Author Topic: FanFiction by stevehtx  (Read 8904 times)

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2007, 04:57:10 pm »
Man, I read this again.  I gotta tell you, I'm pretty picky about fanfic (was never into the genre at all until Brokeback, heehee) because so much of it is pretty bad.  But this is so good!  True to the characters, very nice (and not distracting) vernacular, and most of all, emotionally satisfying.

Isn't it interesting that some of the best authors (and artists in general, I feel) also seem to be the most subdued about their work.  (Others are like, 'here's my 98th installment – hope my legions of fans enjoy!')  :P

Anyway — yeah, keep it coming friend!  Cheers!

I am flattered by your appreciation of my story.  There's a bunch more at the top of this post graciously put there by adiabatic.  I have done my share of a/u but have always tried to maintain the character of the characters.  I try to stay as close to canon as possible.  This one, I feel, is smack dab in the middle of it.   

Try Always Leaving, A Little Gift , To Lose Again and Postcards and Shirts for a couple more canon stories. 

The longest story I wrote was 21 chapters and I found it hard to do.  I typically wrote shorter stories based on one image that might have come to me at any time- in this story's case, Ennis with his head in Jack's lap - and then wrap a story around it.  The image for To Lose Again was the point in a dream where the outside world begins to intrude and you're in two places at once.   Always Leaving was an image of Jack standing close to Ennis trying to prolong the time he had before he had to leave.

Thanks again for your kind words and your encouragement.


oh talk about PICKY...I never come in here at all...that particular way of talking is very easy to overdo...

but these stories posted here are lovely. Will take a peek at the others some time soon!

Thank you Steve...

welcome to Bettermost...

I'm glad you enjoyed it.  Please do check out some of the others.  I listed a couple of canon stories above.  Some a/u (a/u for me being not so far away from canon) stories that you can check out are The Strange Fate of Twist (which EVERYBODY seems to like the best), More Than Words (another fan favorite) and Jack (one of my favorites). 

Thanks again for your kind words.  Let me know what you think of the other stories.


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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2007, 10:30:00 pm »
Steve and his writing were a great inspiration and a great encouragement to me when I was writing. I'm glad to see his stories getting publicity here, and maybe even building him a new fan base!  :D
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2007, 10:39:00 pm »
Thank you, Jeff.  It is a two-way street though.  Your encouragement then and now is appreciated.  I had said that I wasn't going to write anymore after No One To Remember...but ya know how it goes.  This new story that's on here was unfinished and I had forgotten it was there.  I found two others but we'll have to see how that goes.  Thanks again. 


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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #13 on: June 30, 2007, 04:24:14 pm »
Okay, guess I should start getting involved here so will be posting my latest story.  This one was also a story that I started and then forgot about.  Senior moments.  Finished it up and post it hear for your perusal.  All credit to Annie Proulx of course.


   Ennis stood by his truck absently checking over his equipment…the horses, the saddles, supplies…his mind far from anything he was looking at.  It had been right at a year since he’d last seen Jack.  They’d gotten together the November of the year before.  In May when they were scheduled to get together, Jack had broken his leg in a freak accident on one of the combines.  Ennis had gotten a card just two days before he was supposed to leave. 
   It had been a hard year for him to endure.  He’d done it but it had exacted a toll.  For months before this fishing trip, he’d worked long hours to exhaust himself then drank so he could sleep, but they were restless and dream-filled nights.  He’d lost weight from not eating.  He’d cried a lot.
   But now Jack was on his way and, “everything’ll be okay,” he kept thinking.  The closer to the time Jack was supposed to arrive that day, the more he smiled and the antsier he got.  He had walked up and down this side road to the mountains too many times now to count and smoked the whole time. 
   Ennis heard the roar of an engine and turning, watched Jack drive up in a flurry of screaming tires, dust and gravel.  Jack’s eyes locked onto Ennis as soon as he rounded the curve in the road.  Ennis started to shake and reached out to hold onto the truck.  He waited, hat in hand.

   Jack had been unable to keep from pressing the accelerator all the way to the floor from the time he left Childress.  When the officer stopped him just outside of Texas, salesman that he was, he had smooth-talked his way out of a ticket by saying his mother was dying and he had to get to her bedside to see her one last time. 
   He’d had a difficult time the past year without Ennis.  He’d fallen into a deep depression after breaking his leg, blaming himself for letting Ennis down and screwing up their trip despite the fact that it hadn’t been his fault he broke his leg.  One of the other salesman had shifted the combine into reverse by mistake as Jack was getting up to talk and knocked him off.  He kept telling himself it’d be okay because they could meet in November but he’d forgotten how long a year could be. 
   During the agonizing wait until he could see Ennis again, he’d drank a lot, had a couple of fights just out of sheer frustration and the need to strike out, and had pushed Lureen and her father to the edge with his short temper and moodiness.  By the time he was ready to go, Lureen was packing his suitcase for him.
   But now he was on his way.  No card from Ennis to say he couldn’t make it.  No phone call, but Ennis never called anyway.  He could barely contain himself.
   He’d taken the turnoff from the highway forgetting he had brakes, scattering gravel and dust in streams behind him.  About a quarter mile in was the last curve before the end of the road.  As Jack took that curve, he saw Ennis’ truck and trailer with the horses…and then Ennis.  Jack locked his eyes onto Ennis, his vision narrowing and obscuring all around him but his man. 

