Author Topic: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix  (Read 53797 times)

Offline jstephens9

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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2008, 02:11:25 am »
It's time to add a few songs to my favorite songs of all time. How am I going to keep up with all of these  :)

Here is a song that I liked from the very first time I ever heard it and I have never got tired of it. There is something about the sound of this song I have always loved. Since I figured out how to add youtube songs if they don't work I am not putting the words in for now..........

What It's Like by Everlast


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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2008, 02:21:51 am »
I remember first hearing this song in the parking lot in front of Sears at the Asheville Mall when I worked there. It hadn't been long since I went with my parents to New Orleans for the first time on the way to my sister's house in Houston. This to me was a New Orleans sounding song and I have no idea whether it was ever meant to be or not, but I immediately found out who it was by and what the song was. It helped that I was working in the record department at Sears and I did love that job. And this is one of those where you have to click on the link........this is stupid YouTube!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sultans of Swing by Dire Straits

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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2008, 02:41:58 am »
I really could not find a good YouTube of this song, so I guess this will have to do. Put yourself back into the early 1990s and this was a song that I would say let's get out out on the dance floor. Beyond that it reminds me of my manys days in Winston-Salem, NC with Jimmy and Rick..........times that will never be forgotten.......


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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2008, 03:00:32 am »
Ever wonder where Rap first started? Well here is a good start............I'm not even sure anyone knew that this song was the first of what would become a new type of music. At the time it was just a new song, but the future was yet to be...............

Rapper's Delight by The Sugar Hill Gang


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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2008, 03:35:15 am »
My thread seems to be going off in other directions cause I would not consider some of these songs my favorite songs of all consider some of these extras as you would on things like America's Top 40......hey my dream job at one time was to be a DJ or a program director for a radio station. So now those of you tuning into my site get to be the guinea pigs for that.

But there is a memory for this song for me. When I belonged to a hiking/camping group back in the 90s I met a guy named Chuck in Blowing Rock. This song was popular then. The first time I saw Chuck at the B & B he was working at I thought he was the greatest. And apparently the attraction was mutual cause we ended up getting close very fast. That night of the day I met him we went walking around in Blowing Rock at a lake. We talked about so many things and he told me he was in love with me. Of course in reality that really ended up meaning nothing cause Chuck was confused as so many of us are. I can't say I was in any better shape cause in reality I was still in love with the the guy, the "bad" relationship, I was in. I don't really know if Chuck could have changed that.

He was so much in love with me, or so I thought, we talked every night on the phone. I went back to Blowing Rock and I think I went back before he was really ready. I think I scared him off by coming back too fast. He was a shy guy. While he was at work I went to the small mall that was in Boone at the time. I bought him a teddy bear to always remember me by. I think that was too much too quick for him at the time, but I was still kind of young I guess and I didn't know any better I guess.

I did see him again and was with him again not too long after that at my house, but I never really knew what Chuck was thinking. But at one time I truly felt I was in love with him. The last I heard years ago was that he was in Charleston, but again that was years ago.

And one other thing that I will never forget about Chuck is that when the group was hiking at the rocky part beside Grandfather's Mountain, we went over a part where you had to jump from one tilted rock to another. There was nothing under that tilted rock to catch you or you would fall to your death for sure. I could not do it......I was too afraid......Chuck stood on that tilted rock to make sure I could make it across. I will never forget that.

And so here is a song that reminds me of that period of time although I think there were other songs that probably might fit better. Here is: (and another one you have to click on the link)

I Touch Myself by The Divinyls

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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #15 on: December 07, 2008, 03:46:26 am »
And then going forward in time........the Signal Mountain Lodge in Wyoming. This song was playing at a store where someone and I went to by some things before we left. I told him that this song would always remind me of this trip and it still does and always will. The feelings were only for that part of time and only for that part of time. They did not and were not ever meant to continue on although I would never change that part of my life. It is one of those things that will remain in my memory and remain important to me for the rest of my life. Again, you have to click on the link.........

I Don't Want To Be by Gavin DeGraw

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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #16 on: December 07, 2008, 04:06:49 am »
So I guess for the last song tonight it will have to be the new song by Nickelback.........Gotta Be Somebody.........

I guess anyone who reads my thread or blog would know that is the one I always talk about from Texas, but although I talked him tonight just as always, he is still as far away as he has always been and I don't see that changing. Why? I don't really know. When it all boils down to it, it is the same as why we are all here, Brokeback Mountain. He can never change or free himself of the life that he is in regardless of how much he may want to.

Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback


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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #17 on: December 07, 2008, 04:17:27 am »
This is one of my favorite songs.......and listening to the lyrics I know is just what I have been doing for so long.........turn the car around..........


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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #18 on: December 07, 2008, 04:45:50 am »
Thinking about the age factor........after my aunt's funeral today I thought about the songs my cousin Linda and I listened to when we were kids and this song came to's kind of funny we wished we were their age at the time instead of kids..........course neither of us are nowhere near young now, but look at this and the next post. Age is going to get all of us so think about it, it will happen and we cannot control it........


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Re: My Favorite Songs Of All Time - What A Mix
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2008, 04:49:24 am »
And now we age........
