Author Topic: JACK WITH ENNIS fanfic game - the archive  (Read 54629 times)


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24. Juli 07
« Reply #60 on: July 24, 2007, 04:33:56 pm »
A Promise - by Toycoon

On the last day, Ennis clasped Jack's hand, slid his backpack higher on his shoulder and together they began hiking to that secluded, special spot they'd found on one of their earlier 'fishing trips'; several years had elapsed but the anticipation of being together, sharing precious time with each other made them feel like giddy teenagers.

Ennis pulled the heavy blanket from the backpack and spread it out on the ground; they began to kiss, then firmly embrace, panting, slowly taking off their clothes. Jack's heart pounded in his chest as Ennis thrust his hot flesh into Jack's willing orifice.

When they were finished, Jack cleared his throat to speak but Ennis feared what Jack would say. "Ennis," began Jack, "I know we won't never have what we want..." "Jack," interrupted Ennis. "Lemme finish, ... promise me no matter what happens, no matter who finds out ... you'll never forget about me... I mean, 'us' and what we got."

Meadow Beauty by Dagi

Ennis stroke softly along his lover´s back, fascinated once more by the divine and at the same time earthy beauty of this man, eyes filled with rapture, Jack´s skin warm and silky and oh so sweet smelling.

His demigod took one of the tiny yellow flowers growing in the meadow, reached back, and with a mischievous smile curling his lips he placed it between his perfect, rodeo-steeled, white cheeks.

Ennis´ gasped, his view getting dizzy, and he hardly heared Jack´s husky whisper " Come and pick it...!"


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25. Juli 07
« Reply #61 on: July 25, 2007, 06:02:55 am »
Jack Fing Twist by Littlewing 1957

“Jack fing Twist, got it all figured out,” Ennis mumbled absently as he chased plastic utensils downstream.  Jack Twist threw up both his hands in frustration and headed inside the tent.  Ennis watched, almost amused, as Jack trudged angrily along.  Ennis had never seen Jack quite so exasperated.  He was mildly frightened at the though of Jack being pissed off, but he was also mighty aroused!

Ennis retrieved the plates and a pitcher and continued to tidy up the campsite.  Still not a peep from Jack!  It was getting dark, cooling off considerably and Ennis built a fire.  Dinner was out of the way and it was time to check on Jack.  It was time for love.

Ennis pulled back the tent flap a ways and peeked in at Jack.  He was laying in the bedroll, his back facing the tent opening.  Ennis undressed in silence and when naked, squeezed inside, snuggled close.  Jack stiffened but did not move away.  “You still mad at me?”  Ennis whispered against the nape of Jack’s neck.  He reached over and placed a tentative hand on Jack’s behind.  Jack was still wearing his jeans!  Ennis chuckled as he caressed the denim.  “Yeah, you’re still mad at me!”  Jack didn’t move or utter a sound.  Ah, here we go!  Ennis thought as he massaged Jack’s shoulders.  If I’m gonna get my lovin tonight I gotta act all sincere.  “I’m sorry, Jack,”  Ennis began.  “C’mon Bud, get undressed.  Need ya!”  No response from Jack Twist!  “Please baby?”  Ennis pleaded. Jack trembled.  The only person who had ever called him Baby was probably cooking dinner for his pa right now up at Lightning Flat.  And hearing it from Ennis Del Mar?  It was almost too much!   Jack turned to his love and searched for his lips in the dark..

The Motorcycle by Littlewing 1957

Ennis Del Mar didn’t know an awful lot about motorcycles, but he recognized quality, and knew that the hog that pulled up next to him cost a lot of money.  Ennis loathed bikers and wondered if he would have to punch this punk who just parked his bike next to his old truck, make the biker lose a bunch of teeth!

