Author Topic: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.  (Read 16771 times)

Offline Spooky_Rabbit

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #10 on: April 02, 2006, 02:53:42 am »
Well, hmmm, this is really quite subjective, like all art, isn't it?  :-\

And I bring something VERY subjective to this, having been a club DJ for 15+ years and just loving to dance, period.

There are five remixes of The Wings so far. I have two of them, the Gabriel and Dresden remix and the Tony Moran remix.  G & D is much trippier and Tony's is just downright pretty.  Soaring even.  I've heard Tony's remix twice so far on a dancefloor and it is really breathtaking.

In fact, I heard it in THE most beautiful setting in Miami at the beginning of this month.  It was a beach party under a canopy of white flowing chiffon, with 4,500 people present.  The dancefloor alone had 2,000 people on it.  It was glorious and if Gustavo's music can reach a wider, appreciative audience this way, well why not?

hehehe... There's a picture of me on a website at this exact party for those that may be interested in looking, taken by a photographer up in the dj booth we were right in front of.

It's at - then click on 2006 Winter Party.  Then "beach pics". Then go to page 9 and it's pic # 4057. I'm the one without red hair....  ;D

Well, that pic shows where I first heard the remix of The Wings and it's a beautiful memory etched in my brain...  :)
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 03:03:14 am by Spooky_Rabbit »
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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #11 on: April 02, 2006, 04:15:29 am »
Jimmy, that's a beautiful picture!  I ordered a mouse pad of it.  (Just kidding about that second part.)

Offline Spooky_Rabbit

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #12 on: April 02, 2006, 01:14:19 pm »
LOL, Clarissa!!  ;D

You can run your mouse over my face...  :o
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Offline Flashframe777

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #13 on: April 02, 2006, 04:03:28 pm »
 I've heard Tony's remix twice so far on a dancefloor and it is really breathtaking.

Hey Spooky,

I believe Tony Moran is the DJ who also records under the name JAKATTA.  I have to find the Tony Moran version of The Wings now!  Thanks!

****Are you going to make me dye my hair red just to get next to you in a photo?
« Last Edit: April 02, 2006, 04:05:13 pm by Flashframe777 »
"yet he is suffused with a sense of pleasure because Jack Twist was in his dream"

Offline Spooky_Rabbit

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #14 on: April 02, 2006, 04:21:32 pm »
No Flash! (but he is a cutie, no?)

The CD single of The Wings remixes comes out commercially April 11 according to Amazon.  :)
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #15 on: April 02, 2006, 04:31:12 pm »
Well, hmmm, this is really quite subjective, like all art, isn't it?  :-\

Agreed, all art is subjective. No offense intended to anyone else's opinion, it's just my opinion that it was wrong to turn "The Wings" into a dance tune. In my opinion that trivializes it.
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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #16 on: April 02, 2006, 04:49:57 pm »
Here is a sampling of the reviews from iTunes users:

Who Greenlights these things? *

What began as a truly haunting song that signifies the longing of a love that can never be fully realized has been diluted and over-processed into some sort of 'queer as folk' club anthem.  The only people who would be excited to hear this start thumping into their local dance spot are the same people who would buzz around spouting oh how excited they were to see "that gay cowboy movie where those hot guys make out."

Those who have completely missed the point in both instances.

The Sad truth remains that while pretty boys in cowboy duds can easily keep some distracted enough to miss the tragic story behind the homo-erotic action, these remixes aren't even remarkable enough to hold your interest for the five minutes they demand of your time.

Terrible! *

I loved the movie.  I loved the acting.  I loved the music.

I hate these remixes.

They're a travesty, an awful techno/rave reinterpretation of an otherwise simple and haunting song.  Imagine someone taking the stirring Ashokan Farewell from Ken Burns' Civil War documentary and giving it a terrible techno beat.  Yeah, this is that bad!  And believe me, I do like techno, when it's done properly.

So you don't believe they can be that bad?  Go ahead and give them a listen.  Nothing I write can prepare you for how bad these remixes really are.

