BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

The World Beyond BetterMost => Anything Goes => Topic started by: injest on October 03, 2006, 05:51:59 am

Title: Question of the Week
Post by: injest on October 03, 2006, 05:51:59 am
Just for fun. Tell us your fantasy. Every week I will put up a new question. Copy the question and then answer.


There is only one. Don't put limits on your dream. Cost, time, even reality! doesn't matter....just let your imagination go.

Some weeks the question will require you to imagine more than others...we will start off with a fairly easy one!
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: injest on October 03, 2006, 05:52:51 am
What would be your perfect vacation?
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: injest on October 03, 2006, 05:56:08 am
What would be your perfect vacation?

Greece! I have always loved ancient history. The idea of touching something someone made thousands of years ago is so exciting to me. And the islands are so beautiful. I would love to take a summer and travel all over the country. Take a boat to all the islands and dance on the beach....
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: opinionista on October 03, 2006, 06:22:25 am
My question of the week is: Will I ever finish my *?¿%$&/ dissertation!!!!?? ( ;))
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: Katie77 on October 03, 2006, 07:08:41 am
What would be your perfect vacation?

I had always wanted to go to Jeruselem, Bethlehem and the Pyramids in Egypt.

I am not that religious, but I guess the first stories I ever heard as a kid were in Sunday School, and those towns just have so much history, and so do the Pyramids.
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: injest on October 03, 2006, 07:12:34 am
oh that is a good one, Sue! I would love to go inside a pyramid...think it would be spooky/cool!
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: MaineWriter on October 03, 2006, 08:45:28 am
My question of the week is: Will I ever finish my *?¿%$&/ dissertation!!!!?? ( ;))

From one who has been there....Yes.

Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: MaineWriter on October 03, 2006, 08:49:38 am
What would be your perfect vacation?

I think I might have had my perfect vacation, last year, when we went to Sweden and bought a new car. We then toured Norway for two weeks, returning to Goteborg to drop off the car and fly home. The car got shipped to the US and I was able to pick it up about 6 weeks after we dropped it off.

Norway was beautiful. If we were to go back, I would like to spend more time in Trondheim (we had only half a day there) and points further north. I also loved the coastal south.

Of the places I have been in Europe, I seem to be partial to Scandinavia, despite the sky high prices everywhere. I have been to Iceland, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. Finland is next on the list so I guess that might be my current perfect vacation.

Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: opinionista on October 03, 2006, 09:04:49 am
Greece! I have always loved ancient history. The idea of touching something someone made thousands of years ago is so exciting to me. And the islands are so beautiful. I would love to take a summer and travel all over the country. Take a boat to all the islands and dance on the beach....

I've been to Greece. It's wonderful to visit but you'll get sick of it soon enough if you plan a trip that consist only of visiting the ruins, it's basically the same thing over and over. Better if you plan it carefully to make it worthwhile. Also check out the islands that are actually worth visiting because a lot of them are full of turists with lots of crappy attractions for tourists only. However, I went to one Greek island that took my breath away: Hydra. It's touristic but there are no cars! There isn't one single road all over the island. People travel on donkey back. Taxis are donkeys and mules. You should also consider going to Meteora, at the north of Greece. That is truly beautiful.

I want to come back, but this time I want to recreate Odisseo's (Ulysses) travels through the Mediterranean, when he was returning to Ithaca from Troy.There's a Spanish journalist who did it and wrote a book about it: Ulysse's Heart (by Javier Reverte). I'm not sure if it is translated into English, but his trip was a truly wonderful one. He visited a lot of tiny little island of the mediterranean, both greek and turkish, mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. He makes a lot of descriptions of the places but also of its people. That'd be my ideal vacation, I guess.
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: Jeff Wrangler on October 03, 2006, 10:41:26 am
I would like to travel more than just around the coffee pot looking for the handle. I need to see the American West, the British Isles, and Tuscany. But I find the idea of travel tiring, and the essence of vacation for me is not having to think about anything more taxing than where I want to go for dinner, and whether I want to have cocktails first.  ;D

In that respect, I think I had my ideal vacation about ten years ago, in the mid-1990s. It was one week in Provincetown, Massachusetts, at the time when July turns into August. The weather was ideal; the thing I love about P'town weather at that time of year anyway is that typically you have bathing-suit weather in the afternoon and "leather weather" at night.

Anyway, this particular year, I was staying at one of the few guest houses that had an in-ground swimming pool. I had a room with air conditioning and a private bath, and my room was right off the pool: I stepped out of my door and I was on the pool patio. It was wonderful. I'd get up in the morning, pull on some swim trunks, go for a brisk swim, then go for my coffee. Afternoons I would lie by the pool reading murder mystery novels--the sort of thing I have no time to read except on vacation. Evenings I would go to dinner, then go out in search of adventure.  ;) After the bars closed, I'd go back to my room, then take a quick, quiet swim before going to bed. Mornings I would get up and start the whole cycle over again. It was very, very relaxing, nothing to worry about, nothing to think about--the essence, for me, of vacation.
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: delalluvia on October 03, 2006, 10:57:38 am
What would be your perfect vacation?

Tour of Italy.  I'm a big buff of anicient Roman history and love the Renaissance art/architecture.  I would also like to take a tour of the Aegean islands, Cyprus and Crete.  The former has a better chance of occuring than the last.
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: Amber on October 03, 2006, 11:41:46 am
What would be your perfect vacation?

Hmmm ... perfect vacation.  It'd be a tie between visiting the Alaskan wilderness and visiting Italy, specifically Florence, Venice and Rome.  I've always wanted to go to Denali and see the wildlife, go whale watching, look at the glaciers - for me that would be close to perfect.  On the other end of the spectrum, I've always wanted to go to Italy and see the David in Florence, the canals in Venice and everything in Rome! :)
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: Kelda on October 03, 2006, 02:54:13 pm
Greece! I have always loved ancient history. The idea of touching something someone made thousands of years ago is so exciting to me. And the islands are so beautiful. I would love to take a summer and travel all over the country. Take a boat to all the islands and dance on the beach....

the greek islands are amazing - I did a quick island hop to santorini, paros and naxos last year and it was really great. Heard of Hydra but time limitations meant i could only do 3 islands and athens.

for me a perfect holiday would be a trip seeing Oz and NZ. I'd be happy to hostel it and just do the whole tour thing over say 2 months.. Frazer Island, ayres rock, etc etc etc. And a little week in bali in the middle would be nice just to relax as well!
Title: Re: Question of the Week
Post by: Jeff Wrangler on October 03, 2006, 03:56:49 pm
Sigh. So many wonderful places to see in this world of ours, and never enough time, never enough. ...