Author Topic: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?  (Read 19171 times)

Offline Meryl

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BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« on: December 14, 2008, 01:14:12 pm »

Three years ago this month, Brokeback Mountain opened in the United States, and all sorts of unsuspecting people turned into Brokies overnight.  They came from all walks of life, all age brackets, all sexual orientations, and all political persuasions.  A bunch of us found each other over on IMDb and couldn't get enough of gabbing about this great film with its immense spectrum of emotion, artistry, beauty and grittiness.

I'd love to hear more about the highlights each of you has experienced over these three years and what keeps you coming back to BetterMost.

Have you continued the story in your own life?  Have you formed lasting friendships?  Are you here often or just once in awhile?

This Brokie wants to know!  :-*
« Last Edit: March 17, 2009, 11:53:01 pm by Meryl »
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Offline Meryl

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2008, 03:05:41 pm »
When I think back over the last three years, I realize how much my life has been enriched by Brokeback Mountain. 

Best of all is that I have a new family of friends all over the world with whom I feel so comfortable that coming here to BetterMost is like putting on a well-worn, comfy old pair of jeans.  It's a part of my every day life, and when I'm away from my computer for a few days or weeks, I feel the empty place in my day.

That great Brokie energy has led me to meet up with my friends in Alberta for the best effin' trip ever, visiting the film locations and bonding on a river raft, a night at Ranchman's, a Hayride from Hell and at an emotional campfire ceremony, followed by a Full Moon Experience that brought me to tears. 

I ate supper with Brokies in Denver this September, held Ennis's shirts and sat in his beloved pickup truck, courtesy of famed Brokie EDelMar.

I've met lots and lots of Brokies right here in New York as they've been passin' through.  Here's a group shot after we saw Gustavo play a concert here:

I even met Annie Proulx!

I'm blessed to have John jmmgallagher right here.  We've gone together to pay tribute to Heath at his old apartment, and next week we'll eat dinner at the new restaurant in Brooklyn that was his pet project.

I was inspired by our BBM fanaticism to start The Brokeback Cult early on, and JeffWrangler dubbed me its High Priestess.  How I've enjoyed that title and the fun and seriousness that go with it!  I'd like to revive it again now that we're 3 years out.  You can hardly do better than to be a member of the Church of Understanding, Love, and Tolerance.

The Performance Thread has been great fun for me, too.   One of my favorite scenes, Thanksgiving at the Twist house, starts here:,2739.msg165941.html#msg165941.

Though it's quiescent at the moment, never fear, the PT shall be completed.  Let this be a call to action, fellow thespians!  ;D

I saw BBM eleven times in the theater, and the last time was very cool, because I met my first Brokie in the flesh, Jenny newyearsday.  You can read my story here (Jenny's account is a few posts below it):,269.msg1716.html#msg1716.

My favorite game has been the ABC's of Brokeback Mountain, that famous chestnut that is now in its 750th round.  We welcome new players, if anyone's feeling wordy:,462.msg4449.html#msg4449.

Since I became a Moderator two years ago this month, I've increased my enjoyment of BetterMost by getting to know all the mods a lot better and benefiting from the wisdom of Phillip Dampier, our fearless Mayor.  It was also my great pleasure to recommend my one of my best friends on the board, Paul southendmd, for the position of co-mod of Chez Tremblay.

Being a Brokie has increased my computer skills.  I can Google and use Photobucket and Paint much better than before.  I even started a thread for portraying BBM completely using smileys:,15128.0.html:D

Of course, all the times haven't been happy.  Losing Heath in January just about broke my heart, along with all of BetterMost.  Thank goodness I had my friends here to help share the burden of grief.  It was helpful to be able to organize putting a condolence notice in the Perth paper and sending money to the David Wirrpanda Foundation, one of Heath's pet causes, in his memory.

I haven't yet traveled overseas to visit Brokies, but I've met some from far-flung places, like Mikaela (Norway), Reanna (India), Rayn (South Korea), Fabienne belbbmfan (Belgium), Anke Pipedream (Germany) and Sheyne (Australia).

What will the next three years bring?  More good things, I hope and trust.  I doubt my computer will grow cobwebs anytime soon.  See you for the Four Effin' Years anniversary next December!  8)
« Last Edit: December 15, 2008, 07:32:51 pm by Meryl »
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Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2008, 03:15:05 pm »
Hey there High Priestess!

What a wonderful topic for a thread.  Isn't it amazing that the Brokeback experience is now 3 years old?!  When I think about how much this community has gone through and how much this film and community have impacted so many people, I'm truly in awe.

To answer your questions, I certainly feel like I've made many lasting, solid friendships through BetterMost and Brokeback common ground. One of my favorite aspects of the BetterMost situation is the networks of friends developed all over the world.  I love knowing that we have friends far and wide. And, clearly I'm here essentially every day.  According to my official tally here... I've been on BetterMost alone for 92 days, 21 hours and 17 minutes (obviously not counting earlier time spent at imdb).  And, the in-person meetings with Brokies have been true high points of my life these past recent years.  Brokeback has led me to explore activities and even areas of the country that I maybe never would have explored otherwise.

I keep coming back to BetterMost because it's the routine place to continue to build these friendships and to keep in touch with people.  And, I still have a strong urge to discuss Brokeback.  If not every single day anymore... at least frequently enough to be grateful for the forums discussing BBM here.  It's nice to know that there's a wealth of Brokeback knowledge and understanding to tap here at BetterMost amongst the members when the need arises.  It's comforting to know this place is here.

the world was asleep to our latent fuss - bowie

Offline Kelda

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2008, 03:38:37 pm »

To answer your questions, I certainly feel like I've made many lasting, solid friendships through BetterMost and Brokeback common ground. One of my favorite aspects of the BetterMost situation is the networks of friends developed all over the world.  I love knowing that we have friends far and wide. And, clearly I'm here essentially every day. 
I keep coming back to BetterMost because it's the routine place to continue to build these friendships and to keep in touch with people. 

