Author Topic: Heath Heath Heath  (Read 3930104 times)

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6840 on: December 03, 2008, 08:26:01 am »
I've never seen these pictures before, I think. Thank you for posting them, Chrissi.  :)


Don't take this the wrong way - just seems this is my day for being contrary. Hope y'all will forgive me.

There are still places on BM where you don't get jumped on when you have a different opinion :-*

When were these pictures taken - late 2007? I don't think he looks hot in the good sense of the word - it's probably quite a lot of useless hindsight on my part, but -  this was the phase where he really started looking worn out and stressed out and dishevelled and was showing up nilly-willy on celebrity-type events on both sides of the Atlantic like this one wearing the same clothes (when did he start attending fashion shows all on his own?) and didn't look to be getting enough sleep or being in a really healthy place.

You're right, that was exactly the time.

Given that we now know what kind of troubles he must have had sleeping and coping, in order to be using the drugs he was taking... it actually kind of pinches my heart to see these pictures.

Hindsight is a bitch, isn't it? In hindsight, most of those late 07 pics also give me a pinch (but the ones I posted much less, and the first one not at all, otherwise I wouldn't find it hot).
But then, so many things do. TDK coming out, seeing it for the first time, the Oscar buzz surrounding it now, other awards Heath is nominated for or wins, and to me especially BTS pics of Parnassus.
It has become part of the deal. And since we can't fix it  *sigh*

I think we all have things that trigger such feelings. Some are the same for many of us, some are different, and it's not statical over time (at least not for me).

Offline Monika

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6841 on: December 03, 2008, 08:35:02 am »
I have always liked these pictures and have never associated them with negative things, but I wasn´t aware of exactly when they were taken so I guess that has a lot to do with it.

Wearing that t-shirt again was surely mostly a statement, though :)

Offline optom3

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6842 on: December 03, 2008, 09:28:19 am »
Lots of things will suddenly make me sad. Hearing an Australian accent. The pics of him in the Imaginarium.
Dreading the fact that his very last film may well be slated as a lot of folk are not mad keen on Gilliams work.
The fact that Matilda looks so like him and also the horrible fact that it will soon be a year.

I still love to see pics of him and even some of the really "hot" ones to me, blond tousled hair sadden me even more as he was so vibrant in those.

Worst thing of all having to use was instead of is.

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6843 on: December 04, 2008, 01:56:42 am »
Good morning Heathens :)

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6844 on: December 05, 2008, 01:30:26 am »
Gppd morning Heathens :)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6845 on: December 05, 2008, 05:52:14 am »
I've never seen these pictures before, I think. Thank you for posting them, Chrissi.  :)


Don't take this the wrong way - just seems this is my day for being contrary. Hope y'all will forgive me.

When were these pictures taken - late 2007? I don't think he looks hot in the good sense of the word - it's probably quite a lot of useless hindsight on my part, but -  this was the phase where he really started looking worn out and stressed out and dishevelled and was showing up nilly-willy on celebrity-type events on both sides of the Atlantic like this one wearing the same clothes (when did he start attending fashion shows all on his own?) and didn't look to be getting enough sleep or being in a really healthy place.

Given that we now know what kind of troubles he must have had sleeping and coping, in order to be using the drugs he was taking... it actually kind of pinches my heart to see these pictures.

"Well, look at the bright side: If everyone was as stick thin as that gal, the cloth resources of the world would last much longer, and the environment would be spared!"


Exactly.  And I think if we look back on this thread we were even expressing concern then.  I was. 

BTW, the guy on the other side of Heath is Michael Stipe of REM, and I'm guessing that this was the same day that the photos of Heath wearing the upside down big glasses were taken.

