Author Topic: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?  (Read 48832 times)

Offline serious crayons

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #50 on: January 16, 2008, 01:58:34 pm »
Regarding Lureen attending college. Tell me how you found that out? Does it say somthing about her, you think?

Because at the charity dance, when LaShawn says she was a Tri Delt, Lureen says, "Oh, you was Tri Delt? I was Kappa Phi, myself."

Tri Delt and Kappa Phi are the names of college sororities.

What I think it says about her is that her father was wealthy.

Offline Artiste

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #51 on: January 16, 2008, 03:41:12 pm »
Thanks ineedcrayons!

Your comment is interesting when you say, proving about Lureen's education: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Quote from: Artiste on Today at 12:53:05 PM
Regarding Lureen attending college. Tell me how you found that out? Does it say somthing about her, you think?
... And indeecrayons you replied:
Because at the charity dance, when LaShawn says she was a Tri Delt, Lureen says, "Oh, you was Tri Delt? I was Kappa Phi, myself."

Tri Delt and Kappa Phi are the names of college sororities.

What I think it says about her is that her father was wealthy.


Ineedcrayons and to all: I had forgotten that! Thanks for remending me! Right, Lureen did studies therefore at college. That tells me that her education was mainly about accounting??

Her father was wealthy like you say, like she says, like the bartender says too.; any others say so??

It should also say regarding her education many other things?

You would think therefore since she is educated, intelligent, with family (her parents and their bussiness as she already had job with them and which she continues after marrying Jack), etc., that she would not get that pregnant that quick, nor get married that quickly?? I am being positive here, and not debasing her (is that the right word), like I said to each her/his choices in life, I say.

Plus, she surely would have met other young men in college??

Awaiting your news and that from others too,


Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #52 on: January 16, 2008, 03:49:35 pm »

          What is your motivation to prove, that she was pregnant before she married jack...What difference does it make?

i understand and respect your opinions...But you seem very determined to have her be pregnant....Why i ask?

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Offline Artiste

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #53 on: January 16, 2008, 05:39:12 pm »
Thanks ifyoucantfixit!

You say: What is your motivation to prove, that she was pregnant before she married jack...What difference does it make?

i understand and respect your opinions...But you seem very determined to have her be pregnant....Why i ask?


I do not know why. Guess Lureen wants and wanted always to protect herself... maybe, since I feel that. Is she pregnant before seeing Jack, is Jack the father, had she sex before seeing Jack, all things, add up and can say about her and life in general or specifically!! They say much!! And secrets too

Everything impacts!! Could it be that she is lesbian, and/or bi-, and or straight, or other???  It could be that she discovered that she was lesbian or bi-, but still wanted a child, a father or someone like that to her futur child, a husband - and so being pregnant BEFORE she met Jack[/i], she needs therefore a quick husband either to save face or something like that- we must not forget that her father loves that grand-son spoiling himit seems!!

Maybe she purposely sent her hat so that Jack, Mr. Handsome, as to-her-thought my-futur-quick-husband... I will fish him and reel him in quickly!!

The fact that the ways  that she accepts her husband, Jack, reveal too, that she maybe reallized what she was before she meets him, and/or after her marriage!!

Lureen is pregnant and wiill need money... since she wants that child!! She is happy to be pregnant! She somehow realizes that she needs money as security; but is having a husband and a father or like one to her child such securities too!! It is obvious that she has to keep face with her own family: her mother and especially her father as she said I must return home by midnight even if I have sex with you my new man Jack!!

Another puzzle is that we know that men do not talk!! I see that in TV soap operas all the time; even to-day watching one with my mother titled Terre Humain. She does ask her husband Jack, can't your friend come here to visit or fish... or something like that, but she does not stress her question or developp it further, why?? One of my brother's, his wife, asks so many questions to all, and if she does not get a reply she seems not given enough, she re-ask it or in many other ways!!  I feel strongly that Lureen would welcome opportunities to talk with Jack, but does not; why, why, why???

Lureen does engage in sex; is not afraid to do so with a stranger (Jack)! Ok, I can accept that readily, having a crush on him; but did she realized that maybe Jack was gay or bi, there and then during or just after that sexual relation, and during her hall attempt at cruising readily: are you wanting for a mating call?? -?? But she is the one who calls, mates - not Jack!!

Or should I say, barely Jack does the mating dance!!

Is it important that Lureen was pregnant when she met Jack? - I figure yes, for many reasons found and not found yet. Lureen is open and yet, secretive!! She probably or possibly only confided with her mother or others ladies... not with men nor to any man, not even to her husband, Jack!! She is  a detective!

Awainting your replies and from all of you too,


Offline Katie77

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #54 on: January 16, 2008, 06:34:35 pm »

Give me strength not to reply......please please......

.....done........saved a lot of typing of something that probably would have been deleted anyway............
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Offline Artiste

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #55 on: January 16, 2008, 07:08:52 pm »
Thanks Katie77!

Katie, I know that life is hard!! That is what the  BM movie is about and Annie's story... I figure. If Lureen was pregnant before she met Jack, that was her affaire and that is accepted by me. I think that I understand her now... more and more.

