Author Topic: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story  (Read 12916 times)

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Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« on: March 01, 2007, 12:43:47 pm »
I know that for many people, myself included, the presence of fanfiction in the BBM universe has been very healing. Prior to BBM I didn't have a good sense of how much fanfic was out there, although I had read, years before, some /slash with Capt. Kirk and Mr. Spock (Star Trek).

The first fanfic story I read was "Ennis: A Sequel" by tforster (there is a link on this board). I enjoyed it, but I didn't truly get "fanfic fever" until I read "Human Interest" by MadLori. That story pulled me in and I read almost the whole thing (when I started reading, she was very close to the end) in one marathon read.

Shortly after finishing HI, I started writing fanfic myself, which for me was the level I needed to move to in the BBM healing process.

Others, want to share your stories? Did you know about fanfic prior to BBM? What were the first couple of stories that you read? What is it about fanfic that helped/healed/hooked you?

« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 12:58:31 pm by MaineWriter »
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Re: Your fanfiction journey: share your story
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2007, 01:16:07 pm »
As with Leslie, the first fan fiction I read was "Ennis".  I literally stumbled on it and didn't even know the genre existed.  I must confess, I had very mixed feelings about the genre and initially, the story.  I thought I was hardcore "you don't screw around with perfection" kind of guy, but then after joining this forum, I saw how fan fiction itself did more than entertain.  It seemed to allow people to express the deep feelings that Brokeback caused.

The next story I read was "Somebody New".  This was really an odd experience for me.  I didn't really care for it, but it is important to me because it was while reading this, that I began to think that I could (and maybe even wanted to) explore the possibility of writing one of my own.  Having never written any fiction, my natural apprehension, not to mention my low estimation of whatever talent I might possess, kept me from doing this.

Ok, so next up was "A Love Born From Steel".  I was really apprehensive about this story for two reasons:  The first one was that I realized I didn't really care for the AU (alternate universe) type of story (for the reason I stated above), and I was so disappointed in the writing style of "Somebody New", that I feared it would be similar.  Since I didn't really know Leslie at the time, I was approaching it with an unfettered view.  I was pleasantly surprised, and literally devoured the story.  It was around this time that I became more active here at Bettermost and discoverred chat.  Funny day, the chatters in the FanFiciton room were doing their thing, and as I was new, I was not talking a lot, and also having a hard time understanding what the hell they were talking about.  It seemed they were disusing what they did and didn't like about other fics that were popular at the time, and what about them they didn't like.  Well, there was this reference to Ennis getting a pierced nipple.  In my still parochial view of what should and should not be done to Annie Proulx's characters, I said something like:  "What fool would do that to Ennis?"  Well Leslie...I still cringe when I think of that.  I guess I still owe you a drink for that one.

At this point I was sort of fan fiction-ed out.  I started reading "Lead Me To Your Door", and never finished it.  Since everyone here seemed focused on "The Laramie Saga" at the time, I thought I needed to read this thing.  I tried,,I really did.  But everyone was so far ahead of me, and I had read so much before that, as with "LMTYD", I just couldn't get into it enough to catch myself up.  I have the entire story now, and plan to start again at a more liesurely pace.

So...that's where I was when I decided to write my own.  If you have never done it yourself, you can't know how thrilling, and anxiety-causing it can be.  I don't think I'll ever write another large work...but with the addition of Leslie's "Drabblefest" thread, I have found a perfect outlet for the thing I still want to say.

That's it...story over...or at least this chapter.

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Re: Your fanfiction journey: share your story
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2007, 01:50:18 pm »
I didn't know anything about fanfic before BBM.  My first fanfic was Human Interest by MadLori.  I was active on the BBM Yahoo message board, and someone posted chapter 19 of HI.   I read it and was blown away.  It was unbelievably awesome, so I read the whole thing from start to finish.  I'm not sure how long it took me to read it, but i dont think she had finished writing it completely.   

I was also in touch with Ohiomyown from the Yahoo board, so i knew she had a fanfic in the works.  I saved some of her early ideas she kinda bounced off me before she wrote A Better Idea, but they are safe with me i will not share those early ideas.

My all time favorite is Mainewriters A Love Born From Steel and also its sequel Through the Veil of Time.  Leslie,  thank you so much for the printed bound copy of A Love Born from Steel.  You have no idea what it means to me.  I will always treasure it. 