Amanda, in the quoted part above you much more eloquently said what I would have said if I had a clear brain - I have had a lazy weekend and its affected my ability to concentrate on writing something appropriate!!

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Offline CellarDweller

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2008, 03:55:06 pm »
Here are two questions that were asked to me by The Daily Sheet staff on DCF, and my answers.

Why are you grateful for Brokeback Mountain ~ what changes have taken place in your life that are in some way related to the film. Have friendships grown as a result?

“Brokeback Mountain set me into motion. For a very long time, I was all about the status quo. Change was bad. It was when I saw Ennis alone in that trailer at the end of the movie, that I realized the status quo was not helping me in any way. I’ve become more of a participant in life, instead of a voyeur. I’ve become more outspoken, more self-assured, more focused on issues. I allowed myself to have my first real relationship; I’ve become politically motivated and canvassed neighborhoods on behalf of the Obama campaign. I also attended the ‘No on Prop 8’ rallies on Nov. 15th.

“Friendships have been fantastic here [on the forum] for me. I’ve met people from around the globe, and plan on meeting more. There is a kinship here for me that I feel on some level was missing from my life. While I do have great friends here in New Jersey with me, they are straight, and while they are supportive of me, I feel the members of the forum are not only supportive, they truly understand my feelings.”

Are your family and friends supportive of changes that you’ve made over the last 3 years ~ are they aware of the impact that the movie has had on your life?

“My family and friends have known about the Dave Cullen Forum since I first joined. They were initially worried about my involvement, my friends joked about hosting an ‘intervention’, but since they’ve seen the pics and videos and heard stories of all the places I’ve gone in the almost 3 years since the movie has come out, they are 100% supportive.

“I have posted this story before, rather recently, but I’ll tell it here again. When the Texas BBQ was about to happen, my mother couldn’t understand how close we all were. She admitted that she didn’t ‘get it.’ Not long after that event, DCF member Conny sent me a copy of her DVD of that event. The day it arrived, I played it on my computer. Mom happened to be around, and she sat down and watched it with me. She watched the ‘hellos’ and hugs, and all the laughing and drinking and dancing. Then the goodbyes came, and she watched us holding on to each other and crying. I turned to her, and could see tears in her eyes, and this was her response:

“‘I’m crying watching this, and I wasn’t even there. I can’t imagine what you all went through. I didn’t ‘get it’ before, but now I do.’”

I first heard about Brokeback in October of 2005.  I had signed on to Yahoo, and in the news section that had the headline "Gay Cowboy Movie wins Golden Lion Award".

I immediately clicked the link, and read about Brokeback Mountain, and quotes from Heath and Jake about the roles they took on.  At the end of the article was a link to the trailer for the movie.

From that moment, I was hooked, and counted down the days to when the movie was going to open in NJ. 

I work for a bank, and on that year, Christmas fell on a Sunday.  Because of that, we were closed on Monday (Dec. 26th) and I had no plans.  I was determined to see Brokeback.  All my friends were working that day, so I had intended to see it alone.  My mom was off work, and offered to come with me.

We went to the movie, thinking that we would have no problems getting seats.  We were wrong!  The line was out the door, and most of the viewings were sold out.  We got into the showing we wanted, but only by sitting in the first row, slipping down in the seats.

I knew the movie was based on Annie's short story, but I had not read it.  I usually enjoy the book over the movie, and I didn't want to ruin the movie for myself, so I decided not to read it until after the movie.  As a result, I didn't know about the tire iron scene.  My initial reaction was to clam up.  My mom was in the seat next to me, and she has told me she fears a Matthew Sheppard attack on me, and if I had broken down at that point, it would've upset her.  So I had to shut down from that point on.

I made the decision I would be taking all my straight friends to see this movie.  As a result, I had no one to talk to about it, and I went online to find out whatever I could on Brokeback.

Google pointed me to the Dave Cullen forum, and I joined that night, a few hours after seeing the movie for the first time.

In under three years, I've been to 12 states, and the UK.  Before BBM, I was a homebody.  I've done stuff I've never done before.  Gone on hay rides, ridden horses, danced the Virginia Reel and learned to two-step.  Met friends all around the world. 

I've exchaged phone numbers, addresses, emails, presents, ornaments, and done so much.

I went from being the oldest child in my family, to being "adopted" and am now the "baby" of 5 "Brokie Brothers"  (ShakesTheGround, SouthEndMD, RobInPuyallup & LoneLeeB3).  These 4 guys have no idea how much that means to me.


This Brokie adventure has had many benefits to me, and that's why I keep coming back, and will always.

Have there been "bumps" in the road?  Sure.  But the positives waaaaaaaaaay outweigh the negatives.

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Monika

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2008, 04:56:18 pm »
I haven't been around for three years, since I only first saw the movie a year ago on the day after Heath died.
But what a year it has been and this year will absolutely go down in history as the Brokeback year for me. Who knew in December last year that a year later I would have driven around in Wyoming visiting deserted farms and cemeteries or driven around in Alberta visiting places where they shot some movie?

When I saw the movie in January it "happened" to me. I remember lying on my bed in my dark room and watching it on my laptop. Afterwards I curled up into a fetus position and cried like a baby. And after Brokeback I went into sort of depressive state that lasted for about a month. During that time I often cried and overall felt down but at the same time it was a good feeling, like the movie had tapped into feelings I really hadn't put words to in the past. It was quite an experience.

