Author Topic: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony  (Read 8610 times)

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #10 on: August 26, 2007, 07:21:33 am »
The last award today is the award for the

Most f***in hilarious answers

and it goes to

Smellykellyjay  :)

Here's your Yee-Haw Prize

Congrats again for yet another prize Kelly  :D !!!
« Last Edit: August 26, 2007, 07:31:15 am by Penthesilea »

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #11 on: August 26, 2007, 07:30:39 am »
I will now post the correct answers with a few additional notes. If you intend to take the qiuz noncompetively, stop reading now and go over to the quiz thread here:,12623.0/topicseen.html

1) What is the house number of the Riverton apartment above the laundromat?

2) What does Carl even do?
He even talks

3) What runs in Timmy's family?
strong backs and weak minds

4) Where is Ennis supposed to be in June 1984?
On a roundup over near the Tetons

5) Who opened the thread about Jack and the wind?
Note: I didn't know that on imdb this thread also had existed and Danyelle-Dillon had opened it. So both answers are correct and anyone who named both scored an extra point.

6) Please complete the sentence: Jack may be a sinner, but Ennis........
...ain't yet had the opportunity

7) What is to be read on the mail box of Jack's parent's ranch?
John C. Twist

8 ) What could Ennis do if he had three hands?
wipe Alma Jr's nose

9) What lovable subtle detail did Belbbmfan post on May, 4th, 2007?
"how Jack sortof 'nuzzles' the bedroll just as he puts Ennis's hand 'you know where' during the first tent scene.
It's here (scroll down a bit, it's reply #411):,1039.410.html

10) What should boys watch?

11) What did Jack do with the transistor radio?
twisted the dial until the batteries died
Note: it's in the short story, but not in the movie

12) From your memory, no auxiliary tools allowed for this one question: Who uses the ax, who uses the saw when Ennis and Jack build up their first camp?
Ennis=saw; Jack=ax

13) What's wrong with this pic? Hint: I don't mean the lettering on it  ;)
It's photoshopped. Jack didn't show this broad smile until Ennis sat down next to the fire. As long as Ennis was standing on the right of the tent, THIS smile wasn't to be seen.
Note: Some of you were more creative than me and of course, the tent don't look right (according to Ennis). So I accepted this answer also as correct and it was worth one point


14) Name the exact date of the reunion. You can score one bonus point here, but I won't tell you how, you have to find out yourself  ;D
June, 24th, 1967 in the short story and September, 24th, 1967 in the movie.
Each answer is correct and if you named both, you got a bonus point.

15) What does Monroe drink on Thanksgiving?
Note: Lter he drank brandy while watching TV, so I also accepted this as correct answer

16) What does Jeff Wranger think is the happiest scene in the whole movie (at least he did think so on May, 9th, 2006)? Too hard? Okay, I'll give you a hint: page four.
the "rodeo cowboys is all fuckups" scene
Note: meanwhile this thread is back on page one of the forum, but when you all took the quiz, it was still on page four. It's here, reply # 11:,1277.10.html

17) How long does Jack commute every day?
4 hours

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #12 on: August 26, 2007, 11:08:15 am »
Yee Haw, I am grateful for this award, and for the illustrious company it puts me in. 

I cannot tell a lie though - once I had posted my answers, and started looking at everyone else's, I saw that the first person had put "2" as the first answer, whereas I had put "I don't know."  As soon as I saw that "2" I realized I had misread the question, and that you were asking about the laundry apartment door.  I had somehow thought you were asking about the address for Monroe's house.  So, without thinking it through, I said to myself, "Oh!  I really did know that there was a "2" on the laundry apartment door, so I feel fine about going back and putting what I know in my answers (this was two seconds after just posting them, so I still felt connected to the process).  Now seeing the points and prizes and all, I need to tell you that.  Adjust as you see fit.  I could not live a secret.

Fun quiz, Chrissi.  I hope there are more in the future!

Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #13 on: August 26, 2007, 11:31:21 am »
The fourth place is shared by no less than three participants. They all scored the same

14 points

And the fourth place

goes to




Hamley's saddle catalog to all of you

Congratulations Fran, Ellemeno and FRontRanger  :D !!!
I am happy to be in such good company!!
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #14 on: August 26, 2007, 11:42:57 am »
Yee Haw, I am grateful for this award, and for the illustrious company it puts me in. 

I cannot tell a lie though -
.  I could not live a secret.

It's alright, it's alright.....

That's not cheating, it's only correcting an oversight. You've played fair and earned all the points you got. Additionally, we don't want to take everything too serious. It's all just for fun  :).

I'm happy you enjoyed the quiz.

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #15 on: August 26, 2007, 11:45:16 am »
I am happy to be in such good company!!

You are girl, you are indeed.
And I'm happy you (and everybody else) took the quiz

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #16 on: August 26, 2007, 02:41:35 pm »
AAAAAHHHHH!!!!  Thank you!  Thank you!  I'm feeling all Sally Field/Halle Berry at the Oscars here!  Like Whitney Houston, I get so emotional! 

I want to thank all the little people. . . 

Need a kleenex, bud?

But hold on a minute.  It looks like the also-rans' Hamley's catalogs are printed on better quality paper than my first-place belt buckle. . .  I want this travesty corrected NOW!  Don't make me have to call in Phillip.  If necessary, I will go to the top (Annie Proulx) to correct this.  You better fix it, cause I can't stand it.

Hey, it's not my fault when you have that old, cheap paper in your printer. Go buy a better quality paper and try again. Ask Annie. She always uses the best quality available on this planet:

Thank you, Peninsula, for

 :laugh: loved the peninsula  :laugh:

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #17 on: August 26, 2007, 02:53:28 pm »
Being as serious as I can get here. . . Thank you, Penthesilea, for the fun quiz and awards. 

You're welcome. And everybody who took the quiz  :).

I was ready to fight for my answer to Question 4.  To be honest, I didn't even think of the Tetons answer.  I knew where Ennis said he was supposed to be, but as far as I was concerned, he was supposed to be at his daughter's wedding by golly.  He'd be a sad, sorry daddy if he wasn't there. 

Oh, I forgot to meantion this in my additional notes. Of course the answer I had awaited was the roundup in the Tetons. But it's arguable and your answer is right, too. So no need to argue  ;D.

I love my belt buckle, but I hope you kept the receipt for the donkey or mule or whatever it is.  It frightens me!  Does the poor animal have the rabies or the distemper or something?  And do I have to pay taxes on my prizes? 

No taxes, this is only between the two, ten, thousands of us  ;).
And I would strongly recommend to keep the horse. You will be a rich man soon:

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #18 on: August 26, 2007, 03:20:04 pm »
We have yet another prize to hand out  :). We had a noncompetitive contribution to the quiz (because it was way past the time limit). But nontheless we congratulate


to completing the quiz successfull with 17 correct answers.

And here's your prize Jack:

So next time, you can spur your horse and hopefully it will bring you to the next quiz in time.

Congratulations Jack  :D !!!

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: Attention Quizzers - The Award Ceremony
« Reply #19 on: August 26, 2007, 03:38:48 pm »

Thank you.  Ya know, my silly answers didn't come because of beer.  You see, in your first post in the thread, you said the first prize was "The winner will get a b..... no, ain't sayin it yet."  I was hoping it was gonna be a "big, wet kiss from the Bettermostian of your choice," so I poured myself a tall glass of Scope in preparation.

I'm sorry if I have dissapointed you. I try to make up. How about a big, wet kiss from your new best friend? Ya know, the one who will make you rich? I think he deserves a big, wet kiss for all the money he will bring to you  ;)


  I was sippin' on it while I typed up my answers. 

Being German, I had to look up what Scope is, then my reaction was:

Did you know that stuff is as minty fresh coming up as it is going down?

I think I don't have enough "w" letters to tell you how much


this is  ;)