Author Topic: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan  (Read 32126 times)

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Re: OT: Britney Spears is baring it all in her career revitalization plan
« Reply #30 on: July 02, 2006, 07:45:07 pm »

Oh you got that right, Del. 

After a while it was like "Demi Moore naked?" 

Chut up!

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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #31 on: February 17, 2007, 01:12:26 pm »
I haven't posted anything on our friend Britney for awhile but she's had a busy few months. First a baby, then the announcement of a divorce, and then lots of partying....lots and lots of partying. So much so that it appears her friends and family staged an intervention and got her to go to rehab, where she lasted for 24 hours.

She got back to LA and decided she needed a new look and some new tattoos...

You can read more here:
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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #32 on: February 17, 2007, 01:22:43 pm »
I haven't posted anything on our friend Britney for awhile but she's had a busy few months. First a baby, then the announcement of a divorce, and then lots of partying....lots and lots of partying. So much so that it appears her friends and family staged an intervention and got her to go to rehab, where she lasted for 24 hours.

She got back to LA and decided she needed a new look and some new tattoos...

You can read more here:

I saw it on People online where they cheerfully document Britney's process of becoming bald. They have actual pictures of Britney shaving her head. I'm not sure if Britney has an actual case of drug/alcohol abuse. Partying a lot doesn't necessarily means you are hooked on drugs or alcohol. It seems to me this is nothing but a publicity stunt. She's about to launch a new album, and is seeking as much publicity as she can get. There's no such a thing like bad publicity, is there?
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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #33 on: February 17, 2007, 01:41:38 pm »
Thanks for that photo tip, Natali...from People:

As for good vs. bad publicity...I don't think her antics of late are necessarily helping her career!

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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #34 on: February 19, 2007, 08:19:13 pm »
Well, ole Brit might be a bald drunk and a fool throwing her career down the drain with her constant stupidity, but she sure has privileges!!!!

Britney Almost Missed Flight Back to L.A.

By Steve Helling

An out-of-breath and disheveled Britney Spears almost lost it when she learned she might miss her flight to Los Angeles on Friday, an eyewitness tells PEOPLE.

Carrying two small bags, Spears, 25, ran through Miami International Airport to catch her American Airlines flight. But when she arrived at the gate and handed her boarding pass to the ticket agent, she was informed that the walkway had been retracted from the plane and the flight was closed.

"She was really upset," says David Paulsen, a passenger at an adjoining gate. "She (said) to the agent, 'I've got to get on this plane to get home to my kids.' She looked like she was about to cry."

Paulson says the ticket agent called the pilot and requested that Spears be allowed on the flight: "'I've got Britney Spears here and she wants to get on the plane.'" After a pause, the agent said, "'No, I'm serious. Can we get her on the plane?'" A few seconds later, the agent smiled and nodded to Spears, and the walkway was extended again.

When Paulson later approached the ticket agent about Spears, he was told that it was, indeed, the pop star and she had gotten one of the very last seats on a full plane, with first class entirely booked.

An American Airlines spokesperson tells PEOPLE that it's not unusual for the airline to allow late arrivals on the plane as long as it doesn't delay the flight. The final decision is left up to the cockpit crew and gate agents.

As a visibly relieved Spears was about to board the plane, Paulson says, she stopped to give an autograph to the agent, and then turned to the crowd of onlookers and waved. "'God bless!'" she said, as she got on the plane.,,20012207_20012293,00.html
Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement. -Mark Twain.

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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #35 on: February 19, 2007, 09:05:22 pm »
Unless she has a hit song sometime soon, that might be the last time she gets a plane to re-open its doors for her....

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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #36 on: February 20, 2007, 04:55:05 am »
Her life just keeps getting more and more bizarre.

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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #37 on: February 20, 2007, 09:00:11 am »
An interesting commentary from the BBC:

 Mark of a woman
By Denise Winterman
BBC News Magazine

That pop star Britney Spears is having a few problems, few would disagree. But after months of reckless behaviour, shaving her head is seen as her most shocking act yet. Why?

It's been a hectic few months for Britney Spears since filing for divorce. Forgetting to wear knickers on numerous nights out, swapping clothes and partying with strippers, drinking in the street, smoking too much, driving with a baby on her lap - we've all seen the pictures.

But after all the gloating and mocking in the media, the once virginal pop star has crossed the line of what will be tolerated - she shaved her head at the weekend.

For most it is conformation that her life is in free fall, that she is on the edge of a breakdown and in need of help. But why is shaving her locks equated with losing her mind, and why does it still have such a power to shock?

Any significant social movement in recent history has been characterised by hair, be it a punk rocker's Mohican or a hippy's centre-parted locks. It is unusual for a clique or a group not to use hair to make a statement.

"Hair is so significant because of what it is and where it is," says Dr Martin Skinner, social psychologist at the University of Warwick.