Exactly what it is in Brokeback that I respond to, I'm not quite sure of. I think that that's one of the reasons that I keep coming back to it. I need to figure it out. I think it might have to do something to do with fear of ending up alone (like Ennis does) or that I won't be able to hang on to my own personal "Brokeback Mountain". But I don't know for sure yet and that intrigues me. The answer is like an ever moving horizon that I never seem to reach.

My first meeting with other Brokies was in Wyoming in June. There I was, suddenly with people who were longtime fans and seemed to know everything about the movie. I felt like such a newbie, let me tell you. I remember lying on a bed in Rodney's house on my first night in Denver and giggling hysterically at myself - at my own craziness (I had after all travelled half way around the world because of a movie after all) but it was a good kind of craziness and I felt...happy. It's one of those moments I will never forget.

Then visiting Alberta with a friend of mine. That trip was one of a kind and for the first time ever I rented a car while being abroad! Chrystler - Yeah baby!

And then the Brokie gathering in Sweden in October...again i met people I would never otherwise have met and that I felt very close to after only a few hours.

So what this year has given me is a number of perfect moments that I'll never forget.

If I'm different than I was a year ago? I think I've done some growing up, I've learned to look beyond people's sexual orientation and have also learned that my own might not be so "set in stone" as I thought it was - and that that is okay too.

This have been a very good year for me, and I thank BBM for that

Offline Kelda

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #6 on: December 14, 2008, 05:01:42 pm »
Buffy - I thught you;d been around for much much longer than that - its amazing how people just fit into this little clan like a glove and we feel like we've all been together for years.

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Offline Monika

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #7 on: December 14, 2008, 05:12:22 pm »
Buffy - I thught you;d been around for much much longer than that - its amazing how people just fit into this little clan like a glove and we feel like we've all been together for years.
Kelda, I feel that way too. :)

I checked my profile and apparently I registered here February 21. Must have been around the time I came out of my BBM induced coma :D

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #8 on: December 14, 2008, 05:28:50 pm »
and we're glad you did come out of the coma, and register!  ;D

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Artiste

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #9 on: December 14, 2008, 05:33:46 pm »
Searching as in this Brokeback Mountain movie!

Offline luigival

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #10 on: December 14, 2008, 05:36:04 pm »
Brokeback got me good.

And proud to have been one of the first viewers, on that snowy and chilly New York morning of Dec. 9. 2005.

They were two friends of mine

Offline Kelda

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #11 on: December 15, 2008, 04:44:09 pm »
Kelda, I feel that way too. :)

I checked my profile and apparently I registered here February 21. Must have been around the time I came out of my BBM induced coma :D

 :D :-*

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Offline Meryl

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #12 on: December 15, 2008, 06:06:59 pm »
Brokeback got me good.

And proud to have been one of the first viewers, on that snowy and chilly New York morning of Dec. 9. 2005.


Luigi, I didn't realize you were in NYC then.  Too bad I didn't know you yet!  ;D
Ich bin ein Brokie...

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #13 on: December 16, 2008, 02:07:31 am »
I only first saw BBM in Aug of 07 but I feel like I have known it for longer. I watched the movie again last night with my dad and I still get moved every time I see it. I am very happy I was able to see this and I honestly feel sorry for those who haven't.



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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #14 on: December 16, 2008, 02:53:45 am »
Kristin, nice to see you here!  8)

Amanda, Chuck, buffy, Kelda and Artiste, thanks for your wonderful posts, too.  I never get tired of hearing how people reacted to BBM.   :)

In under three years, I've been to 12 states, and the UK.  Before BBM, I was a homebody.  I've done stuff I've never done before.  Gone on hay rides, ridden horses, danced the Virginia Reel and learned to two-step.  Met friends all around the world. 

I've exchaged phone numbers, addresses, emails, presents, ornaments, and done so much.

I went from being the oldest child in my family, to being "adopted" and am now the "baby" of 5 "Brokie Brothers"  (ShakesTheGround, SouthEndMD, RobInPuyallup & LoneLeeB3).  These 4 guys have no idea how much that means to me.


This Brokie adventure has had many benefits to me, and that's why I keep coming back, and will always.

Have there been "bumps" in the road?  Sure.  But the positives waaaaaaaaaay outweigh the negatives.

You're the busiest, baddest Brokie I know, Chuck.  Bless your heart.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 16, 2008, 11:40:26 am by Meryl »
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #15 on: December 16, 2008, 07:58:42 am »
You're the busiest, baddest Brokie I know, Chuck.  Bless your heart.  ;)

God love ya!  ;)

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #16 on: December 16, 2008, 03:30:03 pm » week we'll eat dinner at the new restaurant in Brooklyn that was his pet project.
Oooh, I am so looking forward to that report, John and Meryl!!

You can hardly do better than to be a member of the Church of Understanding, Love, and Tolerance.
I never thought about it that way, but I love this!

Though it's quiescent at the moment, never fear, the PT shall be completed.  Let this be a call to action, fellow thespians! 
I'm ready, and I'll be glad to corral LauraGigs to play Ennis again!

I haven't yet traveled overseas to visit Brokies, but I've met some from far-flung places, like Mikaela (Norway), Reanna (India), Rayn (South Korea), Fabienne belbbmfan (Belgium), Anke Pipedream (Germany) and Sheyne (Australia).
wow that is so impressive!

See you for the Four Effin' Years anniversary next December!  8)
You bet, friend!!
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #17 on: December 16, 2008, 03:36:43 pm »
Great thread, Meryl.

