Author Topic: The Amazing Race (Now Season 25 chat)  (Read 461578 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #590 on: May 11, 2010, 03:17:42 pm »
Thanks for posting the article Kelda. It was very interesting.

I must admit I'm a bit disappointed in the cowboys however. They came across as so cute and friendly and polite. And then to find out they (or Jet at least) is homophobic. Although I must admit I was wondering about it in the back of my mind. It really is very disappointing. :(

Didn't Joe make some homophobic comments to Jordan at some point? Towards the middle of the race I think. I remember hearing something about that. This makes me wonder if Jet was in on it too. :-\

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Offline David In Indy

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #591 on: May 11, 2010, 03:25:01 pm »
You do or I would definitely have tried to apply - I've already told Callum he has no option if the UK ever become eligible!  :laugh:

I think they should have an "international race" at some point. Perhaps they could have three or four American teams, and then the rest of the teams from various other countries around the world. It could really turn out interesting because inevitably some legs of the race would be in certain teams' home countries and it would be fun to see how much of an added advantage it would give them.

If anything, it would give a new twist to the show. Maybe someone should suggest it to CBS.
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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #592 on: May 11, 2010, 06:36:58 pm »
Before jumping to conclusions and lableing Jet as  homophobic (shudders), a wise and judicious route would be to hear the other side of the story.

Typical over-reaching and over-simplyfying.   ::)  

As I say.. while I accept the point you should hear two sides to every story, other posters in other forums I use frequently HEARD Jet say it..

Which is very dissapointing to me as I liked the Cowboys.. I am a fan of them on facebook, but my little quote seems bang on in this sense.  ::)

That they (or just Jet) have some sort of problem with gay people. How large that problem is I don't know. Maybe it was an accidental slip of the tounge, but at the end of the day, words don't come out like that jut by accident. There has to be *something* behind it.

Even if Dan &Jordan were being total dicks, that doesn't give Jet the right to use that sort of language. He's meant to be a role model, and he is the one that has been very clear about being respectful to everyone no matter waht. Doesn;t seem that respectful to me.

Dabid - re: Joe. I think there was a spat but I'm not clear what about.. whetehr it was just Joe's attitude i genral or something else.

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #593 on: May 11, 2010, 06:46:09 pm »
I think they should have an "international race" at some point. Perhaps they could have three or four American teams, and then the rest of the teams from various other countries around the world. It could really turn out interesting because inevitably some legs of the race would be in certain teams' home countries and it would be fun to see how much of an added advantage it would give them.

If anything, it would give a new twist to the show. Maybe someone should suggest it to CBS.

Amazing Race Asia is kind of international. It has representations from various countries... Thailand, India, Japan, Singapore, Malaysia, Phillipeans, Honk Kong, Indonesiam etc.

Apparently, though Amazing Race Asia is a nightmare in terms of customs & they often have to hold teams back so a team from a certain country doesnt gain a lead or disadvantage based solely on the amount of time it takes for them to go though customs solely because of their passport. Eg if the final city was in the UK, if I was from that country I'd get through customs a lot quicker than someone from US or Germany. And where agreements or disagreements are in place between countries, this might slow things done - eg US /Cuba etc!

I'd love to see it though!

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #594 on: May 11, 2010, 08:52:41 pm »

Cowboy Cord McCoy Called Amazing Race Winner Jordan Pious A "Fag"

Oh here's a shock a redneck cowboy who hurls anti-gay slurs.

The Amazing Race finale is over and despite CBS publicists’ pathetic efforts to get the players not to talk about things outside of the lame, noncontroversial stuff (“Let’s talk about their strategic play on the show”), Jordan Pious, the gay Rhode Island man and his brother Dan, who won The Amazing Race told Reality TV World that cowboy Jet has a problem with gay people. (Cowboy brothers Jet and Cord Mccoy came in second)

From Reality Blurred:
*Cue Brokeback Mountain music*

Dan said, “Jet hates gays, yeah,” and Jordan said that “he made comments about Carol and Brandy (Lesbian Team)  on the show.” Dan added that “Jet called Jordan a ‘fag’ Saturday night for absolutely no reason and Jordan just said hello to him, so there was something on the Race and I guess, in all fairness, there’s some stuff that isn’t shown and I think it’s an important thing to get out. Because I don’t think there’s any doubt that certain things happened and it all plays a part in everyone’s reaction. … I think there’s some animosity but it really goes one-way.”

