Author Topic: Adios...I'm outta here..  (Read 15101 times)

Offline wtbgirl

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2006, 04:12:12 pm »
You know I ditto Jenny's sentiments - but as I said in my email to you, I do understand, but hope to keep in touch.  You have my info!

Take care
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 04:35:57 pm by amy7769 »

Offline RouxB

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2006, 04:23:15 pm »
That makes me very sad...

I know that things have changed-in part because,at least for me, the initial excitement has toned down a bit. So, I can sorta see your point but I really appreciate your perspective and have no issue if it's different from mine. I'll miss seeing your name.

So, if we can't convince you to stay, happy trails Cowboy.


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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2006, 04:26:05 pm »
I'm sorry to see you go, Surf.  I was really looking forward to meeting you.  But best of luck, thanks for letting us know, and I hope you'll still come by to visit from time to time.  You'll always be a part of this group.  :-*
Ich bin ein Brokie...

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #13 on: April 03, 2006, 04:27:52 pm »
First off I want to tell everyone that Surfie and I have the distinction of having gone up in the ferris wheel together on the Santa Monica (California) Pier, not just once, but twice.  We did this the day after we and the other five Seven Pilgrims of the Aero made the pilgrimage to Ang(less)Fest.  

There had been a snowstorm in the Northeast US and Ang Lee couldn't get out to be there - but Surfie could and did.  He crawled his way out to be there.  Surfie is an ardent and devoted Brokie, as many of you know.  That said...

Dear Surfie, you have been so cranky lately, and not shy about expressing it.  If we are all a family, and I'm growing in this belief, then it takes all kinds.  Surfie, you bring your Surf-ful gifts to the group and it really won't be the same here if you decide to go.  

And I think we're good for you too.  I've watched the last few weeks as you have written more and less hostile things to people, and I have seen you get various kinds of feedback on your behavior.  I was thinking you were learning to temper yourself and accept people's differences of opinion.

Honestly, Kevin, you have pissed me off several times, but who in my family hasn't?



« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 04:35:06 pm by Ellemeno »

Offline Chanterais

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #14 on: April 03, 2006, 04:32:38 pm »
Goodbye Surf.  I've always loved hearing your thoughts here and on the original Chez Tremblay (and on TOB before that).  I think it's really too bad that original and unconventional voices like yours have been shut down by some of the other posters.  Believe me when I say that you're not the only one who feel alienated by it. 

Our community here is supportive and loving in many ways, but in the last month or so, it's also delevoped a self-censoring quality that strangles debate.  I find it depressingly/amusingly ironic, considering that Brokeback Mountain itself is an emblem of tolerance and openness.  Healthy, vigorous, interested discourse is a wonderful thing; condemnation and personal attacks are pixelated tire irons.  I know who wields them, and I don't like it.

But go well on your journey, Surf.  Step lightly, pack lots of beans, some elk jerky, and a few bottles of whiskey to keep you warm.  But don't take no soup.  Them soup boxes is hard to pack.

We'll miss you.


Offline Ray

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2006, 04:51:02 pm »
Surf, we have never communicated directly, but I have read your posts and thought.  I have a habit when meeting someone, or overhearing a conversation, or witnessing an attitude, of likening that person to someone else I know.  You have always reminded me of my brother.  He is very outspoken and generates a great deal of heated debate.  He suffers fools much less than 'gladly' and is quite intollerant when opinions don't align to his own.  Similarly he spat "I'm outta here" to our family 12 years ago and has probably spoken a dozen words to any of us since that time.  I miss him and I still talk to his answering machine on birthdays and when I want to let him know I'm still alive.  I always admire his convictions, but I deplore his intollerance. I just wish he could allow people their own voice while he is allowed to speak his own.  This group is a wonderful opportunity that I for one don't want to miss.  I love being part of it, warts and all.

Honestly, Kevin, you have pissed me off several times, but who in my family hasn't?

  I think it's really too bad that original and unconventional voices like yours have been shut down by some of the other posters. 

A truly unconventional voice cannot be shut down by anyone, they just chose to be silenced.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 04:53:15 pm by Ray »
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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2006, 04:52:55 pm »
I may well find myself excommunicated from this board for saying this, but here goes.

Regardless of the need for Chez Tremblay to feel comfortable engaging in healthy debates (as Chanterais has pointed out), there needs to be a modicum of respect and consideration in the point/counterpoint threads.  Rudeness, unnecessary sharpness or calling others' opinions wrong and foolish has no place here in this close (yet quickly expanding) group.  Of course, often things get misconstrued because inflections do not translate across email as well as caps and exclamation points seem to.  

We all love this film beyond comprehension, and no one person here is a final authority on anything---whether it is the "I'm sorry" or "it's all right" topic or any other.  I'm not trying to sound confrontational at all, so this may be a good example of how feelings don't translate across typeface.

So everyone say exactly what is on your mind and let's feel free to disagree.  But of course--but let's do it with consideration and for others.   :)

It may sound trivial and pedestrian, but it's true.  
« Last Edit: April 03, 2006, 05:08:44 pm by rtprod »

Offline Chanterais

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2006, 05:00:54 pm »
So everyone say exactly what is on your mind and let's feel free to disagree.  But of course--but let's do it with consideration and for others.   :)

I second the motion most heartily.  Deftly put.


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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2006, 05:02:54 pm »
So everyone say exactly what is on your mind and let's feel free to disagree.  But of course--but let's do it with consideration and for others.   :)

Agreed!  ;D

Offline newyearsday

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Re: Adios...I'm outta here..
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2006, 05:04:54 pm »
Well, it seems that conflict just breeds more conflict sometimes. It's a shame what is happening re: Surf leaving or wanting to leave, and I think it's largely fallout from the major stress of last week on our community.

One thing I have learned here and elsewhere is that the convenience, detachment, and speed of online communication sometimes results in people saying things non-chalantly that end up actually hurting other people's feelings, or causing defenses to go up. On the other hand, those same features can make it easier for people to connect, sometimes deeply, with people whom they would never meet otherwise. So there are pros and cons to it all. I think CT has been great because we've had a lot of the closeness and less of the conflict, whereas the Big Board at Imdb maybe had more conflict and less closeness.

I really hope we as a community can handle people here having strongly held opinions, and I hope we can have public disagreements and arguments--we wouldn't be a very strong community if we couldn't. But if any of us has a problem with anyone here that goes deeper than that or that has built up over time, I'd hope that they would approach that person via PM and speak from his or her best self to that person's best self, with all intentions of goodwill returning. Otherwise, defenses tend to go up, and people retreat to their corners, or else lash out.

In any case, one of the main things Brokeback taught me iss that we all deserve to be respected as human beings, even if we are different. I really hope Surf decides to come back, b/c if we can handle the trolls we oughta be able to handle each other. I love this community and value everyone's contributions. "We gotta stick this out...."


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