Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1332755 times)


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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #20 on: February 01, 2007, 01:32:53 pm »
Three days Jack listens carefully whenever Ennis murmurs to the dog. It may have been the
daughters who found the pet, and maybe all three of them believed Ennis just keeps it for his girls, but Jack and the dog know better. It's Ennis' dog.
Then, late at night, when Ennis thinks he's asleep, Jack can hear it clear as a bell. The dog's name isn't Yellow. Ennis calls him Jackie.
Word count 263

I'm dyin...that's so sweet

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #21 on: February 01, 2007, 02:04:34 pm »
I'm dyin...that's so sweet

Thank you Scott  :-*.

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #22 on: February 01, 2007, 02:05:43 pm »


"What did you say?"


"En, I heard ya."

"Was talkin' to the dog."

"But I heard ya say my name."


Three days Jack listens carefully whenever Ennis murmurs to the dog. It may have been the
daughters who found the pet, and maybe all three of them believed Ennis just keeps it for his girls, but Jack and the dog know better. It's Ennis' dog.
Then, late at night, when Ennis thinks he's asleep, Jack can hear it clear as a bell. The dog's name isn't Yellow. Ennis calls him Jackie.
Word count 263

awe  This is my favorite drabble so far. 

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2007, 02:11:34 pm »

Thanks for joining in! You are getting alot of warm fuzzies here...I hope you'll keep writing with us.

If people want to PM ideas for prompts, that would be great. Readers-only (non-writers), you are welcome to suggest prompts too. This is a great way to get involved!

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #24 on: February 01, 2007, 02:51:48 pm »
Jack rises from the log he's been sitting on when he hears Ennis' truck coming along the gravel road. Big smile lits his face, almost equally matched by the one in his companion's face as the vehicle emerges between the trees. As soon an the door opens, something black and furry tumbles out, barking and bouncing like a rubber ball.

"What's this?"


"Good to see you". They embrace before Jack continues.

"So, who's this little fella?"

"This is Yellow. Junior's and Francine's dog. They found him somewhere on a back road. Alma didn't want no dog in the house. And after he trashed some of her good china she threw him out. The girls asked me to keep him for them. Didn't want no dog either." Ennis ends with a frown, looking down on the still yapping creature.

"You hush now" he scolds the dog.

Jack kneels beside the now quiet animal.

"He's cute. But why's his name Yellow? He's jet black."

Ennis shrugs "It's s'posed to be funny."

"What did you say?"


"En, I heard ya."

"Was talkin' to the dog."

"But I heard ya say my name."


Three days Jack listens carefully whenever Ennis murmurs to the dog. It may have been the
daughters who found the pet, and maybe all three of them believed Ennis just keeps it for his girls, but Jack and the dog know better. It's Ennis' dog.
Then, late at night, when Ennis thinks he's asleep, Jack can hear it clear as a bell. The dog's name isn't Yellow. Ennis calls him Jackie.
Word count 263

that was just beautiful and soooo sweet! I don't think i've read something you've written before. You're very good. I hope you will post more!  :)

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #25 on: February 01, 2007, 03:01:11 pm »
that was just beautiful and soooo sweet! I don't think i've read something you've written before. You're very good. I hope you will post more!  :)

I agree  :)

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #26 on: February 01, 2007, 03:25:41 pm »
I just thought of this...authors are not limited to one drabble per day or one drabble per prompt or anything like that. If something strikes your fancy, write away!

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #27 on: February 01, 2007, 03:52:01 pm »
I've really enjoyed these drabbles! thanks everyone. There no end to Jack-and-Ennis inspiration, is there?  :)

     The days were getting shorter since he got home,,,Bu it seems
as if there is still too many hours in the day.  He looks out the window
and sees the day is barely beginning.  The color of the sky is turning
dark and ominous...   It is that deepening blue of the sky just before
the rain falls. 
     He turns his head to the wall, and smells fresh coffee, and knows
the first pot of the day is starting to gurgle and boil..  In his minds
eye he can see the brown liquide pop into the little glass top on the
     He can also see the good china cups setting on the table!  That
is his mamas way of saying welcome home son..  They usually use
the mugs in this house.  Jacks old man is partial to the mugs, and fig
ures the china is a silly useless thing for ladies and silly worthless boys.
     He is reluctant to rise off of his bed and start the day.  It is a bed
he is familiar with and he doestn really like it..  It is too small now that
he has grown so tall.  He has had trouble keeping his feet under the
covers, and has decided socks is the way to insure the feet stay
     Jack then decides its time to get up and start moving, fore the
old man starts to get all stompin and faunching in order to get him
outa the bed, he really isnt in the mood to tolerate that today.
     He quickly reaches into his duffle, and takes the shirts out of
his bag. He reaches into the closet and finds a hanger wire, is all he
has, but that'll do.  He carefully takes Ennis" shirt and fits it inside his
own.  Placing them both on the hanger and then putting them into
the dark recess in the closet.  He lifts the sleeve, takes in a deep
sigh and breathes in the smell of smoke, cigarettes, and his love.
The effect so strong he barely stands upright..
     "Jack". his mama calls "Time for breakfast".  He pulls his shirt on
on his way down the stairs,,,.  Saying "ill be there in a minute mama.
Jack rushes into the bathroom to relieve himself.  and checks the
mirror runs his finger thru his hair, and sees the beginning of yellow,
on the side of his cheek.  That bruise wont stay long, but the memory
of it, and how he got it, will stay for the rest of his days.


