Author Topic: "Are Gay Relationships Different? - TIME  (Read 5468 times)


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Re: "Are Gay Relationships Different? - TIME
« Reply #10 on: January 21, 2008, 09:18:24 am »
Unfortunately 1969 is 2008 in some parts of the US. Why is it some straight people think every gay relationship is a perpetual penis quest? God, that makes me so mad I feel like going outside and boxing someone's ears. When I look at my boyfriend, or even think about him for that matter, I see much more than his penis. I see his eyes, his hair, his intellect, his love for me, the way he smells, the way he holds me, the way he looks at me. His penis is only a part of him. There is sooo much more to Alex than just his penis!

But.... I also think the gay community has failed in some ways. Let's face it folks, Gay Pride Parades are wonderful  but waving 8 foot dildos in front of a homophobic crowd is NOT the way to earn respect. We won't get anywhere until we begin to act responsibly.

If we, as gay people INSIST on acting differently, the world will continue to treat us differently and this means continued separation from mainstream society. Having pride in who we are is very important, but we also must work to conform.

Okay. I said it. And now I feel better.

well ear boxing is not a good answer!

thank you David. that is clear and concise. and THANK you expecially for the part about Alex....that is touching and to me helps to show that there really isnt' that much difference between us, gays and straights. being gay or straight is not just about the sexual organs of the preferred partner. That diminishs everyone. Women are not breasts and vaginas...they are PEOPLE. and the things that men love about women is the same things that Lesbians love about them. The same is true for men. They are not penises..and the things that women love about men, are the same things gay men love. when you look at it like that we really AREN'T so different at all...

 :-* :-* :-*