I voted for Healthcare, Equal Rights and The War. The only issues we can directly affect.
Much as we don't want to think or acknowledge it, corruption in government is part and parcel of government. We can't do away with it as long as government remains driven by human need and emotion.
The economy is cyclic in nature. You can mitigate the effects of a bad economy to some extent, but you can't change the cycle.
The rising cost of education is another unstoppable thing. Prices for everything will continue to rise as long as we (as a society) become more affluent. It's a cause and effect thing.
Reference my comments in regards to corruption in government to see how I feel about campaign reform, because it's one in the same.
Immigration reform is a third rail issue, and will not carry great weight in this election because no one wants to confront the harsh realities that go along with it.
Homeland Security is basically a joke. We are no more secure now than before. It's less than a bandaid, it's a Bush-aid, designed primarily to show people that our President "cares" about our safety more than oil profits.
Reference our increasing affluence and you will realize soon enough that unless we decide we can live on less, we will never be able to compete in a global marketplace.
Boy this is a rant huh?