Author Topic: BBM scrapbook available on eBay  (Read 2371 times)


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BBM scrapbook available on eBay
« on: February 22, 2007, 10:33:14 am »
Howdy, folks--

An online friend of mine just notified me that a Brokeback Mountain scrapbook he has been compiling is now complete and is available for purchase via eBay. Here is an extract of his email to me:

Dear Scott,
As per our earlier correspondences, I ask you please to notify your "Brokeback Mountain" group(s) that I have just posted my "Ultimate Scrapbook" collection of materials, including tear sheets, images, clippings, reviews, Oscar buzz, and much more for this great film.
The item number is  200082151458.
The eBay URL is
Thank you very much for your help. It's been a labor of love collecting all of this stuff. I will sell the film picture book separately at a little later date.

He went on to add that the auction is ongoing for the next ten days, with the option to "Buy It Now".