Since you give me no clues why you reply that way, you know that my weakness will keep on since you do not educate me.

Everyone has a closet, right? And problems. And more and more gays joys hopefully, I have not forgotten. And need more, like all amiable persons seek. Turbulence, we all take turns having some. After a tempest, there is often a gay rainbow to help me live better.

Awaiting your news,


Offline brokeplex

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #56 on: January 17, 2008, 01:36:19 am »

Lureen attended college, at least for a while, and most people here start college at 18. So she must be 19 or so at the very least when she meets Jack.

I thought I saw her UT ring on a chain around her neck in one of the scenes. I know that Lashawn attended SMU, but the somewhat burnt orange colorings of Lureen's  Rodeo outfit and the sorority she admitted belonging to makes me think that she was a UT Austin alum, my alma mater. I think she probably graduated, old L.D. is not going to finance his daughter's college and let her drop out. So she is probably 21.

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #57 on: January 17, 2008, 02:43:12 am »
Everything impacts! Could it be that she is lesbian, and/or bi-, and or straight, or other???  It could be that she discovered that she was lesbian or bi-, but still wanted a child, a father or someone like that to her futur child, a husband - and so being pregnant BEFORE she met Jack, she needs therefore a quick husband either to save face or something like that- we must not forget that her father loves that grand-son spoiling him it seems!!

Several men asked Lureen to dance, and she turned them down. If she just needed a quick husband, it would be easier to go with one of those men. Why would she wait instead for someone like Jack, who didn't seem too interested?  Unless she wasn't pregnant, and really felt something for him?

Lureen is pregnant and wiill need money... since she wants that child!! She is happy to be pregnant! She somehow realizes that she needs money as security; but is having a husband and a father or like one to her child such securities too!!

But remember, Jack has no money! Again, why would she pick him?  Unless she wasn't pregnant, and really felt something for him?

Offline LauraGigs

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #58 on: January 17, 2008, 02:52:06 am »
Quote from: Artiste
She does ask her husband Jack, can't your friend come here to visit or fish... or something like that, but she does not stress her question or developp it further, why??

She DOES, Artiste!  The scene goes like this:

  You know, you been going up to Wyoming all these years. Why can't your buddy come down here to Texas and fish?
JACK:  'Cause the Big Horn Mountains ain't in Texas. And I don’t think his pickup could make it here anyways . . .
 . . .Got fourteen hours of driving ahead of me.
LUREEN:  See. Now it don't seem fair, you goin' up there two or three times a year, him never comin' down here...

So she did.  And her concern here is that her husband Jack is not being treated fairly.  What is wrong with that?

Lureen does engage in sex; is not afraid to do so with a stranger (Jack)! Ok, I can accept that readily, having a crush on him . . .  and then during or just after that sexual relation, and during her hall attempt at cruising readily: are you wanting for a mating call?? But she is the one who calls, mates - not Jack!!

This is really irritating.  We're all fans of Brokeback Mountain, right?  Which means we have no problem with the idea of men having whatever kind of sex they prefer.  WHY, then, do people think that a woman initiating sex is such a radical, immoral thing?

Artiste, you've mentioned meeting guys you like and sleeping with them. But a woman (Lureen) goes out and does the same thing, and you're attributing all these unfavorable characteristics to her (pushy, aggressive, butch, lesbian, secretive, knowing about Jack's murder, etc.) If you hold it against women to behave the same way that you do, you are PREJUDICED and have a DOUBLE STANDARD.

Offline brokeplex

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Re: TOTW 02/08: Was Lureen pregnant when she met Jack?
« Reply #59 on: January 17, 2008, 11:06:20 am »

Artiste, you've mentioned meeting guys you like and sleeping with them. But a woman (Lureen) goes out and does the same thing, and you're attributing all these unfavorable characteristics to her (pushy, aggressive, butch, lesbian, secretive, knowing about Jack's murder, etc.) If you hold it against women to behave the same way that you do, you are PREJUDICED and have a DOUBLE STANDARD.

I will not presume to speak for the articulate Artiste, but I suspect that what Artiste is referring to is the incongruity of her sexual aggressiveness. I am about 15 years younger than Lureen, but grew up in a small rural Texas community similar to Childress. In the time that I grew up, women from respectable backgrounds did not overtly show the type of aggressiveness that Lureen showed with Jack. There are many more oblique ways to show sexual interest and women certainly could get the point across without hooting the mating call. Jack of course had his attention on both Lureen and the guys in the room, perhaps Lureen was challenged by his lack of drooling interest.

 I don't think that it is inconceivable that Lureen thought that Jack might make a convenient, and submissive husband. She grew up in an environment where the traditional roles of women are emphasized, she had an overpowering father, she is possibly not interested in a man who would be like her father. Furthermore, if you accept that she is pregnant (and if you do the math on Bobby being 8 months old when Jack visits Ennis in Sept 1967 I don't see how you can avoid that conclusion), then the word may have gotten around among the eligible men in her nouveau riche social circuit ("she's damaged goods boys") and Jack may have been her best prospect.