Author Topic: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…  (Read 6953 times)

Offline Lynne

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2006, 01:16:04 am »
Hey there, Chris...

I love talking about this movie, especially with the group here.  I've been keeping a journal for several weeks now and think I have the beginnings of a thesis if I ever get motivated.  I saw the movie again tonight (17th viewing).  I assure you I do have a life outside of this; I've just decided to give up sleeping for awhile.  For some reason, I am compelled to see it in the theatre 19 times...Jack and Ennis were 19 years old on Brokeback, their relationship lasted 19 years, I will turn 38 this year...I assure you I'm usually a reasonable person, but these aren't reasonable times.

I completely agree with you that there is so much symbolism and that every scene is vital in its own right.  It's fascinating to me how the same is true of the short story - that with such sparse language, so much can be conveyed - the definition of poetry, right? Every word is integral.  I've never had much interest in the story-to-screenplay process - usually I'm the type to be disappointed because novels are complex and screenplays pare down and simplify if not completely change the story.  I cannot think of another case of a movie being on par (different, but just as important) as the original written word.

So tonight I did pay very close attention to tent scene 1 and I DID observe Jack making room for Ennis then moving was something I'd not noticed on my own, so thank you for sharing that observation with me.  I do agree that the entire month together and their growing comaraderie, companionship leads to the physical intimacy.  And I love the full moon cycle that is shown passing then.  And again it's a full moon for the 'sending up a prayer of thanks' scene after the reunion.  I was probably in a Shakespeare class (Romeo & Juliet?) when I first heard that lovers observing the same full moon is a symbol of constancy.

No one will ever convice me that Jack quit Ennis.  I think he did have a physical relationship with Randall, but he loved Ennis until he died.  And maybe that contributes to one of the themes - the settling for something less than what you really want because you don't think you can have it or that you do not deserve it.  The camera move discussion on imdb did get off track with the business about focus and it being a decision point for Jack.  Jack loved Ennis and comforted him, but nothing really changed.

So for one more bit of set trivia... :-)  In the scene at the Twist house, did you notice that Ennis' hat is on a table upside down?  He's bared his head for the meeting (respectful, revealing himself) but he's also come as a supplicant.  He wants to be able to grant the wish about Jack's ashes.  The hat is not in hand, but it's over to the side, brim up, available to be filled - by John Twist granting permission or by the acceptance and love Ennis found from Jack's mother.

This is a masterpiece.

'Sending up a prayer of thanks...' that this came into my life.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2006, 01:43:45 am by Lynne »
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Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2006, 04:01:00 am »
My LORD Lynne....I am SO often 'blown away' by your thoughts.  You have such a gift for conveying your emotions....your thoughts....your perceptions.  It just amazes me each time I'm lucky enough to read your words.  You make me dig sooo deeply down inside myself!!  Each time I think I'm 'done' and have everything figured out....along you come and make me dig down even deeper. 

Have I told you that I treasure you....Lynne?  Brokeback and YOU..( and all my dear friends here... :))  .have somehow opened up my heart and soul.  I will forever be thankful!!  Our Brokeback Mountain was the first step.  You've helped me along the rest of the way. 

One more've helped me to balance those scales...Lynne. 

Would you PLEASE run for president?  WE NEED YA!!!   ;D

(my feeble attempt at humor there...but...but....WOULD YA?  PLZ?    ;)
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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2006, 05:42:07 am »


Nancy, said it all.  Thanks Lynne.
Nothing is as common as the wish to be remarkable - William Shakespeare

Offline Lynne

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #13 on: March 11, 2006, 02:09:50 am »
My LORD Lynne....I am SO often 'blown away' by your thoughts.  You have such a gift for conveying your emotions....your thoughts....your perceptions.  It just amazes me each time I'm lucky enough to read your words.  You make me dig sooo deeply down inside myself!!  Each time I think I'm 'done' and have everything figured out....along you come and make me dig down even deeper. 

Have I told you that I treasure you....Lynne?  Brokeback and YOU..( and all my dear friends here... :))  .have somehow opened up my heart and soul.  I will forever be thankful!!  Our Brokeback Mountain was the first step.  You've helped me along the rest of the way. 

One more've helped me to balance those scales...Lynne. 