   Jack’s truck had barely pulled to a stop when he threw the door open and jumped out.  Despite the long wait, all he could do was stand there holding onto the open truck door.  A moment passed…and then another…while he stared at Ennis not believing that they were finally here together.  Ennis could see Jack trembling.  Jack looked down, took his hat off and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his coat.
   Ennis wanted to run to Jack but found his feet wouldn’t move.  He was not immune to the amount of time they had been apart. 
   He saw Jack just standing there.  He knew what Jack was feeling because he was feeling the same thing.  But he had ahold of the truck, like Jack, and couldn’t let go for fear his legs wouldn’t support him.
   Jack looked up and smiled.
   All of Ennis’ days since last he’d seen Jack had been dark and dismal.  Now, with that one smile, the sun had come out for him…all pain forgotten.  It was more than he could stand and he took a couple of steps forward but Jack, regaining his senses, took off to close the gap between them, letting his hat drop where he’d stood.  Ennis tossed his hat and braced himself as Jack slammed into him, their arms wrapped tight, bodies pressed close. 
   “Ennis,” was the only thing Jack could get out, just a whisper, before his need and feelings overwhelmed him.  He was unable to do anything but hold on.
    “It’s been too…,” he faltered, “…it’s been too long, cowboy,” he said in a strained and tearful voice.  Ennis kept trying to say something, anything, but couldn’t find his voice. 
   Finally, “Jack…goddamn, Jack.”  He was so overcome he just pulled Jack in tighter shoving his face into the crook of Jack’s neck.
   Jack, breathing heavy, said softly in Ennis’ ear, “I can’t believe you’re here, Ennis.  I just can’t…,” and the tears started.  “Don’t let go…don’t let me go just yet, okay?”  They held each other for a good while just to feel the other close, to satisfy some small part of the need they had for each other after all that time.
   Jack was the first to pull away but Ennis kept following, nuzzling him like one of his horses would do. 
    “Ennis, let’s get outta here, please.”  Jack’s fists were tight in Ennis’ coat as he tried to keep a little distance between them but Ennis was lost in the scent and feel of Jack and kept pushing.
    “C’mon, cowboy, let’s get back up there in them woods.  I been waiting too long to get this close to you and what I wanna do we can’t do here.”
   Ennis began to surface to reality and his head cleared some.  He heard what Jack had just said and the fear of prying eyes and tire irons kicked in.
   He retreated, his breath coming in gasps.  He stood looking Jack in the eyes then suddenly stepped up to him, reached with one hand and grabbed Jack by the back of his neck.  He pulled him close and kissed him hard and fast.  As he forced himself to step back, and in a moment of real tenderness, he raised his hand and ran his fingers through Jack’s hair brushing it from his eyes.  Jack found himself trembling from this rare show of true affection.
   Jack was still reeling from this long-awaited encounter with Ennis.  He watched as Ennis pushed aside his feelings and desires for the moment to get them up into the mountains.  As long as Jack had known Ennis, and would know him, he would never understand how he could do that…but right now didn’t care either.  All he wanted was Ennis alone and the opportunity to show him how much he had missed him.
   Jack strode on shaky legs back to his truck to get his things.  He picked up his hat and stood by the tailgate of his truck trying to compose himself.  He’d make up for their time apart.  He’d show Ennis how glad he was to be here, how much he’d wanted him all this time.  He’d show him he never wanted to let him go again.  Ennis’d have to understand.  Yep, he’d show him good.  This time would be different.
   Jack grabbed his tent and supplies and, with a grin to split his face, ran over to Ennis’ truck thinking that there weren’t no more beautiful sight in the whole world than this man waiting for him…his man, his Ennis, his love.

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #14 on: July 01, 2007, 10:01:54 am »
" . . . Ennis was lost in the scent and feel of Jack and kept pushing."

Go, Steve!   :)

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #15 on: July 04, 2007, 01:30:58 am »
This part of the story where they are both lost in each other for those few moments, where Jack tries to pull away but Ennis is wanting only to get closer...this is my favorite part.  Like trying to pry to magnets apart.  This has jumped up to one of my top five most favorite stories of mine.  To think that this one had been put away and forgotten all this time.  Bad Steve.



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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #16 on: July 04, 2007, 01:31:40 am »
I've never written drabbles.  Never occured to me, I guess.  Read some out there but never thought of doing any myself.  But I was looking at a couple of my shorter stories and wondering if I could compress them and still get the feeling and passion to carry over. So I thought that maybe it's time to experiment with (for me) some really short works.

Here's a story I put out in January of last year and have redone as a drabble.  It's 100 words (that's just crazy small!).  Hope you enjoy.