I choose to read fanfics where Jack doesn't die.  I've read quite a few and will continue to read them as long as folks write them.  I have indulged in a couple fanfics where Ennis goes on after Jack dies.  None Ive finished though...

Brokeback Mountain has changed my life so much, I'm a hopelessly devoted Brokie.  Thank you all fanfic authors for keeping Brokeback alive.

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #3 on: March 01, 2007, 02:45:39 pm »
I,ve read lots of BBM fan fic stories and in my opinion, the best one ever is Somebody New. I bought the zine some time ago and I shall treasure it always. Lead me to your door was a masterpiece as well. Very clever of marakesh. HI and TCJ and of course ALBFS and TTVOT. As for cannon BBM  well the Laramie Saga obviously. I caught the last bit of BBM last night on sky and I shouted at Ennis, "go to Laramie and find Ellery". Maybe some day it will be filmed. Thats my two cents for what it,s worth anyway. :)

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #4 on: March 01, 2007, 02:59:31 pm »
I had no idea that FanFiction even existed before BBM. I first saw "A Love Born From Steel" and thought, wow, can they do this? Is this legal? It put a few wrinkles on my brain.

So like Dev, I knew of Ohiomyowns "A Better Idea" and have relished installments of it, even seen a character appear with the same name as me. It is a story in which Jack does not die and in my one and only attempt at fanfiction myself, I wrote a short piece based on Ohio's story in which the truck Jack drove still has a flat tire and what happened to those involved. She posted it for me, and now I think about all the technical innacuracies,etc. in it, o-well.

Some of the others I have read about ennis picking up the pieces start out like they are going to really be something and then just peter out like the writer just lost interest. O-well.
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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #5 on: March 01, 2007, 03:44:44 pm »
Before Brokeback Mountain I had never heard of fanfiction in my life. The only thing I can remember doing years and years back was write a sequel for Dances with Wolves because I loved the movie so much. Never knew it was called fanfiction though.

I have to admit I thought the whole concept was silly at first and steered well clear of all stories that were already out there. Then I read the first chapter of For A little While and I think I got hooked instantly. Then Leslie sent me her story, A Love Born from Steel and I read that and enjoyed it. Then came Dreaming I think (I still wonder what happened to that and why it was abandoned at this point, only two chapters away from the ending).

Right now I think I mostly read fanfiction, but to be honest, I am trying to cut back a bit.

BBM and fanfiction has also given me back the energy to write again after 4,5 years of pain due to RSI, and yesterday I finished the ninth chapter of my own AU BBM fanfiction story!

All I need to do now is gather all my courage and self-confidence and post it here....
« Last Edit: March 01, 2007, 04:01:35 pm by Snuitje »

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Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #6 on: March 01, 2007, 10:17:14 pm »

We as you all know, or maybe you dont.  I am a readaholic.  I was in such a
state of turmoil when i started looking for some kind of closure.  That i read
anything i could get my hands on..The first story i found was Human Interest, by Madlori.  The second one was A love born from Steel and Almost simultaneously I found the introduction to the Laramie Saga.  In the
mean time i have found several that i found most compelling, and some just plain entertaining. 
I have enjoyed many of them.  And love several as well, I dont know if I will
go so far as to name a favorite, I think several have fitted that catagory. 
I think the oddest one.   Was one of my favorites,  Green Eyes, was very
different, and I would not say it was my favorite at all.. But i did love the
read.  I loved Jennas Someone New.  I  think all in all they all have contributed in a cumulative way towards the healing that i have achieved.
I adored Lead me to your Door.  I dont know how to finish this off,  just to
say i hope whoever reads this post, can enjoy the ones ive read as much
as i have enjoyed them.                                      janice