Today is my Third BBM Anniversary. 

Wow, what a three years it has been.  My time logged-in has recently clicked over to 100 days.

My life has been enriched by meeting so many wonderful Brokies, both online and in real life. 

I still love playing the ABCs of BBM game. 

Jack and Ennis are never far from my thoughts. 

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #18 on: December 16, 2008, 04:51:11 pm »
Jack and Ennis are never far from my thoughts. 

Never far from my vision, either, literally. I still have the framed small printout of the autographed movie poster hanging right in front of me over my desk here at the office, and now my home is graced by a recreation of the Dozy Embrace with a pair of cowboy action figures, one with dark hair, dressed in blue with a black hat, one with blond hair, dressed in tan with a white hat.  :)
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.

Offline Meryl

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #19 on: December 16, 2008, 06:32:47 pm »
Thanks, Lee, for taking time to reply to all those things!   :-*

Today is my Third BBM Anniversary. 


Never far from my vision, either, literally. I still have the framed small printout of the autographed movie poster hanging right in front of me over my desk here at the office, and now my home is graced by a recreation of the Dozy Embrace with a pair of cowboy action figures, one with dark hair, dressed in blue with a black hat, one with blond hair, dressed in tan with a white hat.  :)

And I hope you're still donning the Sacred Garments from time to time before you go out on a Saturday night.... ;)
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #20 on: December 16, 2008, 08:55:43 pm »
Today is my Third BBM Anniversary.

Happy anniversary, big brother!  ;D

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #21 on: December 16, 2008, 09:20:11 pm »

        My third anniversary wont be here until Jan. 5th.  I went with my precious Kelsey.  I
waited until then because we had agreed to go together.  I suppose that my life will never
be the same.  I was so connected to this film, and its characters I could not even recover.  I
felt like I was Ennis, I cried so much my family wanted to have an intervention.  They thought
I was losing my mind.  I had always been the strong and stable person in my family. But I just could not stop crying.  Day and night.  I returned to watch the movie seven times in theatre.
It didnt help me, if anything it just got worse and worse.  I was a mess.  I grieved so much that
I thought I became Ennis.. I dont know yet though if it was for Jack I grieved, or it was Ennis.?
       I know that I started to go to youtube and get every piece of video on there.  The trailers
the interviews, etc.  I was like a crack addict looking for a fix.  I could never get enough of it.
I memorized the script as I continued to go.  Hunted down the soundtrack, it was a two day
search to find one.  For after all, we were ahead of the curve, in our addiction.   Later on the
cd was easy to find.  They just had no idea that it was going to become the cultural phenom,
that it became. 
       I found my way somehow to wranglers, and brokeback slash, and started reading Madlori's
fanfiction Human Interest.  I felt like I was a drowning victim that had been thrown a life
preserver.  From there I found Louise's story too, and she told me about Bettermost. There I
met people with the same " itis" that I had.  I felt like I had really found a home.  This is a
place, and people that had the same ideas that I had.  I have met so many wonderful Brokies,
and gone to so many places, to find friends and fellow Brokies.  It has been quite a ride.  I will
never be the same person, that I was before I watched that film.  Still in my opinion the best
movie I have ever seen....
« Last Edit: December 17, 2008, 08:11:43 pm by ifyoucantfixit »

     Beautiful mind

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #22 on: December 16, 2008, 09:48:26 pm »
Jack and Ennis are never very far from my thoughts:  I wake up to them every day (beautifully framed posters in my room), Kerry's Heath portrait postcard at the bedside; I wear a gold and a silver cowboy hat around my neck to represent their individuality.  The Brokeback calendar greets me every morning on the fridge.  I drive the BBM-mobile to work. 

BetterMost is always on my computer.  I have 1963 license plates from Wyoming, Texas, even Alberta, and now Massachusetts--my birth year-- (interestingly, all black and white) on the wall.

BBM has become the constant background of my life.  Although life goes on, and changes continuously, Brokeback is there for me. 

I have lovely friends, a fabulous co-mod, loyal ABC players, a new little Brother (!) and people far-flung that mean the world to me.

Thank you for all this. 

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #23 on: December 16, 2008, 10:56:41 pm »

My Brokeback journey began in October 1997. It was then that I read the story published in The New Yorker. I was devastated by it and hooked, and smitten with the two lovestruck cowboys Ennis and Jack. It was the first issue of The New Yorker that I kept long-term, in a drawer by my bed. That and two other issues are the only ones I’ve kept. The one with the shadow of the Twin Towers on it and the one with the poet Sylvia Plath.

Shortly after that, I went into the hospital for several days to have a fibroid tumor removed and while I was recovering I read the novel Postcards by Annie Proulx. That was also similarly moving, and helped me understand my parents, both children of the Depression, better.

But I remained mired in my own depression for eight more years. Every day, I trudged to work, and then came home, read a little, drank a lot, went to bed, and then arose to repeat the same thing over again the next day. Every year things would get a little more depressing. When I thought things could not get much worse, the 2000 election came along, and my husband informed me that he was a (had been all along?) Republican. I cried all weekend.

You would think I would be happy to hear that a movie was being made of the story I had secretly read over and over. But no, I was not. In fact, I was pissed. I thought they would make a mess of it, and how could a movie be made of a short story anyway? Who was this Ang Lee character? I had seen several of his movies, but since they were so very different, I didn’t connect them together. Then, when I found out that the teen heartthrobs Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal would star, I said, that’s it, I will never go to this movie!