As far as CBS trying to keep it quiet it´s not really all that shocking. CBS tried all season to make Cowboys the favorites who are always perfect and in the last epspecially CBS went out of it's way to make Dan and Jordan into "the villians" for no reason.

Posted by Will (Wolf) at Tuesday, May 11, 2010 0 comments   Links to this post
Labels: bigot, cowboy, fag, homophobia, Jet McCoy, The Amazing Race

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #595 on: May 11, 2010, 09:03:29 pm »
If I hadn't read the piece Kelda posted, I would have doubted the credibility of that article. First of all it says in the headline that it was Cord who called Jordan a fag. Secondly it claims Jordan lives in Rhode Island. I was under the impression it is Dan who lives in Rhode Island and Jordan now resides in Georgia. But maybe I got those facts mixed up.
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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #596 on: May 12, 2010, 05:15:45 am »
If I hadn't read the piece Kelda posted, I would have doubted the credibility of that article. First of all it says in the headline that it was Cord who called Jordan a fag. Secondly it claims Jordan lives in Rhode Island. I was under the impression it is Dan who lives in Rhode Island and Jordan now resides in Georgia. But maybe I got those facts mixed up.

No I think you are right David.

Exclusive: Dan Pious and Jordan Pious discuss their 'The Amazing Race' win

By Reality TV World staff, 05/10/2010

Although they finished a distant third in the The Amazing Race's penultimate sixteenth-season leg, Dan Pious and his brother Jordan Pious never stopped giving the competition their all, and that attitude paid off in the final leg.

Dan, a 24-year-old financial advisor from Barrington, RI, and Jordan, a 22-year-old strategic consultant who currently resides in Atlanta, GA, won The Amazing Race's sixteenth season during last night's finale broadcast of the CBS reality competition.

Reality TV World: When you two were at Lucasfilm, you had that other kind of little incident where it looked like Jet and Cord had a chance to catch up and maybe even pass you guys but Jet seemed kind of passive and waited for Jordan to be done before moving forward in the virtual room.  Were you surprised they weren't more aggressive?

Jordan Pious: [Unintelligible] touch us

Dan Pious: Yeah,  I mean I think Jet wants to stay as far away from Jordan as possible, but really what I thought was interesting about that particular aspect was that Jet had seen Jordan spinning so we could read the clue on the computer screen and yet when it was their time to read the clue they sat there for what looked like several minutes totally confused on how to read the clue and Jet didn't spin or anything.

I was surprised because, who knows, maybe they could have really made up some time there.  I was surprised to see them not start spinning to read the clue so that Cord could see it on the screen slower. 

Jordan Pious: Yeah, they must have realized that I wasn't spinning for no reason.

Reality TV World: That's a couple of different times now in this interview that you guys have mentioned Jet apparently having some problem with Jordan.  We really didn't see much of that on the show, can you elaborate on that a little bit?

CBS publicist: Let's talk about their strategic play on the show.

Dan Pious: Jet hates gays, yeah.

Jordan Pious: I mean, but he made comments about Carol and Brandy on the show.

Dan Pious: Yeah, Jet called Jordan a "fag" Saturday night for absolutely no reason and Jordan just said hello to him, so there was something on the Race and I guess, in all fairness, there's some stuff that isn't shown and I think it's an important thing to get out.

Because I don't think there's any doubt that certain things happened and it all plays a part in everyone's reaction.  I don't remember exactly what was said on this past episode, but when Jordan was walking away from the counter I believe Jet said something to Jordan.

I'm totally drawing a blank now, but he said something.  I'll have to watch the episode again, because I've only seen it once because I'm in New York.

So listen, I think there's some animosity but it really goes one-way.  But we'll focus on the positive.

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #597 on: May 12, 2010, 11:56:34 am »
twtplanner.. I'm just going to quote another poster from another (TAR fan) board here cos it kinda sums up what i was trying to say yesterday..

Nobody said that every single person from states (like Oklahoma) dislike gay people. I'm sure there are some very liberal people in the bible belt. Just as I know for certain that there are a lot jerk conservatives (in liberal areas). A region does not define an entire set of people. We're intelligent people and we know that. However, it is a known fact (just look at the voting results) that certain regions have a majority of people who have different values than other regions. The bible belt didn't get that name by accident. I think what people are trying to say, or at least what I meant, was that based on where they're from, it really wouldn't be too much of a shock if they were raised to believe certain things.

There is also another poster on that forum, who knows Cord (apparently for years) and has indicated he's never heard Cord say anything he would consider bigoted, but that he doesn't know Jet, so can't comment on him. 

