Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2248638 times)


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Re: Supper up on Brokeback
« Reply #1720 on: August 26, 2007, 03:48:06 pm »
Supper up on Brokeback by Littlewing1957

  He fetched a few plates and loaded them with beans, peaches, and a few day old stone biscuits that were lying by the fire in aluminum foil....

Mmmm, I think Ennis could serve me stone beans and a few day old peaches, if only he let me kiss him before I have to eat it  :laugh:.

What ever you write, Marie, I always picture our boys clearly in my mind, sounds and smells included  ;D! You rock!



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Re: Emma Del Mar-Wiley
« Reply #1721 on: August 26, 2007, 03:56:40 pm »
Emma Del Mar-Wiley by Littlewing1957

“I’m okay, I guess.”  Ennis began.  “I’ve been better, but not by much."  Ennis ran his fingers through his spiky hair.  "I can’t complain, and why bother?  No one to listen, anyway!” 

So sad. But if his sister had let him live with her and her husband he would not have met Jack....Beautiful and rich in details, as always  :D.



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Re: Jack's Hands
« Reply #1722 on: August 26, 2007, 04:28:53 pm »
Jack's Hands by Toycoon

Exhausted from his four hour ride back from the sheep, Ennis climbed off his horse then hobbled to the boulder where he struggled with his cowboy boots, finally kicking them off, each landing with a thud.

Jack knelt at Ennis' feet, never taking his blue eyes off of this man who had penetrated his every waking thought for several days; Jack cupped the balls of Ennis' swollen feet in both hands, spreading his fingers over the length, squeezing and pressing his thumbs into the sore heels then gripping Ennis' tired ankles.

Electric jolts ran up and down Ennis' spine and his breath came heavy when he felt Jack's fingers creep up his pants, parting his trembling legs then Jack's hands finally resting on Ennis lap; a crumpled smile spread slowly across Ennis' face as he wondered what he could have done to deserve these incredible sensations, so hot it that made him shiver.

Phew, it´s getting hot  here! Sexy story, Toycoon! And I just love Ennis´s crumpled smile...

In case that´s supposed to be the tag team story, I´ll write part 3!


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Jack's Hands Part 2
« Reply #1723 on: August 27, 2007, 12:25:28 am »
Jack's Hands Part 2 by Littlewing1957

Jack smiled back at his lover as he placed his hand on Ennis’ inner thigh.  Ennis looked into Jack’s blue eyes and nodded.  He didn’t have to utter a word - all was understood.

But just as fast, Jack thought better of it.  He pulled his hand away from Ennis’ thigh and started to back away from his lover.  “Jack, what the heck?”  Ennis started, shaking his head, wanting, needing more.

“Everything will be okay, Friend!”  Jack whispered as he pulled himself to his feet.  He walked behind Ennis and placed both hands on his lover’s shoulders.  Jack bent down to kiss Ennis' cheeks.  “Let me feed you first, okay?  I have something special planned just for you.”  Ennis smiled at the words.  “And when supper is done, I’ll give you everything; do anything you ask."  Ennis reached behind and caressed the hands that he loved so much.  He could only image the delights that awaited him.

« Last Edit: August 27, 2007, 09:40:36 pm by littlewing1957 »

Offline spiceylife

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1724 on: August 27, 2007, 08:47:09 am »

This is part two to Dead Heat, rated NC-17 - Adults Only.  I apologize for the length. ::)  Sorry, Toycoon!  If it's just too long or doesn't fit here, please let me know and I'll take it off.  Y'all know how I write by now, I guess. 

For Dagi, Who Will Not Let Me Chicken Out...

Wild Horses  by spiceylife

Who's gonna ride your wild horses
Who's gonna drown in your blue sea
Who's gonna taste your salt water kisses
Who's gonna tame the heart of thee

“It was your crazy-ass idea, Jack…”

Ennis had been patiently listening to Jack bitching ever since they got back from the lake, caked in dried-up mud and both limping a little.  Jack, naturally, thought he was the worst off.

“Well, if you didn’t fall like that, Ennis, I never woulda slipped on my ass. Funniest thing I ever seen, your face.  I’m thinkin’ I woulda won that race, ya know.”

