Many of you are probably far too intelligent to waste your time reading InStyle magazine. I am not, though, so I can report that there are several items in the April issue of interest to Brokies (hope this hasn't been mentioned already -- not sure how long the magazine has been out). They are:
Photos of post-Oscar parties, including
-- Heath and Michelle gazing deeply into each other's eyes as if they were the only two people in the room (sigh!)
-- Jake saying something to James Franco and making him laugh
-- Ang chatting with George Clooney. Ang is giving a sad shrug, and Clooney has a hand on Ang's shoulder and appears to be offering cheerful consolation. What d'ya suppose they were talking about, hunh?
Arty portraits of people involved in the Independent Spirit awards, including a full-page, verrrrrry nice head-and-shoulders shot of Heath. If you ignore the beard and earring, he looks almost Ennis-like. He is staring directly into my eyes -- I mean, into the camera -- in a way that makes me sigh once again.
Oh, and a quote from Heath, in response to the question, when did you show the most spirit when trying to get a part? "I walked out of an audition once. I stopped the reading halfway through -- and still got the job." Well, yeah, I would have hired him, too!