Author Topic: ~~THE PERFORMANCE THREAD~~ **aside** ((action)) %%thought%%  (Read 1736531 times)

Offline DeeDee

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(( Ennis hears a sound and turns to find Jack standing behind him.))

Hey bud, ya ok?  I wuz jes' looking for sumthin' ta eat, but all I see are mushrooms, and don' think they look so good.  Maybe we can cook up some blueberries, if thats ok with ya.

%% Tha only thing I wan' for suppa is right behind me. Gettin' all sweaty jes' thinkin' about it.%%

(( Ennis stops to look at the mountainside, which is all torn up.))

Somethin' been eatin' up this countryside, bud and I tell ya, hope it ain't no Ky-ote, cause Mr. Raymille uh, fish and game don' wan' us killin off no animals.
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

((grins and nods at Ennis.))

%% OK? With you beside me how could I not be? %%

Well, let's see what we can find back at camp. I ken make some coffee at least. I know we got that. I think we got some honey... you want soma' that?

((Jack goes silent, uncertain of what to say next to this mysterious person that he has come to love so much. Not really a stranger anymore, but they had only been together for a few months. There was so much of Ennis's childhood that he wanted to know about, and he even wanted to know what this girl Alma was like. So much to know, and so little time.))

Uh, Ennis...?

((Jack stopped after they had walked for a little ways back towards the camp. Ennis was close to him... what another might consider uncomfortably close, but for Jack it felt just right. Jack looked up at Ennis and could see some fear flickering in his eyes. What was wrong? He remembered Ennis's gaze so strongly from their lovemaking. It was filled with love and wonder. That seems to have been clouded over now. What could he do about it?))
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 04:46:57 pm by Daniel »
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Pipedream

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** Excuse me, Ms. Property Master, our research indicates that if you were to incorporate more alluring images into your commercials you would experience a 38% increase in sales, although I'm afraid there's little we can do about the organic fertilizer. Sales for that are just plummeting.**

** Well, your research ain't worth a damn then, Mr. Marketing Advisor. Actually, Owl Olivia's Finest is our most successful product on here! The sales have sky-rocketed since we advertised it. A lot of stores ran out of owl poop within hours and had to order more. Owl Olivia already had to employ hundreds of assistants to meet the huge demand! **

** A lot of zoological and botanical gardens use it now to fertilize their lawns. Because of the impressive results in their parks, some town councils have already put up owl sculptures. **

** So what exactly was yer point, Mr. Advisor? **   ::)
« Last Edit: October 12, 2006, 08:09:52 am by Pipedream »

Offline Lumière

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** So what exactly was yer point, Mr. Advisor? **   ::)

Gee....great work there Ms Spanky!  You are definitely ontop of the game there!  ;D  You really know your shit stuff!
I guess the point is - Don't mess with the OWL MANURE, it is actually what is keeping this production afloat!

All praise Olivia and her very very very active bowels!   ;D

« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 05:30:23 pm by Lucise »

Offline alec716

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((A skilled lover, Terry gently, but ever so ardently, works JBB into a frenzy of excitement. Feeling suddenly bold, JBB rolls on top of Terry and sinks his ridge deeply into Terry's soft folds, feeling the warmth of a volcano spread slowly from his flat edge to his lid, before erupting (a little sooner than he'd have liked :-\) in a crescendo of ecstasy he'd barely thought existed before now.

=cut to money shot=

Drawing a barely captured breath through a smile that feels as though it will never leave him, JBB is eventually able to relax his lid enough to feel as though he is sinking into the groundsheet below... he offers up a silent prayer of thanks...))

%% Dear Lord, by all that is creamy and intensely moisturising, please never send this warshcloth from me...%%

(( That spring, hungry for any job, TERRY CLOTH and JBB had each signed up with Sacred Relic Employment -- they had come together onscreen as warshrag and campy make-your-arse-tender lotion for the same HIGH PRIESTESS gender reassignment operation movie operation north of they-can't-get-their-Signals-straight-on-this-Thread.  So much was happening, and so quickly.  Now in the Tent Where All Looks Right and All IS Right, TERRY CLOTH lies under a well-hung Nelson Mandala and wrapped around JBB overwhelmed and spent, supple as never before, reveling in the musky scent of JBB and the Mountain and the FSD's long-composted piney cowboy thingie.  To his surprise, as he drifts off to sleep, he finds that he likes these scents even better than the Props Magician's lavender and jasmine detergent or the mouse-breath of his Owlma who waits to marry him and nest with him when he comes down off the Mountain.  ))

((  TERRY CLOTH awoke in white lotion with his fluff around his knees, a top-grade threadcount, and JBB uncapped against him; without saying anything about it both knew how it would go for the rest of the Performance Thread, SHEEP be damned.  ))

« Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 12:02:34 pm by alec716 »
"... he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream."

Offline welliwont

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This part has been filled - but leaving this up for high class entertainment.