But something about the fella on the Harley seemed rather strange.  Most bikers Ennis noticed around town had an air of menace about them, seemed low rent.  But this man was dressed in soft nappa leather pants, a black distressed leather jacket, minus the long greasy hair, the tattoos, and the shoulder duster earrings.  This guy seemed almost refined.  Ennis didn’t want any trouble, especially as he was expecting Jack, was worried that Jack was late.  Ennis turned from the biker as he stepped from his hog and removed his helmet.  “Ennis Del Mar, aren’t you going to come here and give me a kiss?”  Ennis stiffened at the familiar voice, but ran into Jack’s leather clad arms.

“You don’t mean you drove over 1600 miles on a Harley?”  Ennis was incredulous as he inspected the bike.  It was a beauty alright, and brand new.  Jack placed his backpack on the steps of Don Wroe’s cabin.  “Sure did!  It was sort of strange at first, but I got used to it.  “Come here.”  Jack sat on the top stairs of the cabin and pulled Ennis down unto his lap. “How do you like the feel of the leather?  What else can you feel down there, cowboy?  Jack began a slow grind under Ennis’ butt and folded his lover in his arms.  Jack swelled as they kissed as did Ennis.  “Let’s go for a ride, En.  I brought a helmet for you.”  Ennis wasn’t sure.  He had never been on a bike before, and even though he realized that Jack could drive just about anything, he had his doubts.  “Uuhh, I don’t know Jack, I’ve never been on one of these things before.”  Jack straddled the Harley and threw a black helmet at his love.  “Put it on baby and climb on in back of me.  Its okay, just hold onto me.  Trust me.  We’ll ride on the wings of the wind…

The Motorcycle (Part 2) By littlewing 1957

They were back at Don Wroe’s cabin.  Ennis was working on a glass of whiskey, his feet propped on an overstuffed ottoman.  The motorcycle ride was wonderful!  Riding against the wind, Jack navigated the terrain like a master.

“I want everything tonight!” Ennis whispered to Jack who was seated at his feet, his elbows resting on Ennis’ thighs.   Jack admired Ennis tight jeans, looked in wonder at the denim hugging what he liked to hug.  “You got it, Baby.  Whatever you want.”  As Jack moved closer to his lover’s crouch, Ennis laid a firm hand on his shoulder.

“Just a minute, Jack.  Please do something for me.  Kiss me the way you did that night…you know… the second night we made love?”  I need that right now, Jack.  Take me back to that time you welcomed me with a kiss…

Beans by Littlewing 1957

Ennis rode into camp for lunch, mumbled a barely audible, 'hey there' then sat down across the fire near Jack but not close enough to look him in the eye, afraid that the erotic dream he'd had about Jack the night before would be apparent by a simple glance at his partner.

In his nocturnal encounter, Ennis was the aggressor, exploring every part of Jack's hirsute, rugged physique with pleasured hands and eager mouth; "Give it to me, Jack ... I want more, more!" moaned Ennis.

"You want more, Cowboy! " growled Jack, holding up a spoonful of lukewarm beans. "Huh?" Ennis snapped back to the present and his face turned six shades of scarlet. "Sheee-it, ain't never heard'a nobody likin' beans that much!"

“Shut up, Twist!”  Ennis mumbled as he reached for the beans.  “What you say, Cowboy?”  Jack was amused to see the flush of scarlet on Ennis’ handsome mug.   It was a rare sight, indeed!

“Give me some o them beans, Jack.  Quick, now… I ain’t playin.”  Ennis hoped his outburst would deflect his profound embarrassment.  “Okay, cowboy, hold yer horses.  I ain’t gonna eat all the beans up from yer.”

Jack rose up and positioned himself right behind Ennis.  He wrapped his arms around his lover and very silently, languidly, fed Ennis the spoonful of beans.  “That good, cowboy?”


