BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

The World Beyond BetterMost => Anything Goes => Topic started by: nakymaton on September 27, 2006, 04:49:55 pm

Title: little things that can make a day
Post by: nakymaton on September 27, 2006, 04:49:55 pm
So this is kind of a partner thread to the "pet hates" thread -- for things that can make a day go better, rather than things that annoy you.

For instance: I just got a little note from a complete stranger thanking me for something that's just part of my job. I never met the person, never saw her, don't know her e-mail address... nothing. But she sure made my day.
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: moremojo on September 27, 2006, 05:51:25 pm
Mel, I love this idea for a thread! Accentuate the positive.

I adore those kinds of message-in-a-bottle experiences such as you describe in your opening post. Something I do, somewhat along those lines, is when I drop pennies, I leave them, letting someone else find a "lucky penny" later, if they choose to see it that way.

Learning something new that's fun and interesting never fails to brighten my day. I'm a fan of royalty (and yet an ardent republican [lower-case 'r', mind you]--go figure), and one of my favorite royal personages is the late Queen Emma of the Netherlands (1858-1934), who was born a Princess of Waldeck and Pyrmont, and ruled as regent for some eight years for her daughter Queen Wilhelmina. One day I came across, leafing through a book on the crown jewels of Europe, a photograph of Queen Emma as a young woman, resplendent in her royal regalia. Previously I had only seen images of this lady as a mature woman, dressed in widow's weeds. A whole new facet of this princess's presence was revealed to me, and I was on Cloud 9 for the rest of the day.
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Lumière on September 27, 2006, 06:13:29 pm
A warm and genuine smile.  .. from a complete stranger or someone you know. 
You know a smile is genuine when you see it in the person's eyes! 

When I went to get lunch today, I met this older gentleman (in his late 70s or 80s) who was standing in line behind me.  When he looked at me, he just let out this really big smile and we stroke up a converstion.  We talked abit about travelling and he said that his favorite place is Hawaii and that he was going there next month.  When I asked for how long he was going to be vacationing, he said 4 months.  Then he went on to say .." I can't afford it but I am gonna do it.  I am living on borrowed time .." .. another laugh .. I said "Well, we're all living on borrowed time!  I hope you have a great time while you are away ..".  Then he said, "Well, at my age, you never know when it'll be time, so I am going for it!"  I was so struck by his enthusiasm and the way he smiled at everything ..

I don't know if I'll ever run into him again, but it all started with a smile .. :)

Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: alec716 on September 27, 2006, 06:20:35 pm
Looking out my window, I see the GORGEOUS blue sky and shining, mulitcolored, backlit clouds under which I am about to go walk my 2 huge and hugely beloved St. Bernards.  The skies here at home are beautiful, and have been a wonderful welcome-home sign since I moved back.  That makes my day.

Oh, and a good googled picture of Cher that I can toss onto the Performance Thread doesn't hurt either!  ;)

great idea for a thread.  thanks, Mel.
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: serious crayons on September 27, 2006, 07:24:16 pm
For instance: I just got a little note from a complete stranger thanking me for something that's just part of my job. I never met the person, never saw her, don't know her e-mail address... nothing. But she sure made my day.

I've had a couple of great experiences of this kind. I get calls or letters fairly often about things I've written for newspapers or magazines -- many are nice, though some are not day-brighteners, to say the least.  >:( But I've had two really good ones in recent years.

One is, I got a call from a stranger who liked an article that I wrote for a national magazine, and the woman turned out to live a block away from me. (I think she may have realized when she called, from my little bio in the magazine, that we lived in the same city. But still -- a block away!)

The other is, I wrote a newspaper column 10 years ago about feeling melancholy when my younger son started kindergarten. (Yes, it was a bit mushy, though I tried to rein in the sap with moments of steely Annie-Proulx-like antisentimentality.  ;)) Anyway, five years later, I got a call from a stranger who had clipped and saved my piece -- and had dug it out that very day, when her own son started kindergarten.  :'( :D
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Kelda on September 28, 2006, 10:04:09 am
Suprise catch up or 'hello - how are you' emails, letters postcards (I loove getting a postcard from somewhere exotic!)

also good joked in the barage of rubbish forwards you gett. these made me laugh today.

Three old guys are out walking.

       First one says, "Windy, isn't it?"

       Second one says, "No, it's Thursday!"

       Third one says, "So am I. Let's go get a beer."


       A man was telling his neighbour, "I just bought a new hearing aid.

       It cost me four thousand dollars, but it's state of the art. It's perfect."

       "Really," answered the neighbor. "What kind is it?"

       "Twelve thirty."

Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Amber on September 28, 2006, 12:07:06 pm
It really is the little things that matter.