We interrupt this fine production once again because we have an unexpected opening for one of the premium parts in our show.  The ac-tor who was to play Joe Aguirre has been picked up on vagrancy charges and is in the clink.  We just found out today, when in fact he has been in there for two weeks!  And since Director Raymille is not around to work his seductive magic at the county lock-up to spring this wayward Player, there's nothin' we can do, I guess.

The Show Must Go On as they always say, and to that end we I am issuing an Emergency Casting Call to all BetterMostians.

Part to be filled:  Joe Aguirre

Requirements of the position:
  • must have a sour pus puss

Must be:
  • loutish
  • oafish
  • ornery
  • gruff
  • cantankerous
  • boorish
  • all-around miserable ol cuss

Pay will be a stipend only, and the successful candidate must sign a waiver promising not to cause himself any litigious embarrassment post performance.

Would any interested candidates please report to Director Raymille’s Sycophantic Assistant Clarissa (Ellemeno) at soon as possible.  Thank you.**

« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 07:16:29 pm by JakeTwist »
Then the clouds opened up and God said, "I hate you, Alfafa."

Offline Ellemeno

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((comes fumbling out from behind the stage curtain to announce))

The part of Aguirre will be played by long-time CTer, Lee Front-Ranger.

« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 07:06:39 pm by Ellemeno »

Offline saucycobblers

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  • Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.
((Meanwhile, back at the camp, a hungry coyote is looking for some tasty morsels left over from dinner, and trots right into the Tent, heedlessly stepping on JBB and nuzzling Terry, picking up an unusual and unappetizing scent.  He backs away from the musky-smelling washcloth, knocks over the coffeepot, finds a few burned beans on the ground next to the firepit and snaps them up.

((  TERRY CLOTH awoke in white lotion with his fluff around his knees, a top-grade threadcount, and JBB uncapped against him; without saying anything about it both knew how it would go for the rest of the Performance Thread, SHEEP be damned.  ))

((Lying there in the closest thing to heaven he has ever known, JBB becomes worried. TERRY pulls JBB closer, the silent embrace satisfying some sticky and loopless hunger. He knows what he has to tell TERRY, bites down the words, fearful of chasing the dream state that has enveloped him away forever. JBB feels like he's in a headlong, irreversible fall. Softly, ever so softly, JBB whispers...))

** Terry? Buddy? I got sumthin' to tell ya**

((JBB suddenly feels like his guts are bein' flushed outa his tube...))

** Hot damn... smells like some kinda mongrel!**
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 06:42:35 pm by saucycobblers »
Will you stop playing with that radio of yours, I'm trying to get to sleep!

Offline Daniel

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  • I lost myself to him.

**It seems that our research left out those special niche markets. Taking that into account we do see a 58% increase in revenue sales from organic fertilizer since its introduction earlier this quarter. As much as we would have hoped it was not that large a cash-cow, we can only sheepishly suggest that the organic fertlizer not be taken off the market and that advertising should be continued. It seems that the brand recognition is almost entirely based on word-of-mouth advertising, and we do suggest a more lucrative advertisement campaign for this product. We'll have some of our best advertising agents get on this right away.**
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline DeeDee

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((grins and nods at Ennis.))

%% OK? With you beside me how could I not be? %%

Well, let's see what we can find back at camp. I ken make some coffee at least. I know we got that. I think we got some honey... you want soma' that?

((Jack goes silent, uncertain of what to say next to this mysterious person that he has come to love so much. Not really a stranger anymore, but they had only been together for a few months. There was so much of Ennis's childhood that he wanted to know about, and he even wanted to know what this girl Alma was like. So much to know, and so little time.))

Uh, Ennis...?

((Jack stopped after they had walked for a little ways back towards the camp. Ennis was close to him... what another might consider uncomfortably close, but for Jack it felt just right. Jack looked up at Ennis and could see some fear flickering in his eyes. What was wrong? He remembered Ennis's gaze so strongly from their lovemaking. It was filled with love and wonder. That seems to have been clouded over now. What could he do about it?))


(( Ennis turns toward Jack feeling a little hungover from the intoxicating last hour.))

Uh, whut?  Oh yeah honey sounds great. With the bluberries and honey we kin make us some preserves.. how's that sound to ya? 

%% Whut I wanna do with them preserves can git a man kilt roun' these parts, but there ain't no one here fer miles.%%

Hey Twist, let me show ya whut we do with preserves round here

(( With the blueberries in his hand, Ennis tries to shove them down Jack's pants, but Jack sprints away, and in 2 minutes, Ennis grabs him from behind and has him on the ground.
There lips come together and as they frantically start to undress, Low startle point horse is kicking up a storm, probably wanting to know why her beloved Jack is squealing like that.))



** Weeks later**

(( Ennis walking around the campsite watching Jack cook dinner and knowing he has to go up to them sheep soon, but wants one more night.))

%% Every single night that passes, bringin' me closer to leavin' this mountain is breaking ma heart%%

((Ennis comes up behind Jack and doesn't care about any food and brings him into the tent))
« Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 08:17:55 pm by DeeDee »
In America sex is an obsession.  In other parts of the world it is a fact.

Marlene Dietrich