Author Topic: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please  (Read 10294 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #20 on: September 08, 2006, 10:43:49 am »
Hey y'all, all ideas welcome, and we'll see where it goes, but my original idea was more around content, since CT is a forum made up of threads.   What kinds of threads help you feel like this is home? 

Another idea that's been suggested is to have dedicated CT chat times- not with an eye toward exclusivity, but to enable us to know when to peek in to the chat to find CT buds.  Anyone who defines themselves as a Tremblayan would be welcome. 

Offline YaadPyar

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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #21 on: September 08, 2006, 10:58:09 am »
Hey y'all, all ideas welcome, and we'll see where it goes, but my original idea was more around content, since CT is a forum made up of threads.   What kinds of threads help you feel like this is home? 

I surely don't know, and don't know if anyone does, what kind of content we should have.  Maybe you can tell us more about what's driving the poll and the concern for clarifying what's on CT...what the need is that's being addressed.
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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #22 on: September 08, 2006, 03:50:03 pm »
Have you noticed that there's usually more people active on this discussion board than in all of the others combined??
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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #23 on: September 08, 2006, 04:40:09 pm »
Here are some possible questions:

Should movie/book discussion threads (like the buckets thread, for instance) go in CT or in the Open Forum?

Should humorous threads (like the Performance Thread, lines visualized, etc) go in CT or in The Lighter Side?

Should fan-fiction-related threads (like the Ennis and Ellery thread) go in CT or in the fan fiction forum?

Should announcements of BBM showings, lectures by Annie Proulx, etc go in CT or in the Movie Resources forum?

Should discussions of politics, other movies, etc go in CT or in the Anything Goes forum?

(Maybe for a poll, the question should be "Should X posts go in Y forum instead of in CT?")

- Mel
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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2006, 05:54:21 pm »
I have a strong sentimental attachment to CT as is, where is. This is where I find my BBM friends.

Maybe not in CT, but I think one of the strong features of BetterMost is as a haven for people whose self/life-assessment has been strongly shaken by BBM, especially
1. Men who realised their attraction was to men after seeing the movie. (Safe Haven is for them.)
2. People who realised their life was (or in our case, lives were) not going where they wanted it to, after seeing the movie. (Maybe a new forum for them?)

Offline serious crayons

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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2006, 10:39:21 pm »
2. People who realised their life was (or in our case, lives were) not going where they wanted it to, after seeing the movie. (Maybe a new forum for them?)

Excellent idea!

Offline Brown Eyes

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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2006, 01:13:25 am »

This is a really interesting discussion.  Well, when I first arrived in early April I posted here a lot because this is where the heaviest traffic was by far... and I recognized the names of lots of the people here.  I had never been on the PT board on imdb, although I'd been on the main boards for a really long time.  So, I knew about the PT board and was aware that there was cross over between PT and the big board.  By the time I really understood all those dynamics the troll wars were in full swing.  Anyway... enough about me.

I think it would be a bit of a shame to loose the name Chez Tremblay.  There's so much history to that.  It certainly is confusing to newbies at first... but actually I think that's sort of part of its charm.  Once people begin to understand what it means and how the name came about it feels sort of special or  like learning "lingo" that's very particular to BetterMost.  It's almost like the fun of learning Brokie-isms and really understanding them in very subtle ways.  Things like the phrase "Chez Tremblay" and Brokie-isms are like little secret passwords or secret handshakes (for lack of better metaphors) for the BetterMost community at this point.

I like the idea of clearly defined roles for the forums.  But, I'm sure there will always be some free-wheeling in all forums... which I think is fine too.  I don't think we should get too strict about rule enforcement.  It seems reasonable for CT to be devoted to Brokeback social events/ viewings, etc. as people have said.  And all the light-hearted stuff like the "Performance", "Heath, Heath, Heath", etc. should stay too because those are really traditions now.  I don't want to be the one to suggest what should be moved out.  Making those decisions will take quite a lot of in-put from other people here I would think.
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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2006, 04:23:46 pm »
My input:

I'd like the name to stay the same. It means something to me, it's something I'm still proud of. I think that it's easy enough to learn about why it's called that, and it's such a great story that we shouldn't lose that piece of our history and identity.

Because CT formed as such a close-knit community, and since we have the option to, I would love it if the board went back to being hidden from non-members. The thing that keeps me here is the closeness I feel to so many members of CT, and I feel like that is what makes it special. So, if that's an option for the poll, I'd like to see it on there. I'm not trying to exclude anyone from joining (or re-joining) this community, but would like to have some privacy back, especially considering the vulnerability I have begun to feel lately from all the drama.

Content-wise, I think that since the board is formed around the community, we should let things of this community be here unless they are obviously more appropriate to other boards (fan fic, movie resources, etc). The Open Forum is a great place and I'm sure I should go there much more than I do (which is almost never), and I just think of CT as a mini-open forum with more history and more wackiness to it perhaps.

Definitely want to keep social announcements, the PT, the Heath and Jake boards here.

Not sure what else to say, but in light of recent events maybe we could have some kind of creed posted here that stays at the top, or even lives in the first post about welcome to the CT community. We could use some of Meryl's writings from the cult thread but I'd also like some ones along the lines of what Scott said, which I LOVED:
I would like us to strive collectively to be an example of an online community to others, to illustrate in our actions how a group founded in love and comradeship behaves, and what we consider valuable and worthy of our time and effort. So much wonderful things have already occurred among us...let us preserve that which is best, and forge ahead with new determination to explore and champion everything that Jack and Ennis represent. Even more than Ang, than Heath or Jake, than even Annie or any of our own members, we have been brought here by a spirit that we recognize in the shade of a Wyoming cowboy, and sometimes refer to as Jack, sometimes as Ennis, but whose true name is...Love.

Thank you for writing that Scott. It really rings true for me.

That's it from me.


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Offline Ellemeno

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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #28 on: September 14, 2006, 04:01:25 am »
Anyone else want to add ideas to include in the poll?  Post them here or PM me.   I'll be creating it soon. 

Offline ptannen

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Re: New CT poll in development - your two cents, please
« Reply #29 on: September 14, 2006, 08:46:29 pm »
Howdy -

I just scanned this thread quickly and I would like to second the following ideas I've read:

The most important thing about CT is the sense on community - which has been an awsome and totally new experience for me on the Internet.

Keeping up on BBM get-togethers  is very important - having them maintains and builds the CT community.

I also think it is an important service for us to keep each other up to date on BBM-realted events, such as BBM showings and the Oct. 19-21 writers' event in Casper, WY, with Annie Proulx and Judy Shepard speaking.

I know that many probably do not know the history of the CT name and it might not be important at this point to some, but I would like to retain the CT name.


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