Author Topic: Strange Connections  (Read 89049 times)

Offline Daniel

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The Strange And Curious Writings of Daniel (Strange Connections)
« Reply #90 on: May 18, 2007, 06:37:09 pm »
In an effort to invest myself and to more fully examine my current state of being, I would like to review some of my writings from the past two decades. I am certain that some of it I have grown beyond, but the undercurrent is there. I sometimes find myself floating high above it, going nowhere and bored with the doldrums of life, but I know that if I just reach deep enough I can reach that current and be swept away to some other grand adventure of consciousness. It is difficult sometimes, but I struggle all the same.

The following was from a random writing I did sometime in 2003, I believe.

Red, the energy of a thousand suns flows through my veins. I am a consuming fire, I expand in all directions. I am everburning, eversearching, I am forever and beyond.

Orange, I am solid, rays of sunlight filter through me, refracting, reflecting, how many possibilities there are. When I am turned in this direction, the light gathers just so, but it is different when I move and grow. The fire that once coursed through my veins has birthed me in a new medium. I am solid, but mutable, I crumble to dust, I rejoin Red which births me again and again.

Yellow, sunlight is life! I relish the waters of life. Light filters through me, invigorating me with purpose and direction. I swim and dance in the breeze, firmly rooted in myself and in the ground beneath me. I am fragrant. The senses are filled with life and joy, but much is missing from my existence.

Green, I have a heart, a brain, a life - I can sense everything in the world around me. It is exhilarating. The plains are my home, the forests, fields, and mountains. The sea sings my name. The stars are my friends. The clouds bring rain and life. The sun parches me, dries my skin. It is too hot! I seek the shade. The cool, calming shade. Here I can be me. I pant, I breathe, I eat my fill. Life is good right here. I don't need to go anywhere.

Blue - There is more to life than myself, the universe is a beautiful and complex thing - I have the power to understand the world around me, mathematics, geography, geometry, medicine, physics, chemistry, biochemistry, calculus, deoxyribonucleic acids, antidisestablishmentarianism. What is science? What is religion? What is God? What does it mean to be human? We can never know... we can only understand the advances of science and technology.

Indigo - The world is not real. Energy flows through us, our minds, our experiences. We see that we are incomplete without recognizing the flow of energy that is all in existence. We are that energy. I am that energy. We are I AMs, individual expressions of light and will.

Violet - I-we control all. The energy of a thousand suns lies at our fingertips. Our will is surpeme and we embrace the cosmos with love and light. We are light. We are truth. We are the Way.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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The Strange and Curious Writings of Daniel (Strange Connections)
« Reply #91 on: June 24, 2007, 01:44:57 pm »
A Generation Waiting for the End of the World
 : concepts crossing the millenial milieu

  • The conflict between the visible and the invisible (the knowable and the unknowable
  • The conflict between personal identity and corporate identity
  • The conflict between the totalitarian and the democratic in religion, politics, education, and society.

A lack of forward momentum

  • An understanding of consciousness and responspibility as evolutionary results in the continuing presence of life and human life on earth.
  • An understanding of communal consciousness as the necessary result of a developed individual consciousness and the three conflicts presented.
  • An understanding of love as the necessary and universal comprehension of the final level of communal consciousness understood on an individual level.
  • An understanding of the necessity or religion in the Millenial Milieu
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #92 on: June 24, 2007, 04:37:34 pm »
The books on my shelf. Here's what I'm currently reading, folks... Just in case you wanted to know.

Discover your Psychic Powers: A Practical Guide to Psychic Development & Spiritual Growth
Return to Atlantis
The Death of Religion and the Rebirth of Spirit
The Biology of Transcendence
The Soul of the Child
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg
From Magical Child to Magical Teen
Magical Child
Spiritual Initiation and the Breakthrough of Consciousness
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #93 on: June 24, 2007, 07:07:16 pm »
Hey friend, good to read your posts. I have a book that will soon be gracing my shelf: Yours!
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #94 on: July 11, 2007, 02:55:19 pm »
If you would like to participate in a stunning and thrilling experience (although I cannot say for certain that you will have the same experience as I have), point your browsers to and download the sixth and seventh seasons. The wedding (handfasting) scene from the finale was one of the most beautiful experiences I've ever been privy to, and that is saying something. Unlike with Brokeback Mountain where your heart plummets into sometimes sickening despair and then gradually builds up to a mystical understanding of spiritual reality and the ways in which that film gently coaxes that reality into view.... this scene from Hidden Frontiers with high drama and a crescendo of emotionality, fills the heart to overflowing. I have been in an incredibly happy mood for the past two days from watching these few moments of total love and acceptance.... okay I'm crying now, why am I crying? Not sad, just well... I don't know, I guess its because I don't see that love and acceptance as a viable reality in our current society, at least not at the level that it should be, so that any time I have a rare glimpse of that possibility, I am both saddened and overjoyed. And the sadness itself is lessened more and more now that I know that it is possible. We just have to keep working to make sure it stays possible!