Jack paused, rubbing his backside gingerly.

“My butt aches somethin’ fierce now, though.  Don’t know if I can ride or bend down to cook or wash nothin’ today, and it’ll be worse tomorrow.  I’m hurtin’, Ennis!”

“Jesus, Jack!  Maybe… I dunno…soak it in some warm water or somethin’.  That outta ease the pain some.”

Jack raised an eyebrow, looking doubtful.

“Well, how’m I gonna do that without a bathtub?”

He walked around the campsite for a bit, wincing in pain, before his eyes landed on the largest water bucket.

“How ‘bout that then?  My ass fit in that?” he asked, pointing towards the pail.

And that’s how Jack came to be sitting in a bucket of steamy water, jeans around his ankles, ass wedged inside, trying to hot-soak away his misery.  Ennis tried not to laugh out loud at the sight.  No easy thing.  He pressed his lips together tightly and stayed well behind Jack, out of sight.  A low chuckle escaped him once or twice, an uncontrollable gut-aching laugh threatening to burst out at any second.  It was the funniest thing Ennis had ever seen, aside from Jack’s slide in the mud.  For the second time that day, Ennis wished he had a snapshot of this ‘Jack’ moment.  And I sure as hell won’t be usin’ that bucket for cartin’ up cookin water any time soon, Ennis laughed to himself

Jack glared over his shoulder at Ennis whenever he heard a laugh, but mostly he sat looking forlorn. 

Some half an hour later, the bitching started up again.

“Sheeit!  Water’s goin’ cold!  My ass is freezin’.  Goddamn it…I’m still sore as hell.”

Ennis quickly looked the other way as Jack wrapped a towel around himself.  Jack rubbed the back of his neck, thinking hard about his aching bottom.

“Ya know, I’ve got some massage oil in my bag.  Use it after rodeoin’ and stuff when I take a hard fall.  Helps to work out the pain.  Can’t reach my ass though, can I?”

Jack looked at Ennis and suddenly grinned like a Cheshire cat.

“You’re gonna have to massage my butt for me!” he announced.

Ennis’s eyes widened in disbelief and he backed up a little, staring at Jack.

“Whoa, Jack, whoa!  Massage your BUTT?  Uh…um…what-…I don’t do…that’s-…I don’t know bout that.  That’s kinda weird, ain’t it?  Ain’t there somethin’ else we can try?  Must be somethin’ else…”

“Well, what, Ennis?  If you don’t rub the knots outta my butt, I ain’t gonna be able to do nothin’ around here to help.  Sure can’t ride.  You’ll be on yer own, have to do everything yerself.  Come on, bud.  I’d do it for you.”

And that’s how Ennis came to be pacing up and down outside the tent, stopping to scuff his boot hard in the dirt occasionally while Jack prepared himself on the towel inside.

“Okay, Ennis.  I’m READY!”

Ennis stopped pacing and expertly bit his fingernail to the quick.  He tried to be practical about it.  He needed to help his friend out, but still…  the strange feelings washing over him were unfamiliar and puzzling, and too complex for Ennis to work out.  He sighed and pushed the tent flap back. 

Jack lay on his stomach, naked on top of the bedroll and a towel, his firm, round buttocks now tinged a glowing pink from the hot water, with a perfect red circle running around them and across the back of his thighs from the pressure of the bucket edge.  The sight was so comical that Ennis needed to laugh again.  Luckily Jack couldn’t see the quiet amusement in his eyes.

But the smile faded as Ennis stood there, chewing on his nail once more, uncertain what to do or where to place himself. 

“Oil’s right there, bud, if you wanna start anytime soon…”

“Jack, I ain’t never done this before.  What do you want me to do exactly, huh?”

“Just massage, Ennis!  You know how to massage, right?  Just put the oil on your hands and rub my ass hard.  It won’t bite, you know…”

Finally, Ennis knew he couldn’t stand there any longer, doing nothing.  He sat down next to Jack, picked up the greasy bottle and pretended to read the smudged label, slowly and very carefully, mouthing the words, putting off the inevitable.  Jack tilted his head to the side and looked up at him, wondering why Ennis was taking so long.

