Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 4190295 times)

Offline nakymaton

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3760 on: January 24, 2008, 06:30:20 pm »
I'm not sure which thread to put this in. Perhaps it has been linked already? In any case, here is an interview with Christopher Plummer, who was filming with Heath in London last week. It is a very warm interview, full of respect for Heath.,,20173302,00.html

He was looking forward — he was in such a good, happy mood about the picture. Looking forward to going to Vancouver. He was enjoying the film thoroughly, and I'm here to say so. He was also terribly excited about becoming a director.


Though at the same time, it's comforting to hear that Heath was happy in his last work.
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

Offline Mikaela

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3761 on: January 24, 2008, 06:33:35 pm »
The good-night song and the picture of Heath and the starry sky gave me a much needed sense of peace and quiet. Thank you.  :-*

I really needed that after having spent the evening here on Bettermost, on various News and movie sites, and on Heath related threads on Dave Cullen.

It's the crazy Phelps clan and their picketing threats, the rightful anger directed back at those horrible morons, The Fox News guy and his tasteless callous remarks, and the anger directed at that, it's images past and present, it's YouTube clips, it's filmed or written news stories speculating on cause of death, it's pap pictures of distraught Michelle Williams leaving Sweden, it's grief and sorrow expressed in so many ways, by so many wonderful people on the boards - beautiful, touching ways, certainly but also requiring attention.... it's obituaries and tributes of many kinds and megastar comments and funeral rumours and I don't know what.... All of it combined, just too much for me, suddenly. Too much noise in my head. I am logging off for a bit to have a quiet moment. A silent moment without further information, opinions, heartfelt messages of grief to share in....

A quiet moment just dealing with the loss of Heath/Ennis.  :'(

Then I'll be back.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3762 on: January 24, 2008, 06:36:48 pm »

A quiet moment just dealing with the loss of Heath/Ennis.  :'(

Then I'll be back.

A quiet moment is always essential, Mika.

Hugs to you,

Offline Mikaela

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3763 on: January 24, 2008, 06:44:19 pm »
A quiet moment is always essential, Mika.

Hugs to you,

Thanks Milli. I came back to say I hope I didn't come across as critizising anyone here. That wasn't my intention.

Also, I do wonder what Heath would have made of all this frenzy and emotional outpourings.... in every media channel and so forth.  It's much, much more intense than anything seen in the most hectic Brokeback hoopla. It's quite surreal really when one tries to summarize what's going on....

Offline BelAir

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3764 on: January 24, 2008, 07:56:07 pm »
Thanks Milli. I came back to say I hope I didn't come across as critizising anyone here. That wasn't my intention.

Also, I do wonder what Heath would have made of all this frenzy and emotional outpourings.... in every media channel and so forth.  It's much, much more intense than anything seen in the most hectic Brokeback hoopla. It's quite surreal really when one tries to summarize what's going on....

no, it didn't come across that way at all.

quiet time is good.

i would think heath would want that for anyone, everyone, whenever they needed it.
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Offline Shasta542

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3765 on: January 24, 2008, 08:14:21 pm »
I'm not sure which thread to put this in. Perhaps it has been linked already? In any case, here is an interview with Christopher Plummer, who was filming with Heath in London last week. It is a very warm interview, full of respect for Heath.,,20173302,00.html


Though at the same time, it's comforting to hear that Heath was happy in his last work.

Oh wow -- that is a nice article. You can tell he was trying his best to get well before next week so he'd be able to go back to filming. So sad. Yeah -- it WAS good to hear that he'd had a great time with the movie work -- doing his own stunts and all. Thanks for that link.
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Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3766 on: January 24, 2008, 10:37:30 pm »
Thank you so, so, so, so much, Christopher Plummer.

Christopher Plummer in the Sound of Music, "Edelweiss"


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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3767 on: January 25, 2008, 02:26:04 am »
Here's me dredging up Nick Drake again.  Not saying I am going along with their sort of hypothesis, just that Heath said he was obsessed with him:

The Nick Drake Heath Ledger Connection
By Mack Rawden: 2008-01-23 19:28:59

 As most of you have probably heard, Academy Award nominee Heath Ledger was found dead in a New York City apartment yesterday. Hazy details of a possible overdose/ possible suicide are beginning to emerge. Naturally, the tabloid media is circling around the blood, turning every morbid detail into a front page headline, but one tiny connection, which at most could be a key to this tragedy or at least is a bizarre coincidence, is being overlooked. Heath Ledger was obsessed with Nick Drake.

Who? Nick Drake was an eccentric English singer-songwriter born in 1948. By all accounts, he was a brilliant student and received a scholarship to study at Cambridge University. For fun, he began performing at local coffee houses and word of his talent quickly spread to industry insiders. He was signed to Island Records and released his debut album Five Leaves Left. Largely ignored at the time, it developed a cult following among musicians and was later included in Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Albums.

In the next three years, Nick Drake recorded two more albums (both of which made Rolling Stone’s Top 500 Albums), but they received even less fanfare. Seemingly out of nowhere, the depressed singer developed stage fright. He refused to perform and retreated into the dark recesses of his mind. He couldn’t sleep and began taking large quantities of sleeping pills. In 1974, at the age of twenty-six, Drake overdosed on prescription drugs. To this day, his family still doesn’t know if it was on purpose.

