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Animals In Our Lives

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Thanks, David. She's one of "the herd" as my family calls my pets. I'll tell ya about the others too. It's not that I just went out and got a bunch of dogs--all but 2 were strays or rescues or people didn't want them anymore because they had a baby (can you imagine that). I love them all, but no more additions to the family for now!! They all get along and they all mind me (mostly). And they've all been spayed or neutered!! If one of them had babies, I'd want to keep them all, no doubt.

That's a great picture of Rusti, Shasta.  Thank you for posting it - she's really adorable!  I love that she gets your arm but doesn't 'bite down'.  They KNOW!!!

I hear you about the 'stepping over' for weeks.  I'm sorry you lost your Raven to lymphoma.  Never enough time with them, is there? :'( :'(

And I guess divorce is another thing we have in common, hunh?

Titania likes to sleep on me - usually on my hip.  So when I roll over at night, I reach down to hold her while I move so she's disturbed as little as possible ::) and then she usually settles back to sleep.  I catch myself doing this when she's not there...Must not disturb sleeping kitties - it's a cardinal rule, you know.   ;)

Most mornings with them I awake like I haven't moved all night because it's likely true...

Got the names because I was re-reading it at the time (an English minor in a former life)...I often bury myself in books when depressed...and it just seemed to fit, being they are siblings.  They were rather ridiculous when they were babies, but they've grown into them...usually I shorten them to 'Obie' and 'Tania'.

OK - one more pet story then I MUST go to sleep.  A few years ago, Titania & Oberon look after my Mom.  Usually they sleep with either Mom or me (they've become more 'hers' than mine because she's home with them all day).  So, Mom and I are sleeping and my brother gets home from work around midnight (3-11 shift) and the kitties greet him at the door and mill around the kitchen.  It occurs to him that this is unusual - they are usually in our rooms, so he goes to check on Mom.  Sure enough, she'd gone to the bathroom by herself and fallen, essentially passed out in the bathroom floor.  It turned out to be a mini-stroke.

I got a lot to say over in the Aging Parents thread, but I'm not up for it just now.  I'm glad we have it though, to talk about a lot of these things.

Pets rule.


--- Quote ---Must not disturb sleeping kitties - it's a cardinal rule, you know.   
--- End quote ---

So Titania and Oberon are rescue kitties!! That's amazing. I'm sure they are great company for your mom, too. You've read all the data on pets being good for lowering blood pressure and giving older adults something to look forward to---taking care, feeding, etc. I think it's true.

Have fun on all your travels!!! I see you are going on the train trip as well as to Alberta! That's wonderful, Lynne. Looking forward to hearing about the trips and seeing the pictures.


--- Quote from: David on July 20, 2007, 03:59:12 pm ---I have two pets; well four pets actually. I have a 3 year old Golden Retriever named Cody, and a black and white Tuxedo cat named Oreo. I also have two gold fish. My animals bring me great joy, especially when I return home from work. I love being greeted by a pair of cute furry faces and wet kisses.

Do you have any pets? If so, please tell us about them!

I'll post some Cody and Oreo stories as this thread grows.  :D

--- End quote ---

Great idea for a thread sweetie!  8)

I don't have any pets now because I have extreme allergy for cats and dogs among many other animals. We used to have an Afghan Hound, Muscha, he is still with me in my heart... I actually still miss him so much, even if it is more than 23 years ago that we had him...

David In Indy:

--- Quote from: Snavel del Snuit on July 21, 2007, 04:28:34 am ---Great idea for a thread sweetie!  8)

I don't have any pets now because I have extreme allergy for cats and dogs among many other animals. We used to have an Afghan Hound, Muscha, he is still with me in my heart... I actually still miss him so much, even if it is more than 23 years ago that we had him...

--- End quote ---

See now?? Ya'll did it to me again!!!  :'(  :'(

Lord, I can't stop crying!  :'(

Yes, you told me about Muscha before Melissa. He sounds like he was a WONDERFUL dog!!! I'm glad you have many good memories of him.  :)


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