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2007, 11:11:37 pm »
After seeing the movie, I was devasted.  I posted on threads, needing that contact with others who felt the same about this movie.  I had never heard of fanfic.  I saw someone post on DC thread somewhere... hey... what if Jack didn't really die.  Then the slash thread started.  I thought to myself.... no way.....
Ennis Del Mar would never take that step toward that sweet life.  I thought it was complete nonsense.  Then, while on vacation... I was bored.... still morning Jack's death and Ennis's pain.. and decided maybe I will take a peek.  Knew I wouldn't like it though.  Hah... the first one I read I believe was A Love Born from Steel.
It blew me away.  Even though in the back of my mind I couldn't believe Ennis would ever go there.....  that fantasy was what I needed to deal.  I read the whole story in one sitting, then tried HI.... read all day and night for a week.
These stories gave me the happy ending I so wanted for our boys.  I haven't stopped reading since.  Where would I be right now without fanfic.  Without
the Ennis and Jack forever stories?  I don't even want to think about it.
A big plus in finding fanfic.... I have made some wonderful, loving friends in
the chat room discussing fics.  Just think what I would have missed out
on if I had never tried fanfic.  Leslie's, Scott's, Lori's and Amy's, Tes's and a whole host of other authors.........  thanks guys !!!  Love ya much.


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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #8 on: March 02, 2007, 03:38:55 am »
I, as well, was a stranger to fan fiction. I somehow stumbled on to and found Madlori's Human Interest and thought "what the hell?!" I was so not yet ready! Then JeffWrangler posted his stories and I loved them. Next came Fernly and she completely broke my heart. Those stories had a huge place in my healing. Now I was ready and went back to Human Interest and ate it up along with A Love Born from Steel-so special because of the journey to that sweet life. Leslie turned me on to Louise and the Laramie Saga and from there I went buck wild. A few stories I avoided until some buds recommended them-Somebody New and Shades of Grey in my top 5, delMar Painting that has moments so poignant my chest hurts, Sienata with her light touch and sexual tension...Lead Me To Your Door-my first AU!AU- 48 Days, If I Asked, the For A Little While trilogy. Oh, then I discovered RPS-that was my fave genre for a while- loved The Bellwether and some that I am currently reading.

I don't do canon-yet.

I am now actively reading 31 stories, 8 that I fear will never be completed but I keep hope alive and 40 on my speadsheet waiting to be read. Fanfic is my new addiction.

When the fan fic thread first started it was mostly just me and Julie and now look at us! Fan Fic keeps the BbM spirit alive for me. Thanks to all you writers that bring 'em boys back to me everyday  :-*.



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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #9 on: March 02, 2007, 10:39:26 am »
Where to begin? I had NEVER heard of fanfiction or slash before BBM either or been active on any forum whatsoever.
After the movie I was devastated too, completely cut up and desperately needed to find ANY information  about BBM......and so while googling BBM stumbled across the DC Forum.......and fanfiction.

Fanfiction healed me and dragged me out of this huge pit of despair I had landed in after BBM; and being able to talk about BBM over and over and over again with so so many other Brokeaholics. The first stories I read and which absolutely hooked me were For a Little While by Maidenofthesea Madlori's Human Interest Reconcilliation by Wordsmithslash Jenna's Somebody New and later on Green Eyes by Neuontz and This Is The Modern Way by Helen (one of one) and of course The Laramie Saga by Louise The Laramie Saga really helped me deal with my enormous grief over Ennis's loneliness and utter despair at the end of the movie.

I'm still actively reading dozens and dozens of stories and like Mel would like to cut down and have tried to but I just can't yet......I just can't do it. I still LOVE reading about Jack and Ennis in all sorts of settings and I wonder when that will ever go away. As Karen already mentioned, another HUGE plus of this 'addiction' and joining these forums has been that I've met (and I've been lucky enough to really meet a lot of people) and made really special friends for life  :) Friends that I truly treasure  :)

I'd also like to thank all the enormously talented authors out there for sharing and continuing to share all your beautiful stories with us; Brokeback Mountain and fanfiction truly changed my life too, in so many ways  :)

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #10 on: March 02, 2007, 10:47:10 am »

All I need to do now is gather all my courage and self-confidence and post it here....

Like I already told you, Mel, PLEASE DO! And share this wonderful story of yours with all the others out here  :) It truly is a beautiful story  :)

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #11 on: March 02, 2007, 11:30:11 am »
I had never heard of fanfiction either. And somehow i stumbles upon Human Interest by Madlorie. I was hooked. It was halfway through when i started and remember reading a whole day non stop. I loved it!

I really loved Leslie's A Love Born From Steel. Such a happy beautiful story, warms my heart everytime i read it. It was the first story i had printed and bound.

