Author Topic: Forum Administrator Brought Down By Evil Food Poisoning  (Read 2460 times)

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Forum Administrator Brought Down By Evil Food Poisoning
« on: November 27, 2006, 11:11:41 am »
[Icky alert - if you are sensitive to such things, skip message.  I know some people have contagious reactions to symptoms.]

So yesterday was not fun.  After consuming one protein shake thing, one bowl of oatmeal with some apples, and a muffin (which was the food intake for me yesterday), I was sitting here after my power walk, in front of the computer, when suddenly bloating and gas started becoming a big problem.  That was followed by some very nasty stomach pain, and then the very scary cold sweats (it's amazing how much one can sweat in one of these episodes), lightheadedness, and tiredness.

The latter symptoms scared the hell out of me, because one starts wondering if you are about to have a heart attack and drop dead on the floor.  But even more reminiscent for me was the gallstone attack a few years ago when some nasty stones not only blocked the gall bladder, but also the pancreas.  That kept me in hospital for a week with no food or water, and surgery to remove the gall bladder altogether.  The same kinds of symptoms seemed to be repeating.

Then after the cold sweats, the gas was becoming especially annoying, and then the chills broke out.  These are those mega chills that don't go away no matter how many blankets you toss on you.  I quickly ended up in bed with about six layers of blankets on me, including the down comforter.  Then you sort of go in and out of sleep, but the gnawing pain in always there.  I had a temp of 99.7.

The one thing that tells me there is something very bad going on is if I have to throw up.  In my lifetime, I have done that less than a half dozen times.  The last time it happened was in the middle of the gallstone incident and that made me decide to head to the hospital.  Well, that happened to me last night as well around 11pm.  When you don't do that sort of thing very often, it's hard to read the warning signs, but I managed to dash to the bathroom in time.

What seems most likely is I've managed to get some food poisoning.  The apples I sliced and ate at around 10 that morning were still intact, which I thought very bizarre.  I have to wonder if perhaps they were the culprit.

The good news seems to be that was a one time thing, at least so far, and the pain I have now might just be from muscle soreness.  I didn't sleep well at all last night and am still sort of achy, but things seem to be rapidly improving.

What I am hoping is that I will have gotten over this essentially last night and am not going to have days of further symptoms.  I will be eating extra carefully in an effort to find out.

I am not having the best of luck these days.
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Re: Forum Administrator Brought Down By Evil Food Poisoning
« Reply #1 on: November 27, 2006, 11:36:10 am »

Don't be so quick to blame the apple as it could be from anything you ate in the 48 hours prior to the symptoms.

I'm glad you're feeling better.  It's probably a good idea to rest your stomach today, being extra careful with what you ingest.  I'd suggest several smaller snacks as opposed to a big meal.   


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Re: Forum Administrator Brought Down By Evil Food Poisoning
« Reply #2 on: November 27, 2006, 11:44:50 am »
I'm with Fran. Or it could have been the protein shake. That's hard on an empty stomach. Poor Phillip. I wish I could be there to make you a nice bowl of broth. I will email it to you.
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Offline ednbarby

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Re: Forum Administrator Brought Down By Evil Food Poisoning
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2006, 12:51:51 pm »
Phillip, I feel your pain.  Or have felt it - luckily only one time in my life.  Unfortunately that time was when Will was about five weeks old and I was already beside myself with sleep deprivation.  I had all the symptoms you've described except for the throwing up part - mine manifested itself in, uh, the opposite direction.  Like you, I can count on one hand the times in my life that I've actually thrown up, and all were the result of nasty stomach viruses going around at the time.  Even when Will has gotten them a couple of times recently, I haven't managed to catch them from him.  But I digress.  That food poisoning incident was just about the most intensely sick I've ever been, and it lasted for a good 36 hours.  Thank the makers of Gatorade for saving me from a trip to the hospital.

Hope you're completely healed and back to your old self very soon.  Hang in there - the good thing about it is it does pass - just sometimes more slowly than we'd like.
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Re: Forum Administrator Brought Down By Evil Food Poisoning
« Reply #4 on: November 27, 2006, 01:01:37 pm »
Poor Phillip!

I am so happy to hear you are feeling better now.  :)
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