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25. juli 07
« Reply #62 on: July 26, 2007, 06:09:16 am »
Something Special by Littlewing 1957 (A Slice of Life)

Jack had trouble finding the spices, but the ground lamb was available at the every butcher’s shop in Childress.  He loved preparing exotic meals for Ennis.   The first night of a “fishing trip” was always special for Jack.  He was so delighted to see his lover after all the months apart that he always prepared something special in the kitchen, as well as the bedroom.

Jack asked Ennis to relax in the living room while he cooked.  Tonight he would prepare Fried Lamb Burgers: a Middle Eastern recipe he found in one of Lureen’s cookbooks.  He copied the recipe to a notebook, which was open; face up, on the kitchen counter.  Jack placed a generous amount of ground lamb into a large, steel bowl.  He mixed in fresh chopped parsley, onion, garlic, salt, 2 eggs, black pepper, cumin, turmeric, coriander and white flour.  After the lamb was mixed with the spices and flour, Jack separated the meat into 2 gigantic patties.  He poured 2 tablespoons full of sesame oil into a large skillet and added the patties while the oil was still cool.  He didn’t want a lot of burning and splatter.

The scent from the kitchen was so heavenly that Ennis stopped putting away toiletries in the medicine cabinet to go investigate.  The meat smelled so good, so exotic that he had to see what Jack was cooking.  But once inside the well-stocked kitchen, Jack shooed him out.

“Now, now, Cowboy!”  Jack said as he ushered Ennis back out of the kitchen.  “You’re about to ruin the surprise.  I’ll call you for supper when it’s ready!”  Jack kissed Ennis tenderly and turned to go check on the meat.  When the burgers were done, Jack placed each one on a French roll, and garnished the plates with parsley.  The baked potatoes were warming in the oven, and the wine was chilled.  Jack was so excited to serve such a meal to his lover.  Ennis had the table all set when Jack exited the kitchen holding 2 plates piled high with fried lamb burgers, and baked potatoes.  Jack kissed Ennis’ cheek as he placed his plate in front of him.  He filled the wine glasses and sat down to his burger.

Ennis, intrigued by the aroma of the burgers, and quite hungry, picked up the sandwich and took a bite.  Jack couldn’t eat until he saw Ennis’ reaction.  Jack watched as his lover chewed slowly, eyes closed.

“ like it, Friend?”  Jack asked tentatively, nervously.  Ennis didn’t answer at first, but continued to chew.  He took another bite as Jack watched.

“Well?”  Jack asked.

“Jack, what is this?  I haven’t tasted anything like this!”  It is sooo good!”  Jack sighed audibly and told him all about the dish.  Ennis looked at his man in awe.  He was always amazed at the things Jack did to spoil him.  They ate in silence and finished off an entire bottle of wine.  After dinner Ennis was mellow from good food, fine wine, amazing company.  He pulled Jack onto his lap and cuddled him.  He held him so tight, and Jack returned the embrace.

“Is this all, Bud?”  Ennis asked as he kissed Jack’s jaw.  “You said you had something else planned for me..for us?”  Jack smiled shyly and returned Ennis’ kiss.

“Yeah, friend.  I have a few things for you, for us in my duffle bag.  You sit here now and I’ll be back.  Just wait and see…

Blue Eyes
by Toycoon

Jack spotted Ennis from across the grassy field sitting alone, with his head hung low and obviously in deep thought; "Boy, that Ennis Del Mar sure is a complicated fella, wonder what he thinkin' 'bout?"

"Blue eyes... Momma would'a liked Jack's blue eyes, she liked purty things," Ennis thought, smiling wistfully as he recollected the way his mother would sometimes gaze into his father's steely eyes; "Daddy would'a wondered why I was hanging 'round rodeo fuck ups, " That boy looks like a queer ta me." Ennis' hands tightened into fists.

Ennis' concentration broke when he felt the rope from Jack's lasso fall down around his shoulders.


  • Guest
26.juli 07
« Reply #63 on: July 26, 2007, 06:10:45 am »
The Reading by Littlewing 1957

Text of a free psychic session (word for word) for a Mr. Ennis Del Mar by Remedios Songa, Clairvoyant.

