Author Topic: Messages From The Heartland  (Read 2227695 times)

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #370 on: October 25, 2006, 03:31:31 pm »
The jury is out on those sound devices.  This site claims there is no evidence they work:

Offline Andrew

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #371 on: October 25, 2006, 03:33:26 pm »
Breaking news!  On a much pleasanter topic!

from CNN:
New Jersey high court approves gay marriages
TRENTON, N.J. (CNN) -- The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the state's constitution allows gay and lesbian couples to marry but it is left to the legislature what to call the relationship.

The high court announced its decision on its Web site in the case of Mark Lewis et al. v. Gwendolyn L. Harris, who headed the state department that issues marriage licenses.

Lawyers for the seven New Jersey gay and lesbian couples in the case had argued that the New Jersey Constitution's guarantee of liberty and equality allows them to marry.

The case was closely watched because New Jersey is one of only five states that has no law barring same-sex marriages. --From CNN Senior Producer Rose Arce (Posted 3:20 pm.)


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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #372 on: October 25, 2006, 03:53:56 pm »
Breaking news!  On a much pleasanter topic!

from CNN:
New Jersey high court approves gay marriages
TRENTON, N.J. (CNN) -- The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the state's constitution allows gay and lesbian couples to marry but it is left to the legislature what to call the relationship.

The high court announced its decision on its Web site in the case of Mark Lewis et al. v. Gwendolyn L. Harris, who headed the state department that issues marriage licenses.

Lawyers for the seven New Jersey gay and lesbian couples in the case had argued that the New Jersey Constitution's guarantee of liberty and equality allows them to marry.

The case was closely watched because New Jersey is one of only five states that has no law barring same-sex marriages. --From CNN Senior Producer Rose Arce (Posted 3:20 pm.)

Wow that's wonderful news!  :)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #373 on: October 25, 2006, 05:17:56 pm »
The traps that Katie mentioned seem to be your best bet. You should close all holes and (here I go, I am tired, I don't know the translation: gaten en spleten) where they can come through, and they can get through half a centimeter if they need to, so I heard. Put the traps close to the walls, because mice are agoraphobic, they HATE open spaces, they always stay near the walls. Also, they do NOT eat cheese, but they LOVE peanut butter, so if you get those traps that Katie mentioned, then put a piece of bread with peanut butter in it, they will flock to it...


Thanks Melissa! I didn't know they liked peanut butter.  :D

You were correct about the high frequency devices too. As soon as I plugged one in, Cody squinted his eyes, shook his head and ran out of the room. I will keep them though and put them in a drawer. Chances are a friend may need to use one or two of them at their house.

Are they also agoraphobic in the dark? Last night when I turned on the kitchen light, one was scurrying across the kitchen floor very close to where I was standing. Maybe if I keep the lights turned on at night, they will stay hidden near the walls. I am going back up to the store to get some of those live traps Katie and Andrew told me about... and I will try your peanut butter suggestion Melissa!  :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2006, 05:19:47 pm by David925 »
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Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #374 on: October 25, 2006, 05:27:45 pm »
Breaking news!  On a much pleasanter topic!

from CNN:
New Jersey high court approves gay marriages
TRENTON, N.J. (CNN) -- The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the state's constitution allows gay and lesbian couples to marry but it is left to the legislature what to call the relationship.

The high court announced its decision on its Web site in the case of Mark Lewis et al. v. Gwendolyn L. Harris, who headed the state department that issues marriage licenses.

Lawyers for the seven New Jersey gay and lesbian couples in the case had argued that the New Jersey Constitution's guarantee of liberty and equality allows them to marry.

The case was closely watched because New Jersey is one of only five states that has no law barring same-sex marriages. --From CNN Senior Producer Rose Arce (Posted 3:20 pm.)

Andrew, I had the television turned on when the news broke a few hours ago about it. I was very happy to hear about it. But I wonder what this will mean for people living in other states. For example, if two gay people from Indiana travel to New Jersey to be married (or get a civil union) what will happene once they return to Indiana? Somehow I can't imagine Indiana recognizing such a marriage or union. Would Indiana be required to recognize it? Or is the recognition left to each individual state? If it is left to each state, gay people from states like Indiana probably won't benefit from it at all.

Still, it is wonderful news, very encouraging and definately another positive step for gay Americans.  :)
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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #375 on: October 25, 2006, 05:53:29 pm »
There's some troll action over at IMDb right now.

I'm thinking about going over there later on and fighting with a few of them for old time's sake.   :)

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #376 on: October 25, 2006, 11:18:04 pm »
Current Weather in Indianapolis: Cloudy and Cool   Temp: 45 F (7 C)

I have been busy posting some some things about our Universe and about religion. Actually I think the Universe discussion might develop into a debate which is fine. I love to debate! But I started thinking about all these things, which led to my thoughts about the creation of the world. Suddenly I remembered a story my mother sometimes told me when I was young. Mom was 1/2 Lakota, and she often told us old stories handed down on the Native American side of my family for hundreds of years. About a month ago, I found my mother's journal she left to me before she died. Inside the journal, my mother recorded in her own handwriting all these old stories along with advice to help guide me through the rest of my life. It can be a very emotional for me sometimes when I read this journal.

Anyway, I thought perhaps some of you would enjoy hearing (reading) a story about the creation of the world from my People's (Sioux) perspective. I remember my mother telling me the Sioux side of my family have been telling this same story for over 500 years.

 I hope you enjoy it.