The Denver International Film Festival, where Ang Lee and Annie Proulx made an appearance, came and went to glowing praise, and my resolve started to crumble. Then, my daughter read an article in the newspaper about how Brokeback Mountain had crossed over into the mainstream, and was making a major impact changing people’s minds about homosexuality. She was interested in seeing the film and knew I had read the story. So, as a Christmas present, she dragged me to the theater in Boulder, Colorado, where it was showing.

I left the theater in a daze. The movie was such a different vision from the story. It was actually more hopeful and life affirming. The landscapes were so stunning and the love story so tangible and visceral, that it woke me from a 12-year slumber!! I realized that it was time for me to seize life and live it because life is precious and to be cherished. I realized that my life is valuable and that I am not meant to be a drone or a robot. As I was going out of the theater, I looked around me at the other people, and saw them through new eyes, as human beings with actual feelings and thoughts, and something to contribute to human kind. It was an amazing awakening. My daughter actually had to take my arm and help me navigate through the crowd!

Several viewings later, I made my way to IMDB and then to BetterMost. That summer, I met serious crayons and LauraGigs and couldn’t get enuff of Brokiedom. I was suffering from Empty Nest Syndrome because my daughter had gone off to college leaving me with two sports-crazed men (my husband and son) so I was lonely and in need of a new mission. The next October came around with the exciting opportunity to actually see Annie Proulx speak at the Casper Literary Festival in Wyoming. I was so excited also to be going to Wyoming. I hadn’t been there since I was a child, even though I only live one hour away from it!! I met and picked up ptannen at the airport and we sped up to Casper (with a short detour on my part when I had to return to work for a couple of days). There I met not only Annie Proulx but also horsewrangler, EDelMar, brokebackjack and Katrina, and several other Brokies. It was a fitting start for an odyssey that I hope will never end!!

Later, on New Year’s Eve, serious, EDelMar, and I were in a coffee shop chatting about the movie, and EDelMar turned to me and said, “Instead of just talking about the story, why don’t you live it?” That became my New Year’s Resolution! So very shortly after the New Year, I found myself actually climbing Brokenback Mountain in Wyoming! On snowmobile, because it was early January! I also visited Lightning Flat and Ten Sleep on that trip. Then, in February, I surprised myself again…I traveled to Bay City, Michigan! In the dead of winter! After that momentous trip (the best Oscar Night I have ever known!) I traveled overland back to Denver, visiting Lightning Flat and the “Twist house” yet again.

In May of that year, I had the honor to host (along with six other Brokies) about 85 people attending the second Brokeback BBQ, held in Estes Park, Colorado. I went to Alberta to see the filming sites and to San Francisco for the Castro showing.

While the social events were wonderful and energizing, another transformation was happening. I threw off my depression, my health problems, and my ennui. I threw away the high blood pressure pills I was taking; I did not need them anymore. I even began to enjoy outdoor pursuits such as camping, hiking, and mountain climbing. My soul and my body are rejeuvenated, and I feel much more hope for the future. I am a Brokie; always will be. There ain’t no reins on this one!!
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #24 on: December 17, 2008, 02:06:03 am »
Thank you Meryl. :]



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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #25 on: December 17, 2008, 01:35:06 pm »
How am I doing after three years?

Well all and all. I had been thinking of late about some sort of statement at this point on the journey, and summation perhaps and acknowledgement of how the story has left me. Left me a changed person and left me to my own devices.

That thing, that grabbed a hold of me, wow. I have experienced periods of infatuation and involvement with various ideas and project but this, this was something different. This was a watershed for me. I feel fortunate it happened when it did and the technology was available for me to connect with so many who understood.

Coming when it did in my journey it also took on the form of midlife crisis. It gave it meaning and purpose. My little red Miata was instead a trip to Alberta. My trophy wife was instead the smiling faces of friends all over the world.

Brokeback Mountain allowed me, nay, forced me to grieve. Deeply and spiritually not only for my experiences but for the whole of my tribe as it were. For our collective story, galvanizing and liberating.

It brings me joy to be a part of this tribe, this group standing now and demanding justice for itself. I worry that sometimes our heads will listen too closely to our hardened hearts. That we may fall prey to the hatred that did in Jack Twist. It is so easy for us to wrap ourselves in vilification and lash out at the LDS and people whose identify with groups that traditionally have vilified us. Maybe we can break that cycle. I hope so. I find being angry at people tiresome.

I find these days I have fewer and fewer things to contribute to Bettermost. My grief over the two characters I fell in love with has healed over. I find myself not even wanting to watch the movie again. It is like reviewing the details of the death of a loved one long ago that nothing can be done about. Back to the business of standing it, which often is not that hard a thing to do. I wake up, I get out of bed and remember I am the lucky one. I can breath, I can stand, I can decide how my day is going to go. I am thankful for that.

But I thank Ennis and Jack for coming into my life when they did and making me feel tore up and sad and comfortable. Comfortable like the feeling you have after a splinter has been pulled out. Like how you feel when you scratch your back and you didn’t realize it has been itching. I thank Annie Proulx for all her characters, all her stories that each carries a bit of that feeling, a lost and lonely embrace in arms lined with deep purple velvet.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #26 on: December 17, 2008, 05:29:33 pm »
it doesntmatter than you dont necerrily want to watch the movie. I'm just glad that you have become and will remain my friend and a friend to many other people here.

For me Brokeback has been more about relationships than the movie. once twice, thrice over.

