long fingers through Jack’s thick hair.  Jack nodded and closed his eyes, grateful that whatever was bothering him was now just a distant memory.

Jack´s Belt Buckle by toycoon

Jack tipped the rodeo buckle on his belt back and forth catching the firelight then proudly flicked the shiny edge displaying it's fine merit; Ennis was charmed by the cowboy's prowess but tried not to show it.

Ennis noticed the impression of the Twist family jewels on the crotch of Jack's dungarees and turned away before Jack caught the observation.

The following night, alone in the herder's tent, Ennis recalled the exquisite vision of Jack's tight fitting denim; Ennis slowly unfastened the fly of his jeans, slipped his right hand in to free his turgid organ and though he had touched himself many times before, he had never before imagined the body of another man to bring about sexual pleasure.


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16. Juli +18. Juli 07
« Reply #52 on: July 19, 2007, 06:15:14 am »
The Heady Scent of Ennis Del Mar By Littlewing1957

Ennis was undressing Jack.  He took his time unbuttoning Jack’s beige shirt, all the while, gazing into those blue, blue eyes of his.  When Ennis peeled away Jack’s shirt to his jeans, he noticed a most intoxicating aroma!

“Umm, Bud you smell so good!”  Ennis remarked as he sniffed at Jack’s collarbone.  “I really like that aftershave.  Did you get all scented up just for me?”  Jack laughed and pulled Ennis’ head closer to his chest.

“You like it, Cowboy?”  Jack asked.  “I’m kind of fond of it myself.  I don’t know the name of the cologne - just that Lureen bought it for me as a father’s day present.”  Ennis smiled and continued to undress his lover.  They moved to the bed and took their places.

“Your cologne is driving me nuts, Rodeo!”  Ennis spoke huskily, as he moved closer to his love.  Jack chuckled and moved away, and off the bed.

“Well, how about I put some on you, friend?  Would you like that?”  Ennis smiled shyly, but didn’t speak.  Jack laughed out loud and pulled an elaborate cologne flask out of his travel duffle.

“Hmm it says here, this scent is manufactured by Avon.  It's called “Wild Country.”  Jack remarked.

“Well, that sounds fitting!”  Ennis laughed.

Jack joined Ennis on the bed and commenced placing gentle rubs of cologne on Ennis’ collarbone, his wrists, and his jaw line.  Jack kissed the trail of good smelling stuff all the way down to Ennis’ groin.  Jack cupped his lover’s scrotum and cock in both hands, holding them up like a talisman.

“I would put some scent here, Friend, don’t I don’t think I will.  I don’t want to change how you smell down there.”  Jack’s heart beat much faster.  Ennis tried to control his lust.

“I love the strong, manly smell of your cock, Ennis!”  Jack breathed as he took Ennis into his mouth.

After their idyllic trip was over and Ennis was back to his routine, he visited the post office one afternoon to collect his mail.  He was puzzled to see a small package waiting for him, with the return address of Childress, Texas.  Ennis snatched the package open, and saw a perfectly new and unopened bottle of “Wild Country.”  With it was a card that read,

“Wear this and remember me.”

Ennis smiled and remembered.  He took his present and his mail and walked home.

The Heady Scent of Ennis Del Mar (2) By Littlewing1957

6 months later, almost to the day of their last encounter, Jack and Ennis were warm and cozy inside of a newly erected tent.  Jack was rummaging around in his travel duffle, while Ennis watched him intently.  Jack pulled out a curious looking vial from his bag and passed it to his lover.

“Hey, Friend, I see you’re wearin’ the cologne I sent you.  It works well with your natural body scent.”  Jack nodded toward the vial he handed Ennis.

“And now that I know you like smellum good, as Bobby calls it, I brought this scented oil for us to try.”  Ennis looked at the vial and read the words, “Ravenswood” that were written in fancy script right across the front of the small flask.  Ennis laughed as he threw the vial to Jack.

“Where did you get this oil, Jack?”  Ennis asked, very amused.

