Author Topic: Love Scene  (Read 22971 times)

Offline Mandy21

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #30 on: September 12, 2008, 03:38:52 pm »
You've got me giggling with your giggling and your impatience.  How cute that you called your husband to confirm.  I'm sure you'll have even more interesting conversations in person when he gets home tonight.

DIDN'T I TELL YOU??????  It's hysterical, what men are thinking, of all the texts and subtexts and hidden meanings.  Yeah, I didn't even go into all the different ways they think about hugging when someone is just a friend vs. a girlfriend vs. a wife vs. a mistress vs. a family member, blah blah blah.  It's unbelievable....  Where in the heck did they learn all this?  Was this some male detention thing, that the girls weren't invited to?  I don't know.

I just know it's true.  And I've never had a single hug since then from a man, that I didn't think about that enlightening conversation.

Don't think at all when I'm hugging a girlfriend, or female family member.  Just feels genuine...

Yes, you're right.  We've sort of derailed this topic. 

Right, back on track now, girl!
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Offline Katie77

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #31 on: September 12, 2008, 07:06:35 pm »
Oh no....dont stop......HUGS ARE WONDERFUL.

I too, am a hugger, and I have found these posts so interesting and in some ways telling me what I have subconciously noticed but never been able to explain or thought to explain before.

Its funny how Fiona puts it, and I too am sitting here giggling, because Ive seen it all, felt it all and for the first time its all been put into context.

One of you should start a thread on HUGS.....using some of the posts here to start it off. Im sure you will get some interesting responses.
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Offline optom3

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #32 on: September 12, 2008, 09:07:55 pm »
Well here's something interesting.My oldest son,who is now as you all know very stable and well, and I were talking about this subject.Until he became very ill he had always been a very tactile person.Then it all stopped and now I notice if I pick him up from friends houses, he will quite often,give the guys a hug.
I asked him about it tonight and he was just like sure,why not he's my mate.He hugs his new friend who is gay,and I asked him about that, his reply,look mum,he hasn't got a boyfriend, he doesn't get many hugs,what's the problem,I like him,people can make of it wht they want.(way to go son)

My younger son who is 11 still hugs me at the bus stop,which his friends all find odd.Hecould not care less.
So I wonder if it is partly to do with how you are brought up.I have always been very tactile with my kids.They used to get masages when they were babies.They still like them now.
I also do a sort of reflexology on their feet with lavender oil if they are a bit stressed,It is not the real McCoy, more a foot rub.My middle son goes wild for it.I give them all head massages.Even my oldest these days will sometimes come and sit and have his neck and shoulders rubbed.
He will also catch me by surprise in the kitchen and ask for a hug.The other day he said we don't do this often enough do we. !!!!! Jaw drop.
Part of it I know is this new gay friend who I overheard telling him,mums are the best,never hurt your mum.My heart turned to mush!!

The rest of it for men, I am sure, is how your parents act around you when you are a young boy.My family wre never demonstrative, until my father suddenly started when I was about 30.My brother is very awqward with hugs, he tries to push away.I have always loved hugs so I think, after much consideration,it is almost an inate thing in girls, as they are not censored for it.For boys I believe it is what they see growing up.
When we left to come here,I remember saying to my husband, when you say goodbye to your mum, for heavens sake hug her.She is going to be so upset.He did bless him, and the look in her eye was beyond price.

I don't go round hugging trees, but I do love to hug my family and for that matter my animals.The amount of peace and general well being that can be derived from a hug is immeasurable.You feel warm,secure and safe.Maybe it even dates back to the warmth and security of the womb.

So back to BBM, hugs are  one of the reasons I love the film. The reunion scene,squeeze the bones hug.I love the snuggly dozy embrace hug, and I love the simplicity of just knowing you're there  and for the moment you're mine, protective hug in the very last tent scene, where Ennis even in sleep has his arm round Jack.The last hug after the, you been to Mexico scene, is heart rending,it is so desperate.They hug just as hard as in the reunion scene,but it is clinging onto the remains for dear life sort of hug.Ending in the hugging of the lost love, as potrayed by Ennis hugging the 2 shirts so tightly and lovingly to his chest.

We have a real relationship, where hot raw sex,tender explorative sex and real affection are demonstrated.The hugs are fundamental, as they almost chart the progress of the love.

The film therefore touches on all my physcal emotions,from arousal, through discovery and love, to desperation and the almost palpable sense, that after the Mexico scene,it is all going to go horribly wrong.