And then there was The Laramie Saga. I rest my case  ;D Thank you Leslie for recommending that.

The Laramie Saga really helped me deal with my enormous grief over Ennis's loneliness and utter despair at the end of the movie.

I completely agree. I've shed many tears over this story, but it really has helped me move on. I'll be forever grateful to Louise for writing this story.

I've also enjoyed The Heart of the Matter by Scott immensely. Very poetic and moving story.

As Karen already mentioned, another HUGE plus of this 'addiction' and joining these forums has been that I've met (and I've been lucky enough to really meet a lot of people) and made really special friends for life  :) Friends that I truly treasure  :)

I'd also like to thank all the enormously talented authors out there for sharing and continuing to share all your beautiful stories with us; Brokeback Mountain and fanfiction truly changed my life too, in so many ways  :)

I'll second this wholeheartedly!  :)
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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #12 on: March 02, 2007, 11:49:49 am »
Like I already told you, Mel, PLEASE DO! And share this wonderful story of yours with all the others out here  :) It truly is a beautiful story  :)

Thank you....  :-*

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #13 on: March 02, 2007, 12:07:09 pm »
Like some posters said above, I had never heard or fanfiction or slash before Brokeback Mountain either. In fact, I didn't even know what slash meant. Then, someone over at IMDB talked about the story written by Tom Forster: Ennis: A Brokeback Sequel which he wrote as a therapy to deal with the emotions from the movie. Then, when we all moved here after the troll wars at IMDb, the talk of the town became Leslie's story, A Love Born From Steel.  Folks here were commenting it over and over again.

I must confess that, at first, I was very reluctant to read it because Jack was alive in the story. It has always been my opinion that Jack's death is an important element of the story's message, and making him alive seemed to destroy the whole experience for me.

But curiosity won and I ended up reading the entire story and loving it. I realize it didn't really mean to change the BBM's original message but just show what would've happen if Ennis had made a diffrerent decision about his relationship with Jack. In other words, it showed what can happen when we bet on happiness regardless of the obstacles ahead.

After Leslie was done with the story, I took no interest in any other until Louise came along. I was a regular at the chat, and for a while all I heard was Ennis and Ellery this, Ennis and Ellery that. So my curiosity was again picked. I began to read the Laramie Saga and was instantly hooked. I think it is a marvelous story that send another important message from BBM: the importance of mourning, and that moving on with your life doesn't mean you stop loving those from your past.

After the Laramie Saga I have read a few other stories, such as Scott's which is also a beautiful tale. I don't have much time now to keep up with fanfiction but I am planning to read, sometime in the near future, some of the most popular around here for example, Tainted Evidence and a few others.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2007, 02:13:10 pm by opinionista »
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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #14 on: March 02, 2007, 01:11:22 pm »
I think it is a marvelous story that send another important message from BBM: the importance of mourning, and that moving on with your life doesn't mean to stop loving those from your past.

So beautifully put, Natali  :)

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2007, 11:25:08 pm »
I knew the phenomemon of fanfiction existed before Brokeback Mountain, though I had never read any, slash or otherwise, because I was never really interested in anything that inspired fanfiction.

The first piece of Brokeback fanfic that I ever read was actually posted in a couple of pieces on the board at IMDb--the poor writer caught some hell from other posters for posting it there. It was a story about Junior and Kurt scattering Ennis and Jack's mingled ashes up on Brokeback, and it was quite moving. I think I still have it lying around somewhere in hard copy.

Somewhere, it may well have been still back at IMDb, I found a link to Ennis. I skimmed through it, but it didn't do much for me. No offense intended, anyone, but right from the start of my Brokeback Fever I've never found the premise of Ennis del Mar finding another boyfriend to be plausible. Just my understanding of his character, and who he is, that's all.

Meanwhile, over my Christmas 2005 visit to my dad, I was already working in my head on what eventually became Some Sweet Life. It took a while, and a lot of encouragment from stevehtx and a few other folks, before I found and got up the courage to post the story. Writing it had been my therapy, my way of giving myself some peace of mind by imagining a resolution of what was left unresolved at the end of the film and the story (forgive me, Annie Proulx. ...).