Remedios:  I’m not saying you know this person, but there is a man standing at your elbow.  I can’t see his face.  He is little more than a shadow, but seems very happy to see you.

Ennis:  Oh!  What is he doing right now?

Remedios:  He’s rubbing your hair.

Ennis:  What does he want?

Remedios:  He says he doesn't want anything.  He...he tells me..what?  Oh, he says don’t mind you, that you can be difficult.  He is now holding your elbow.

Ennis:  Does he have a message for me?

Remedios:  He says he loves that your shirt is on the outside of his.  He says you’ll know what that means.

Ennis:  Is he angry with me?

Remedios:  He is rubbing your back now.  No, he says he’s not angry with you.  He also says, don’t be afraid and don’t blame yourself.  You see, he realizes that he had to die.  His life script was finished.  Nothing could be done.

Ennis:  But if I was just there for him…

Remedios:  He says no.  Even if you had been together, if you had agreed to have a life with him,  he would have died.  His time was up.

Ennis: Is he happy?

Remedios:  He says he’s very happy.  He is with many others who have gone on before him.  He is even merging.

Ennis:  Merging?

Remedios:  Yes, it is a form of physical pleasure people enjoy over on the other side.

Ennis:  (laughter) Well, tell him not to have too much fun.  Wait till I get there.

Remedios:  He thinks that’s funny.  He’s leaving now.  He has to go back.  He says he loves you..has always loved you.  He is gone.

Ennis: (rising) I thank you for your time.


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« Reply #64 on: July 28, 2007, 01:18:04 pm »
Sweet Nothings by Susie

It was time to go, Ennis’ bags were loaded up on the back of the truck and Jack’s few possessions were safely secured to the Harley.

Ennis’ mood was always sombre at moments like this, but seeing Jack dressed from head to toe in soft sumptuous leather and a fake smile damn near broke his heart, “C’mere Jack” he spoke in a quite unsteady voice and pulled Jack into a tight embrace, “Gonna miss you, Rodeo”.

“Gonna miss you too, my love” Jack smiled, turning quickly before a bemused Ennis had the chance to object to his last words, mounted his bike, glanced back one last time and rode off down the dirt track.

Comfort by Littlewing1957

3 months since the last fishing trip and Jack Twist is in hell.  He is all alone in his big, fancy house, but the trappings of prosperity can’t comfort him.  He misses his lover.  His bed is empty, as Lureen and Bobby are visiting her parents for the weekend.  Jack didn’t want to go.  It is just as well as he wasn’t invited.

Jack is grateful that he has an unlimited reserve of memories to sustain him in times like these.  He pictured a prone Ennis Del Mar lying on a bed - most likely the king sized number in Don Wroe’s cabin – naked, his manhood pointing toward the ceiling.  His mouth always watered at the sight of Ennis’ cock shooting straight up, waiting to be devoured.  His eyes watered now at the memory.

In his mind Jack tongued his lover, marveled at the sweet taste of him.  His body reacted rather strangely, though!  Jack noticed that he was sucking his tongue!  He was rather ashamed, as he thought he stopped sucking his tongue in the 4th grade.  He remembered using that part of his body to comfort himself whenever he wanted physical contact and there was none.  Jack made peace with it.  A tongue is no substitute for Ennis’ cock, but in a few months he would have the real thing.  Jack turned over in his bed and fell asleep.

Jack Gets It Right by garycottle

Ennis refused to help, so Jack was left to pack everything up all by himself.

While Jack disassembled their summer home, his friend sat up on the hill above camp and pouted like a small boy who had just seen his pup run over by a car.

Jack went up to Ennis when his work was done and sat beside him–close, but not too close–and there he waited patiently in somber, respectful silence until the young man put his arms around him and began to sob.


