"You have no idea how bad it gets! I'm not you. I can't make it on couple of high altitude f--ks once or twice a year!"
Especially because neither Indiana nor South Carolina is high-altitude, hunh? Kidding. Tell you what, dly, I am very impressed. Working that phrase into your ordinary (or, sounds like in this case, not-so-ordinary) conversation earns you SEVEN EXTRA BONUS POINTS. Here they are:
And F-R, do you suspect your boss is a closet Brokie? The phrase isn't
exact, but it's suspiciously close, as if he's trying to cover by substituting jargon. For responding with "Hunh?" -- a valiant attempt to draw him into a conversation in Brokie-ese -- you get ONE bonus point.
Sorry, but you would have earned TWO if your response had been "For how long?" just to see if your boss would reply, "Long as we can stay atop of it. Ain't no control mechanism on this one."