Author Topic: My Parents and BBM -- by wontingwitch  (Read 2741 times)

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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My Parents and BBM -- by wontingwitch
« on: June 16, 2007, 06:48:00 pm »
My Parents and BBM   
by - wontingwitch 23 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 15:53:07 )   

Sometimes when I watch BBM I think of the time I saw it with my parents and their reactions and it lightens things up a bit. Below are my parents' reactions to certain parts of the movie.

While they are up on Brokeback: My mom "Who's the one with the dark hair? He is handsome. I can see him in leading man roles. He sure is a good looking boy."

During the first tent scene: My dad turns away and twitches in his seat clearly not comfortable with the scene. My dad is 70 and has nothing against gay people per say. He believes that they should be able to have civil unions and have all the rights married people have, it just shouldn't be called marriage. He is a pastors' son so some of the "sacred marriage" stuff carries over from religion I'm sure but he is far more tolerant than straight black boys/men I know who are 1/4 his age. My father is famous for talking to the screen and giving characters advice no matter what kind of movie he is watching so I knew this would be quite an experience. So I tell him when the scene is over and that he can look again and we all keep watching.

He sees that one of the sheep is dead: He says "Oh no."

During the second tent scene: "This time they are going to go back out there and ALL the sheep are going to be dead!" I could not help but laugh out loud at this one.

When Aguirre sees the two of them: My Dad "Uh oh."

During the unhappy tussle scene: My mother this time "They sure do horse around alot. Hey! Why are they fighting?"

Ennis heaving and crying in the alley: My mom "What's wrong with him?"

When Aguirre scolds Jack for stemming the rose: My Dad "Oooo!" My mom "What's stemming the rose?"

When Ennis comes home to Alma and the crying babies My mom "Well they sure have been busy." My dad "How many kids do they HAVE?"

The Ennis-Alma first sex scene (since I read the story) I share that I don't think that the sex they just had was vaginal: My mom screws up her face, lol.

When the rodeo clown turns Jack down: My dad "Now he's going to go over there and tell all those guys about you; You better get out of there!"

When Lureen and Jack are in the backseat My dad: "Hey that's a girl with Jack."

When Alma sees the two of them: My mom "Oh no! Yup, turn right around. That's what I'd have done, pretend I didn't see it until I could decide what to do."

When Ennis kisses Alma goodbye before he goes off with Jack after their night in the Motel (which my dad didn't care for either): My dad speaking for Alma "Don't you kiss me you're my husband and you were just kissing someone else."

When Alma storms out to go to work: My dad "That's right, no one eating unless you're serving it." he smiles, my mother glares in his direction

Alma says I'd have em if you'd support em: My dad "Oooo!"

Jack tells L.D. off at thanksgiving: My dad "Mmmmm!" (as oppposed to DAMN!)

Alma lets Ennis have it at Thanksgiving: My mom "Well she sure waited a long time to say something. What's the point now that you're remarried and pregnant?"

Ennis starts the fight outside the bar: My mother "Why's he always hitting everybody?"

Ennis asks Jack if he ever gets the feeling people know: My mom "Oh so now he's paranoid. He still doesn't know how Alma knows about him."

Cassie drags Ennis onto the dancefloor: My dad "He sure can't dance!"

Alma Jr. tells Cassie her Daddy isn't the marrying kind: My dad "Yeah girl, you don't know what you're gettin into!"

Lake scene: Ennis telling Jack the things he doesn't know might get Jack killed if he finds out My dad "Mmmm! He said he was gonna kill him!" then a bit later Jack lets Ennis have it: My dad again "Mmmmm!" even louder than the last time, then you have no idea how bad it gets: My dad "Yes he does too!" then still later in the scene Ennis collapses: My mom "Why is he always falling down?"

The postcard with deceased on it: My dad "Oh no, he's dead!" but quite sincerely.

Phone call scene: My mom "That girl playing Jacks' wife is good."

No more talking until the closet scene. As soon as my mom sees part of the sleeve she gasps and exclaims "The shirts!"

All in all, I really couldn't believe my dad sat through it. He's cooler than I thought. He said he felt sorry for them and that it was a sad movie. My mom asked when I would bring it over to watch it again. Sometimes when I'm watching and I start to get all emotional and weepy, I remember my parents' humor and I smile...just wanted to share that...
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: My Parents and BBM -- by wontingwitch
« Reply #1 on: June 16, 2007, 06:50:46 pm »
Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - belfastgirl 23 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 15:59:40 )   

Hey, that's pretty funny! How could you remember all that??

Thanks for posting anyway!

