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Our BetterMost Community => BetterMost People => Topic started by: Kerry on September 16, 2008, 01:02:27 am

Title: Put a Spring in your Step!
Post by: Kerry on September 16, 2008, 01:02:27 am
Put a Spring in your Step


It's Spring in the southern hemisphere, where I live. It's a wonderful time of year to think about getting fitter and feeling healthier. But there's no need for you northerners to wait for the Spring to get fit. Here are 10 helpful hints that can just as readily be applied in the Autumn as in the Spring.

1. Hide the Remote Control

Getting up to change channels burns calories and utilises muscles in the legs and glutes. While you're at it, swap the couch for a Swiss ball and work your abs while you relax.

2. Lean & Green

Pack away the vacuum cleaner and use a broom and dustpan to brush and clean your floors. It works a wider range of muscles and doesn't add to your carbon footprint.

3. Stand Straight

Check on your posture regularly. Merely pulling in the "girdle" of your core is a workout in itself. Keep your shoulders straight and relaxed, and your chin up. Then draw yourself up through your spine to a nice, tall effect. You'll look and feel better instantly, and your core muscles will be doing what they were intended to do - and your bellywill get noticeably flatter over time.

4. Going Shopping?

Don't drive, walk. And when you're there, choose a hand-held basket over a trolley to help work your arm and shoulder muscles (switch sides halfway through the aisles). Take two envirobags to fill up, and walking home will be a weight-bearing breeze.

5. Be a Super Commuter

Give up your seat on the bus or train, first chance you get. Stand and brace your abs and glutes, letting yourself roll with the motion of the vehicle. It's a great core workout.

6. Never a Slowpoke Be

Don't meander behind the slowpokes when walking - dodge and weave your way among other walkers. You'll use a great range of muscles and burn more calories.

7. It's Nice to Stair

Take the stairs rather than the elevator, and while you're there, work your calves. Stand with the balls of your feet on the stair, and your heels hanging over the edge. Slowly raise yourself onto your toes, hold, then slowly come down, as low as you can go. Do this 10 or more times to stretch and tone. And vary your stair-walking. Try taking two at a time for a tougher workout.

8. Get enough Sleep

Go to bed and wake up at roughly the same time every day for optimum rest and to stimulate your metabolism. Pull down the blinds, relax, and drift off to the land of dreams before waking refreshed and ready to star the day.

9. Develop a Green Thumb

Enjoy spring in the garden with some digging, weeding and planting. No garden? Pot up some plants, look into a community garden, or offer an elderly neighbour a hand with theirs.

10. Never Waste a Moment

* Waiting for the kettle to boil? Stretch and wiggle your fingers, hands and wrists.

* On hold? Contract your glute muscles. Tense and release your abs.

* At the printer? Do few cheeky calf raises.

* Composing an email? Slowly lift both feet from the floor and hold, before gradually lowering - great for working the abs and hip flexors.

Please share your fitness tips with us.

Courtesy of Sydney's Sunday Telegraph Body & Soul Magazine.
Title: Re: Put a Spring in your Step!
Post by: Katie77 on September 17, 2008, 11:49:38 am
Title: Re: Put a Spring in your Step!
Post by: Katie77 on September 17, 2008, 11:52:44 am