Author Topic: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…  (Read 6806 times)

Offline Aussie Chris

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BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« on: March 05, 2006, 05:40:35 am »
Ok folks, here I go with an attempt to put into words my thoughts and feelings for the Beyond Brokeback Mountain forum as a follow on from my “Legacy of Brokeback Mountain” ( post from a couple of weeks ago.  As I suggested in Legacy, I wanted to give this some time before I tried to put into words what I think is happening to me, or how it was possible that one film could make such a difference.

From the outset, this will not be light-hearted read.  There are a couple of “heavy” paragraphs that I needed to write so that I could connect with the part of you that would otherwise rather hide behind the sofa than risk further hurt. But I promise, it will be worth it and I’ll look after you by the end.  You also probably need to be in at least stage 3 in Phillip’s excellent BBM Stages of Grief & Acceptance ( before you will be able to take this on.  I consider myself in stage 5, but I happily restart the process from stage 1 every now and then just to make sure that I haven’t missed anything,  or more importantly, to make sure I still can.  The good news is that I can now jump to any stage whenever I want, and when you’re ready, you can too.  *hug*

Still here?  Ok let’s get into it.

Since Thursday (March 2) BBM has been in theatrical release in Australia for 6 weeks, which is also about the same number of times that I’ve seen it.  Last night, after a two week hiatus, I decided to go back to the cinema to check on my progress, and also to check on how many people are still going to see it a month and a half into its release (still nearly sold out in a 4pm session  :D).  Btw, for all of you pirate-copy people out there, the cinema is really the best viewing method for BBM for the simple fact that you will otherwise miss the experience of several hundred people becoming silent, hardly even breathing, as they sit in stunned disbelief for the last 30 minutes as the tragedy unfolds.  It’s really quite unsettling and isolating.  So if you haven’t already done so, do yourself a favour and get into the cinema, at least once.

I’ve seen many posts from people who make an effort to capture what it is about BBM that can generate such gut wrenching emotions.  I read these attempts and typically think “I know what they mean, but they just don’t seem to be getting how I feel”.  So do I have a better idea on how to express it I hear you ask?  Well I’ll give it a go.  For 6 weeks now I have despaired over the thought that somehow I was responsible for Jack’s death.  You see, when I watch BBM I take ownership for everything that happens.  It is my love that soars in that first year up on that mountain.  It is my fear and stupidity that makes me believe that what other people think is more important than my love for Jack.  And it is my heartbreak that results from Jack having to look elsewhere to find what I failed to give him, but so desperately wanted to.  So it's because of me that Jack gets killed.  How did I go?  Yes?  No?  Too much?  Maybe.  But I think you need strong words to describe these feelings to really do them justice.

Btw, that sneaky Ang Lee needs to accept some of this guilt.  It is he who withholds so much from us about the depth of Ennis’ love for Jack until the end.  When we first watch BBM we never see Ennis the way that Jack did, until the flashback shows us how he really felt.  Coming off the mountain (pre-flashback) we see a lot of tension and aggression (the punch), but post-flashback we realise that it was really a beautiful and soulful relationship, not unrequited at all, and we rejoice in the flashback embrace.  But damn it all to hell if we’re given just seconds to comprehend this before the arrival of the deceased-stamped postcard and the phone call to Jack’s wife confirms the terrible truth.  And just in case anyone wasn’t devastated enough, or dared to hope that it might actually be a dream sequence, Ang then rip's out our hearts and stomp on them with the Jack's parents and the shirts-in-the-closet sequence.  God damn you Ang!

Ok, if you're all still here then it's time for an emotional status check.  How are you going?  It’s about 24 hours since my last viewing and I’m writing this while listening to BBM Radio.  Yep, still heartbroken and teary, unwilling to entertain a single thought that might lead to letting go of my love for Jack and Ennis, but maybe ready to lessen my grip on this sense of responsibility.  And with that thought I no longer feel like there’s something wrong with me, in fact, I now see that there is something right with me.  A part of me suspected this was the case after the first viewing, but I was so caught up in grief that there was no way I could express it.

So what is it that I think is right?  I think it’s a simple as realizing that before BBM we had spent so much time lowering our expectations that we didn’t realise that we had actually stopped having them.  You might think that was obvious enough, but there is more than that at work here and the result has been far more destructive.  Most of us erect walls around our hearts to protect us from the evils of the world outside.  Many even taken pride in it: no one’s going to hurt me while I’m on guard!  Yeah well congratulations, you’ve also managed to turn your protective wall into a dam, and it’s been holding back all but you’re most superficial emotions so you never run the risk of ever being disappointed again!  But then along comes BBM, and like a sledgehammer being wielded with great force, down comes any illusion that you had that you’re ok just the way you are (or were).  And before you know what’s happening, you are caught up in the white water of emotions so powerful that you’re still bobbing around gasping for air and wondering what was happening.