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - galaxyhitchhiker80 23 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 16:00:17 )

You're parents are funny and sweet people. Thanks for sharing.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - wontingwitch 22 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 16:08:00 )

UPDATED Tue Apr 11 2006 16:13:22
It's the weirdest thing but I remember everything they said since we only watched it together that one time. I guess I just love them and tend to remember what they say anyway really. I have really great parents; I think. It doesn't mean I always do what they want me to do, but I do hear them. My mother called me while I was at Best Buy getting my copy of the movie last week and asked me to pick up one for her and her free book. She watched it twice over the weekend. I had to tell her to change the picture setting on her DVD player to view it in widescreen (she was having that fullscreen problem some of the posters have been having) and she said "But my tent scenes STILL aren't light enough!" LMAO She's cool too, my mom. OK now I'm getting all mushy and stuff so I'm gonna stop, lol.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - gggim25 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:35:17 )   

I wonder if you know how lucky you are, to be part of such a loving family. I was thrown out at 13 for being homo and can only try to imagine what life with a family like yours would have been like.

My mom "Why is he always falling down?" ... had me laughin aloud. Thank you!

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - muscla_1 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:39:50 )   

Lake scene: Ennis telling Jack the things he doesn't know might get Jack killed if he finds out My dad "Mmmm! He said he was gonna kill him!" then a bit later Jack lets Ennis have it: My dad again "Mmmmm!" even louder than the last time, then you have no idea how bad it gets: My dad "Yes he does too!" then still later in the scene Ennis collapses: My mom "Why is he always falling down?"
Loved your whole story, but I especially cracked up at the bolded part.

"Jack, I swear..."

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - efromm 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:44:41 )   

Wow. I wish my parents were as open minded as yours are. Especially your mom. That was a great story. It made my day.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - WindySong 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:44:59 )   

Sounds like you had quite the experience! Pretty funny. Parents always make things just a bit different. Like when Ennis was in Jack's bedroom and opened the window, my mum said the room must've been musty and Ennis needed to air the place out.

Love, Bre <3
"Give 'em hell."

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - wontingwitch 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:51:22 )   

I'm so sorry that happened to you gggim25. My heart goes out to you. I didn't always appreciate my parents. I was one HELL of a teenager. I mean so bad I'm surprised my parents still love me at all. If you're ever in Baltimore, you're welcome to hang out with us! I seem to attract people in my life who have no family or whose families have abandoned them. They always say what you said, that I'm lucky. I just wish everyone else was too.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - pastorfred 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:52:07 )   

I just love your parents. I think I'm about their age, too - mid-fifties. Their reactions had me LOL - - especially, "Why's he always falling down? I usually get teary at that, but now sometimes I'll laugh, thinking of her. Thanks so much for sharing.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - tomtrueman 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:54:23 )   

I wish I'd known you meant you were sitting at home watching the DVD. When you said that at the end, I went back and re-read it and thought it was funny.

But if all that talking had been going on while sitting in a theatre, I would NOT have been amused. Far too many people go to a movie and talk right out loud all through it, like they think they're sitting at home in their livingroom or something. (I pay to hear the dialogue, not the running commentary of someone sitting near me, who chatters incessantly.)

At one of the Rocky films, a woman in the row in front of me had brought a young child with her, and there was NOT ONE SINGLE MINUTE of the movie when that kid was not asking, right out loud: "Mommy, who is he? Mommy, why did he do that? Mommy, what did he say? Mommy, where is he going?" And on and on and on......

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - wontingwitch 21 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 17:54:48 )

yeah my dad's 70 but mom will be 55 in August so you sure called that age right!

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - catglith 20 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 18:08:15 )   

My personal favourites:

"He sure is a good looking boy" (yup!)

"Hey! Why are they fighting?" (lmao!)

"What's stemming the rose?" (cringe!)

"My dad "That's right, no one eating unless you're serving it." he smiles, my mother glares in his direction" (lol)

"What's the point now that you're remarried and pregnant?" (too true)

"Why's he always hitting everybody?" (lmao)

"Oh so now he's paranoid." (lmao again)

"you have no idea how bad it gets: My dad "Yes he does too!"" (so sad, so true)

"Why is he always falling down?" (funny in a devastating way)

"she gasps and exclaims "The shirts!"" (i think the first time you see the film and you see the shirt sleeves appear in the frame, you can't help but be moved on a deep level when you realise what they are. The audience becomes Ennis in that moment, discovering Jack's secret for the first time too.)