“At the Childress weekend flea market.  We have this flea market at the bus station on the weekends, and vendors sell all sorts of things.  I bought a few bottles of oil in a lot of different scents."  Ennis listened to all of this with great interest.

“So what do we do?”  Ennis asked as he removed his shirt.  “I’m already wearing “Wild Country.”  Won’t I be too loud if you put the oils on me?”

“Well, the oils are very strong!”  Jack remarked as he looked at the vial.  “We could take a shower together and I’ll rub you down after we get cleaned up."

After a very slow, satisfying shower, Jack instructed Ennis to lie face down on the bedroll.  He poured a dime-sized amount of the oil in his hand and rubbed it between both palms.  The scent of Ravenswood flooded the tent.  Jack smoothed the precious oil on Ennis’ back, rubbing and kneading his firm skin.

“Hey, Bud, why is the oils makin’ my skin hot?”  Ennis murmured as he relaxed under Jack’s ministrations.

“Because this here is special oil that heats up as it touches the skin!”  Jack remarked as he continued what turned out to be a full body massage.  Ennis was almost comatose with pleasure by the time Jack reached his feet.  The smell of the Ravenswood was very soothing.

“C’mere, sit up, Friend,” Jack began as he gently pulled Ennis into a sitting position.  “This oil is also very good for the hair."

“Ah, Jack, oil me up!”  Ennis managed as he laid the back of his head against Jack’s chest.  Jack poured a small amount of the oil into his palms and massaged it into Ennis’ scalp.

“I anoint your head with oil, Cowboy!”  Jack whispered as he continued the head massage.

“You keep that up and I’ll be sleep.  There won’t be no loving, tonight, Rodeo!”  Ennis kidded.  Jack gently pulled his hands from Ennis’ fragrant hair and finger combed his fair locks into a semblance of order.

“Let’s go to bed, Ennis!”  Jack whispered.  “Rub your body against mine and share that Ravenswood.  I have a feelin’ we’re gonna be real good tonight.”  Ennis kissed Jack’s soft mouth and fell into his arms.


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19. juli 07
« Reply #53 on: July 20, 2007, 01:30:07 am »
The Drive-In by Littlewing1957

“Hey, let’s take the baby and go get something to eat!”  Jack suggested as he joined Ennis in the living area.  Ennis was thinking about dinner, but was feeling too tired to cook.  His business was really doing well, which meant long hours and back breaking work.  He was grateful that Jack wanted to go out to eat.

“Sounds good to me, Bud.  Where is Indigo, anyway?”  Ennis asked Jack as he rose from the couch.  He wanted to see his child and kiss her chubby cheeks.

“I’ll go get her for you!”  Jack, excited now, leaving to go fetch baby Indigo.  Jack tenderly folded their child into Ennis' arms.  Ennis almost burst into tears at the sight of her.  He kissed her tenderly, and with Indigo his arms, reached out for Jack.  Jack walked into the embrace, cuddled his man and his child.

Ennis was in the mood for burgers and fries, which was fine with Jack.  They decided on A&W, the only authentic, 50s style drive-in left in town.   The A&W was always poppin’ on a Saturday night, and Ennis and Jack loved the energy.  They parked, opened all the windows, and were given menus by a willowy blonde teenager dressed in short shorts and a busy, belly revealing top.  The waitress was on skates.  Little Indigo was asleep in the back seat.

“I think I’ll have the double burger with cheese and a large order of fries.”  Ennis mumbled as he studied the menu.  Jack nodded and said he would have the same.  The waitress skated over, took their orders and left to wait on the other customers.  Ennis and Jack sat and watched the other patrons.  Most were large families with well-behaved, eerily beautiful children.   The food arrived only minutes later and was placed on a tray that was affixed to the drivers’ side window.

“Thanks, dear!”  Ennis told the waitress right before she seemed to float away on her skates.  He passed Jack his burger and fries.  They ate in silence, so content, and so much in love.

Mexico or Bust by Littlewing1957

Jack picked up a colorful brochure from his oak desk and looked at it so sadly.  He knew the answer even before he dared to ask!  There was no way that a one Ennis Del Mar would agree to spend a few weeks with him in sunny Cabo San Lucas.  But he had to try.  Jack placed the brochure in a large envelope and dropped it in the mailbox.

He drove away from his house so lost in thought that he almost ran over his neighbor’s cat!  “That’s it!”  Jack chided himself.  “I gotta pull myself together.  If Ennis won’t go, well, it’s not the end of the world!”  He drove to work in a record 10 minutes and sat at his station, hoping to make at least one sale that day.

12:00 noon and no customers.  Jack rubbed his stiff neck and went into the back office to prepare a cup of coffee.  He looked at his ceramic coffee pot and felt a sharp stab.  What was it Ennis said?  “Jack, the only traveling I do is going around the coffee pot looking for the handle.”  Jack shook his head and poured himself a cup.  He walked back to his desk and sipped the strong brew.  He let himself daydream about a trip to Mexico with Ennis.  He imagined them getting cozy in their richly appointed hotel room; drinking exotic mixed concoctions at the bar; walking hand-in-hand along the cape.  If only…

One week later Jack stepped on his front porch to retrieve the mail.  It was Saturday and he was grateful for the day off.  Last week was rather slow, but the slow days were as trying as busy times.  He separated the envelopes by type: the bills landed in one pile while everything else - ads and other junk mail - were dropped in the round file.  And then he saw it!  A post card from Riverton Wy.  Jack was shaking as he turned the card over to read the message.  He smiled, almost cried out with laughter as he read,

“Rodeo, tell me more!”

Jack sat down at his desk and pulled out the brochure that he kept for himself.  He placed a call to his travel agent…..


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20. juli 07
« Reply #54 on: July 20, 2007, 03:52:37 pm »
Ennimal by Dagi and Susie

They sat alone in the corner of Pete's dusty old saloon.  The place was empty but for a young bartender, whistling cheerfully and stacking beer bottles in neat rows behind the counter.  Ennis tried hard to concentrate on the bottle he was shoving from one hand to the other, avoiding looking up, the feeling of Jack´s knee pressed up against his inner thigh sending sparks though his body.

Jack peered briefly over at the bartender, "He's kinda cute, don't ya think?", a smile spread across his face.  He shifted in his chair, moving his knee closer to Ennis' groin, pressing harder against his leg.

"Uh.... don´t know." Ennis, curious against his will, couldn´t help but risk a short glance at the guy, now busy clearing the tables; tight fitting denims, muscular forearms, a manly face and dark hair.

"You like him, Jack Fuckin' Twist?  You wanna piece a that pretty ass?"  Ennis' voice was mean, guts churning up inside, suppressing a sudden urge to flatten the young man with his fist.  Jack didn´t respond, merely chuckled a little and looked at the bartender again, letting his eyes remain for a few seconds on the beautiful man.

"That's enough, Rodeo!"  Ennis stood up suddenly, knocking the table and sending his bottle crashing to the floor.  He muttered an apology to the startled young man, grabbed Jack by the arm and marched him out of the bar and into the parking lot around the back.  Jack tried to hide his smile, Ennis´ fierce grip around his arm hurt, but he didn´t mind a bit. By the time his angry friend pushed him against the truck he was already rock-hard.

A quick glance around, showed Ennis that they were alone, the bartender, humming a tune dangerously close by.  His temper had gotten the better of him again, grappling with Jack's buckle and yanking his jeans and shorts down to his ankles, before fumbling with his own zipper and freeing his angry cock.

Jack smiled triumphantly to himself, that skinny young bartender couldn't hold a candle to Ennis. But sometimes he  loved to tease him, torment him, drive him crazy.....´cause the only thing better than getting fucked by Ennis was getting fucked by "Ennimal"!  Jack braced himself,  breathing hard, bent forward, and hissed as he felt Ennis´ fingers pinching his nipples, hissed again as he  took the hot, equally stone-hard dick all the way up his ass in one single thrust.