     Beautiful mind

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #28 on: February 01, 2007, 04:21:57 pm »
Tea Party

Saturday, May 11, 1968  3:00 p.m.

Ennis folded his long, lean legs up underneath himself as he sat uncomfortably on the floor, two beaming little girls giggling in front of him.

“That good,” he groaned, even as a smile threatened to dance behind his dark brown eyes. 

“Yep,” Jr. nodded emphatically.  “See daddy, told you, you could do it.”

Ennis grunted.

“Now,” Jr. began, reaching for the tiny plastic teapot, yellow and white, adorned with blooming daffodils.  “This is hot, daddy, so blow on it first before you drink it.”

“Oh…yes, darlin’…thank you for warning me.”  Ennis’ mouth twitched. 

“Jenny, sit still. I’m pouring you some too.” 

Jenny squealed, and kicked her chubby little legs out in front of her. 

“Notice anything daddy?  Notice anything about my tea set?”

Ennis stared blankly. 

‘Shoot.’  He thought, having no idea what the child was asking of him.  But Ennis knew one thing for darn sure as he nodded blankly at his 3 1/2 year old daughter…‘female folks were simply ‘born’ knowing how to ask trick questions.’


“uuuhhh….” Ennis stammered, “…it’s awful pretty there darlin’…and…and it’s yellow…and…and your mama likes yellow…uuuhhh…”

“You guessed!”  Jr. giggled. 

“I did?  I did!  Course I did.  Shoot.  Knew what you was talkin ‘bout, sweetheart.”  Ennis shut his mouth at this point and simply nodded, doing his best to look like he knew exactly what the child was bubbling about.

“Daddy, my dishes look ‘zactly like mama’s good dishes…she told me.”  Jr. smiled wide.  “That’s why she bought these for my birthday.”  Jr.’s grin widened as she handed cups of ‘steaming’ tea, and plates of ‘tasty cookies’ to her daddy and her little sister.

“You’re so smart, daddy.” 

“Whatever you say, darlin’.”   


287 Words
« Last Edit: February 01, 2007, 04:25:30 pm by haunted_by_bbm »
"The room stank of semen and smoke and sweat and whiskey, of old carpet and sour hay, saddle leather, shit and cheap soap.  Ennis lay spread-eagled, spent and wet, breathing deep, still half tumescent, Jack blowing forceful cigarette clouds like whale spouts..." – Annie Proulx

Offline Jeff Wrangler

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #29 on: February 01, 2007, 05:25:08 pm »
                                                                                   February 1, 1966

Dearest Maeve,

        I am writing this to send along with the sweaters the Harrisons said they would drop off
for me on their way through Hulett. I think the sweaters will fit. The children are
changing so fast they’ve probably grown a size since I saw you at Christmas. I allowed
for that. I hope the Harrisons find them and you and Harold all staying well.
       We are fine here as always, even with the latest snow. I’m glad you’re in town.
This is the first birthday of Jack’s he will not be here. I have written to Lureen to
thank her for the Christmas gifts and about Jack’s favorite dinner and cake for his
birthday in case she wants to surprise him. He writes often and I think sometimes
he misses the ranch. But I am grateful he is where it is warmer and he has someone
to take care of him now the doctors have sent him home. He will not be going back to rodeo.
        The herd weathered the last storm well enough. John counted up the losses
and they are less than they might have been. If you know anyone in town who is
looking to hire on, we can pay a little bit and room and board of course. Just
for getting through the calving.
         Jack will be working for Mr. Newsome once he is back on his feet. He says it will be a good
job. I hope he will be happy though I wonder sometimes if his heart can be in it. I sit in his
room once in a while when I miss my boy too much. Kiss your dear children for me and tell them their
aunt loves them. (and tell Harold I said to listen to you and please take it easier – the race
is to the patient).
                                                                            your loving sister,

This is nice, Fern, really nice.  :) ~J.W.
"It is required of every man that the spirit within him should walk abroad among his fellow-men, and travel far and wide."--Charles Dickens.