A Brokeback Mountain Ghost Story, which I didn't "publish" until this past fall, was the next story I wrote because I wanted to write about Ennis and Jack together having that sweet life, but I hadn't yet been able to bring myself to move into writing AU. Before that happened I posed myself the challenge of writing a sex scene the way Annie wrote about Ennis and Jack having sex, and the result was The Cabin. Then The Grieving Plain just demanded to be written.  :-\ 

Since I read Fernly's The Wind Rivers I've felt no need even to attempt any more canon/fill-in stories, like The Cabin; as far as I'm concerned, The Wind Rivers is definitive.

Oh, and somewhere along the line I've done a little proofreading and offered a few pointers to a couple of other writers.  :D

It sure felt goofy last spring to be writing a Christmas story, but the Muse had to be obeyed, and she was demanding that I overcome my hesitancy with regard to AU stories and write something that both made Ennis and Jack heroes and also showed them having a life together. No Hero was the result.

Then, similarly to when I wrote The Cabin, I posed myself another challenge: What might it be like to take what we know of Alma, Jr.'s, marriage from the film and let it play out in my AU? The result was Sayin' "I do." In that story I alluded to some AU back-story, a fight between Ennis and Jack with four roughnecks, and I was asked to write a story about that fight. The result, slowly, was All I Got and All I Want.

I have to admit that I'm not much reading anyone else's fanfiction now, just some canon pieces now and then, not out of any conceit about my own work, but simply because, since I've created my own AU, where I go to be with Ennis and Jack, I honestly have to say that other writers' AUs just don't interest me.  :-\

I think my fanfiction writing days may be over, but it's never wise to say "never again." I have a few fragments of AU stuff hanging around the hard drive, though whether those fragments will ever come together as a story is not something I'd put money on, if I were a bettin' man.

I've received some very kind comments on my stand-alone stories, and I'm very grateful for them all, happy that I seem to have helped some people with their own process. I think, though, that the nicest compliment I received concerned my AU stories, where one writer told me that Ennis and Jack in my AU stories were "recognizably themselves," even though I had taken them into an AU. That made me very happy. :D
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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #16 on: March 12, 2007, 09:32:40 am »
I actually wrote a fanfic before i read any--how can that be? Anyway, there was no sex in it at all.  It was a murder mystery in which only the reader learns the identity of the murderer. Lots of readers; many comments in the thread here. (sfericsf said it nearly knocked him out of bed.)

As with many, the first i read was "A Love Born From Steel."  Yes, I also thought, "Is this legal?" Although i had seen several unrated and x-rated movies, and read Balzac at 11, I had never read any explicit sex before. That came to a screeching halt with LBFS. After Leslie, I discovered MadLori's "Human Interest."

I love everyhing from Fernly to Belgianboy, cannon to AUAU. My favorite title of all time is "Two crows Joy," and I know the poem by heart.
                            One crow sorrow, two crows joy
                            Three crows a girl, four crows a boy
                            Five crows silver, six crows gold
                            Seven crows a story never to be told
                            Eight crows a sigh, nine crows a kiss
                            Ten crows a time of joyous bliss. 

My favorite authors, now,  are 271 Horses ("Roots"), B73 ("Mason-Dixon"--and the rest), and marakeshsparrow's" Lead Me To Your Door."

One more thing. (as Columbo says):. My first 5 strories were very well received, and got many comments. and then I wrote one that almost everyone hated, "The Clothes that You Once Wore." (incest). Although I have written 16 stories, from that day,  NOBODY EVER SAID A WORD IN ANY OF MY FICTION THREADS ON BETTERMOST until yesterday, when I put up a very short poem, and "shakestheground" said it was beautiful. But perhaps shakes doesn't know that one doesn't write in Julie Vognar's fiction threads...I don't know. Oh, you still read them, but you don't say anything about them. In fact the offending story has more than 450 hits.  It seems to me unlikely that I simply forgot how to write after "Clothes."  Strange that you all seem to think so...

oh. "Clothes" (the only thing i wrote that I mentioned by name) is NOT a well-wrtten story. (Not for the reasons you don't like it, though.) The first scene goes on and on and ON (and if people have to talk that much about the past and present, maybe it should be two or three stories, huh?). The second scene is so contrived, it maks me cringe. And, if you'[re going to write a stoiry about iincest, the slash, at least, should be good. It ain't.
« Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 11:00:30 am by twistedude »
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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #17 on: March 20, 2007, 04:45:23 am »
Bumping this, for others who might like to share their story. How did you get started with fanfic, whether reading, writing or both? I find the various stories very intresting. Please share!