Jack yelped, the burning pain washed over in an instant, his body convulsing with  electricity, cock slapping against his belly, at each thrust.

" You like lookin at other men?" .... another hard thrust .... Ennis' voice a choked whisper, "I´ll teach you!" .... another thrust .... " Your - ass - is - mine!" ....


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #55 on: July 23, 2007, 07:41:58 am »

This is dedicated to my Buddies.  I love all of you so much!

Forgive Me?
by Littlewing

Jack turned his back to the tent flap and crossed his arms over his muscled chest.  “That Ennis fuckin’ Del Mar don’t know who he’s messin’ with!”  Jack was seething as he remembered the words they had right before dinner.

Ennis stood outside, pacing nervously around camp while Jack was inside the tent, hot as a six shooter!  Ennis regretted the words that he said to his lover.  He was seriously out of line, said things to Jack that he’s sure Jack will never forget.   But will he forgive?  “How do I apologize to him?”  Ennis wondered out loud.  He was still smarting over the way Jack nudged him out of the tent.  Something had to be done.

Ennis crawled through the tent’s opening and peeked in at Jack.  Jack was sitting on the ground, legs and arms both crossed.  Ennis’ blood drained from his cheeks as he sensed Jack’s vibes.

“Jack, please!”  Ennis began.  “I was wrong, Bud.  Please forgive me?”  No response from Jack.  Ennis moved closer and placed a tender kiss on Jack’s lower back.  Jack stiffened, and with a wave of his hand, pushed Ennis farther away.  Ennis was terrified, but he understood his husband and knew when to leave him be.  Perhaps tomorrow will be better…

Before the Nuptials by garycottle

Jack didn’t have any friends in Childress, but Lureen insisted that he make some fast so that they could be his ushers at their wedding.  Since she planned on having bridesmaids, it wouldn’t look right if Jack didn’t have ushers.  After some wrangling he agreed to simply let Lureen scout out five men to stand up with him on the big day.  Four of those that Lureen decided on were the boyfriends of her bridesmaids.  But one of the bridesmaids, Francine Waters, didn’t have a current boyfriend, or even an old one.  Francine didn’t date boys period.  So Lureen ended up asking her cousin Tommy Lee to fill the vacant slot.

At seventeen Tommy Lee was the youngest member of the wedding party.  And since he was only 5'2", he was by far the shortest.  Tommy Lee was a slight boy, too, and if he had been a girl people would have said he was pretty, so he really stood out when the men gathered together to groom themselves in the minister’s office moments before the service was to start.  Jack found himself closely watching the blonde kid with the big, expressive blue eyes.

When the minister popped his head in to say that the guests were arriving and that the ushers should be at their posts, the four boyfriends filed out in their matching powder blue tuxedos, but Tommy Lee stayed back a moment and stood beside Jack at the full-length mirror in the corner of the room and adjusted his bow tie.  The two young men’s gaze kept meeting in the mirror.

Presently Tommy Lee said in a furtive tone, “Are you a friend of Dorothy’s?”

Jack was puzzled by the question and said, “Don’t know no Dorothy.  Don’t know hardly nobody around here.  ‘cept Lureen and her folks of course.”

“Sorry,” Tommy Lee said.  A deep blush rose in his cheeks, and he stammered, “You won’t tell anybody I asked, will you?”

Jack suddenly had an intuitive sense of what the boy had really meant.  He said with sincerity, “I won’t tell.”  And after a pause a lump came up in his throat and he admitted, “I think I might be a friend.”

The boy’s lips curled into a shy and uncertain smile, and his eyes now revealed a kind of hunger.  He went to the door and locked it.  When Jack didn’t object, the bargain between them was set.  Tommy Lee walked back to Jack and got down on his knees, daring to ruin the sharp crease in his pants.

As Tommy Lee greedily went about his task, Jack closed his eyes.  Within seconds the image of another young man came to his mind.  In his head he saw the face of Ennis Del Mar.


