Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1332704 times)

Offline mariez

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Re: Conversation
« Reply #2760 on: March 27, 2008, 12:20:59 pm »
After what they'd just gone through, Jack couldn't carry on a coherent conversation, didn't have the strength to attach one word to another.  But mustering his all, he looked into Ennis' eyes, and croaked out, "Damn, Ennis, you've gone and nearly done me in this time! I'm exhausted. After 25 years, how can every time we do this still be like the first time? Not that I'm complaining."  He wrapped his left arm tighter around a panting naked Ennis who was snuggling against him in their bed, and who responded in a hoarse whisper, "Shut up and kiss me, Twist." 

Oh, I love that, cwby! What a great use of the prompts - and it takes away the sting of that "ouch" - thanks.  :)

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2761 on: March 27, 2008, 12:24:59 pm »
A companion, of sorts, to "I Wish..."

As the Conversation Continued

"Look who's come into town." Sarah nodded toward the general store.  "Ya know Esther and I were just talkin' yesterday, wondering if they were ever gonna get around to having some kind of memorial service at the church."

"Oh, Lord, not this again, Sarah…"

"I bet that city wife of his down in Texas called all the shots and they didn't have no say."

"Oh, for goodness sake, Sarah!  How would you know that?  You can't have said more than ten words to either of them in years! And you can't tell me they've been bending your ear."

Sarah shrugged defensively. "I'm just saying."  She lowered her voice.  "I wonder if he left them any money – Esther said she saw him drive through town once in a fancy truck and ……."

As the conversation continued, the object of so much attention finished her shopping, got back in the truck where her husband was waiting and went home.  She made her way slowly up to the small bedroom, sat heavily on the small bed and cried quietly, praying once again for the strength to be able to do what she had told her only child so long ago. Accept. Let Be.

200 Words
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2762 on: March 27, 2008, 12:27:18 pm »
Hi Everyone.   :)  Some prompts for today: 

  • honorable
  • roast beef
  • luxury

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline cwby30

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Re: Honorable
« Reply #2763 on: March 27, 2008, 11:37:12 pm »
Sitting in the ballroom at a table set with fine china, sterling silver and crystal, dining by candlelight on tender roast beef and roasted red potatoes, washed down with some red wine from Napa Valley, wherever that was, served by a waiter in a crisp white jacket, he listened to LD loudly praise the merits of the Honorable Anthony Sterling, your local representative to the State Legislature.  He preferred the luxury of eating steaks cooked over an open fire under the light of Wyoming stars, washed down with whiskey from a bottle passed to him by a man with dark brown eyes, a quiet laugh and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

[115 words]

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2764 on: March 29, 2008, 03:33:23 pm »
... He preferred the luxury of eating steaks cooked over an open fire under the light of Wyoming stars, washed down with whiskey from a bottle passed to him by a man with dark brown eyes, a quiet laugh and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

A nice image - but a bittersweet one, too. Thanks.

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2765 on: March 29, 2008, 03:41:23 pm »
Life's Little Luxuries

"Happiness is a warm puppy."

"Happiness is a thumb and a blanket."

Junior and Francine were curled up together on the couch giggling over their new book, bought the past weekend for a nickel at the church white elephant sale.  They'd read it so often, Alma'd already had to tape the binding.

Ennis paused for a moment in the hallway, listening to their carefree banter and laughter, and he took pleasure in this evidence of their own happiness. It was not something he'd ever spent time thinking about for himself.  Happiness had always been a luxury he could not afford.

100 Words

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2766 on: March 29, 2008, 04:29:41 pm »
Ennis paused for a moment in the hallway, listening to their carefree banter and laughter, and he took pleasure in this evidence of their own happiness. It was not something he'd ever spent time thinking about for himself.  Happiness had always been a luxury he could not afford.

Ain't it a sad truth?

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2767 on: March 29, 2008, 05:59:19 pm »
I didn't use any prompts for this drabble. It was inspired by a video posted by Fritzkep of the Brokeback BBQ and WY Roadtrip 2007, almost a year ago.
We rode up Brokenback Mountain in the bed of Ennis's truck and someone (I think it was Paul) said "This is gonna be a bumpy ride." And it was.

Anyway, I just watched the video again and it inspired this drabble. The vid is here (reply 2042):,5791.msg242915.html#msg242915

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2768 on: March 29, 2008, 05:59:38 pm »
A bumpy ride

"This is gonna be a bumpy ride."

And damn, it was. With every single bump in the road Ennis felt his head might explode. He wished the Basque would drive slower. He wished he hadn't drunk that much the evening before. Most of all, he wished that this Jack Twist guy next to him would stop to cheer every time they almost bumped their heads at the inside of the car's roof.


Shit. Why wasn't Twist hungover? And what had the Basque just said 'bout the - oh God, he had to puke.

Ennis managed to grind out a simple "Stop the truck" and luckily the Basque seemed to understand the urgency behind his barely understandable words.

Ennis kneeled beside the truck and almost retched his guts out.

Little did he know how much worse he would feel on the way back.

143 words

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #2769 on: March 29, 2008, 09:24:37 pm »
A bumpy ride

"This is gonna be a bumpy ride."

And damn, it was. With every single bump in the road Ennis felt his head might explode. He wished the Basque would drive slower. He wished he hadn't drunk that much the evening before. Most of all, he wished that this Jack Twist guy next to him would stop to cheer every time they almost bumped their heads at the inside of the car's roof.


Shit. Why wasn't Twist hungover? And what had the Basque just said 'bout the - oh God, he had to puke.

Ennis managed to grind out a simple "Stop the truck" and luckily the Basque seemed to understand the urgency behind his barely understandable words.

Ennis kneeled beside the truck and almost retched his guts out.

Little did he know how much worse he would feel on the way back.

Oh, Chrissi - you filled in that missing moment perfectly.  Great job.  And the picture is just .............  :'( :'( :'(


P.S.  Thanks for the video link!
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain