BetterMost Community Blogs > Jack's Ramblings

Favorite Songs of the Week

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I used to participate in another place a lot in a place where people listed favorite songs and even gave links to videos of the songs on YouTube and similiar sites. I am going to try to recreate that here.

oh no!! Youtube!!

*Jess flees thread!*

(I am on dialup....don't do the Youtube....but ya'll have a great time!!)

current favorite song?? Hummmmmmm......"All My Friends Say"

Yes, Jess, that is a GREAT song. I like that too. I will stay away from YouTube just for you  ;) I actually didn't ever end up watching many of those anyway. I never had enough time. Never enough time............


--- Quote from: jstephens9 on October 21, 2007, 10:56:09 am ---Yes, Jess, that is a GREAT song. I like that too. I will stay away from YouTube just for you  ;) I actually didn't ever end up watching many of those anyway. I never had enough time. Never enough time............

--- End quote ---
no no!

I didn't mean it like that! You go ahead...just don't expect me to watch all of them I am a bit selective with which of the videos I try to watch cause of the time it takes...I would enjoy seeing your selections and who knows...Jethro may get the lines good enough for DSL one of these days!

Jess if Jethro does get those lines for DSL, you'll never go back to dial up  :)


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