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #27 on: December 17, 2008, 09:36:23 pm »
I like the  word thrice and will resolve to use it more often.  :-X
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #28 on: December 17, 2008, 09:40:59 pm »

((((((((Janice, Paul, Lee and Truman))))))

Thanks so much for sharing your great stories.  It's deja-vu all over again, isn't it?  :-*
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #29 on: December 17, 2008, 11:22:09 pm »
I'm not sure, over the past 3 years

I have retired

and have collected some Brokie memorabilia

started a new garden in the back yard

visited my relatives in South America

went to 4 cities in the US that I had never visited

finished the screenplay that I had worked on for 10 years

bought a new piano

and generally kept to my diet plan and haven't gained any weight

and Ennis and Jack are still fresh on my mind. funny how they don't grow old. maybe we need a sequel to move on?

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #30 on: December 18, 2008, 03:40:10 pm »
Luigi, I didn't realize you were in NYC then.  Too bad I didn't know you yet!  ;D

I was Meryl. Detailed that story in one of my original threads, as I happened to be in NYC on those days (to this day I still wonder whether I actually decided to go to NYC for seeing BBM, and I live in Italy... and I believe that was really the major inspiration for this short trip).

Hooked ever since then - even earlier I'd say, as the short story had already taken me two months earlier - and still feeling the same today anytime I happen to think of it.

BBM has given me a better understanding of life, and much more self-confidence on myself, as well as confirming my being on the right track for having always been coherent.


they were (and always will be) two friends of mine
They were two friends of mine

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #31 on: December 18, 2008, 04:30:01 pm »
I was Meryl. Detailed that story in one of my original threads, as I happened to be in NYC on those days (to this day I still wonder whether I actually decided to go to NYC for seeing BBM, and I live in Italy... and I believe that was really the major inspiration for this short trip).

I think I do remember your speaking of it before.  Anyway, when you get back to NYC, you know who to call!  ;D

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #32 on: December 19, 2008, 02:47:50 am »
Is it only 3 years?.....Well its actually a few months short of three years for me since I saw the movie.

It is like having a cant remember what life was like before it.

I guess for most of us, we had some affinity for Brokeback in our lives, long before their was a story written or a movie made about it, and being able to visualise it up on the screen, more or less brought our own story out into the open.

Then when we found Bettermost (or other forums) we then made the remarkable discovery that we were not alone. And from the bond of common feelings and experinces we formed friendships that have crossed miles of roads and oceans.

How can it be described?......there are not enough words to do so, but it is in our soul forever.

How fortunate we all are, to have made this journey.
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #33 on: December 19, 2008, 06:30:51 am »

How fortunate we all are, to have made this journey.

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #34 on: December 20, 2008, 05:56:28 am »
Wow, Merly, great, great post, and everyone's stories are so good to read. 

I found BBM in Oct 2005.  That's chronicled elsewhere.  And so have the various amazing opportunities I've had to be with Brokies and see BBM, and even Heath and Diana and others.  That was a gay ol' time with lots of motion.  I haven't traveled to Brokieventures this year (though some came to me!).  Now it's become more about having BetterMost as a communal home that we are growing and furnishing together.  It's more about stability.

I still delight in a good Brokieism as much as ever, in fact more so, because it's more unexpected, more precious, and more imbued with a sense of richness from previous uses. 

When I think of the many precious amazing Brokies I am continuing to get to know, I feel honored and happy and hopeful.  I PMed with a Brokie tonight whom I've known obliquely for the past three years, been on many a thread together, but tonight we got to know each other one on one a bit.  Still so many good Brokies.

In the near future, I'd like to do another chat where we watch BBM together, and invite members of all the other Brokie forums to join us.  I don't picture traveling for a Brokie pilgrimage this coming year, though I would love to have the opportunity to visit Brokie friends.  I can't believe how beautiful you Buds are.

I'm in that Hayride from Hell photo at the beginning of the thread, I've got on a dark pink shirt, sitting between Rayn and RouxB, and am nearly totally obscured, but remember it well.  I think I may have been the one who named it.  :)

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #35 on: December 20, 2008, 06:05:36 am »
fyi, hbo is showing bbm right now - the day after Jake's bday......hmmm

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #36 on: December 20, 2008, 11:45:32 am »
I have not been here for 3 years,but the time I have, has been  the most rewarding in my life(family aside)

It all seemed predetermined to me. I had just discovered that we could not renew our Visa for some time ,so we are landlocked. That of course means I cannot see my family.Heath passed my oldest became full blown Bipolar, my husband was robbed at gunpoint,the business is just hanging on by a thread.

I look back at my posts in wonder and  amazement that I am still here.
I have gained so much from Bettermost, it is hard to articulate it all. Obviously, there is my new bestest friend Mandy. Then there is this vast school of, wisdom, and care, all unconditional.
You need to know something, a Brokie somewhere will have the answer, a shoulder to cry on, ditto,you can't face another day, oh yes you can, because people here REALLY care and will lift you up. My husband thought I had lost the plot, when he initially heard me talking about Bettermost.He no longer thinks that, he sees that on many an occasion, I find just what I need right here.Peace, solace, laughter and love.

I think of it as the most wonderful extended family, (minus the batty old aunt you can't stand) coupled with the wisdom of an Oxford don and the infinite love a mother for her children.

I maybe have not come a long way, in terms of development.I have however survived more than I would have dreamt plausible, courtesy of BBM, and Bettermost !!!

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #37 on: December 20, 2008, 07:37:54 pm »
fyi, hbo is showing bbm right now - the day after Jake's bday......hmmm

Really? BBM on HBO? Is this for the first time??!
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2008, 07:57:54 pm »
Really? BBM on HBO? Is this for the first time??!

no its been on before I it. I just was up and it was on....and evidently it was the day after JG's bday. I guess it says a lot that its never on except for once in a blue moon at 4 am....