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30.juli 07
« Reply #65 on: July 31, 2007, 04:49:39 pm »
Clouds by Toycoon

Lying in the warm heather, face up and head to head, Jack and Ennis looked like pair of Siamese twins joined at the crown and despite the close proximity of their heads, their minds could not have been further apart.

Pointing to the sky, Ennis remarked about the clouds, "That one looks like a sheep... or a horse or a camel or... a coyote...," his voice trailing off and his mood suddenly going dark.

"Well, I see a big bottle of whiskey and a cowboy, no wait, two cowboys and shee-it, they're matin'!" giggled Jack, flipping over then propping himself up on his elbows and kissing Ennis' forehead, the bridge of his nose and concentrating on his parted lips.

Cooked Goose by Littlewing 1957

Ennis rode into camp unusually chipper, whistling a happy tune.   Jack was leaning down, tending the fire, making it ready to cook a can of beans.  Ennis dismounted and walked up behind his lover, hiding something behind his back.  Jack turned to face him, delighted to see Ennis in such a good mood.

“What’s got into you, Friend?”  Jack asked as Ennis continued to whistle.  Ennis pulled a small burlap bag from behind his back, and handed it to Jack.

“Well, you was always goin’ on about how you’re sick of beans.  I got a surprise for you, Bud!”  Jack opened the sack, and whistled himself!

“Why, Ennis, this here is a goose!”  Where in the hell did you get a goose?"  Jack asked, amused now.

“Outta the sky, dumbass!  Where do you think I got em?”  Ennis said as he made a gesture of firing a rifle into the heavens.   Jack laughed and placed the goose next to the can of beans.  They would eat good tonight.

Jack knew how to dress a goose from watching his ma.  Mrs. Twist prepared goose only for special occasions.  Jack never told anyone, but he liked the smell of the goose’s innards as his mom squeezed the entrails from the bird.  Jack plucked, disemboweled, and seasoned the bird as best he could.  When Ennis sat down to eat, he had a feast of stone biscuits, beans, and goose.  After the meal was finished, both boys sat together, shoulder –to-shoulder in companionable silence.  Jack held Ennis’ hand and coughed a bit.

“Hey, Bud, you ain’t comin’ down with a cold, are ya?”  Ennis asked as Jack continued to cough.

“I don’t know, En, I hope not!”  Jack answered between coughs.  Ennis rose from the ground and fetched the pot that Jack used to cook the goose.  He dug his fingers into the goose fat and turned toward his lover.  Jack saw Ennis’ fingers covered with fat and backed away.

“What are you gonna do with that?”  Jack asked, hands in front of him, warding Ennis off.

“Look, Bud, just trust me!"  Ennis began as he unbuttoned Jack’s shirt.  Jack relaxed and let Ennis have his way.  He was never one to refuse his lover’s touch!

“The goose grease is good for fightin’ off colds.  My ma used to rub us down with the stuff whenever we started coughin.”  Jack was still as Ennis rubbed the fat onto his chest.

“There!”  Ennis said once the goose grease was all absorbed.  “I guarantee you’ll feel better come tomorrow.  If not, I’ll put some more on you.”  Jack wasn’t crazy about the smell of the goose fat, and he never heard of this particular home remedy, but he was willing to give it a try.  It wouldn’t do to come down with a cold or the flu - too much work to be done.   

Evening and Ennis was preparing to leave.  Jack packed him a snack of stone biscuits, and what was left of the goose.  Watching Ennis load up the horse made Jack very horny!

“Listen friend, can’t you stay for just an hour or so more?”  Jack whispered in his lover’s ear.  I have a bit more of that goose fat handy.  I think I know what else we can use it for!”  Jack winked at his lover, who smiled knowingly.  Ennis followed Jack into the tent.


  • Guest
30.Juli 07
« Reply #66 on: July 31, 2007, 04:53:24 pm »
Clouds by Toycoon

Lying in the warm heather, face up and head to head, Jack and Ennis looked like pair of Siamese twins joined at the crown and despite the close proximity of their heads, their minds could not have been further apart.