  • Guest
23. Juli 07
« Reply #56 on: July 23, 2007, 07:43:08 am »
Cassie and Carl by Littlewing 1957

Cassie placed a small skillet on her tiny range and turned up the flame.  She wanted to prepare dinner for her boyfriend, but he wouldn’t return her calls.  Ennis was surely back from his fishing trip, but she hadn’t heard from him.  Even Steve at the ranch, who took messages for him, confirmed that Ennis was not only in town, but was back to work.

“Well, it’s his loss!”  Cassie thought as she double battered a few chicken wings.  Her fried chicken recipe was famous in Riverton, and was certainly one of Ennis’ favorites.  She loved to see him tear the meat from the bone – one time he even licked his plate after the meal was devoured.  Cassie had half a mind to drive over to his trailer and surprise him with a dinner of fried chicken wings, cole slaw, dinner rolls and apple pie for dessert.  But she just couldn’t.  Ennis pitched a fit the last time she showed up at his place without calling ahead.

10 minutes later Cassie sat down to a meal of chicken wings and potato salad.  She decided against the cole slaw and rolls.  The apple pie was out of the question, as she was trying to lose a few pounds.  After her meal, Cassie sprawled out on her twin sized bed and thought about Ennis.  She loved him, but his neglect was really hurting her.  She was becoming depressed, and was beginning to feel bad about herself.  But just then, a forceful knocking chased Ennis Del Mar from her mind.  Cassie looked through the peep hole of her cheap apartment door and spied Carl.  Carl was just a friend, and was good for a few laughs.  Cassie opened the door and allowed Carl to enter.

“Hey, Cassie, my sis is comin’ in at the Greyhound Station in about a half an hour.”  Carl began, in an obvious rush.  “My car is in the shop, and I’m wondering if you can take me to pick her up?”  Cassie shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess so, Carl.”  Cassie answered as she moved to her bedroom to fetch her bomber jacket.  “Have a seat while I get my jacket.  You want some chicken?”

“Don’t mind if I do!”  Carl, excited at the thought of Cassie’s fried chicken.  He grabbed a wing from the kitchen table and wolfed it down.  Cassie waited until Carl wiped his greasy fingers and they headed out the door….


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #57 on: July 23, 2007, 07:45:24 am »

Bring em Down Part 1 by Susie

Time to Go Cowboy

Jack watched Ennis up on the hillside, sitting with his hat tilted over his eyes, feet shuffling around in the dirt. The tent was dismantled, horses and mules loaded up, it was time to go. He walked on over to Ennis, the temptation to lasso him and tie him onto the end of that rope was almost irresistible, but now just seemed like the wrong time for horseplay.   

Instead, he sat next to his lover and nudged him gently with his shoulder. “What is it friend?” Ennis continued to push the dirt about with his feet, head fixed down, “C’mon Ennis, talk to me”.   Ennis muttered from under his hat, “Don’t wanna go... got no life in Sage... don’t want Alma... want you.”

Jack’s heart leapt right up into his throat, overwhelmed, overjoyed, relieved, tears spilling over, grin spreading wide across his face like he’d just won first prize at the rodeo.  “C’mere Ennis” Jack kissed him real soft, pouring all his love out into that kiss.  “Here’s what we’re gonna do! When we get back to Signal, you ride on up to Lightnin’ Flat with me, we stay a couple a’ days... and we work this thing out together”.  “You bet”. Jack smiled, that was all he needed to hear.

Bring em Down Part 2 by Susie

Counting Sheep

Aguirre was bitchin’ on about the sheep or somethin', but none of it registered with Ennis, his mind was elsewhere; on the one hand, his heart was singing, dizzy with joy; on the other, his stomach was churning, terrified of everything, of suffering the same fate as old Earl.

A small boy running round nearby, brought him out of his daydream, a cowboy in the making, shiny white hat, tossing his lasso up in the air, roping some imaginary cow. “Y’all bin herdin’ them sheep? D’ya shoot one of em? D’ya shoot a bear? D’ya see lots a blood? D’ya shoot a coyote? D’ya see his guts spillin' out?...” a hundred questions, none of which required an answer.