According to MTV, Heath Ledger was fascinated by Nick Drake. He often talked of getting a script written about the Pink Moon crooner’s life. Unsatisfied with delays in getting the project started, Ledger filmed his own music video for Drake’s track “Black Eyed Dog”, an autobiographical piece about depression. It’s yet to be released commercially, but the clip reportedly ends with Ledger solemnly drowning himself in the bathtub. It was the last song Nick Drake wrote before he Od’ed on sleeping pills, and it’s music video ended up being the last project Ledger completed before his overdose, which many have prematurely linked to sleeping pills.

Two brilliant minds. Both were just coming into their artistic primes, and both suffered from bouts of paranoia, making it impossible for either to sleep. We’ll probably never know if Nick Drake’s words pushed Ledger further away or closer to the abyss, but somehow it’s fitting they eventually found each other and that damn pink pink pink pink moon.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3768 on: January 25, 2008, 02:42:52 am »
It's hard when we don't have the right words in our language to explain what happened. I tried when I said we were in our spiritual bodies. To me, it's not an out of body experience but I guess that might be one way to think of it.

This has happened to me before. Five years ago, my friend Larry died (on 1/21/2002...eerily coincidental date). I had last seen him on December 16th and he was fine, so for him to be dead five weeks later was a terrible shock. A few days after he died, very early in the morning, we got together to say goodbye. At first, I had no idea what was going on. We chatted a bit and then I said, "Larry, can I ask you a personal question?" and he said, "Yes, sure." and I said, "Aren't you dead?" and he said, "Oh, yes, I am." And suddenly it all made sense. I was so grateful to have a chance to say goodbye to him, since I hadn't done it in "living" life. (I don't want to say "real" life, because the experience I had was real. We were just in a different place--what I have come to call a spiritual place, in our spiritual bodies).

Similarly, with Heath, I think leaving so unexpectedly, he has lots of goodbyes for lots of people. I am sure he is constantly with Michelle and Matilda right now, as well as traveling around to say goodbye to others. I just feel really special (blessed, even) that I made it onto his list! And even though I never met him in "living" life, obviously he knew me enough to find me and give me a chance for our conversation--in the spiritual place. This time, I understood what was happening, since I had learned from Larry.

As for his work not being done, I am only telling you what he conveyed to me. (I say conveyed, because not all of our conversation was in words.) I'm not asking you to believe me, I'm just telling you what I know.

For those of you who think I am crazy, fine. For those of you who understand, great. And for those of you who would like to learn more, I am happy to continue the conversation, either here or privately.

Hugs and peace,


You are very blessed, indeed, Leslie.

It is my personal belief that time and space on the other side   is not the same as it is here, where we are, on planet Earth. It's a spiritual realm there, where there are no laws of physics to contend with.

I have no doubt that Heath visited you, Leslie, as he has visited many others, I'm sure. Whether or not they are spritually evolved enough to recognise his visit, however, is another matter.

By visiting others, it doesn't take away from the fact that I am sure he is also very close, constantly, to Matilda right now. And I'm sure he will always be close to her, for the remainder of her days. Matilda could live to be 100 and Heath will be with her all that time. Some might question this, contesting that if he does so, he is not able to spiritually progress on his own personal spiritual journey, either via reincarnation or to Nirvana / Heaven / whatever you prefer to call it. We must remember, however, that what's 100 years to us here on Earth is but the twinkling of an eye   where Heath is now. He loved Matilda so very much, I am positive that he will wait for her to join him on the other side, no matter how long that may be. Just as I know my mother is waiting to greet me, when my time comes.

I had a similar experience some years ago, Leslie. I vividly remember the incident to this day. I woke in the middle of the night with the overpowering feeling that there was someone in the bedroom with me. Someone else, that is, apart from my partner, sound asleep by my side. And the room was icy cold at a time of year when it's not normally cold. I spooned myself alonside George and soon fell fast asleep again. In the morning, I lent up on one elbow, looked down at George and said, "Mrs Van Rooyen visited us last night." George, a fellow believer, did not question what I had experienced.

Mrs Van Rooyen was the mother of Frank, a school friend of mine. Frank and I were still close friends back then. Several years earlier, Mrs Van Rooyen had been diagnosed with cancer and had been in and out of remission many times. George and I lived in an apartment with no phone, so I couldn't phone to see how Mrs Van Rooyen was. This was long before the advent of mobile phones. Why did she choose to single me out, for a visit, you ask? Well, I don't believe she did just visit me alone. She may have visited many others to say goodbye, but they may not have been receptive to her presence. It is my personal belief that she wanted to thank me for being such a true and loyal friend to her beloved son.

Shortly after breakfast, there was a knock on the door. Without hesitation, I said to George, "That'll be Frank."

And it was Frank, inconsolable, in deep mourning, come to tell us of his mother's death the previous night.

Why did I say, "Mrs Van Rooyen visited us last night," and "That'll be Frank" ? I have no logical answer to that. I just knew. 

I don't doubt your experience for a moment, Leslie.

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #3769 on: January 25, 2008, 02:48:31 am »
I love Nick Drake, but I don't think I'll be able to listen to his music for a while now...

I really liked reading the interview with Christopher Plummer, he had such kind words. It's good to know that at least Heath was enjoying himself professionnaly. But what really makes me sad is that Heath wasn't well, physically and from what I've read emotionally either. And he was alone...

What I'm trying to say is that, when 'the time comes', we should all die in the arms of the one we love.  :'(

Sorry for sounding so depressed, but this is the only place i can let it out.
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