Offline Artiste

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2008, 07:25:57 pm »
And, that reminds me, to think now how many hugs there are in those Love Scenes, between Ennis and Jack?

Offline optom3

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2008, 08:45:08 pm »
And, that reminds me, to think now how many hugs there are in those Love Scenes, between Ennis and Jack?

Not enough !!!

Offline Artiste

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2008, 10:28:59 pm »
Merci optom !

Many of us, like you and I, might think that there were not enough hugs between Ennis and Jack !!

However, this Brokeback Mountain movie, might be one which broke records, maybe, for a male hugging another male ?

Especially for mutual male hugging ??

Au revoir,

Offline Artiste

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2008, 10:33:49 pm »
On my thread about the movie Days of Wine and Roses, 1962, I just added:
        There is nothing more precious than a human mind... and a hug given to another person and/or received gladly ! ?          - Those are my words!

That is my expression, and that is very important too for you, in this Brokeback Mountain movie ?

Offline Gabreya

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #37 on: September 14, 2008, 12:35:02 am »

And you're welcome, Mandy21, optom, Artiste, and everyone else.

Yes, I do agree with the whole expressions dealing with Ennis and Jack in both tent scenes. I think, despite that both scenes are extremely different on the intimacy situation, those scenes how the growing attraction had finally taken center stage. It was clear that they both liked eachother but was afraid to admit it to eachother. They didn't have the words to say it or describe it. They couldn't just tell eachother that they like eachother as in a crush-like attraction. That wasn't very manly like on their part. Acting upon it was the other option. It was to show through action instead of words. And Jack, being the kind of edgy, goofball, risktaker he is, had made the move on Ennis. Ennis, the shy, quiet, and a bit introverted guy, didn't know how to react to this and he was completely shocked. Btw, in my opinion, when Jack had reached over to have Ennis touch him, he was in a way telling him he was sexually attracted to him at that point. That, freaked Ennis out at first because he had no idea that Jack was 'FEELING' ;) that way because him. I mean, he was feeling like that, too, but it was kept under control until Jack stepped in. Like some of the others were saying in the past, it became apparant to Ennis in the middle of the scene that Jack seriously wanted him badly. Yet, he couldn't deny to himself that he wanted Jack, as well. Jack was the one who started the initmacy that's happening and Ennis finally starts to get in on the act when he's overcome by raw passion.

The second one is just dealing with, "Okay. So, we've already made love last night and we don't know where this is going. So, I guess we should go ahead with it because we can't hide from it forever." And yes, it was very romantic and cute. It's the first time, they've kissed, tenderly. Now, when I first seen them kiss, I didn't think anything of it. I didn't have a problem with it. I actually found it adorable. And being a straight girl, I found it natural. Jack was basically telling him that he cared and was willing to welcome him right then and there.
Like I said in another thread I think, Ennis was "surrendering" himself to Jack because he felt like he wanted to feel his warmth around him after a day of guilt ridden feelings and confusion.
Plus, it's a reminder on how committed and brave both Heath and Jake were. Everytime I see that scene,(and forgive me if I'm going a bit off topic) I think how these two actors didn't complain or fuss about how they were gonna do their love scenes. They've went over it and discussed it with eachother. And I think a lot of trust had to do with it. Plus, not once have they said some bad things about eachother like some actors would do. It's amazing. Personally, I don't think there would've been any other two actors who would've done the same like they did. They're opposites just like Ennis and Jack, yet just like them, they worked out well. They display some of the best pair actors on screen I've ever seen.

And yes, hugging is wonderful. I love hugging. There's nothing wrong with two females hugging, two males hugging, or all in all. Hugging helps a lot.

Offline Artiste

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #38 on: September 14, 2008, 08:23:59 pm »
Merci Gabreya !

Your post is very interesting!

Since you say:    both (tent)   scenes are extremely different on the intimacy situation,              did you noticed the differences in hugging ??

The hugs are different ? That puzzled me  firstly! Does it to you too??

Au revoir,

Offline Gabreya

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Re: Love Scene
« Reply #39 on: September 14, 2008, 09:51:24 pm »
Well, Artiste, what I meant by the intimacy being different from each of the two tent scenes was that that one was focusing on the exploding, rising passion these two held in for so long while the other was all about finding love and comforting.

I think that the hugging isn't really that different. Maybe different on the levels of intimacy but it means affection. Oh and I agree with the person here that said that there weren't enough hugging between the two of them in this movie. But, that's all right.

Sorry if I confused you on the passiong part. :)