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #18 on: March 20, 2007, 09:53:41 am »
Hi :) I rarely post here, I' m rather a lurker 8) but I'm completely addicted to fanfics.

I heard about fanfiction before BBM, but didn't exactly know what was it, I heard that some people write an alternative ending to Star Wars, but that was all I knew.

And then, a year ago somebody on our polish BBM forum recomended "Human interest" and I gave it a try. At first I thought WTF??? What's this??? Jack's alive??? I don't get it. :o But then I read it all and it got me good. Reading this story I learnt what fanfiction really might be and I loved it!!!  Since then I read all the stories I could find, except RPS which don't feel right to me, but it's just my private opinion.

Now I have my favourite authors and stories I read several times, like HI, TCJ and Zero at the Bone, Shades of Grey, 48 Days, If I asked, Del Mar Painting (and everything what Maggie writes) and more.... to much to mention all of them. I know for sure that I'm a "happy ending slasher" and that these stories help me heal the pain after seeing the movie. (the best I ever seen though).

After all those months of reading I finally tried to write something myself but I must take up the courage and find a beta patient enough to deal with my english. We'll see 8)



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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #19 on: March 20, 2007, 10:22:17 am »
Hi :) I rarely post here, I' m rather a lurker 8) but I'm completely addicted to fanfics.

I heard about fanfiction before BBM, but didn't exactly know what was it, I heard that some people write an alternative ending to Star Wars, but that was all I knew.

And then, a year ago somebody on our polish BBM forum recomended "Human interest" and I gave it a try. At first I thought WTF??? What's this??? Jack's alive??? I don't get it. :o But then I read it all and it got me good. Reading this story I learnt what fanfiction really might be and I loved it!!!  Since then I read all the stories I could find, except RPS which don't feel right to me, but it's just my private opinion.

Now I have my favourite authors and stories I read several times, like HI, TCJ and Zero at the Bone, Shades of Grey, 48 Days, If I asked, Del Mar Painting (and everything what Maggie writes) and more.... to much to mention all of them. I know for sure that I'm a "happy ending slasher" and that these stories help me heal the pain after seeing the movie. (the best I ever seen though).

After all those months of reading I finally tried to write something myself but I must take up the courage and find a beta patient enough to deal with my english. We'll see 8)


Welcome Aileen and good luck with your writing! I know firsthand how scary it is to put your writing out there, so if you need any help, just let me know!


Offline aileen

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2007, 04:09:40 am »
Welcome Aileen and good luck with your writing! I know firsthand how scary it is to put your writing out there, so if you need any help, just let me know!


Thank you!!! That's very kind of you :) I'll let you know for sure :)

Offline Marina

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Re: Your Fanfiction Journey: Share Your Story
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2007, 09:22:50 pm »

I wanted to respond about how I discovered fanfiction. 

I had read a piece or two, about a favorite movie or television program, when I wanted the story to continue.  I never spent a lot of time on it, just an occasional surf on the web.  Then I saw Brokeback Mountain.

I was devastated by it, in every way - by both its beauty and its tragedy.  It's one of the most beautiful films I have ever seen; one of my favorites now.  The short story was wonderful also.  Talk about wanting more - I was heartbroken that E&J couldn't be happy together, and wondered just what might have happened if things had turned out differently for them.   So I went in search of fanfic, and I found some the most wonderful stories to heal my broken heart.  I still to this day cannot read one where Jack dies; I like the happy or "utopia ranch" fics.  I was amazed by how much the film affected me, and glad to find solace with those who were affected the same way.  It has helped in healing, as one of the posters mentioned above.  The first one I read was Human Interest, just like a lot of you did.  From there I read Somebody New, Green Eyes, and If I Asked, and many others.  There are so many wonderful and talented writers it's hard to keep up with them all!

One day, I decided to try one of my own, I'm an absolute beginner with it, but it's been a lot of fun to do.  I am totally in love with these characters.  :)
« Last Edit: April 23, 2007, 09:40:08 am by passionscowboys »
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