I'm gay *

...and this is by far the gayest thing I've ever seen.  How many copies of the Brokeback Mountain them do we really need?  Did they have to d a super-gay-techno version?   Way to make a complete joke of the film...

Leave the Music Alone ! *

I agree with the other reviewers...this music was haunting and beautiful in the movie.  It was wonderful in it's original context.  It shoudl be left alone...and not re-mixed and re-masterd to be heard at ever circuit party of the year.  I won't be buying this album.  I would recommend the original Brokeback Mountain soundtrack.

WHAT?!?!?! *

What in the world is this?  They HAD to ruin it for all of us...

Is Nothing Sacred? *

This is easily the worst entry into the iTunes catalogue yet.  I'm sure you could find a worse group of tracks to download, but you'll find nothing (!) that poops all over a great, original idea like these uncalled for remixes.

I saw this coming... **

I knew it was just a matter of time till someone decided to take the great soundtrack of Brokeback Mountain and pervert it into a dance mix.  Now every gay club in the nation is going to be playing this for the next 6 months as our official anthem.  Thanks a lot!  Just leave well enough alone and stop trying to squeeze every dollar out of what was a good movie and now is rapidly becoming just another stereotype to add to the others.  Ugh...

Apalling! *

I nearly broke my wrist yanking my mouse to stop this.  The bracing elegance of Santaolalla's score is one of the many, many aspects to admire in BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN.  I consider it the best movie I've seen in many years.  The pain it conveys resonates more and more with each viewing.

But to take this music and put through a taste-free meat grinder like this--well, someone should be lashed until he drops.

Good Lord, WHY? *

I know.  I have a great idea.  Let's take one of the most plaintive and haunting movie themes in recent memory and put a dance beat to it?  I mean, who wouldn't want to go out on the dance-floor and celebrate someone getting beaten to death with a tire-iron and a man who has to live a life alone and in pain until the end of his life!?!?! I am all about the dance-floor be a place for catharsis, but this is just tasteless.

Worse than Crash Winning the Oscar **

I am not prejudiced against this film-I thought it was the best of the year.  Oh, yeah, and the music.  Santaolalla's original version of "The Wings" is soaring and spectacular; a crucial component of the film.  This is something else.  These people have shredded up a work of art and turned into, of all things, a rave club-thumper?  Brokeback Mountain isn't really a film that makes me want to gyrate while buzzing on ecstasy.  I can really only think of two places this might work: a gay club and a strictly homsexual Abercrombie & Fitch.  So that's a star for each.

This movie is now dead to me *

The Queer as Folk guys might have well just run onto the screen and frosted Jack's hair.  It woud have been more dignified.

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #17 on: April 02, 2006, 04:54:45 pm »
LOL - Since I don't go to clubs, I have still managed to avoid hearing any of the remixes.  I am avoiding them almost as much as I am avoiding Crash, which just landed with a resounding crash (sorry, bad pun fully intended!) on cable.

Offline Spooky_Rabbit

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #18 on: April 02, 2006, 05:05:44 pm »
Well................... there are two kinds of people: those that like to dance and those that do not.

I can dance to anything and that includes Tchaikovsky, hehehe. But I keep that in my house and spare other people...  :)

I find the "horror" in those reviews to be very amusing.  And I laughed right out loud at the word "sacred" being used.

And there is the problem to me: that the music had become "sacred" to this reviewer.  I personally do not find any music to be sacred - it's music, let it be reworked, remade, retold.  Good music can withstand a bad retelling and the world keeps spinning.  (Beatles fans are the worst for feeling the music can't be touched ever again.  OMG, it's just POP music!  It's not biblical!)

And clearly Gustavo himself didn't find his composition to be so sacred as to NOT be remixed.  Why should anyone else?

Eh.  I'm an optimist.  The glass is always half full.  When I was on the dancefloor and the beautiful theme came on, I was not celebrating a death by tire iron beating, as the one "reviewer" kind of dumbly put it, but of this beautiful film and the love that the story is truly about...
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Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: "The Wings" remixes get slaughtered with with Bad reviews on iTunes.
« Reply #19 on: April 02, 2006, 05:07:10 pm »

(Thanks, Surf.)
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