The person below me loves to sing in the shower and/or read a book/mag when they are answering nature's call...
This is obviously for you Chuck.......................?
Ok, then, I'll answer the questions, and then tell an embarassing story.
Yes, to singing, and yes to reading!
One time, a few years ago.....I got home from my walk. It was summertime, and I had built up a sweat, big time, so I went to take a shower. Before going upstairs, I happened to notice my neighbors in the house behind us, having a family bbq, their back yard was full of people.
Got to the bathroom, made sure the blinds were shut, and got in the shower. For some unknow to me reason, Celine Dion's "It's All Coming Back To Me Now" started to run through my head, and I started to sing it.....very loudly, and dramatically.
I got out of the shower to discover that while I had pulled the blinds shut, I had left the window open, and serenaded my neighbors.
The person below me has a hidden stash of porn that no one knows about.