So why does it feel so devastating, and why does it feel so new?  Well the answers are: that beautiful and fertile heart of yours has grown barren while you kept it from nourishment; and it’s been like this for such a long time that you’ve actually forgotten what it feels like to feel?  But don’t worry, you will recover from this.  I'm absolutely certain of it.  How do I know this?  Well, what I can finally share with you is the realization that in all of this destruction, there also lies the seed of redemption that you are looking for.  For you see, quite simply, it was you that wielded the hammer in the first place!  You are the only one that had the strength to break down the wall, no one else could have done so.  So it's easy to explain why some people don't have this reaction, even if you think they should, they are simply not ready, or not willing to do so.  That's ok, that is their choice and we mustn't judge.  But I did, and maybe you did too?

So friend, here what I have to say to you, right here, right now, you are being held.  I have tears in my eyes and my heart swells, not because I am grieving, but because I am loving, and you can too.  I am there with you right now, as you read this, holding you and singing softly to you with words you are finally home and you are loved.  Close your eyes, and feel that I am there with you now.  No really, trust me, close your eyes, and dream of the future and being happy...

“You know, it can be like this... just like this... always” - Jack Twist
Nothing is as common as the wish to be remarkable - William Shakespeare

Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2006, 07:03:10 am »
Sweet Jesus Chris....I just stumbled into this room this morning....and I am shaking...after reading your post.  Do you KNOW how universally your   It's quiet tears I'm shedding right now.....quiet and warm.  Safe tears!!!  Loving tears!!!  I felt that love from you SOOO very deeply.....!!! I sat at your feet and listened to every word that came so lovingly tumbling out of your lips. 
I suppose I shouldn't be posting here....but something drew me here this morning.  In fact....I've NEVER been in this room before. 
Thank you Chris....thank YOU!!!   You've spoken to all of true family of Humanity!!! 
"If we never dream....we'll never have a dream come true"   (me...myself...and I)

Offline Impish

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #2 on: March 05, 2006, 01:02:48 pm »
I suppose I shouldn't be posting here....but something drew me here this morning.

Huh???  Why in the world would you think you shouldn't be posting here?  Of course you should!   :D

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Offline Aussie Chris

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #3 on: March 05, 2006, 04:58:05 pm »
Sweet Jesus Chris....I just stumbled into this room this morning....and I am shaking...after reading your post.  Do you KNOW how universally your   It's quiet tears I'm shedding right now.....quiet and warm.  Safe tears!!!  Loving tears!!!  I felt that love from you SOOO very deeply.....!!! I sat at your feet and listened to every word that came so lovingly tumbling out of your lips. 
I suppose I shouldn't be posting here....but something drew me here this morning.  In fact....I've NEVER been in this room before. 
Thank you Chris....thank YOU!!!   You've spoken to all of true family of Humanity!!! 

Thanks Nancy, I've felt your love too.  It glows like a comfortable camp-fire, and I send up a prayer of thanks for you being here.

And yes, everyone is welcome to share in this forum, and even if they weren't, everyone is welcome in the topics I start, always.
Nothing is as common as the wish to be remarkable - William Shakespeare

Offline iristarr

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2006, 03:57:17 am »
Well my goodness, Chris, and Nancy, and Phillip, I guess I stumbled into this forum tonight too, also having left it alone as a "respecting privacy" sort of thing, but here you are, Chris, reiterating in such an expressive and loving way so many of the feelings and thoughts I've had myself during this BBM experience.  I too have had Jack come to me in a dream, I too have felt my lifetime of "closeting" --
denying my true self for so long that I grew a protective (and life-deteriorating) crust that allowed me to deny and deny and deny my passions and longings.  And this BBM has broken it all up and I feel as though I've shed at least a couple of my skins and I am tender and vulnerable and moist, and my heart is open as it hasn't been for decades and I've got no idea what will come next but am absolutely reveling in the experience, this totally unexpected thing that has happened through the medium of this film, and am overcome with the tears of gratitude for everyone associated with it, and I don't have to name them all -- you know who I mean.  Those beloved two, who really became as "one" to me in the course of the last six weeks (9 viewings).  Their memories lives in the photos I have stuck up in my apartment, and now on the desktop, and in the music.  And it seems to go on and on and on . . . what more to say here, my dear ones with whom I can share these feelings, I love you all . . . Iris
Ennis and Jack, the dogs, horses and mules, a thousand ewes and their lambs flowed up the trail like dirty water through the timber and out above the tree line into the great flowering meadows and the endless coursing wind.