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #39 on: December 26, 2008, 12:14:41 pm »
Thanks for pointing me to this thread, Meryl.  I watched BBM again on Christmas Eve, exactly 3 years to the day from my first, life-changing viewing.  And I laughed through so much of it, 'cause every line, every scene reminded me of some cartoon or quip or scene that we had made into our own.  The thread on IMdB (can't remember the name) that made everything so funny!

And I was amazed too that the movie was so impeccable upon viewing so much later.  Every word, every shot, every minute tight and meaningful, exposing each character more deeply and forwarding the story powerfully and effortlessly.

In the scene where Ennis is running off to another fishing trip with Jack, and Alma's sitting smoking at the kitchen table, wrestling with her feelings...the look in her eyes after he runs out the door having almost forgotten his creel case, is so powerful, so telling, such a quiet and pviotal moment. 

BBM changed my life, but I could also say I saw it at a moment where I wanted my life to change.  There was change in the air, looming on the horizon, and BBM pointed the way for me to see that the change required was in the silent internal spaces in my soul.

I'm not Ennis, and I'm definitely not Jack, but I could see my own limitations in each, and knew I did not want to stay stuck by those limitations, that I didn't want to end up either figuratively dead or stuck in a dead-end place.  BBM helped me see how much I wanted to embrace life on my own terms.

And the re-viewing recently was a complete affirmation of all of that.  I am not the same, I am not living the same life, and I know BBM showed me the cracks in the foundation of a life I had built but couldn't sustain. 

I knew something had fundamentally shifted inside of me, and over the past 3 years, I have embraced that original pull to change and given it room to grow inside of me.  It's still in process, no doubt, but now I can watch the movie, and appreciate the story and it's powerful sorrow without feeling that I'm condemned to living my life the same way.

Thanks so much to each one for the wonderful friendship that I found here.  Certainly some craziness and some drama, but mostly wonderful friendship!
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #40 on: December 26, 2008, 02:14:58 pm »
Beautifully stated, Celeste.  I'm very glad you saw "Brokeback Mountain" and became a friend of mine.  And I'm even more glad that you've been led to make changes that are life-embracing and good.  All the very best to you in your journey, bud!  :-*
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #41 on: December 27, 2008, 12:51:29 am »
Ahhhhhhhh - the memories!  I'm so glad too!

"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #42 on: December 27, 2008, 01:13:26 am »
Ahhhhhhhh - the memories!  I'm so glad too!

Beautiful pic of Beautiful Brokies, only one of whom I've met.  You other three are on my "So want to meet you someday" list.

What's on the teapot?

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #43 on: December 27, 2008, 03:17:21 am »

Beautiful pic of Beautiful Brokies, only one of whom I've met.  You other three are on my "So want to meet you someday" list.

What's on the teapot?

It's one of them new-fangled thingies that keep the tea from drippin' when you pour it.  A piece of foam, some elastic and a pretty birdie.  8)

Great picture, Celeste!  That was such a fun day.  8)
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #44 on: December 27, 2008, 04:00:10 am »
Lovely posts everyone. I love hearing about people's experiences like this.

It's difficult for me to tell what impact BBM has had on me. In August 2005 I went 300 miles away from home to my first year of college, where I didn't know a single person. It took me a few months to sort of get used to college life and find some real friends. I saw BBM when I was home for Christmas break of that first year. I have, of course, changed quite a bit in the past three years, but I honestly couldn't tell you how much of that was BBM and how much was just going through college and all the experiences that come with it. I know that I would be different if it I had never seen this movie, I just don't know exactly how.

To answer the question in the title of this thread, I am doing extremely well. I am going to Peru at the end of January to attend a "young adult" conference about water issues as sort of a fact-finding mission for the organization that is sending me. My brother, who lives in Louisiana (so I don't get to see him much), is also going. I'm also getting ready to graduate in May, which obviously means that more significant changes are coming soon. This past semester was really difficult and kept me very busy so I haven't been around here much lately, but I love knowing that I can still come back and people still remember me and welcome me back as if no time has passed. I feel like some of you have gone through college with me in a way, and that really means a lot to me.

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #45 on: December 27, 2008, 04:13:26 am »

 I feel like some of you have gone through college with me in a way, and that really means a lot to me.

Court!  :)

I feel like we have too.  Three effin years!  I'm so proud of you, and I'm sure a water conference in Peru will be extremely sobering.  Did I mention I'm so proud of you?



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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #46 on: December 27, 2008, 04:21:16 am »

Court!  :)

I feel like we have too.  Three effin years!  I'm so proud of you, and I'm sure a water conference in Peru will be extremely sobering.  Did I mention I'm so proud of you?



What Elle said!  You're graduating already?  Time does fly.  Early congratulations, Courtney!  :-*
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #47 on: December 27, 2008, 04:56:06 am »
I love knowing that I can still come back and people still remember me and welcome me back as if no time has passed. I feel like some of you have gone through college with me in a way, and that really means a lot to me.

That is so sweet!! Thanks, Courtney, dear!!  :-*
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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #48 on: December 28, 2008, 06:58:23 pm »
Lovely posts everyone. I love hearing about people's experiences like this.

It's difficult for me to tell what impact BBM has had on me. In August 2005 I went 300 miles away from home to my first year of college, where I didn't know a single person. It took me a few months to sort of get used to college life and find some real friends. I saw BBM when I was home for Christmas break of that first year. I have, of course, changed quite a bit in the past three years, but I honestly couldn't tell you how much of that was BBM and how much was just going through college and all the experiences that come with it. I know that I would be different if it I had never seen this movie, I just don't know exactly how.