"At first there was only Inyan, Rock, who was soft and had no shape. Inyan was all-powerful, but he had nothing to use his powers on. So he opened his veins and created Maka, the Earth.

His blood was blue, and as it flowed from him it made the waters and the great sky, Skan. This made Inyan shrink and become hard, and he lost his power.

Maka was unhappy because there was darkness everywhere, but she wanted to see herself. So Skan, the source of all energy, divided the darkness in half and made Han (Darkness) and Anp (Light). Han was sent to the underworld and Anp was placed on top of the world to make everything visible.

Now Maka could see, but she was cold. So Skan made Wi (the Sun) and gave Wi a spirit called Wi-Akan (Sun Spirit). And Wi shone on the whole world and gave warmth to all things.

Maka was still not satisfied. She wanted relief from the heat, and Wi wanted some rest for himself. To appease them, Skan divided time into two equal parts. One part he gave to Anp, as the day, when Wi would do his work and Maka would be warm. The other part he gave to Han, as the night, when Wi could rest and Maka could cool off.

Even then, things were not peaceful because Maka tried to order Wi around, which Wi resented. They began to argue. Skan, the final judge of all things, called them all together and said: "I, Skan, and you, Inyan, Maka, and Wi are all Tunkasilas and come from the same source. Although we are four, we are really only one being. That one being is Wakan Tanka, the Great Spirit." Skan then gave each of them a role and a color by which to identify themselves.

But it was lonely for them, so Skan let each to create a companion. Wi made Han Hepi Wi (the Moon), a pale, feminine version of himself. Maka formed a beautiful being called Unk (Passion). Unk's son, Gnas (Demon) was also beautiful but cunning. Maka soon became jealous of Unk and threw her into the waters. Skan created a spirit being called Tate (Wind), who became his messenger and traveled all over the world. Inyan made a shapeless and terrible creature, Wakinyan (the Winged One, or Thunderstorm). Since anyone who saw Wakinyan became heyoka (silly), Skan showed him how to hide himself in clouds.

Inyan was very pleased with Wakinyan and together they created a wise and friendly being named Ksa (Wisdom). Skan gave Ksa a nagi (spirit), and Tate gave it a wanagi (ghost).

But with Tate was gone all the time, Skan was still lonely. So he created a daughter for himself and named her Woohpe (Peace), the most beautiful and pleasing of all beings. Finally, Skan made the Wican (star people) so he would have spirit people to talk with and to light the way for Tate when it was night.

After all this was done, Ksa and Woohpe held a great feast. Each guest gave Skan a special token, which entitled them to make a request of Skan Wi was first and asked to become a patron of bravery, endurance, fortitude, contests, honesty and reliance. Wi Win became patroness of constancy, kinship, motherhood and all feminine things.Maka became the patroness of food, shelter, protection, contentment, comfort, and happiness. Inyan became patron of construction and destruction, offense and defense, and permanence and change. Wakinyan (as Heyoka) was awarded power to combat harmful things, to destroy evil and nourish good and to promote growth.Tate wanted simply to remain the constant companion of Skan and to do his will.

Unk had no desire to be subject to the will of anyone and demanded total freedom. She became the patroness of the waters. Gnas asked to be made beautiful and to be given the powers of persuasion He became the patron of plots and schemes.

When all the tokens had been satisfied, Skan asked Ksa and Woohpe, who had no tokens, what they wanted. Woohpe asked only to create pleasure and harmony for others. Ksa stood up and said that Woohpe had served until she was exhausted, which was not fitting that the daughter of Skan, and suggested that Skan create beings to serve them. So Skan made the Pte Oyate (Buffalo People), and Ksa taught them how to live and serve.

In the meantime, Maka had become unhappy again. To make Maka look silly, Gnas (the Schemer) convinced her to ask for her own servants and for beautiful things. At the next feast, she stood and asked for all these things. Skan knew she had been put up to this, so to teach Gnas a lesson, he decided to give her everything she asked for. He gave Ksa, Woohpe, Tate and Wakinyan the task of making Maka happy. He also gave them powers to create plants and animals. They made Maka's domain green with trees and grasses and flowers and nourished them with the rain. Then they created animals for the land and for the world underwater.

After all this was done, the trees and flowers, shrubs and grasses spoke in harmony with the birds, and all the insects chirped joyfully. Only the fishes and reptiles remained silent. There was a feast with music and dancing, and Skan declared the creation was complete."

:) :) :) :)
« Last Edit: October 25, 2006, 11:22:06 pm by David925 »
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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #377 on: October 26, 2006, 01:21:53 am »
That is beautiful David. I envy you that journal...and that mother.

(sorry I didn't come earlier...Roland was keeping me busy)

 :) ;)

now ya'll are being so nice...maybe I will delete my is not nice..

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #378 on: October 26, 2006, 01:25:27 am »
That is beautiful David. I envy you that journal...and that mother.

(sorry I didn't come earlier...Roland was keeping me busy)

 :) ;)

now ya'll are being so nice...maybe I will delete my is not nice..

Please don't delete your thread. It is not nice tonight, but you said it will be tomorrow. I'm looking forward to reading it.
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Re: Messages From The Heartland
« Reply #379 on: October 26, 2006, 01:44:47 am »
This is how I feel right now...

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I'm just about ready to give up on this mouse deal.

They can have my house. I'm thinking about getting a hotel room. Hmmmmm..... I think I hear the Raddison calling my name. 

Damn it all to hell.  >:(
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