Title:  Lightning Flashes
Pairing:  E/J
Disclaimer:  All credit to Annie Proulx

Jack never felt the wall Ennis slammed him into.

Stunned, he couldn’t see, couldn’t hear…couldn’t even think.

Ennis had struck like lightning, no warning, sudden and overwhelming.  Jack hadn’t been prepared.  He hadn’t thought…hadn’t dared hope…

In one searing flash, Ennis released all the longing and desire he had held tight and bound inside since Signal showing Jack, “You…you, Twist, are the one I want…you…belong to me”.

Ennis came up for air.

There was no more doubt now.  Jack knew where he stood.

Lightning coiled within him.

It was his turn.

Ennis never felt the wall Jack slammed him into…..

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #17 on: July 04, 2007, 02:44:16 pm »
In one searing flash

I love it, very nice!

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2007, 11:42:08 pm »
Here's a short piece.  A response to a fanfic contest kinda thing over at brokebackslash.  The prompt was "Ennis and Jack pretending to be strangers"

“C’mon, Ennis, it’ll be fun.”

“No, Jack, ain’t gonna happen.”

“It’s just a little pretendin’…”  Jack was cheating now, using his blue eyes and that pouty little mouth to full advantage.

“Ennis?” Jack whispered softly

“Alright, Jack, alright.”

“Ennis, it’ll be okay, you’ll see.  It’ll be fun.  I know this little bar near here.  Nobody there this time a day”  There was no denying Jack when he talked this way, whispered that way.

An hour later they were at the bar, “Okay, Ennis, you go inside first.  I’ll be in shortly.”  Ennis glared once at Jack and went in.

The bar was a dive, the bartender…an old man, dull eyes, dull look, gray.  He took Ennis’ order of whiskey, walked back over to his stool and picked up his paper to continue reading.

Right about that time the door swung open and Jack strode towards the bar swaggering like he’d just rode that bull for the full 8 seconds.  He slammed his hand down on the bar, “Bartender, gimme a whiskey!”  The bartender got him his whiskey.  Jack tossed it back, shouted for another.  He looked over at Ennis with a big grin on his face, ”Hey, there cowboy,” he said too loud.

Ennis just put his head down in his hands.  Jack couldn’t contain himself and started laughing.

“No, no, look, I’ll try it again.  Don’t move, okay?” Jack said, both hands out and facing Ennis.  Jack could barely contain his laughter, tossed his second whiskey, spun on his heel and ran out.  Ennis could only shake his head. 

A minute later, Jack walked through the door, got two steps in and tripped over the rug.  Ennis let out a snort.  Jack put his head down and walked out.

Jack tried a couple more times.  Managed to get to the slamming-the-whiskey point before having to leave in embarrassment.  Ennis was ready to give up at this point.

Then Jack came in, real serious looking.  He asked again for a whiskey, walked straight over to Ennis, took his hat off and stood next him his head down.  Ennis was trying to figure out how this was pretending cause it felt just like any other time they had been at a bar.


“Sorry, Ennis.  Can’t do it.  Ain’t no making believe we’re strangers.  It just ain’t right.  No way I could walk up to someone else like that.  Just ain’t no way.  Don’t know what I was thinking.”

Ennis just sat there.  A shiver ran up his spine at what Jack had just said

“Truth is, Jack.  Couldn’t do it neither.  There ain’t nobody else…”  Ennis couldn’t finish.

“So there it is.  We’re stuck with each other, aren’t we,” Jack grinned.

“Guess so, Jack, guess so,” Ennis grinned.

Suddenly Jack sprang up, slapped Ennis on the back scaring the crap outta him and said loudly, “Well, pardner, I guess it’s time to hit the trail.

“Here, Ennis, let me get these drinks.  Ya know, I’m the one drug ya,” here he pulls out his wallet and rummages through it, “out here,” tosses his wallet on the bar and starts searching through his pants pockets, “wasting your time and such...,” he looks towards Ennis, “I can’t find my money, Ennis.”  Ennis grinned for a moment thinking that there wasn’t anyone else he’d want to be stuck with.

“Jack, you didn’t bring money when we left?”  Ennis sighed and looked down at the floor.  “Dumb bastard.  Let me see what I got on me.”  Ennis pulled out some cash, luckily had enough, and threw that on the counter.  Bartender didn’t even look up.

Ennis grabbed Jack by the shoulder of his coat and shoved him towards the door, Jack laughing the whole way. 

“Ennis, I didn’t do it on purpose.  I just forgot,” he tried to explain between the giggles and the snorting.

“Jack, you’d forget your ass if it wasn’t stuffed into those jeans.  Get on over to that truck.”  He watched Jack stumble through the door.  “Stupid rodeo fuck-up…, “ he mumbled. 

Ennis walked out the door and could be heard yelling, “Jack you better get the hell in that truck or I’m gonna treat you like the two-year old you really are.” 

“But, Ennis…”

“Don’t talk back to me, son…”

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Re: FanFiction by stevehtx
« Reply #19 on: July 13, 2007, 10:39:26 am »
Very cute, Steve. Thanks for sharing!

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