Pointing to the sky, Ennis remarked about the clouds, "That one looks like a sheep... or a horse or a camel or... a coyote...," his voice trailing off and his mood suddenly going dark.

"Well, I see a big bottle of whiskey and a cowboy, no wait, two cowboys and shee-it, they're matin'!" giggled Jack, flipping over then propping himself up on his elbows and kissing Ennis' forehead, the bridge of his nose and concentrating on his parted lips.

Cooked Goose by Littlewing 1957

Ennis rode into camp unusually chipper, whistling a happy tune.   Jack was leaning down, tending the fire, making it ready to cook a can of beans.  Ennis dismounted and walked up behind his lover, hiding something behind his back.  Jack turned to face him, delighted to see Ennis in such a good mood.

“What’s got into you, Friend?”  Jack asked as Ennis continued to whistle.  Ennis pulled a small burlap bag from behind his back, and handed it to Jack.

“Well, you was always goin’ on about how you’re sick of beans.  I got a surprise for you, Bud!”  Jack opened the sack, and whistled himself!

“Why, Ennis, this here is a goose!”  Where in the hell did you get a goose?"  Jack asked, amused now.

“Outta the sky, dumbass!  Where do you think I got em?”  Ennis said as he made a gesture of firing a rifle into the heavens.   Jack laughed and placed the goose next to the can of beans.  They would eat good tonight.

Jack knew how to dress a goose from watching his ma.  Mrs. Twist prepared goose only for special occasions.  Jack never told anyone, but he liked the smell of the goose’s innards as his mom squeezed the entrails from the bird.  Jack plucked, disemboweled, and seasoned the bird as best he could.  When Ennis sat down to eat, he had a feast of stone biscuits, beans, and goose.  After the meal was finished, both boys sat together, shoulder –to-shoulder in companionable silence.  Jack held Ennis’ hand and coughed a bit.

“Hey, Bud, you ain’t comin’ down with a cold, are ya?”  Ennis asked as Jack continued to cough.

“I don’t know, En, I hope not!”  Jack answered between coughs.  Ennis rose from the ground and fetched the pot that Jack used to cook the goose.  He dug his fingers into the goose fat and turned toward his lover.  Jack saw Ennis’ fingers covered with fat and backed away.

“What are you gonna do with that?”  Jack asked, hands in front of him, warding Ennis off.

“Look, Bud, just trust me!"  Ennis began as he unbuttoned Jack’s shirt.  Jack relaxed and let Ennis have his way.  He was never one to refuse his lover’s touch!

“The goose grease is good for fightin’ off colds.  My ma used to rub us down with the stuff whenever we started coughin.”  Jack was still as Ennis rubbed the fat onto his chest.

“There!”  Ennis said once the goose grease was all absorbed.  “I guarantee you’ll feel better come tomorrow.  If not, I’ll put some more on you.”  Jack wasn’t crazy about the smell of the goose fat, and he never heard of this particular home remedy, but he was willing to give it a try.  It wouldn’t do to come down with a cold or the flu - too much work to be done.   

Evening and Ennis was preparing to leave.  Jack packed him a snack of stone biscuits, and what was left of the goose.  Watching Ennis load up the horse made Jack very horny!

“Listen friend, can’t you stay for just an hour or so more?”  Jack whispered in his lover’s ear.  I have a bit more of that goose fat handy.  I think I know what else we can use it for!”  Jack winked at his lover, who smiled knowingly.  Ennis followed Jack into the tent.


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #67 on: August 02, 2007, 12:40:39 am »
Chat by Dagi

Cowboy has entered the chat room

Rodeo  : Hi love, you are late.

Cboy    : Gnight darlin. Now what am I supposed to do?

Rodeo : chat.

Rodeo  : although I do not exactly feel like chatting tonight.