Other news from TARflies - Caite & Brent broke up before up just BEFORE the race started! Explains the grumpies between those two!

Additionally, I was told Jordan was super nice and friendly & fun with fans.

And that Jet & Cord were also nice & courteous, if a little shy, to fans who spoke to them.

Other news about the race - Louie from the Detectives has been cleared of any involvement in a boston police drug ring.

And i gave you the wrong information earlier in the thread - Jet & Cord were not recruited to TAR, but applied the old fashioned way.

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Dan and Jordan Talk to The Advocate About "The Amazing Race"
« Reply #598 on: May 27, 2010, 12:45:19 am »
I found this over at The Advocate. It is basically the same questions as asked in the interview Kelda posted, but there were some new questions, so I thought I'd post it. :D

Gay-Straight Brother Alliance Wins Race

A fraternal bond and a competitive spirit bring Dan and Jordan Pious victory on the hit reality show The Amazing Race.

Brotherly love may be priceless, but it was worth at least $1 million to gay and straight siblings Jordan and Dan Pious, the winners of season 16 of The Amazing Race. Rhode Island natives Jordan, 23, and Dan, 25, proved themselves formidable contenders in the round-the-world reality TV competition, and they made some controversial moves in the final leg, cutting into an airline ticket line in Shanghai, China, and then managing to get bumped up to first class so they beat their remaining two rival teams off the plane in San Francisco. (Both moves are allowed by the race’s rules.)

The day after their victory episode was broadcast, this gay-straight alliance spoke with The Advocate about their winning strategies, their relationship with each other and with the race’s 10 other teams (including lesbian couple Carol Rosenfeld and Brandy Snow, who sparred with the team of Brent Horne and Caite Upton — with Brandy rejecting Caite’s apology at the end), and what it means to give the race its first openly gay winner since Reichen Lehmkuhl and Chip Arndt, then a couple, in 2003.

The Advocate: I understand, Jordan, it was one of your life’s dreams to be on The Amazing Race. What do you feel were the attributes you brought that enabled you two to win?
Jordan Pious: The biggest asset we had going into this race was our relationship and our bond. The bond between two brothers, it’s like nothing else, and for 23 years I have trusted my brother, I know my brother better than anybody, he has supported me, he has my back, and that is a huge asset in this race. I think that a lot of times the newly dating couples can get bogged down in small arguments, but Daniel and I have had every fight under the sun — we’ve been “dating” for far too long for that to happen. There was really nothing that could cause an issue with us that we hadn’t seen before and we hadn’t addressed before, and on top of that was being young and physically fit and my brother being as athletic as he was. That definitely helps in this race because you do have to have stamina and you do have to have the strength and being young and agile really helps.

Jordan, when did you come out, and was that ever an issue between you?
Jordan: Growing up, I think my brother saw me becoming a gay boy, a gay man, and at the early stages tried to get me involved with sports, like “I don’t know if want you to be gay,” etc. I was like 7 or 8. When I came out, the first person I came out to in my family was my brother. I was 14-1/2 years old and I told him that I was gay, and his reaction was, “I will never love you any differently, you are my little brother, and you mean the world to me, and do you, do Jordan, and don’t change who you are,” and he has been the most supportive person in my life, and that was no exception.

What were your relationships like with the other teams?
Dan: We really got along with almost every team. We wanted to get along with everyone — we thought it would be a good thing, not only for making friendships and bonds, having shared such a special experience, but strategically, with U-turns [with which one team can force another to go to a previous point in the race and perform a task] possibly being on the horizon, getting on people’s bad sides would only result in negative parts of our race. There were two U-turns and both led to immediate eliminations. It was a good thing to stay on people’s good side.

Including Carol and Brandy?
Jordan: I would wager a guess that Brandy and Carol would probably say they were closest with us on the race of the other teams. We never had a problem with them, and both my brother and I try to see the good in people and there was a lot of good in Carol and Brandy, and they were also fierce competitors, very smart, very strategic, and very savvy with the relationships they created on the race, and they were good allies for parts of this race. And they are good people. I think they got caught up in a personal issue that they had with Caite and it got the best of them on this race, but I definitely can speak from experience and conversations that I’ve had with them and days that I’ve spent with them on this race, they are good people, and we really did not have any problems with them. They and Caite had personal issues with each other, but none of it had to do with sexuality.