“Listen, cowboy, you can’t massage my butt from way over there.  You hafta sit on my legs to massage my butt good and proper.  From the side your arms’ll start to ache after a while.  You gotta be sittin’on my legs.”

Ennis stood again in silence, his discomfort palpable.  Jack encouraged him in his gentle way.

“Come on, Ennis.  It’s alright.  I need your help here, friend.”

Ennis scratched his head, still hesitating and unsure.  He knew he had to do this for Jack, but his mind grappled with the uneasy feeling that some part of him really wanted to touch Jack in this way.   

“Well- …well, alright then.  This feels weird, Jack.  Just this once, to get ya back in the saddle.”

Ennis stepped over Jack, legs apart, straddling either side of his hips.  Another big sigh and Ennis sat himself down on Jack’s thighs.  Jack let out a breathy groan that made Ennis blush with embarrassment and shift uncomfortably.  Grabbing the bottle, Ennis quickly poured the oil into his palm, rubbed his hands together and swallowed anxiously, eyeing Jack’s backside for the second time that day.  He gently placed one hand on each of Jack's buttocks and rubbed the firm flesh round and round.  Immediately all of Ennis’s blood seemed to rush southward, the instant hard-on straining against his jeans.  Ennis watched in fascination as Jack rotated his ass in small circles underneath his hands, giving a moan of pleasure that went straight to Ennis’s dick.  He couldn’t drag his eyes or hands away from Jack’s bottom now if he tried.

Ennis wanted to quieten his rowdy breathing down, but a rapid-fire pulse drummed loudly in his ears, drowning out sound.  Touching Jack’s taut, muscular cheeks made Ennis feel hot and sexy, and Ennis knew he should stop right now, but he couldn’t.  Wouldn’t.  The gorgeous curve of the boy’s ass was irresistible and Ennis felt himself sway and succumb to the temptation that was Jack Twist.  He palmed Jack’s butt, bringing his thumbs into play and using them to push and slide the oil over Jack’s warm flesh, ever closer to Jack’s forbidden crease and all that lay between.  His thumbs worked their way closer and closer, and Ennis felt lightheaded with lust.  He wanted to delve in, in every way possible.  He fucking wanted Jack.

Ennis stood suddenly to find the bottle of oil he’d tossed behind him, almost losing his balance in the process.  He squeezed a good amount onto his palm again, glancing down at the massive bulge in his pants but not letting himself think about what that meant.  When Ennis turned to sit back down on Jack’s thighs, he stopped dead, as though he’d been shot.  Oh, Jesus.  Jack.  Jack…  A wildfire of unfamiliar emotion and passion raced through his veins.  While Ennis’s back was turned, Jack had spread his legs wide apart, and Ennis knew why.  Ennis could see Jack’s balls, big, hairy and enticing, laying in stark contrast to the whiteness of the towel beneath them.  Jack’s crease was dark and open, luring Ennis in, and he wanted to map every inch of Jack with his mouth and lips and tongue.  The sight of Jack, so fucking beautiful, the thought of what Ennis wanted to do to him, made him almost whimper.  He fucking needed Jack.

Ennis knelt between Jack’s outstretched legs, in a position of dominance but completely in awe of Jack’s power over him. Again he touched Jack, massaging his parted cheeks and staring down at the treasure, this gift, that was being offered up to him. Then slowly, surely, Ennis’s world tilted as he held his breath and allowed his fingers to trail up and down the line between Jack’s buttocks, along that sensitive crease, fingertips brushing over Jack’s ready hole.  The game was over, and they both knew it.  Ennis’s slick fingers worked their magic on Jack and he raised his hips up off the towel and came to his knees in expectation, head still on the bedroll, panting for Ennis, giving unspoken permission for Ennis to do whatever he desired.

Ennis moved a hand under Jack, fondling his large balls one by one and then moving past to wrap firmly around Jack’s erection, caressing along the thick, heavy length and teasing the moist head with nimble fingers.  Ennis’s other hand lingered at Jack’s entrance, fingers circling, rubbing, spreading and pushing inside slightly, over and over again, before finally plunging in.  The thought washed over Ennis; nothing in his short, hardscrabble life had ever felt as good and right as being with Jack in this way.