Ah, but I too easily focus on dreams. That's not a bad thing, in my humble opinion, but one which I plan to use well until the day I die. Call me Quixotic; call me an idealist; call me a dreamer, if you like. Well guess what. That's me! And I'm proud of it! I just need to come out of the dreamer's closet and stop hiding it from everyone. Yes, I have an unusual perspective on reality, one that cannot be separated from my core values. I'm not sure where this is coming from, but now that I am finally open to it, it is anchoring itself deep in my being. Brokeback Mountain started this in me. And it has taken me nearly two years to let everything fall into place. That single disturbance of the soul, the sorrow that that film exhibited in my life, has been the philosopher's stone. The soul is transmuted... is transmuting still. I am a dreamer, and I am happy to be one.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #95 on: August 01, 2007, 11:11:29 am »
Well, folks, sometimes you feel overjoyed, sometimes you don't.

Today is one of the latter. It actually feels like "that time of the month" for me, since thats how miserable I feel right now, and absolutely nothing is going like I want it to. So for a moment or two, I'm going to indulge this feeling of absolute misery and just cry it out. This is my thread. So everyone else can just deal with it...

Maslow (my personal computer) is dead. I only hope the soul can be retrieved in time by a Priest of Shadow, once I get enough money to pay them. Within that soul can be found a number of personal projects and efforts I was recently working on (though thankfully most of what I have can be found online or on software CDs), but amongst the things I desparately needed was the only copy of the typed text for Quest of the Unicorn.

Normally, this would not be a very large concern, as I would just take it to a computer repair center or the Geek Squad or whatever it is I would need to take it to.... but I have no money. Well I have 2.00 in my main checking account and negative 96.something in my spending account.  I spent the last amount of money I had from that account keeping my cellphone running, which of course overdrafted it and left me with an additional fee there. I'm sure the nasty note from the bank is on its way.  I will of course be paid tomorrow night around 1 AM. And thats a good thing, since the bills are stacking up.

I'm using a roommate's computer to write this now, so reluctantly I can't spend much time here. I am beginning to realize how much my computer was a social hub for me - and that saddens me a great deal, for some reason. Normally, I'm the happy one, the idealist, the ultrapositive being of light in a world of gray shadows... but some days.... the source of light - the energy that keeps it going... just isn't there.  In my younger days, when adolescent loneliness threatened to seal the horizons of possibility from me, I would completely despair. Since moving down here, I have had few friends... and the only ones I can recall have moved far away and not been seen for a long time. Of course, co-workers are friendly comrades, but not true friends.... not as much as I would want to have... so I am here, pouring out my soul to a computer, and to you all, if any one ever reads this thread...

I am beginning to understand now that the formative years of 12 to 16 are the ones in which true friends are first made... and I was stripped from these by my father's employment opportunities when he had to move to Texas. Outsiders are not welcome here, for the most part. Particularly ones which display... different behaviors and differences of opinion. The loss of friends and of educational opportunities are among those things that I miss the most since moving here. Normally, I do not focus on such things... realizing that it is not possible to change the things in the past, only to change our behaviors and thoughts about the things in the past. I do the best I can with what is available to me, and that is usually enough......... Sometimes it's not, though.........and despair completely overrides my life until I can get over it... I haven't had a D-day for some time now, so I must have been doing something right... or perhaps I was just getting addicted to a particular pleasure principle that filled some small void (or perhaps a much bigger one than I had thought) in my life.

Of course, normally life is much happier. I have after all written two books, and am working on several more as ideas in my head. I have created six or seven fine fragrances that are very popular with those that I have shared them with, and my wire-wrapped jewelry business is beginning to slowly come off the ground. (It's very difficult to do any of that without money, though.) Well, writing just requires paper and a pen, and that's not too expensive, but it does require mood and time, and that is (as you can see) sometimes a great difficulty to come by.  But as happy as all that is, there are some days, when absolutely nothing is going right at all and you wonder what gods you must have pissed off.
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #96 on: September 24, 2007, 01:07:47 am »
I'm not certain what key I pushed but I lost a good half hour of writings... :(

Ah well. The main gist is that I can't get to sleep. Ideas for jewelry design, poetry, and fragrance keep floating in my head. I said it a little more elegantly the last time I wrote that, but since I have to type it again I'm not likely to do it that way again.

The Boardwalk

I once stood on a boardwalk and overlooked the sea,
wondered at the darkened state of everliving me.
As I looked down upon those dark green waves,
I felt one come over me, felt overcome with grace.
And though I knew not why or how, tears fell down my face.

The sea and sky blurred to one grey mist.
The rocks beneath me merged in tryst.
Still in silence I stood, and berated not my eyes
whose choice to leak forth could be very wise.
And yet I knew not why or how tears fell down my face.

I looked up from the sea, and tried to see the earth.
The world around me blurred and hazy, held an unknown worth.
But in that mist of unshed salt, which mixed freely with the air's,
I could perceive the people still, passing by with so few cares.
And still I wondered at my fate as tears fell down my face.

Some people gazed at me strangely as they passed by my side.
And some could see my streaked cheeks, and so wanted to hide.
Still others saw my slumped shoulders across the brightened bay,
but when their paths would cross with mine, they went the other way.
But of all those people, none would ask why tears fell down my face.

Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #97 on: September 24, 2007, 04:31:13 pm »
Friend are you in Texas by any chance?
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Daniel

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #98 on: September 24, 2007, 05:01:01 pm »
How'd you guess?
Why do we consume what we consume?
Why do we believe what we believe?
Why do we accept what we accept?
You have a body, a mind, and a soul.... You have a responsibility.

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Strange Connections
« Reply #99 on: September 25, 2007, 08:15:52 am »
How'd you guess?

I am psychic, just not very accurate!  :laugh:

Texas needs more folks like you,it is a big place.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."