Up until the final, you guys had won just one leg, and that was with a fast-forward, which allows teams to skip the remaining tasks on that leg of the race and proceed to the end. Did you feel like the underdogs in any way?
Jordan: I think that some people have that perception, but our big strategy going into the race was to kind of fly under the radar and not put a big target on our backs. There are teams that will see two guys, 23 and 25 years old, in decent physical shape, as a strong physical threat, and we didn’t want that to happen. It wasn’t about getting first place in every leg, it was about getting first place in the final leg, and that’s what we did.

It seemed like the cowboys, brothers Jet and Cord McCoy, were kind of the favorites and the front-runners for a good deal of the race. Did you feel a particular threat from them?
Jordan: I think that the final six teams or so had an equal chance of winning this race — it’s not a matter of who came in first the most times. There are so many intangibles and things that are sort of out of their control, and we knew in this final leg we had to really put the pedal to metal. For good reason, a people watching the show saw Jet and Cord as quite a threat, but if you were on the race, it you would realize that any one of these teams had an equal shot of winning this thing.

Bumping up to first class and in line at airport—how did you come up with those ideas?
Dan: The cut in line was really a nonissue — all things being equal, we probably wish that we hadn’t done it. Jet has been very vocal about his dislike for homosexuals, and quite frankly, we’re trying to play a game for a million dollars, and it goes both ways, and Cord distracted me while we were doing the digital computer challenge.
Jordan: It was game-changing for us to move up to first class — it gave us a 15-minute lead. At the end of the day, it’s a game for a million dollars; you’ve got to make moves in the final leg, so we tried to make those moves.

What would you say was the most difficult thing you had to do in the race?
Jordan: For me the most difficult thing in the race was definitely the Singapore Flyer [the world’s largest observation wheel, on which they had to exit their capsule at the highest point, then crawl across a beam to the next capsule]. I realized I had quite the fear of heights, I was shaking and sweating, 541 feet in the air — getting past my nerves and actually completing that was definitely the most difficult thing for me.
Dan: For me the most difficult part was just really not getting a lot of sleep. I can’t sleep on planes, and such a large percentage of the sleep on The Amazing Race you’re supposed to get on planes, because we’re not always in hotels.

And what was the most fun thing?
Dan: The Seychelles was probably our favorite place, but my favorite leg was probably Hamburg, Germany, with soccer, bungee jumping, and drinking the beer out of the boot, which was kind of fun, and to be in Hamburg on a Saturday night — it was a hoppin’ place.
Jordan: Definitely the leg that was most fun for me was in France when we got to do the World War I reenactment. I’m a fan of the costumes and stuff. It’s fun, it’s like we can laugh at ourselves, we are crawling in the dirt, Daniel and I had some playful interactions, and it’s actually my favorite memory in the race. I’m so glad they captured that and showed it a few times. When am I ever again going to be crawling in the trenches of Verdun, France? The answer is never. It’s just cool to be able to do that.

What are your plans for the money?
Dan: We both agreed we’re gonna pay our taxes, for sure, and then save and invest the rest.

What’s the biggest challenge now, after having won the race, and will it seem simpler now that you’ve done that?
Dan: I’m not so sure I’ve thought that far ahead. I think I’ve been very short-sighted lately, just focusing on the race. The next step, I have a lot of question marks; I don’t have a lot of answers for them, but hopefully it’ll be a job with a Boston sports franchise for me.
Jordan: I think that whatever happens, both Daniel and I have gained a just little bit more confidence than maybe we had to begin with. I think we were confident in ourselves and the people that we are, but certainly being in this race and competing with the people we competed with has made us believe in ourselves even more. Whatever challenges we do face, I feel confident we’ll be able to conquer them.

What would your advice be to anyone considering becoming a contestant on the race?
Jordan: My advice is to never give up, just keep going for it, and that when you do apply for The Amazing Race, when you send in that audition video just to be yourself. I think a lot of people have the misconception they have to put together these elaborate audition videos where they’re characters rather than themselves, and I think the casting people for The Amazing Race can see right through that, and they want people who are real, who are interesting, who are determined, and who really want this.

You are the first openly gay winner since Chip and Reichen. Do you feel like you’ve helped score some points for gay visibility?
Jordan: I’ve received some fan messages and stuff like that from homosexual men and women who say I’m a positive role model for the gay community hearing that means the world to me. I have never felt that I don’t have opportunities because I’m gay, and I want everyone else to think and believe that as well. It’s just a part of who I am, it doesn’t define who I am, and you can do anything you put your mind to, so I hope people definitely take that away from this experience.

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Re: The Amazing Race (Now Season 16 chat)
« Reply #599 on: May 31, 2010, 06:04:55 pm »
Thanks David! Good little interview!

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