Two oiled-up fingers glided in easily and Ennis watched, all slack-jawed and uneven breathing, as he pushed in and out of Jack, moving faster but keeping a rhythm, angling and crooking his long fingers at the same time, probing and exploring Jack’s body.  Jack was almost beside himself with want, pelvis gyrating back and forth in harmony with Ennis’s silky glide and stroke in front, his in and out fingers arousing from behind.  Ennis gently brushed his fingertips across one spot inside that left Jack writhing and moaning and pounding the bedroll with his fist.  Ennis briefly wondered, through the lusty fog clouding his brain, what he’d done to cause that.  Then the fog cleared, and all the jumbled, urgent thoughts in his head narrowed down to just one thing he needed to know, and wanted to do…

“Jack?  Jack?”  Ennis’s voice cracked on the name.  It was hard to talk.

“Ennis…”  Jack could barely form words, either, his voice husky and desperate.

“Can I, Jack?”

Christ, what if Jack says no…?  Oh, shit, don’t say no to me, boy.

“Do it.  Do it now, Ennis.  Fuck.”

Ennis leapt to his feet and quickly whipped down his old blue denims that were like a straightjacket now, too tight and restricting against the hardness of his groin.  His hands shook slightly as he applied the oil to his large cock, closing his eyes and stopping when he stroked himself too firmly and almost came.  Ennis felt like a man possessed, so unlike himself, and yet somehow a bewildering sense of freedom lingered.  He hadn’t known he was a prisoner, or what he was captive of.  At this moment, all he knew was that he had to be with Jack.

He knelt once more behind Jack, but Jack suddenly had other ideas.  He spun around and quickly stood, grabbing Ennis roughly by the shoulders, lifting him up and pushing him backwards, towards the old chair in the corner of the tent that kept their clothing off the sometimes damp ground.  Ennis almost stumbled and looked over at Jack in surprise.  The wild look in Jack’s eyes told Ennis he wasn’t the only one who needed this so desperately.  Jack’s face was a picture of bold, raw hunger.  He swept their clothing off the chair with one hand and shoved Ennis onto the seat.

“Sit down, cowboy.  Now.  And take off yer shirt,” Jack growled at Ennis. 

They locked eyes for the longest time, Jack standing in front of Ennis, hands on his hips, naked and demanding, and Ennis did as he was told.  And then Jack straddled Ennis’s lap, his ass hovering over Ennis’s well-oiled cock for a second before Jack reached down and took Ennis in hand.  Both moaned as Jack positioned Ennis at his entrance, rubbing the lubricated head over his hole before sliding and wriggling himself down, inch by inch, until Ennis was completely inside Jack.  Jack grunted, his jaw tightening as he clenched his teeth together hard.  A ragged breath escaped tense lips.  Neither man moved.  Both sucked in air, waiting, trying to steady themselves.  They stared at each other, a myriad of wild, unspoken emotions crackling through the air between them, and then Jack swept in to kiss Ennis hard and wet.  He held onto Ennis’s shoulders and began to fuck him, a slow glide and grind up and down.  Ennis was frantic.  He needed more pace, had to buck and thrust himself up into Jack, had to… but Jack put a hand on Ennis’s heaving chest, settling his urgency, pulling him back, reigning in his wild horse.

“Easy there…easy…easy… That’s it, Ennis.  Soon,” Jack whispered and his promise settled Ennis because he trusted Jack.

Jack took control, picking up the pace moments later, riding Ennis hard.  Ennis’s eyes never left Jack’s face as he reached down to touch Jack again between his legs, aroused by the hard, muscular lines of a body so similar to his own, wildly attracted to the pure maleness of Jack.  The blue of Jack’s eyes seemed to penetrate Ennis’s heart, leaving it full to overflowing.

Ennis swallowed hard and looked up at Jack, his pleading eyes asking the burning question.  Jack nodded slightly to Ennis, leaned forward and purred into his ear the words Ennis was waiting to hear...

