BetterMost, Wyoming & Brokeback Mountain Forum

Our BetterMost Community => Chez Tremblay => Topic started by: delalluvia on April 04, 2006, 09:38:52 pm

Title: I can run, but I can't hide
Post by: delalluvia on April 04, 2006, 09:38:52 pm
OK, I was feeling a little emotional, thinking too much on the Ennis' I've had in my life, so I decided to take off and visit one of my favorite slash sci/fi websites and found that someone had posted a new story.  I was happily reading along and then this line came up:

"#1 felt his world crumble around him all at once as he watched Smokieleed leave him all alone to hell. He heard someone sobbing, and he soon realized it was Sirren.

"How could you ever do this to us, Qui-Gon?" her voice choked, "We're so in love with each other...I wish I knew how to quit you!""

Title: Re: I can run, but I can't hide
Post by: starboardlight on April 04, 2006, 10:04:18 pm
lol. Brokeback in Space?
Title: Re: I can run, but I can't hide
Post by: delalluvia on April 04, 2006, 10:38:15 pm
Sad isn't it?  ;D