Author Topic: 9 Real Person Slash Bash (Chicago, September 29-October 2)  (Read 2083 times)

Offline twistedude

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9 Real Person Slash Bash (Chicago, September 29-October 2)
« on: October 08, 2006, 07:59:10 am »
the little foreign bird and me

"Julie! I LOVE this button! ('no
instruction manual needed") Thank you!"
"I thought it especially appropriate for you," I said,
shyly. "Yes!" she said, without a trace of
modesty (but...what does she have
to be modest about?)

During the film she lay, still as a
minor mountain, on a green quilt, a small white
pillow beneath her head.

Toward the end, she put her slightly pudgy fists
and forarms over her face and neck, otherwise
continued silent and still, with only the slow rise
and fall of her chest showing life, nor were there tears
on her face afterwards.

I am almost old enough to be her great, great grandmother...


He crocheted sheep
at all times, each better
than the last,
called me people movers, and drove me everywhere,
including the Art Instutute
and the Russian Tea Room.
We debated endlessly on the long plane rides (and car rides!)
Of course, he was always right...


I caught up with him the last morning. "But
would Jack and Ennis ever take a trip
around the world?" I asked "Would Ennis ever use a
(deleted)?" he asked--"Who is to say? You or I?"
A Pause. "Some people say--they are tired of the first summer. I am never tired of it, never enough, never."
He drove from California,
with passengers, and then continmued on east, visiting
people who couldn't make it.

Another planet heard from

Tiny glass beads, in the rainbow spectrum,
with a single eagle feather,
one for each wrist
and such a bag of goodies!
(some quite unmentionable).

Hybrid corn (O.K.--B73--that's what it is!)

I went looking for something on DaveCullen, and got lost,
stumbled on her poetry, and read it, over and over. And then--OH!--Mason Dixon...I've added a bit of amber to my bracelet, for the amber sky
where the birds go in winter, to be warm, and safe
from the world's vicissitudes.
(They are all true, our stories, you know, over and over...
and I weep with joy
each time I think of it...),


I love the Nazi grit, and Jack is the perfect caberet dancer--but I know
almost nothing of Superman. "EL--whatever--that's Superman's father?"
"That is Superman's real name," she says. "And who the hell is Richard?"
"He's engaged toi Lois Lane," she says. "Oh, how unfortunate," I smile.
"Yes, isn't it?" she smiles back. Ennis's quiet death... Her lower lip is pierced with a
small silver circle; her hair color matches her mood.
Another youngun I love...

The Lead Sheep

"Honey, it's all good. Cannon, non-cannon, AU, AU-AU--read and write
whatever you like," she smiles at me.
"Now don't be doin' no gay shit on my fuirniture!"


"I thought everyone had seen "When Harry met Sally,"
she said, "so I didn't explain it." "Not my friend," I said,
"So I had to explain, a little. I loved the chocolatre scene," I added,
giggling. "Thank you," she said, as if "W ell, why wouldn't
you? "  "Conjugating Jake," --what a pair, the writers--each writes a couple of
pqaragraphs, and then serves it back over the tennis net to the other,
without a ripple in
everyone's faviorite daydream.

The artist

She discussed jobs with my friend at three
in the morning...those dark clouds at the moment orf Hal's death,
was there ever so perfect a barn?  She brings our stories to
our eyes...

Green Stuff

The night before i left (no bed), I printed out
"Dead Horse Road"--no way to contact the author--
I thought perhaps I'd have a chnace to read it aloud, but nobody
read aloud (where I was).

I read it again on the plane.

marakeshsparrow (Jess); Sid401K (Sid); amdaz (Dean); planetgal; Living-in-Transcendence (Sheera); Kumari; fifty-fifrty (Melissa); mobody; Fernly (fenlyn)

Thanks for making a stranger feel so welcome!

« Last Edit: October 08, 2006, 11:34:04 am by twistedude »
"We're each of us alone, to be sure. What can you do but hold your hand out in the dark?" --"Nine Lives," by Ursula K. Le Guin, from The Wind's Twelve Quarters