“Yeah, cowboy.  Your turn to ride.  C’mon, Ennis.  Now, baby.  Fuck me now…”

Ennis groaned at the words, at how they were whispered so dirty-sweet in his ear.  He dug his heels firmly into the ground and held Jack’s hips tightly.  Then Ennis unleashed his desire all over Jack, thrusting into him desperately as Jack rode out the tidal wave.  Jack moved easily with Ennis, watching in wonder as the normally restrained ranch hand lost all control of himself in the most beautiful, passionate way.

“Oh, Ennis…” Jack whispered, awestruck.

The look on Ennis’s face was enough to bring Jack to orgasm, and Jack’s grunting, gasping spasms and warm come spurting on Ennis’s stomach proved too much for Ennis.  He came close behind, trembling and spent.  Jack lay himself down, in love and exhausted, on Ennis’s sweat-slicked chest.  Ennis put his arms around his friend and held him so close and tight that their breathing soon blended naturally.  Their chests rose and fell in perfect, harmonious time.

Ennis, man of few words, didn’t know what to say.  How the hell could he speak to Jack about things he didn’t understand himself?  Nothing sounded right, even in his own damn head.  It was confusing and powerful and beyond him.  Ennis couldn’t put the mixed-up pieces of their puzzle together just yet, but his tired, baffled mind remembered something he should tell his best friend …


“Mmm?”  Jack’s voice, so sleepy and content.

Ennis brought a hand up to gently cup Jack’s chin, making him look at Ennis.

Ennis wanted to drown in those blue, blue eyes.

He pointed behind Jack.

“Your butt’s fixed, Rodeo.”   



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1725 on: August 27, 2007, 12:54:56 pm »
Gary pulled the plug of his computer only 6 hours ago and I already miss him like hell  :(.

I´ll come back after my full body massage to read all the new stories  :D.


Offline tiveronicax2

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1726 on: August 27, 2007, 02:52:41 pm »
Hi Toycoon,
                Now, I see, I didn't know how far I could go with my Ennis and Jimbo story, so I cleaned
up and elimanated the passionate prose--But I love what you wrote--thanx for showing me~


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Re: Jack's Hands Part 2
« Reply #1727 on: August 27, 2007, 03:30:06 pm »
Jack's Hands Part 2 by Littlewing1957

Jack smiled back at his lover as he placed his hand on Ennis’ inner thigh.  Ennis looked into Jack’s blue eyes and nodded.  He didn’t have to utter a word - all was understood.

But just as fast, Jack thought better of it.  He pulled his hand away from Ennis’ thigh and started to back away from his lover.  “Jack, what the heck?”  Ennis started, shaking his head, wanting, needing more.

“Everything will be okay, Friend!”  Jack whispered as he pulled himself to his feet.  He walked behind Ennis and placed both hands on his lover’s shoulders.  Jack bent down to kiss Ennis cheeks.  “Let me feed you first, okay?  I have something special planned just for you.”  Ennis smiled at the words.  “And when supper is done, I’ll give you everything; do anything you ask."  Ennis reached behind and caressed the hands that he loved so much.  He could only image that delights that awaited him.

Mmmm I can´t wait to hear what Jack is going to serve fo dinner  :D and for dessert  ;D...Marie, you are so good at writing about food......and about Jack and Ennis!



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1728 on: August 27, 2007, 03:40:31 pm »
This is part two to Dead Heat, rated NC-17 - Adults Only.  I apologize for the length. ::)  Sorry, Toycoon!  If it's just too long or doesn't fit here, please let me know and I'll take it off.  Y'all know how I write by now, I guess. 

For Dagi, Who Will Not Let Me Chicken Out...

Wild Horses  by spiceylife   

Aaaahh Robyn, I knew it would be worth being unyielding  ;D. That was one of the hottest stories ever!!!
It was funny, tender and loving, and it was more than hot ( you should have seen me with my cheeks blushing and my breath going heavily  :o ;D) -  I love it! What a perfect work! Thank you so much!!
( I can´t speak for Toycoon here, but I think it is NOT too long - and it fits perfectly!!)



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #1729 on: August 27, 2007, 04:09:48 pm »,12653.0.html

Susie has begun to post old IMDb Jack with Ennis treasures! Thank you so much, Susie!!  :-* :-* :-*