The boy noticed Ennis’s hand brushing up against Jack’s, the fond glances between them, a certain affection akin to his momma and daddy. He smiled innocently, continuing his barrage of questions and his vain attempts at roping that feisty calf.

Bring em Down Part 3 by Susie

Lightening Flat

The journey back to Lightening Flat was uncomfortable.  Ennis’s mind was in a spin; staying with Jack seemed like a the most natural thing to do up on Brokeback, but down here on the plains, the reality of it was entirely different, niggling doubts were working their way into his thoughts , creeping up on him like a slow cancer.

Jack, sensing the increasing tension, pulled off the main road and came to a halt on a dirt track.  He stroked Ennis’s thigh softly, “You havin’ second thoughts Ennis?”  Jack tried to sound supportive, suppressing the hurt inside.  “Well you’re gonna have to make a choice, friend.  Either you go back home to Sage and marry your sweetheart, or …..” he flashed Ennis a smile, unzipping the fly’s on his jeans “….. It could be like this always!” releasing Ennis’ aching flesh and ducking down under the dashboard.

Ennis moaned deep, sinking back into his seat.  With control slipping and wave after wave coursing through his body, he knew he had no choice; this was who he was, and this was where he belonged.


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #58 on: July 23, 2007, 07:46:57 am »
Bring em Down Part 4 by Susie

I Missed You

Ennis continued along the dirt road through Sage, rehearsing his lines over and over again. The man could barely string two words together, and here he was, about to have the longest, hardest conversation of his young life. On his arrival at Lightening Flat almost a month ago, Ma Twist had immediately welcomed him into the fold, treating him like a second son, fussing over him and feeding him up to the point that the buttons were about to pop right off his shirt.

Old Man Twist, on the other hand, never once made eye contact or uttered a word directly to him, speaking only through Jack and referring to him as “That fella”. Twist was grateful for the extra pair of hands on the ranch, finally getting the fences mended and a fresh coat of paint on the rotting window frames, but he was never gonna give Jack or that fella the satisfaction of knowing it.

A pretty young woman with mousy hair and a sweet face was sat up on the porch, humming to herself and sewing a piece of white lace. As she spotted the truck pulling up, a smile spread across her face, lighting up her eyes, “Honey!” she called, quickly hiding the material behind a cushion, bounding down the porch steps and throwing herself into Ennis’s arms. “I missed you so much” she whispered into his neck, blushing, caressing his cheek and kissing him softly on the lips.

Bring em Down Part 5 by Susie

The Truth

“Alma, let’s take a walk, I need to talk to you.” Ennis attempted a weak smile, holding Alma’s hand and leading her away from the house. She chattered on happily about various aspects of the wedding plans; the church, the flowers, the reception and such.

“Alma, listen”, Ennis took a deep breath and launched into his well rehearsed speech, “You’re my sweetheart …. hell you’re the first gal I ever kissed ….” , her face flushed red, “But I cain’t marry you …. I sure am fond of you, but …. well, I love someone else …. I’m real sorry if I’ve hurt you, …. but it wouldn’t be fair on you if I stayed.’

There, he’d said it! Now he had to stand by and watch the sparkle fade from Alma’s eyes, her innocent smile dissolve, leaving a look of confusion and utter despair.

“I don’t understand, you fallen in love with another woman from down there in Signal?”

“No little darlin’ ….”, he mustered up all his courage, “…. another man”.

Alma’s jaw dropped, her mind spinning out of control, she swung her arm round and hit him hard on the face, bloodying his nose. He wiped the blood on his sleeve, suppressing the strong urge to grab her wrist, knowing that he’d probably just torn her whole life apart.

“You tellin’ me some nasty cowboy turned you queer?” she cried, wiping away her tears, anger bubbling up inside.