Cboy    : why´s that?

Rodeo  : I downloaded me a trojan virus and now I don´t know how to get rid of the fuckin piece a shit

Cboy    : a virus??? you okay???

Rodeo  : the computer, dumb ass

Cboy    : ? ? ?

Rodeo  : I wanted to download a video, and clicked somewhere I better had not clicked, and now I can´t get back to the original setting of my homepage                    - fuck it!

Cboy    : Video?? homepage???

Cboy    : Rodeo?

Cboy    : Jack, you gone?

Rodeo  : nope

Cboy    : what homepage are you talking about?

Rodeo  : you don´t want to know, believe me. Anyway, I had better be going now, call that friend of mine, ya know that computer freak in Atlanta, maybe he                can help me

Cboy    : hey I was asking what homepage you are talking about?

Cboy    : Rodeo?

Cboy    : you gone??

Rodeo  : ok I send you the link but don´t make the same mistake and don´t blame me if you don´t  like it

Rodeo  : and make sure you´re alone in the room when you open it

Rodeo  : bye, TTYL baby!

Cboy    : ? ? ?

Rodeo has left the chatroom

One Night up On Brokeback by Littlewing 1957

Late one afternoon up on Brokeback Ennis and Jack were enjoying a bottle of whiskey on shares after a dinner of beans, peaches and coffee.  Ennis shot a small rabbit up on the mountain, but it was “putrid!”  Jack skinned the poor rabbit and found its skin was coated in yellow pus!  The poor animal's hide almost fell apart in Jack’s hands.  No meat for them that night!

It was okay.  The beans were filling, and the peaches made for a nice dessert.  Jack sat beside Ennis, and neither spoke.  Nothing needed to be said as they watched the sun begin its descent.  They drank their whiskey, enjoyed the moment.   

The spiders up on Brokeback were plentiful and, to the boys' dismay, rather aggressive.  Ennis removed his shirt hours before the meal, and felt a small prick on his upper forearm.  He slapped at the spider, and felt a small amount of blood drip down to his fingers.  Jack rubbed his lover’s arm and looked down to the ground where the bug fell dead.  Jack rose from the log where he and Ennis sat and climbed into the tent for some sort of ointment to spread on Ennis’ bite.  Jack didn’t want the bite to develop a bubble, as often happened.  Ennis didn’t see, but Jack removed the good sized black bug from the ground and carried it into the tent.  He didn’t know what kind of spider he held, and he didn't care.  He also couldn't say what made him do it, but Jack held the bug’s carcass and pulled it apart, piece by piece.  He angrily stomped what was left of the spider, and left the tent with a bottle of alcohol to tend to his lover.


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Re: READ ONLY Jack with Ennis Archive thread
« Reply #68 on: August 02, 2007, 12:50:01 am »
Susie, we are missing you terribly!


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2. August 07
« Reply #69 on: August 03, 2007, 12:24:36 am »
A Stormy Night by moremojo

"Close it up!" cried Jack, shuddering to the brutal, icy force of the hail that was beginning to pelt the tent, whereupon Ennis, torn between his fear for the sheep and gratitude for the shelter that both Jack and the tent provided, complied; they drew the flap tightly, their hands brushing together.

"Whew, friend, I told you Brokeback was rough", Jack said, his exhaustion and tension receding before the warmth and desire that filled him looking into Ennis's guarded brown eyes--eyes that had seen too little of the comfort and beauty that Jack knew to be in the world.

Jack noticed Ennis slightly shivering, whether from cold or some unnamed fear he couldn't tell, whereupon Jack said, softly, "C'mere, Ennis, it'll be allright"; thus gently drawing his friend's head to his beating breast, the pounding hail a wordless litany for desires unmapped, hopes yet to be born.

A warm welcome to out new poster Moremojo!
« Last Edit: August 03, 2007, 01:40:04 am by Dagi »