BetterMost Community Blogs > Daniel's Strange Connections

Strange Connections

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First to be clear, let us define Darwinism as it is being taught in most educational systems. Darwinism or Evolutionary Biology looks specifically at the origin of species as a result of genetic mutation and diversification, and believes exclusively that behaviors or genetic mutations that lead to the survival of the species are those which define our current understanding of their behaviors. There is almost nothing wrong with this claim, it is mostly scientific sound and examines many aspects of zoology from a biochemical stance. There is one small thing, though, that maintains this as a Theory, and not a scientific fact. Genetic mutations do occur, of this we have no doubt, as does biodiversification and the diversification of animal behavior.... what is in debate is the specific purpose for this genetic mutation and biodiversification. Is it, as Darwinism claims, the survival of the species? This is not something that can be scientifically proven. It makes sense, perhaps, so it's a good place for a starting hypothesis. But right now we have no means of testing it. It is a philosophical conundrum.

Now, let us look to one of the more prominent alternatives: Intelligent Design. And by Intelligent Design, I do not mean Creationism. Creationism is a religious philosophy that has little or no groundings in scientific reality. Unfortunately there are many proponents of Intelligent Design that yield to Creationism, allowing their religious fervor to take them out of the scientific and philosophical community. But I am referring to the scientific theory of Intelligent Design. In this sense, Intelligent Design looks specifically at the origin of species as a result of genetic mutation and diversification, and believes exclusively that changes in behavior or genetic mutations are following a natural organizing principle of the Universe. This also makes sense to some, so it's a good place for a starting hypothesis. But right now we have no means of testing it. It is a philosophical conundrum.

It is the same evidence, with a different interpretation. I think the crux of the matter is that both fields claim that life is self-organizing, but the conflict lies in the perception of why it is doing it.  The why's and how's of life are ultimately philosophical in nature, and it is dangerous that Darwinism includes within its principles a philosophical perception which is taught as scientific fact. That is why Darwinism is a theory. I am not saying that Intelligent Design is a fact either, it is a theory as well.

Now, let's look at some of the philosophical conflicts between Darwinistic Evolution and Intelligent Design. These philosophies are not part of the scientific perceptions, but just related to the perception of principles that are driving the natural processes.

Darwinism   ---> Social Darwinism --> Eugenics --> Racial Supremacy --> Social Programming --> Psychological Programming (Evolutionary Psychology)--> Genetic Programming

Intelligent Design --> Integral Philosophy  --> Integrated Genetic Anthropology --> Integrated Individualism  --> Integrated Psychology

I don';t know about you, but I personally am leaning toward intelligent design... I had to research it myself. It wasn't taught to me in public school.


    While I would give no genuine thought of credabillity to either of these suppositions myself, I am open to the
realities of them as you have stated.
    I dont think that the changes were something that the design was made from a thought process.  Either from
some diety on high, or from the species or lifeform itself.  I do believe in the Darwinian theory as to it resulting in
the survival of the fittest. Just as any matter in the universe is subject to a reaction by all that is in its contact, so
is the change in a species a result of all the products that come to play on its life or form.  Therefor the ones that
are able to make necessary changes to the situation as needed, are going to survive.  The ones that cannot or do not.  Are not going to survive. 
     That to me is what is meant by natural selection.  There is no real design there.  It is simply the result of the
formentiioned fight.

That's fine if you believe that... I'm not going to try to force my opinions on you... :) The point is, neither should the government. If the government is going to teach opinions (through its public education system), it should teach them as opinions rather than as facts.

I think I am being filled with an immense spirit of love and beauty.... and unlike the Aurora Phantasy, this is not a female spirit, but a male. The combination of Ave Maria being sung by Slava Kagan... which I had always thought was beautiful but never really heard in exceptional clarity until I got my new headphones... Now that I have them..... Mon Dieu! His Voice! It's beyond exquisite! I find my heart screaming in joy and exultation and weeping in beauty's grasp at the same time.... enthralled as I am with the power of the voice raised towards spirit-filled heavens with little behind it but the human heart and its effort to be one with the Divine! I am writing in some sort of spirit-torn agony, hyperventilating in the sheer pleasure of the experience that is aesthetically between the sweetness that one can die in and the isolation of the human identity from all others... What a bizarre and phenomenal experience!

And I'm not entirely certain why, but perhaps it has something to do with the way the human spirit works, I am now finding it much more possible to feel and think and acknowledge almost from a divine perspective those things in my life that I knew were beautiful... that I had surrounded myself with because they were beautiful..... and to truly experience them as Beauty! With my eyes and ears and heart changed by Ave Maria I have re-examined myself and the thing that most captivates my emotional self at this time, the Luke and Noah storyline on As The World Turns that had previously captured my heart and my attention, but never my soul in this arching, beautiful, and divine circumstance.

How could I have missed such beauty before? What blindfold was held there? What once I thought was a nice little dramatic monologue of Luke's has turned into a multidimensional, faceted diamond of infinite beauty. Layers and layers of meaning, spiritual, emotional, profound..... Words spoken beautifully, and deeply empowered by divine meaning! I had heard them yesterday, but they did not register with me today as something so deep and important, not until I heard The Voice!  I - I - I am speechless..... words cannot describe the beauty that fills my heart. I want everyone who reads this to know that I love each and every one of you, and I would share this brilliant light that fills my being with you if I can!

Oh dear.... I think.... I think I know what it means to swoon.

Nobody mind me... just playing around with videos and stuff.... :)



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