“Alma, nobody’s turned me into nothin’ I wasn’t already”, his stomach was churning, he never wanted to hurt anyone, least of all this sweet little gal in front of him.

“So tell me the truth, Ennis Del Mar, you queer or not?” her tears were flowing freely once again.

“Yes Alma. If bein’ queer means lovin’ another man then ….”, finally admitting it to

Alma looked towards the porch, her half sewn wedding dress safely hidden behind the cushion. She was from sturdy stock, expected to roll with the punches, but this had just knocked the wind clean out of her; she was numb and had no idea what to do next. She marched on back to the house.

“Here, let me get you one of daddy’s clean shirts”, her voice was calm, belying her inner turmoil. Ennis followed her silently into the house, stripping off his shirt and putting on the fresh one.

“I’m real sorry Alma” and without looking back, he headed towards to the truck, climbed in and took off for Lightening Flat.

Alma watched, helplessly, from her bedroom window, as everything she held dear to her drove off down that dirt track. She picked up the bloodied shirt, the only part of him left behind, placed it on a hanger and hid it at the back of her closet.

Bring em Down Part 6 by Susie

Coming Home

Jack had been stomping round all day like a bear with a sore head, hollering at his momma, picking fights with his daddy, before finally taking refuge in the barn. He knew Ennis had to clear things up with Alma, but what if he took one look at his sweetheart and changed his mind ’bout everything? He lay on his back in the far corner of the barn and fell into a disturbed sleep; Ennis in the arms of a woman, kissing her, touching her, fondling her breasts, all the while laughing at him.

A soft brush against his cheek brought him back round. He opened his eyes to be greeted by Ennis’s loving smile, a rare and beautiful sight. “So when d’ya wanna start on that cabin then bud?” Jack, heart soaring, leapt up, shoving Ennis roughly against the wall, kissing him hard, tearing at his jeans, and falling to his knees.

The barn door swung open suddenly and a voice echoed around them, “Supper’ll be on the table in five minutes boys! Hurry along and warsh up, I got a nice piece a juicy meat specially for you!” and hearing the stifled giggles from the far corner of the barn, Ma Twist smiled and went back to her cooking. Ennis looked down at Jack and ran his fingers softly through his hair.  Falling back against the wall and closing his eyes, he groaned,  “Took the words right out of my mouth!”


  • Guest
Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #59 on: July 23, 2007, 07:49:10 am »
Bring em Down Part 7 by Susie

Settling In

Old Man Twist was spittin’ blood ‘bout Jack and his dirty little goin’s on with that fella. The cabin was built and the boys had settled in a month or so ago. At least in the main house, they couldn’t get up to no good being in separate rooms, but now, Lord knows what was happenin'.

Twist’s temper had been rising to boiling point since that fella, that polite, hardworking but none-the-less depraved fella, had entered their home, entered their lives. He picked up his 30-30 shotgun and marched on over to the cabin, he was gonna put a stop to it right now! On opening the front door, he heard laughter and other sounds coming from the tiny room upstairs.

He snuck up the creaking wooden staircase and swung open the bedroom door to witness the two men engaged in an unthinkable sexual act. Full of rage, he pointed the rifle directly at Ennis and yelled “Get off ma property now, you filthy son-of-a-bitch!”. Jack, with no thought to his own safety, leapt at him, grabbing the gun and wrestling him to the ground. The sound of a fist smashing into bone and a cry of pain was immediately followed by one single gun shot....

Bring em Down Part 8 by Susie


Jack struggled to his feet, legs buckling under his weight, front of his shirt half open and dripping with blood. Ennis, jolted out of his daze, dropped the gun and hurtled over to him, “SHIT JACK, are you hurt lil’darlin’?” frantically searching for the source of the bleeding. “S’alright, I’m OK”, Jack said breathlessly, rubbing his bruised ribcage and looking down at the floor. Old Man Twist lay dead, shot in the heart, blood spilling over everywhere.