Chrissi, these were a wonderful find.  Thank you.  :-*

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6846 on: December 05, 2008, 06:08:03 am »
Here are three of us expressing concern in early Sep 2007:

Well, here's another unsettling theory. He's no doubt been under a huge amount of emotional strain lately for all the obvious reasons. Maybe this is sort of his way of acting out -- a kind of "Oh, f'ck it all!" response, almost semi-self-destructive. I mean, he's not just underdressed for an awards ceremony. He's not even committing a small rebellious act, like wearing Converse high-tops with a tuxedo. He's out-and-out absurdly dressed.

All the outfits we've snarked about in the past, the Smurf hat, the too-small jackets, the red sunglasses, etc., all seem like sincere choices that just happened to be unflattering. But this! This is like giving the finger to all those really-dressed-up people on the red carpet with him.

If it's a self-destructive kind of act, I feel bad for him. But the bright side is that there are far worse ways to self-destruct than wearing red-striped socks.

That's why I'm hoping this weird clothes ensemble isn't just the outward tell-tale sign of some even more unsettling self-destructive behaviour. I think it was the vest buttoned askew that got me to worrying about that, especially, - even more than those socks.*sigh*

I love you, Heath.

He's going thru a hard time in his private life--he needs support. He is most likely exhausted from his grueling time on the Dark Knight set, as well. He should have stayed at home and rested that night, I think.

I have done things in the throes of a depressiion that I would not have done otherwise--just--no one cared if I did it or not. He's in the public spotlight, so his bad behavior gets chronicled.

  to Heath.

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6847 on: December 05, 2008, 06:21:52 am »
The first photo appears that worried me:

Heath is back in New York City. He has returned from Venice. And he has been spotted at various Fashion Week events! LOL...what irony! He is still wearing his yellow tee-shirt...


The tonsorial seems like a clue to possible depression, I was thinking.  And the not changing his sartorialness.  Though I admit I hadn't come up with "tonsorial" in my thought process. :)

"Heath Ledger's comb-over with Debbie Harry..."


Maybe the S/Hell shirt is referring to the oil fields on his head . . .  Is that where Kurt got his job?

(I didn't mean that. I love you Heath!!)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6848 on: December 05, 2008, 06:23:04 am »
And a wonderful video I just found again, while looking back at that time in this thread:


Offline MilAn

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Re: Heath Heath Heath
« Reply #6849 on: December 05, 2008, 12:42:39 pm »
THERE is a scene in the new Hollywood blockbuster Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke finds impossible to watch without shedding a tear.

Tears rolled down her face when she shot the scene. Again in the quiet and darkness of the editing booth.

The emotional trigger has nothing to do with the storyline of Twilight or the acting by the young cast.

The scene takes place in a rugged, forest region of Oregon in the US north-west and it was while scouting the location on January 22 that Hardwicke heard her beloved friend, Heath Ledger, was dead.

"We were in a van scouting," Hardwicke, her eyes moistening again and hands trembling slightly, told AAP during an interview in a suite in Los Angeles' Beverly Wilshire Hotel.
"Someone's phone rang. They answered it and I instantly realised something was wrong with the reaction.

"It was very strange. The person said: 'OK, I won't say anything'.

"I said: 'What was that about?' and they said: 'We don't even know if it is true. There's rumours Heath has passed away'.

"Then one second later my cell phone rang and it didn't stop ringing."

Hardwicke, a 53-year-old California director whose breakthrough was the 2003 independent drama, Thirteen, cast Ledger as the lead of her 2005 film, Lords of Dogtown, set on the Los Angeles beaches of Santa Monica and Venice.

The director soon received confirmation the rumours were true.

Ledger had died from an accidental overdose of prescription painkillers and anti-depressants in his Manhattan apartment.

"Everybody who worked on Dogtown called because they all loved Heath," Hardwicke said.

"To all of the kids, Emile Hirsch and Victor Rasuk, Heath was their mentor. They all freaked out beyond despair.

"For me, I can't really watch the one scene in Twilight where I received that call.

"That's where I heard that news. It is my one little thing. My moment.

"To hear about someone you love, someone so magical, passing like that, was just crushing.",23739,24755211-5003420,00.html