Would you PLEASE run for president?  WE NEED YA!!!   ;D

(my feeble attempt at humor there...but...but....WOULD YA?  PLZ?    ;)

(((((((((((((((((((Group Hug))))))))))))))))))) back at ya'll. <going for the Wyomingg speak ;-)>

Nancy - I hate to disappoint you, sweeitie, but here's my theory...we're never going to get 'done' with this while we still walk this earth.  So I'm trying to pace myself to go with the flow!

You'll have to tell me more about those scales sometime, and why you felt out of balance before?.  I truly want to know YOU.

However, I can say with a great deal of certainty that there are no red states who would want me for president so I would not be a good candidate.,

I'm too perverse. though I appreciate the sentiment.  i don't want anyone looking for skeletons in THIS closet :-)...

For instance, after 9/11 Falwell or someone of his ilk made the statement that the 'liberals, feminists, gays, and the ACLU' were somehow responsible.  And I read it and re-read it and I couldn't believe the audacity so I re-read it again.  Then I decided pretty much on the spot.  I am both a liberal and a feminist.  I cannot do anything about my sexual orientation...but I can join the ACLU.  So they had a check in the mail the next day.  Very reactionary behavior.

No - I'd be a bust as president, but I think I'd make an excellent activist.  This is part of my plans for 'After BrokeBacck' that I haven't listed yet so as not to overwhelm myself.  I was raised Methodist...loved that Ennis didn't know what the "Pentecost' was and then Jack didn't know either, but manages to confuse it with 'Judgement Day'  ... Could their innocence have been more evident??!  Terrific and comic and tragic scene in just a few short sentences~!!! Go Annie.

OK..I really have to get up with those sheep now....'gnight everyone and thanks again for the moral support today.

"Laß sein. Laß sein."

Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #14 on: March 11, 2006, 02:55:25 am »
Good evening Lynne....for some reason my "quote' thingee isn't working this evening so I'll just carry on....without it!! 

Lynne...I could never EVER imagine the remainder of my life without 'our boys' entwined in the fabric.  They are nestled so very peacefully inside my secure!!  They weave themselves in deeper every day.  Their rest is my peace!!  Their love is my stanchion!!

I'm going to take some start adding to my own blog.  I AM a little guilty of not exposing myself.  I little hesitant...perhaps.  I've felt so very raw and vulnerable the last few months.  But the wounds are healing very nicely....and I feel ready to open up to ALL of you newly acquired and treasured friends.  And besides feeling vulnerable....I was always crying so hard I could barely gather my thoughts nor see the screen!! 
And OH yes....the tragic, yet sweet,  innocence of our 'boys' as Jack tried to explain Pentecost.  So very very naive....Annie is a rare gem!! 

G'night dear friends....stay well!! 

"If we never dream....we'll never have a dream come true"   (me...myself...and I)

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2006, 07:31:57 pm »
For those who have seen the film for the first time, as you'll come to see... even after six weeks you'll be sorting through a lot of feelings.
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Offline Lynne

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2006, 04:11:39 am »
Mostly, I'm being self-indulgent bumping this thread because I'm waxing nostalgic for those very earliest days here at BetterMost.  I'm missing some of our charter members like BBMGrandma - If you're lurking, please come back!

Also, I was wondering if any newer folks noticed the themes of sin, judgment, forgiveness, redemption that I saw so clearly fairly early on.

I kept seeing scales everywhere -
   There are scales in the butcher shop where Ennis is leaving the girls with Alma at work so he can help with the calving.  He's judged and found lacking as both husband and father.
   In Monoe and Alma's kitchen, there are scales when Alma confronts him with 'Jack Nasty.'  Again weighed as a father and husband (man?), Ennis falls short.
   But in the Twist kitchen, there are also kitchen scales - and here is the one place Ennis measures up.  The only character (Ma Twist) who displays charity towards Ennis, reaches out to him to offer him comfort, and gives him the greatest gift - knowledge of Jack's unceasing devotion.  It is in this third judgement that Ennis ultimately finds solace and redemption, I think.

Anyone else see this the way I do? or have a better take on it?
« Last Edit: December 18, 2006, 11:45:35 am by Lynne »
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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #17 on: December 18, 2006, 11:19:52 am »
Lynne, I've never noticed the scales!  :D How amazing to be still learning new things after 11 months of daily study! I think your take on it is right on.

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #18 on: December 18, 2006, 10:10:51 pm »
That is very interesting, Lynne! I'll look for those!

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