To answer the question in the title of this thread, I am doing extremely well. I am going to Peru at the end of January to attend a "young adult" conference about water issues as sort of a fact-finding mission for the organization that is sending me. My brother, who lives in Louisiana (so I don't get to see him much), is also going. I'm also getting ready to graduate in May, which obviously means that more significant changes are coming soon. This past semester was really difficult and kept me very busy so I haven't been around here much lately, but I love knowing that I can still come back and people still remember me and welcome me back as if no time has passed. I feel like some of you have gone through college with me in a way, and that really means a lot to me.

Good luck in Peru, and  :-*

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #49 on: December 28, 2008, 06:59:47 pm »
Thanks for pointing me to this thread, Meryl.  I watched BBM again on Christmas Eve, exactly 3 years to the day from my first, life-changing viewing.  And I laughed through so much of it, 'cause every line, every scene reminded me of some cartoon or quip or scene that we had made into our own.  The thread on IMdB (can't remember the name) that made everything so funny!

And I was amazed too that the movie was so impeccable upon viewing so much later.  Every word, every shot, every minute tight and meaningful, exposing each character more deeply and forwarding the story powerfully and effortlessly.

In the scene where Ennis is running off to another fishing trip with Jack, and Alma's sitting smoking at the kitchen table, wrestling with her feelings...the look in her eyes after he runs out the door having almost forgotten his creel case, is so powerful, so telling, such a quiet and pviotal moment. 

BBM changed my life, but I could also say I saw it at a moment where I wanted my life to change.  There was change in the air, looming on the horizon, and BBM pointed the way for me to see that the change required was in the silent internal spaces in my soul.

I'm not Ennis, and I'm definitely not Jack, but I could see my own limitations in each, and knew I did not want to stay stuck by those limitations, that I didn't want to end up either figuratively dead or stuck in a dead-end place.  BBM helped me see how much I wanted to embrace life on my own terms.

And the re-viewing recently was a complete affirmation of all of that.  I am not the same, I am not living the same life, and I know BBM showed me the cracks in the foundation of a life I had built but couldn't sustain. 

I knew something had fundamentally shifted inside of me, and over the past 3 years, I have embraced that original pull to change and given it room to grow inside of me.  It's still in process, no doubt, but now I can watch the movie, and appreciate the story and it's powerful sorrow without feeling that I'm condemned to living my life the same way.

Thanks so much to each one for the wonderful friendship that I found here.  Certainly some craziness and some drama, but mostly wonderful friendship!

And thankyou for your wonderful friendship.  :-*

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #50 on: January 03, 2009, 06:13:00 pm »
As some of you know, my man and I met in November 2003, and had been drifting, living in two houses, but usually sleeping in one, until February 9, 2006, the day of the first screening here. We went to the second screening, and on the way home he pulled over and put it to me that we should stop drifting, lest we end up like Ennis. That seemed to be the choice facing us, so we gradually eased him out of his flat and into my house (now our house). We're dating our partnership from Feb 9 2006 for legal purposes.

It was later that year that I went to Seattle and met Ellemeno all too briefly, but she took me to the Troll, and then to SF where I stayed with Pete and David, and had lunch with TwistedDude before going on one of her Asian Art Museum tours.

We have the DVD but only watched it once. Even those three guitar chords get me going.

On our 5th anniversary six weeks ago, I gobsmacked my man with a framed 8x10 photo of  Tab Hunter  autographed "To [Shuggy's man] and [Shuggy] on your 5th anniversary" apparently handwritten.
We saw The Dark Knight. Hope Heath gets a posthumous Oscar.
So a happy new year to you all, happier for the hope of change the new presidency brings, not just to the US but to the world.

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #51 on: January 03, 2009, 06:19:27 pm »
Shuggy, it's so great to see you!  :-*

That's a wonderful story about how BBM changed your lives.  Are you going to keep us in the dark about how you got that signed picture of Tab Hunter? 
Ich bin ein Brokie...

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #52 on: January 03, 2009, 06:34:42 pm »
Thanks for sharing, Shuggy. Powerful stuff.

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #53 on: January 04, 2009, 04:04:25 am »
Shuggy, that picture of Tab Hunter reminds me of you!  I love being part of your story.  You were lovely to be with, and that morning was way too fleeting.  :-*

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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #54 on: January 05, 2009, 06:57:10 pm »
I'm fine, thanks for asking. I can't consider myself a BbM "fan" any longer as it is so much more than that for me. It is my beauty, my constant companion. It was my salvation in a very stressful time, it brought me many new, wonderful friends and allowed me to see myself through their eyes rather than my constantly critical self-view. It propelled me to take a hard look at my fears and try to move away from some of them.

Travel, rodeo, broadened horizons, Gyllenholism

Brokeback Mountain and Ennis and Jack are a part of my DNA now. They are melded with my heart and soul and a part of everyday of my life. My Brokie experience means everything to me. The beauty of that story still brings me to tears.

And there is Jake.

And there is Heath, there is Heath.  Always always Heath who took my heart and made it his.


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Re: BBM is 3 Years Old This Month. How Are You Doing, Friends?
« Reply #55 on: February 12, 2009, 03:44:02 am »
Shuggy, it's so great to see you!  :-*

That's a wonderful story about how BBM changed your lives.  Are you going to keep us in the dark about how you got that signed picture of Tab Hunter? 
Not at all. You get them online here: I put the ""5th anniversary" message in the slot for our names. As soon as I pushed "Send" I thought, "Oh heck, it'll just be a computerised printout of what I sent, superimposed on a rubber-stamped photo" and even more so when the "sent" email came back almost immediately, but no, it was written in felt pen, and when he appeared in this video, the signature (at 40" in) was the same.