Author Topic: The Mudge Boy  (Read 9254 times)

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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The Mudge Boy
« on: March 30, 2008, 08:57:06 am »
I just saw this movie, and i loved it. Here's what i thought....

It's quiet obvious from the very start that Duncan Mudge is a inordinate boy. First he has conversation with the chickens and tells them his mothers dead. It says it quiet Cooley. Not that he doesnt care, just the doesnt really know how to feel. And quiet honestly, Who does?

Than he performs what looks like a fellatio act on a chickens head. This we learn is the way of calming down a chicken. It's kinda as if we are seeing an act that is about to happen in advance. In contrast, maybe we are the chickens and the only way to calm us down is to suck on our neck. But when the boy is given the opportunity, it only fuels anger.... with Perry.....

Duncan is a classic example of a stoic country boy, who's has no real prospects, have had all that much human contact and the contact he has had is from his mother. A exccentric women who tried to turn her some into a lover not a hater. Thus, making him sensitive....

When Duncan finally comes in contact with a person, it is perry. A boy reads as sex. He is attractive, struts a certain charisma, talks endlessly about sex and a majority of the time about his penis. He lives in a environment that is full of rage and substance abuse. So his only grip with any reality is through this. He is angry, he is gay, he cant fulfill the needs his desires force upon him, he takes this out of girls. Cause ultimately they are what he wants to be. He wants to be with boys, he wants to have sex with boys and he wants to fall ion love with boys....
So the only way for him to exist in society, is to deny his feelings, repress his desires. Cause all of this to build up a lot of pent up anger.

When Duncan comes into his life. He is subject to a certain amount of intimicy, duncan confides in him and they become as close as Perry can allow it. Slowly through time there relationship would have built as normal as possible and quiet possibly ran away together. But, it develops wrongly. Perry doesnt empathize with Duncan, he sympathize with him. This pity cause him to resent him. Cause Duncan is a product of something else, Perry is a product of his own environment.....
Through this Duncan impacts Perry a lot. Perry connect with him and allows himself to indulge in certain happiness. He spends his time decideing if Duncan is actually attracted to him. First theres the fact he acts effinate, than Duncan boldy touches his arm, than Duncan watched him have sex. That's the definitive moment when it is decided and there friendship becomes sexual. Duncan is not a fool, he knows whats happening. Perry entices him and shows him that he is in fact imagining Duncan. So he they watch eact hother. This is what could be happening, this is whats going to happen and they both want it...

So when he scene comes, Duncan is not ready. This boy is sensitive and vulnerable. He wants the kissing and touching and love. Perry takes the opportunity to express his anger. Thus, hurting Duncan. It begins as what Duncan sees as fun, but Perry sees as making he desire for Duncan right. Thus putting him in the wedding dress.... Than Duncan hurts Perry and Perry slaps him. Than Duncan apologize, This angers Perry. He says "Stop appoligising. I'm not mad at you" Cause his not, he likes him. Maybe even loves him. So his trying to make this thing happen, Duncan is to naive, he wants to impress Perry and make him happy. So the only way to allow it to happen is to "MAKE" it happen.
So Perry does what many thinks as rapes him. But it's not, if Duncan really did'nt want to do it, he could have put up a fight. But he allows it to happen. Trusting Perry. Though he hurt Duncan in the end it, it was a very wanted situation. Once it is over they both realise that they love each other. They want this. But Perry's fear subsides him.....

In the car, is the most powerful. Duncan has come to him in agony. His father has hurt him beyond repair. Perry's intentions is to call there friendship off, his fear has beaten him again. So Duncan asks Perry for the one thing and only thing he wanted. He wanted Perry to love him.... He asks him he ever thought about kissing him. Perry at first resists. But eventually indulges his fantasy and allows so true intimacy. Misinterpreting Duncan who them displays what he wants. Than and there is where they have fallen for each other. i guarantee you it will not be over.....

But, there final scene is the most important. At first you think that Perry was going to kill the chicken himself. But he cant, he cant do to Duncan, he cant do it to someone he loves. So Duncan takes the matter in to his own hands. He shows musicality. He showing Perry, if you cant hide it and allow this secret relationship to happen. Than i can. He can hide it. He doesnt care. He wants to be loved..... And Perry loves him, cause he cant kill the Chicken......

It was a mixed up, anger filled, emotionally powerful relationship and it was not over.....

I loved it....

The last moment with the father is the most powerful, the fathers confusion and love. This is where his father holds him and finally accepts him for what he is.......

A teenage boy, a gay boy, a lover.....

What did you guys think?
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.


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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #1 on: March 30, 2008, 12:54:38 pm »
I think I need to see this movie....very interesting! Thank you, sir!!

Offline Artiste

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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2008, 10:38:10 pm »
The father accepts him?

Offline "Joseph Golden"

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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2008, 09:34:21 am »
Injest i truly think you should see this movie. It is really quite a wonderful story that many have not heard of. And the acting is just fine. I'm sorry if my board gave away some spoilers that you did'nt want to hear. I should have warned. Please do see it. It's quiet the film.....

Artiste, i was wondering if you had seen the film? If so than i curious to know if you did'nt make this interpretation......
Don’t lie, don’t try to fool me, Ennis. I know what it means. Jack Twist? Jack Nasty.

Offline Artiste

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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #4 on: April 03, 2008, 11:43:09 am »
Did not see it yet!

I would love to do so since your comments are great about it!!

Tell me more?

You will create a similar story?


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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2008, 10:25:31 am »
I haven't seen this yet, but I want to and I thank you and gary for bringing it to our attention.

But when I heard about Duncan and the chicken, I thought of the parallels with Ennis and the sheep. Tell me if I'm on the right track here. We see in Brokeback Mountain how a sheep is ravaged by a coyote on the night of the first tent scene, and Ennis' remorse when the blue heeler calls it to his attention the next day. An innocent sheep is dead and it weighs on Ennis' conscience even though the audience knows that it is not Ennis' fault and some sheep would certainly be lost over the summer to coyotes anyway. It is an inevitable fate.

Duncan and the chicken also reminded me about the story of The Virginian, who had a relationship with a chicken named Emily:

Em'ly is none other than a hen. A rather deranged hen, who is determined to set on any egg-like objects she can find even though she never lays any eggs (or aiggs) herself. We first meet Em'ly when the narrator kicks her, for the third time, off an assemblage of potatoes that she has rolled together to form a nest. The Virginian saunters in and starts a conversation with our Tenderfoot narrator. More than his feet are tender on this day. Our narrator is nursing a bruised ego, caused when he overheard TV telling the guys in the bunkhouse about one of their most recent and embarassing escapades. TF was so intent on bagging a couple of ducks that he actually jumped in the water after them, and emerged covered with mud. TV informed him then that the ducks were divers, and so not worth eating.

This is from my review of The Virginian elsewhere in The Culture Tent. It seems to me like stories of eggs, chickens, and nurturing are hints of deeper stories of mothers and children, the unique love they have with each other and the pain of separation.

"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Artiste

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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2008, 10:33:50 am »

I always enjoy chickens in films!

Was there any in BM ?

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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2008, 11:26:31 am »

I always enjoy chickens in films!

Was there any in BM ?

Well, there were a couple of turkeys!! LOL!
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Artiste

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Re: The Mudge Boy
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2008, 10:30:25 am »
I have a wild turkey story!

Any in The Mudge Boy??