Ma Twist came running wildly into the room, “I heard a gun!”, and on seeing Jack’s bloodied shirt, screamed “JACK! MA BOY! What’s he done ta you? ”. It took her a moment to register the dead body on the floor in front of her. She stared fixedly at his face, his expression no longer cruel, just empty. She pitied him, but there was no love left between them, only force of habit, she was now as free from him as Jack.

Her tears flowed with the sadness of feeling nothing for him. “Self defence, saw it with ma own eyes!” she announced to the bewildered couple, “Best go fetch the sheriff Jack, but first, put on a clean shirt. Then you both better come on over to the house for a coffee, you’re shaking like a couple o’ rabbits caught in a trap” she wiped her eyes and smiled, “And I’ve just finished baking a nice cherry cake.”

Bring em Down Part 9 by Susie

At Peace

Ennis sat in bed gazing out of the cabin window at the clearest, blackest of skies, alight with a million tiny glistening diamonds. He finally had a moment to reflect on the whirlwind of events that had taken place over the past few months; he’d met and fallen in love with the beautiful man sleeping peacefully next to him, called off his engagement, moved up to Lightening Flat, and shot and killed a man.

His stomach turned over at the memory of that terrible night. He’d been acquitted of all charges, thanks to the heart felt testimony of Ma Twist, and Old Man Twist had been laid to rest in the family plot without a shedded tear.

It would have been enough to drive any man insane, but Ennis, for the first time in his life, felt at peace with the world, at peace with himself. He moved his hand over Jack’s warm naked body, feeling the gentle rise and fall of his chest beneath his touch. He slid down next to his lover, pulling him in close and whispered “Love you Jack”, hearing a faint, sleep-clogged “Love you too Ennis” and drifted into dreamless slumber.

The End

Bring em Down Part 9a by Gary

At Peace: The Alternate Ending

Jack, Ennis, and Ma Twist sat up into the small hours huddled around the kitchen table drinking black coffee. They had concluded that if they called in the sheriff one of them would likely go to the state penitentiary. When Ma Twist made her proposal the boys were more or less struck dumb. They couldn’t imagine doing such a thing, but they couldn’t think of another way around the mess either. So they sat there, and with the silent moments slipping past they entered into a pact that would bind them forever.

The next day Ma Twist started making her phone calls, and the following Sunday, immediately following Easter Services, Ma Twist’s brothers and sisters in Christ arrived at the Twist ranch for a barbecue. With a beatific smile on her face, Ma Twist went around to her guests and thanked them for joining her in a repast celebrating Jesus’s triumph over death. When someone complemented her on the delicious meat, she said with a mysterious glint in her eye, “Secret’s in the sauce.”

Elvira Freelove--one of Ma Twist's oldest friends--noticed that Ennis was sitting alone at the end of the makeshift table--three sawhorses and a long piece of plywood--that was situated in front of the barn. So she went to him with the same festive bonnet she had worn every Easter for twenty years running perched on her head, and with a huge grin that was meant to be girly and warm, she asked the young man if she could fetch him a plate.

Ennis grimaced and said flatly, “I can’t eat no barbecue right now.” When Ennis’s gaze involuntarily turned toward the pit he saw Jack shoveling out mounds of savory pig flesh with a kind of gritty determination as the churchgoers filed past.

Eventually the authorities did come sniffing around, and with a shamed and hushed tone, Ma Twist explained that her husband subscribed to a magazine for wife swappers. She then pulled out one of her kitchen drawers, reached under a stack of neatly folded grocery store bags, and produced an unlikely periodical–Rocky Top Swingers. “When he proposed to put an ad in this filthy thing I told him Jesus would not approve. I try to live by the Word, you know.” Ma Twist wiped away a lone tear and declared, “He left the next day, and me and the boys ain’t seen him since.”

The officers seemed to take Ma Twist at her word, and left after eating a piece of cherry cake. When they were gone the bedsprings started to squeak overhead, causing a warm feeling came over the woman. She began singing Water Walking Jesus as she picked up her broom and headed out the door with the intention of sweeping the porch.