Bad hair day

"It is part of us, much more intimate than things like clothes. If you cut it away, you are cutting away a bit of yourself. Whatever we do with it is very much part of our identity."

In Britney's case the act holds so much symbolism because her blonde locks were her trademark. The cultural significance of a woman's hair means it is one of the most public sanctions that can be imposed on them by themselves or others, say psychologists.

So why is hair - particularly long hair - viewed as such a defining part of a woman and inextricably linked to femininity?

Zoologist Desmond Morris says a women's penchant for long hair could be a remnant of the age when our ancestors were apes - a female's long locks gave her babies something to hang on to.

In recent times, he argues that women have styled their hair to reflect their self-image, with long hair suggesting a certain availability.

Nature also plays a role. People are programmed to take notice of hair because it is a secondary sexual characteristic.


"Thick, healthy, long, glossy hair or fur is seen as a sign of good hormonal health and is one of the things animals use to select a mate - humans are no different," says evolutionary psychologist Nick Neave, of Northumbria University.

Why long hair is so linked to femininity could come down to many things, say experts. It is about youth, health, grace and movement.

Just look at shampoo advertisements, typically featuring models swinging their long, glossy locks. And look at how much the average women spends on her hair - £600 a year, according to one study. Men spend just £90.

How this association started is not so easy to answer, but it has been entrenched in what is seen as the feminine for centuries, says psychologist Lorraine Sherr. "As far back as cavemen, there are drawings of women with longer, glossier hair."

Historically a shaven head has always had meaning - and in a woman's case, mostly negative. It has been used a badge of shame, often linked to sexual promiscuity. During World War II, for example, French women who fraternised with German soldiers were punished by having their heads shaved.

The reason why it is still so shocking is because it steps outside what society considers to be "the norm".

"When a woman does something like shave her head it is not what society would expect of her, or dictates to her," says psychologist Simon Moore. "People don't like it because they don't know how to act, they don't know what it means.

"By shaving her head Britney Spears has put herself outside of the box marked 'pop princess'. Before it was one of her defining features and now she is flying in the face of that girlie image."

To make sense of such an act, society falls back on more stereotypes and labels. When Natalie Portman shaved her head for a film role, she felt the reaction would be entirely predictable: "Some people will think I'm a neo-Nazi or that I have cancer or I'm a lesbian."


A shaved head being a "cry for help" or a sign of illness are "acceptable" reasons and people know how to respond. Television presenter Gail Porter went from dizzy lads' mag favourite to dignified woman after her hair loss was revealed to be down to alopecia.

Looking for any other reason would involve thinking, something people just don't have time to do in today's hectic world.

"We rely on visual cues to make snap decisions," says Mr Moore. "People lead busy lives and like anything that allows them to make judgements quickly. Hair is a hugely important cue."

Nicki Hastie, 37, shaved her head nearly 20 years ago in what she describes as "an act of self-love" which makes her feel alive and attractive.

"It's not an act of self-loathing or being mad or close to the edge," she says. "It's about doing something for yourself, despite all the pressures out there to conform."

Reactions over the years have ranged from shouts of "Sinead" and "GI Jane" to people laughing out loud in the street.

"We need to widen what's acceptable for women and men, and accept there are different layers of femininity and masculinity in one person."

She says far from it being a sign of losing control, maybe Britney shaving her head could be an attempt to empower herself.

Hair is often used as a prop to declare a change and the start of a new chapter in a life - it is just a very extreme way of doing it. But then Britney's life, played out in front of us all, has never been normal.
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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #38 on: February 20, 2007, 09:21:15 am »
The woman is having a melt-down that's for sure.

About the plane letting her on after it had already retracted the walkway...I bet she was flying first class.  This happens quite a bit.  There are several stories about people rushing to catch planes that are pulling away and begging to be let on.  The first question almost always asked is 'Are they first class passengers?'.  If yes, the plane returns, if you're a coach, enjoy the wait until you can catch the next flight.  :P  Money certainly has its privileges.

Shaving her head...   ??? ??? ???  The gods know what the woman was thinking.   It was probably impulse.  This is the same woman who dyes her hair brown in the morning, panicks, then wants it back to blonde by evening.  Cuts it short in the evening, then wants it long the next day.

Well, there's no going back from a shaved head.  She's stuck with wearing hats and wigs and scarves for a while.

As for:

And look at how much the average women spends on her hair - £600 a year, according to one study. Men spend just £90.

Well, maybe if hair salons charged the same for short hair as they do for long, maybe my hair care bill would be a lot less expensive than it is now.

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Re: OT: Britney Spears Ongoing Career Revitalization Plan
« Reply #39 on: February 21, 2007, 07:40:36 am »
Apparently, as of today, Britney is back in rehab. She checked herself into an undisclosed rehab facility in Los Angeles.

Now we'll see if this lasts longer than the in-and-out rehab visit of last week.

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