Author Topic: OSCARS!!  (Read 3952 times)

Offline BBMGrandma

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« on: March 05, 2006, 06:22:44 pm »
Whoa....I'm SOOO nervous today.  Pacing back and forth....waiting to see if "OUR GUYS" get the awards they so much deserve. really thinking about it....I think they've already GOTTEN their awards.  FROM ALL OF US!!!  From those of us who have been helped SO very much by the story.  I'm going to send them matter what the outcome is today...and just say...."YOU have given us ALL an award.....thank you!!  THANK YOU!!!" 

GOOD luck to everyone.....Ang....Michelle....Heath....Jake....and everyone who helped to bring us this story. 
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Offline juneaux

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« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2006, 12:47:27 am »
I, too, am sending postcards. Must admit I'm bummed that "CRASH" won best picture.  BBM will always be the best movie of 2005 and hold a special place in my heart.
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Offline iristarr

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« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2006, 01:28:25 am »
Terribly disappointed that Brokeback Mountain didn't get the all the awards it deserved from the Academy tonight.  However, it has been already richly rewarded/awarded by Golden Globes, BAFTA, Independent Spirit,etc.  And we here all know what an outstanding film it truely is.  I suppose I can see how this upset came about -- the Academy just couldn't get over the content of the movie and succumbed to the bigots and naysayers.  Just more politics in the good old USA.  The struggle continues and we need to keep good hearts. . . Iris.
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Offline BBMGrandma

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« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2006, 08:07:47 pm »
Just in case ANYONE missed this article posted today by Impish....I thought I'd drag it over here.  It's WELL worth reading....and TRULY shows how much farther we have to go to the top of the "mountain"  I have faith that we'll keep up our fight for equality for ALL peoples....

Thank you Impish

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Offline BBMGrandma

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« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2006, 05:28:54 pm »
Hi Friends.....

I've been a little bit absent from our 'safe place' here.  What does a 'little bit absent' mean...??  I wonder about that myself.  I seem to be even MORE distracted since the awards...but in a different way.  When I saw our distraction was one of soul searching....contemplation....meditation and questioning.  NOW I'm in a state of disappointment and frustration.  Now my anger is starting to bubble up.  WHY???  Why was this 'work of art' largely ignored?  Why did Heath and Jake get shoved to the side?   Of course we all know those answers....deep down in our hearts.  The Academy 'chickened out'  Plain and simply!!  Never mind that Brokeback 'peaked too early'.  All the other reasons that the critics have used to assuage all of us lovers of the film.  The Academy voters simply CHICKENED out at the last moment. 
And another thing.....I saw Emma Thompson on a late night show.....recently.  When asked how she voted she admitted....that she hadn't seen all the movies but voted anyway!!!  SAY WHAT?  Tony Curtis is quoted as saying..."I'm not going to see "that" movie!!!   HELLO?  But he voted anyway...didn't he?  AMAZING!!  Simply amazing!!! 
That's like putting a black hood over a presidential candidate....and voting against her even though you have no idea who she is!!!   
The only GOOD that I can see in this rejection of Brokeback Mountain is that it IS stirring up controversy....and that's a GOOD thing.  Let's all stir up as much of if as we can.  Letter's to the editors.  Letters to the Academy.  Letters to ANYONE.  Let's keep this in view of everyone.  As I said in an earlier post..."WE Wuz ROBBED!" 
I'm off to run errands now....I'll be back later today.

Love to all.....Nancy 
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Offline Lynne

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« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 12:46:31 am »
Hello, everyone...I wanted to post that I completely agree with the disappointment we're feeling that BBM was not as well recognized as it should have been.  It's frustrating, but I'm consoling myself with the knowledge that other very important films have also been slighted by the Academy Awards; the numerous other awards BBM has received recognize its merit.

That said, I thought that the montage of the 'gay cowboy' where Jon Stewart was bemoaning the loss of our American icon, showing edited 'gay' clips from classic westerns, was absolutely hilarious.  I'm curious about what others thought because in my opinion, it was tastefully and comically done.  Societally, my reasoning is that if something can be laughed about without being harshly riduculed, acceptance cannot be far behind.

My postcards are in the mail, although I cannot find an address for Rodrigo Prieto, and I wanted to include him...Can anyone help with that?

I went to the library today and checked out Lonesome Dove and the Wyoming collection of Annie Proulx's short stories.  I mentioned to the librarian that I was being brave by attempting Lonesome Dove and explained my interest.  She said that she'd read the BBM short story and did not like it.  After some conversation, it seemed that most of her problems were with the abruptness of language, sentence structure, the barrenness, harshness, etc. that characterize the story.  i am somewhat troubled that a librarian could not recognize the genius there, but I did tell her that, in my opinion, the movie was in many ways 'softer' than the short story and that I highly recommended it.  Perhaps she will watch the movie.  I tried very hard to not come across as 'evangelical.'

I hope everyone has a good week...let's keep in touch.

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Offline BBMGrandma

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« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 05:05:06 am »

That said, I thought that the montage of the 'gay cowboy' where Jon Stewart was bemoaning the loss of our American icon, showing edited 'gay' clips from classic westerns, was absolutely hilarious.  I'm curious about what others thought because in my opinion, it was tastefully and comically done.  Societally, my reasoning is that if something can be laughed about without being harshly riduculed, acceptance cannot be far behind.

OMG....Lynne....I thought montage was SOOOO funny!!!  I agree.  When it's presented the way it very fun.  I know a couple people who were a bit offended by it...but they said they couldn't help laughing anyway.   ;)

My postcards are in the mail, although I cannot find an address for Rodrigo Prieto, and I wanted to include him...Can anyone help with that?

I've searched the web for Prieto's addy Lynne...sorry I couldn't find it... :(  Maybe someone else here can come up with it...hopefully!!

Oooo....Lonesome Dove!!  I taped it long ago from my old VCR but a good friend, just last week, gave me a beautiful set of the tapes.  It's sooo wonderful.  I've watched it many many times.  You're going to really like that book Lynne. 

That IS odd about the librarian but perhaps she's a "I'd NEVER get it" kinda person...huh?  And isn't it sad that someone can't ignore 'sentence structure' and just let themselves sink into this beautiful love story.  I have a friend like that.  The only thing he really 'saw' in the movie were it's teeny little flaws.  I feel so badly for people like that.  I wonder if they ever stop and smell the roses?  Hopefully so!! 

Love to all.....stay well....Nancy

"If we never dream....we'll never have a dream come true"   (me...myself...and I)