Author Topic: After watching my DVD a half Dozen times  (Read 26229 times)

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Re: After watching my DVD a half Dozen times
« Reply #90 on: April 09, 2006, 11:39:34 am »
Do you seriously expect anyone to believe that a parent with two small children wouldn't object to the bikers' language just because the children are too young to understand it? Bullshit. Or, I'm glad you're not the other parent of my kids, if I had kids.

What were the bikers doing?  They had come to a public festival, sat down, and were having a private conversation in their very salty language.  They were not insulting anyone nor causing a disturbance.

Then what happens?  A family man with two little kids, a toddler and an infant tells them to watch their language so his kids aren't offended.

THEN the guys get insulting.  So, what would any parent do?  Stand up and start a fight?  Right, whatever.   I would - as Alma suggested to Ennis - just move.  Sounds more reasonable, right?

Obviously aside from gathering the strength to divorce their spouses and getting together, infidelity is the only option for them TO be together.

You know damn well I'm not talking about fidelity to the legal spouses.

Then that's the only 'infidelity' I know.  Otherwise, all I know is cheating on a monogamous partner, but that's only if there is a prior understanding between the two partners in a relationship that that is how it's going to be. Jeff, I wonder how long you've been dating when you say things like this.  With no understanding of a relationship, no promise for the future, no assurance of when they were going to see each other again, Jack was well within his rights to find what he needed outside a very tenuous 'official' relationship.

Well, I'd be interested in hearing what you suggest because if one person is craving the touch of another person of the same sex as a lover, it seems that the only other option IS just more infidelity.

Touch had nothing to do with it. Jack just wants to get fucked. Ever hear of a dildo? There, I've said it!

Sorry guy, masturbation certainly isn't 'getting fucked'.  It's like all those jokes you hear in teenybopper movies - they don't count having sex with yourself as 'real' sex.  Jack was probably already having sex with himself in those 5 years when he probably was faithful to Ennis.  Maybe he was getting sex from Lureen.  Then Ennis tells him the horrible news that they will not EVER live together and this once or twice a year thing is it.  That's not an affirmation of a relationship.  Jack again, is well within his rights to go find what he wants.

Running up to Wyoming unannounced just because he got word that Ennis's divorce had been finalized is not a very adult course of action

Adult?  Very much so.

Not in my world.

OK.  But yours is not the only world.

It sounds like a man carried away by love.  Adults do that all the time.  Some do it to surprise their loved ones.  You know, fun and romantic?  If you don't have a story like this, sure no problem, but that doesn't make people who don't have such stories more 'adult' or 'responsible'  than people who do.

I don't deal in "fun" and "romantic." Anyone who shows up as Jack did, unannounced, is indeed behaving less responsibly and less like an adult.

OK, but since there is no handbook on what is adult behavior, I - and probably many other people - don't agree.  I've known acquaintances who've flown and driven across entire countries to surprise their loved ones.