Offline Aussie Chris

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2006, 08:29:59 am »
Well my goodness, Chris, and Nancy, and Phillip, I guess I stumbled into this forum tonight too, also having left it alone as a "respecting privacy" sort of thing, but here you are, Chris, reiterating in such an expressive and loving way so many of the feelings and thoughts I've had myself during this BBM experience....

Thanks for writing Iris.  I'm glad you stopped by, and thanks for your kind words.

But really, it's only the "Safe Haven" forum that's meant to be for gay (or think they might be) members.

The "Now What..." forum is for everyone, and I welcome and value your contributions and opinions.

*hugs* and best wishes, Chris.
Nothing is as common as the wish to be remarkable - William Shakespeare

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2006, 03:18:05 am »

You're insight is truly beautiful and well-articulated.  I've read your post over and over and you are so right-on-target.  The sense of guilt was something I had not yet named in my own experience, but it's there and so obvious now that you've spoken about it.  I've been preoccupied with judgement and have asked elsewhere if anyone else noticed the scales...There are scales in Alma & Monroe's kitchen and scales in the kitchen in the Twist house.  I had thoughts of Alma judging Ennis' relationship with Jack and his performance as father, husband, and provider.  This parallels the judgment transpiring in the Twist house, Jack being judged by his father and found lacking.  Both Jack and Ennis being judged by Jack's mother and being loved and accepted for themselves - finding redemption, even.  This ties in with a post from IMDB about the camera movement during the final lake scene, as if Jack is weighing his relationship with Ennis.

Thank you, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and experience.

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Offline BBMGrandma

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #7 on: March 09, 2006, 06:04:03 am »
I suppose I shouldn't be posting here....but something drew me here this morning.

Huh???  Why in the world would you think you shouldn't be posting here?  Of course you should!   :D

Well.....looking back on that remark....I have NO idea why I said that!!   ;)  I think I was in some sort of 'floating place' after reading your beautiful post.  But thanks for clarifying anyway Chris!!
"If we never dream....we'll never have a dream come true"   (me...myself...and I)

Offline Aussie Chris

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2006, 06:14:32 am »
I've been preoccupied with judgement and have asked elsewhere if anyone else noticed the scales...There are scales in Alma & Monroe's kitchen and scales in the kitchen in the Twist house.  I had thoughts of Alma judging Ennis' relationship with Jack and his performance as father, husband, and provider.  This parallels the judgment transpiring in the Twist house, Jack being judged by his father and found lacking.  Both Jack and Ennis being judged by Jack's mother and being loved and accepted for themselves - finding redemption, even.  This ties in with a post from IMDB about the camera movement during the final lake scene, as if Jack is weighing his relationship with Ennis.

Hi there Lynne, thanks for stopping by, your timing is impeccable (I needed a boost)!

I doubt the true extent of how much symbolism that exists in BBM will ever be completely known.  Every aspect of this film (to me) seems both significant and relevant, where every frame in every scene has been carefully crafted to make a certain point or to have a certain effect.  Without a doubt, every complete scene is critical and the omition of any one of them would dramatically alter the viewer's interpretation.  But within each scene, this care of craft is equally present with set dressing and camera placements.  Have you ever noticed that in the first tent scene (before the sex) we see Jack make room for Ennis by moving to the foreground?  We then see a shot of the moon (so some time passes), then we’re back inside the tent and the camera is aimed low to the empty spot where Jack was lying a few moments earlier.  What does it mean?  Well we are being shown that (in those intervening moments) Jack has inched over and next to Ennis before he takes his hand and...  Ok I'll stop there, but the reason I've gone to the trouble of documenting this is so I could remind you, or if you didn't notice it before to bring it to your attention, a 1-second camera move used to show that the sex (maybe) wasn't as spontaneous as you might have thought.

So if you ask me if saw the kitchen-scales and pieced the symbolism together like you did the answer is no, not really.  But did I get the impression that there was judgement being represented in these scenes, most definitely.  Neither did I interpret the camera move in the argument scene beyond the artistic merit of it all, at least not until I read this on IMDB myself and thought: Oh Yeah that makes sense.  But I think it goes a little too far (as some have suggested) that the focus changes in that scene are meant to represent Jack "distancing himself from Ennis" - I just thought that they were keeping the focus on the character that was speaking at the time! ::)

Once again, thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts - I relish every one of them and look forward to reading more from you on BetterMost!

Cheers, Chris
Nothing is as common as the wish to be remarkable - William Shakespeare

Offline juneaux

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Re: BBM Legacy: the 6 week mark…
« Reply #9 on: March 09, 2006, 09:07:45 pm »
Thanks, Chris, for your wonderful post.  As others have stated, you analysis is spot on for me as well.  I still don't completely understand the intense feelings I had after my first viewing of BBM but your explanations do provide some fantastic insight. 
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