Author Topic: The Fantasy Tour of Texas  (Read 21640 times)

Offline ohiomyown

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Re: The Fantasy Tour of Texas
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2009, 07:44:06 pm »
I would like nothing better than to be travelling somewhere, anywhere, right now. Some place not so cold, maybe that used to be part of Mexico. Yeah, Texas, I would like to experence it first hand. I have only the memory of driving thru the panhandle in 1982 and didn't see much because I had misplaced my shades. On the return trip we had a flat tire in Dalheart and I have been to the Houston Airport a few times, and DFW, but I have never really experenced the place.

So I will plan out a little trip in my head, and since it is in my head I can do whatever I want, take as long as I want. Now, where to begin? Humm, how about Galveston.....


So, as fate would have it,  my daughter has fallen in love with a man whose family owns a beach house in Galveston.  Karen and Jon (yes, the one who almost put his eye out when a wire stripper tool broke and a piece of it flew into his eye) have been to Galveston every chance they get, repairing and remodeling said house.  All the land around it is changed as well.  The wedding is in Austin on Halloween. 

It is my firm belief that he now wears goggles, even for "just a simple job".

Right now it is 74 deg. F, 23 deg. C, in Galveston, I could fly into Houston, rent a car and drive the hour to the shore of the Golfo de Mexico and find a nice place on the beach, or nearby, and spend a couple of days chilling' by the water with a good book. Currently I am reading a tell all autobiography by Edmund White and he don't leave much out.

In the afternoons I could probably still view some of last years hurricane damage, look for any signs of the house where Victor Neal once lived with his mother when he was an organist at the Queen Theater. Do the pub crawl at night and generally unwind from real life. Try to decide the important things like, do I want to go north to Beaumont and the area where Janis Joplin grew up, or do I want to go south to Corpus Christi?