Did you explain stuff to them as they asked wontingwitch? I also wondered if either one cried. My mum did, and she NEVER cries at films.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - wontingwitch 20 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 18:11:43 )

LMAO. I agree though I have been guilty of it myself a few times. A 12:40 am showing of The Waterboy, years ago (I was drunk); The time my girlfriends and I went to see Monsters' Ball in the movies (again, drunk) and after Billy Bob names the gas station after Halle Berrys' character I exclaimed "Damn, I'm doing this ALL wrong...I need to get myself a white man," and some girl (a stranger) sitting next to me says "You know?" while her date looks on like wtf, lol and Hostel but I was pretty pissed that the movie wasn't scaring me and I can not be held responsible for how I choose to entertain myself...I don't think anyone around me cared, they were too busy laughing, but yes, talking in movies bad, very very bad, lol.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - wontingwitch 20 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 18:28:21 )

Yeah we talked about it after for a good 20 min which is how the gay rights topic came up at all (I did not know how either of them felt before this conversation). I expressed that I support gay rights at which time my dad told me how he felt (posted above) and my mom said she didn't see why not (about gay marriage) b/c how was it hurting her; to each their own she said. Then we watched the Oprah interview that I had on my laptop (Tivotogo) which I brought with me (My mom didn't want to watch it until she had seen the movie). I was giving a ride to one of my moms' friends and my mom b/c they didn't have their cars and my mother asked her "Have you seen Brokeback Mountain?" and her friend was caught off guard a bit and said "No, I've heard about it but I haven't gotten a chance to see it yet." and then my mom says with this completely serious look on her face "It was EXCELLENT." Inside, I expressed silent glee, lol, don't know why, I guess cuz she liked it so much that she brought it up herself. She has even mentioned at work that she recommends it and some people have been asking to borrow the book and DVD and she said she would lend it out and has been giving me all the credit for seeing it first, lol. She did not cry though and my dad surely did know I don't think I've ever seen my dad cry. Not that he's a hard ass, he's really a laid back kind of guy, but he is generally happy and is very well liked (I admire that about him b/c I'm a bit of a loner; I can be a social butterfly but most of the time I choose to retreat into my own world). So no, no tears but lots of discussion and I showed my mom this board (before the trolls took over) and answered all the questions to the best of my ability and with a deeper understanding that comes from being a part of this board. She's a Brokie now and ironically, the only one I can share my love of this movie with (my friends who are half her age are more uptight than she and flat out REFUSE to see it; other than one who watched it this weekend and liked it in spite of herself). My mom recognizes the lines I'm always posting as my status in Yahoo Messenger; It's really cute actually. I'm so glad I could share this with you guys. We need some laughter around here sometimes.

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - hibbler 20 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 18:35:11 )   

"But my tent scenes STILL aren't light enough!"

You need to tell your mom she has alot of fans on this board! LOL!

Re: My Parents and BBM   
by - norwegianwood_4000 19 hours ago (Tue Apr 11 2006 19:46:00 )   

funny stuff! i like your parents

I can;t wait to show it to my parents esp. my mom. They both want to see what the hype is all about, but we're Chinese, so it would be better to get the Chinese translation version for them first, however thanks to the dumbass government that banned the movie, there isn;t an official translated version, there is, however, a poorly translated version on internet but it completely takes away from the film, since part of it is about perfect dialogue. Sorry to ramble on but i just despise censorship and banning of movies+books.
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40

Offline TOoP/Bruce

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Re: My Parents and BBM -- by wontingwitch
« Reply #2 on: June 16, 2007, 06:52:23 pm »
Responses to the REPOST
Re: My Parents and BBM-- by wontingwitch   
  by merr7242   (Wed May 9 2007 16:29:46 )   

What a wonderful treat ToOP. That really made my day. I started watching the film again last night around 12:30 a.m. just so I could watch those scenes I read about yesterday re: connections. I looked hard and after at least 30 watchings, I saw things I'd never noticed before. Never saw the honey ad - just the Carl Buddig ad - how could I have missed that, hunh? Also, the Alma/Ennis flip and then the rodeo scene. Now I always thought that was interesting editing, but I couldn't put my finger on why. Also the last day scene going into the wedding scene and the prayer and the 4th of July scene going right into Lureen's barrel riding scene. I never realized the connection there either - just figured it was just showing life outside of E & J's meetings. Great film editing.

I am going to watch the rest of it now and see if I spy any others.


Jack, I swear...... [Ennis Del Mar]

Re: My Parents and BBM   -- by wontingwitch   

  by littlewing1957   (Wed May 9 2007 18:58:26 )   

Wow, TOop, but this really takes me back! I even remember posting on this thread. Thanks so much for re-posting it!

« Last Edit: June 16, 2007, 08:01:19 pm by TOoP/Bruce »
Former IMDb Name: True Oracle of Phoenix / TOoP (I pronounce it "too - op") / " in fire forged,  from ash reborn" / Currently: GeorgeObliqueStrokeXR40