Author Topic: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions  (Read 9696 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions
« Reply #20 on: February 17, 2010, 12:57:51 am »
Thanks for all of that information Kerry! It is very helpful! :D

It seems around here (based on the ads and commercials I have seen) many of the wireless broadband configurations require some sort of a device in which you snap into the laptop. It is like a small box or card and I'm assuming it is inserted into one of the USB ports. I'm not sure, but maybe it is some sort of antennae? Or a thing that picks up/receives the signals from the satellite? I'm not sure. And I really don't know what is involved - perhaps ordering it from the ISP company and then installing the necessary software?

This is all new to me. I have broadband in Speedway, but it is not "wireless". The computer is connected by the cable cord and then the signal comes through. That is fine for a desktop system, but not for a laptop. I'd like to be able to move about and take my laptop with me and not be tied down to one spot by a cord. :P

And it is strictly a dial-up connection over here at Dad's house. It is very VERY slow and cumbersome.

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Re: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions
« Reply #21 on: February 17, 2010, 01:06:53 am »
Just throwing in my two bits worth from down under.  :)

I've had several PCs, and 6 months ago bought an iMac for website design.
I've also used wireless broadband for a few years, now, and use it on the Mac.

Once you have owned a Mac, it is very hard to go back to a PC.
The browser that comes with a Mac, Safari, is streets ahead of Microsoft, even tho they tried to catch up with IE8, which hasn't met expectations.
And the operating system, Snow Leopard', is great, too. Far ahead of MS. But there are other operating systems, like Linux, which are excellent.
Viruses are virtually non-existent on a Mac.

Prices are 'fixed', with Macs, but somtimes they allow retailers to discount a little.
The Mac laptop you mentioned is fairly low in specs, compared with a PC you could now get for much less money.
New PC laptops are far cheaper, and do the job. The best deal on a PC is usually the cheapest.
I bought a new Dell 17" PC laptop recently, and it is really good for the price.
Remember, they become obsolete so fast that people nowadays replace them before they have major problems. I know I do, it's much less hassle and repairs are hardly worth while.

It does take a while to get to know how to use a Mac, despite all the assurances of the retailers. But it's worth it.
They're not complicated. Just different.

Firefox for Mac or PC is great. Personally, I prefer Apple's Safari for internet work. It's also noticeably faster than PC based browsers.
Comes down to: do you want to spend more and get a Mac for peace of mind? I think it's worth it, but it's a personal thing.
I'm having hassles right now with IE8, so hope I can post this.
Any other questions .. PM me if you like.

Hey, we really need a PC thread on BM.

Cheers, Rob,  :)

Thanks Rob! I'm beginning to think I should probably stick with a PC format (Windows) laptop. I had my heart set on an Apple, but I just don't have the time to learn a new operating system. I had no idea the PCs and Apples were so different. My current laptop is an HP, but based on what Katherine said, it sounds like HP has gone downhill since I bought mine roughly 4 years ago. I was happy to hear the Toshiba laptops are pretty good, because I have seen many for sale at the various stores around here. And it sounds like just about everyone is recommending the Dell computers. I will go check out their website later on tonight and see what they have to offer.

I'd like to get a computer with as fast a processor as possible. The last time I bought a computer the processors had names like "Pentium 4" and "Pentium D". My desktop computer has a Pentium D in it. It is a Gateway and I have been very happy with it. But now these computers have processors with names like "Turion" and "i3". "i5" and "i7". I have no idea what that means. I am assuming the i7 is probably faster and more powerful than a i5, but I'm not sure. It's very confusing. I suppose I should have stayed abreast of all the new technology, but I haven't. Now it is all very confusing to me. :-\

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Re: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions
« Reply #22 on: February 17, 2010, 01:11:30 am »
I'll second the Dell vote.  Dell, Toshiba, and Acer are solid buys on laptops.

I had an Acer desktop years ago (a 486dx) and I was very pleased with it. Never had any problems with it at all. I have an Acer monitor for my desktop computer - my Gateway monitor finally went out - and so far it is working fine. It is a 19 inch widescreen and it gets a beautiful picture - nice sharp images and vivid rich colors.
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Re: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions
« Reply #23 on: February 17, 2010, 01:14:01 am »

It seems around here (based on the ads and commercials I have seen) many of the wireless broadband configurations require some sort of a device in which you snap into the laptop. It is like a small box or card and I'm assuming it is inserted into one of the USB ports. I'm not sure, but maybe it is some sort of antennae? Or a thing that picks up/receives the signals from the satellite? I'm not sure. And I really don't know what is involved - perhaps ordering it from the ISP company and then installing the necessary software?

I think maybe the device you're describing, David, is the modem. If so, it is provided by the ISP. My modem is about the size of your thumb and it plugs into the appropriate port in my hard drive. When I signed-on for wireless broadband with my present ISP, "3", the modem came as part of the deal. Should I choose to get a laptop at any time in the future, it will plug into the appropriate port in my laptop, meaning I will be able to go online wherever I am - at the beach, on the tram, in a restaurant, whilst bungy jumping, etc.   :D
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Re: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions
« Reply #24 on: February 17, 2010, 01:17:27 am »
Don't get an HP, either. My son and I both have had our HPs for a year, and have had numerous problems. The computer shop guys said they are prone to have their motherboards suddenly go out for no reason.

What the computer shop guys recommended -- and what I eventually wound up getting for my second computer -- was a Dell. Dells have good reputations, are reasonably priced, and come with a service plan that will send someone to your home the next day if necessary.

And mine is lime green!

It sounds like HP is slipping. I remember when that happened to Compaq. They used to make very high quality computers and then, for some reason, their computers were not nearly as good as they once were. That happened in the mid 1990's I think. I've seen some Compaq laptops for sale, but I haven't been tempted to even look at them. Maybe Compaq as got it's act together since then. Apparently it is now HPs turn to take the back seat. :P

Thanks for the warning, Katherine!

In addition to the laptop, I had an HP printer for years, but it finally gave out a few years ago. Now I have a small Lexmark printer (which I rarely use) and a larger and more capable Canon printer. It does a beautiful job.
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Re: I Need Your Input!!! Apple vs PC/Broadband Questions
« Reply #25 on: February 17, 2010, 09:12:13 am »
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