One of them for me is when one of my cats hop up on my lap.  They aren't normally lap cats, but cats read emotions well and when they can feel that I'm down, my lap is the first place they turn.  Makes me smile and relax!  Nothing like fur therapy.

Another is a good sunny day in the middle of winter.  They are so rare that they REALLY make my day :)
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Penthesilea on September 28, 2006, 01:48:36 pm

I adore those kinds of message-in-a-bottle experiences such as you describe in your opening post. Something I do, somewhat along those lines, is when I drop pennies, I leave them, letting someone else find a "lucky penny" later, if they choose to see it that way.

Scott, this is so a lovely idea. I never would have thought of that, but next time I'll leave my penny, too.

Speaking of money; I'm kind of devil-may-care about money (except big checks, lol  ;D). And so it happens a few times a year that I find money in some godforsaken pocket or bag, which I had forgotten totally. I do know that it's mine anyway, but I always feel like I had won in a lottery.

When I came home from our Brokie meeting in London, my children made my day. I never ever was welcomed so affectionate. They are always happy when I come home, and we're all big on hugs and kisses and endearments - but that welcome was really outstanding. I was so happy they got me sheding some tears.
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: cmr107 on September 28, 2006, 10:38:00 pm
I love unexpected politeness from strangers. I'm in college near Chicago, and strangers hold doors for me like every day. Even when they have to stand and wait for me to get there!

Also, I had a test yesterday that I was really worried about, but I really think I got an A! That made me happy! We'll see if I'm still happy tomorrow when I get it back.

Great idea for a thread!
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Lumière on September 30, 2006, 12:29:47 pm
I love unexpected politeness from strangers. I'm in college near Chicago, and strangers hold doors for me like every day. Even when they have to stand and wait for me to get there!

True Court!   I love it when people do that.. and usually before you know it .. you are doing it for someone else!  ;)

So .. how was the test Court?  A- or A+?  :)
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: cmr107 on September 30, 2006, 09:27:59 pm
So .. how was the test Court?  A- or A+?  :)

I got a 49 out of 50! That's 98%! Woohoo! :D

Tell you what, that made my day! ;D
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: ednbarby on October 01, 2006, 05:07:50 pm
I stepped out of my garage on Friday and actually felt... a chill.  The temperature had dipped into the high 60s overnight and now was about 75 at 8:00 in the morning.  Can't remember when I last felt that down here - I'm thinking it was sometime in late March.

As much as I've bitched on the "pet hates" thread, I'm really easily amused.  Honest.  Things like hearing my son laugh (which he does often) can fuel my whole day.

Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Lumière on October 03, 2006, 10:51:09 pm
Watching a beautiful movie like Beautiful Thing (albeit for the umpteenth time ..)

Having a productive day at work!  ;)
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: delalluvia on October 03, 2006, 11:21:57 pm
Things that can make a day -
when you send an e-mail commenting on a letter-to-the-editor to a magazine and both the editor and chief executive editor of the magazine e-mail you back the following:

Thanks for sending this: we'll be sure to include your (wise) words in
our next issue's rant.

- K. Filan
Managing editor


Great letter, I can't wait to print it in issue 14.

Thanks for joining the discussion,

A. N. Niven
Editor in Chief

 :) :) :)
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: opinionista on October 04, 2006, 06:04:13 am
I don't recall right now what or who made my day recently. However, I will never forget this time when I was living in New York City 11 years ago. I had a shitty day at work, the kind of day that makes you go home angry, depress and feeling sorry for yourself. I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about. We'll the thing is that I decided to walk from 31 st where I worked to West 4th st and take the subway there back home to  Brooklyn. I figured a nice and long walk might help me steam off and relax. Well, I was a walking down Manhattan and this guy with a foreign accent approached me asking for directions. So after I explained where he had to go, he look at me and said: "Isn't this too much of a beautiful evening to be so sad? Come on now, show me that smile!" And I just laughed right there. He truly made my day.
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Lumière on October 04, 2006, 04:25:14 pm
I got a 49 out of 50! That's 98%! Woohoo! :D

Tell you what, that made my day! ;D

How did I miss this post?

Way to go with the A+ Court!!!!  ;D
Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: Lumière on October 14, 2006, 05:36:41 pm
A Little thing that can make a day ..

.. Receiving beautiful gifts in the mail from fellow Brokies ..

Today I got an inflatable CIGAR BUTT and toy harmonica !!  :D ;D

Title: Re: little things that can make a day
Post by: fernly on October 28, 2006, 10:27:26 am
Mel, thank you for starting this thread, what a lovely idea!

Driving home one evening this week, I decided for no particular reason, to drive a different route than usual, and there, at the end of the long road I turned onto, was the beautiful crescent moon hanging low in the western sky, that I got to follow home for most of the drive.