BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

Our BetterMost Community => BetterMost People => Topic started by: Lynne on August 16, 2010, 04:29:28 pm

Title: Charitable Donations
Post by: Lynne on August 16, 2010, 04:29:28 pm
In the past, I have donated used junk cars to Volunteers of America (

In the past, I didn't put much thought into this - it was a tax deduction and an easy way to rid yourself of a vehicle that wasn't going to be helpful at trade-in time.

Now, being more socially aware, I'm wondering if anyone knows anything negative about this organization - they are 'faith-based'.

That's not necessarily bad.  Their own pdf brochure mentions HIV prevention programs and community support for those living with HIV/AIDS, although it's not mentioned in Wikipedia.

It looks like they do a lot to address homelessness.

They claim 89 cents of every $1 goes toward programs, which I believe is decent.

I've done some googling and cannot seem to find any negative details.  Anyone more research-savvy want to try?

P.S.  I know there's a thread around here somewhere about what causes people support, but I also am having no luck finding that - I'll move this when I do.
