That is the best fertilizer you can use. My Mother did this same thing after returning from the fishmonger. If I remember correctly, she and Dad would sometimes compost some of the fish heads along with cow excrement. It sounds disgusting, and actually it was. But after they tilled it into the garden, we would end up with HUGE tomatoes; some as large as soft balls. All the fruits and vegetables were very large and healthy. Gosh, now I'm in the mood to plant a garden. Too bad there's so much snow outside right now. 
I know this sounds kind of weird, but I always thank the animal before I consume it. It gave its life so I could live. But I'm getting to be more and more like Melissa, I think. I'm beginning to eat much more vegetables and fruit, and less meat.
Sometimes I can't believe how much better I feel now that I eat almost no meat and more fruit and vegetables, I have lost almost 15 pounds and I feel so much more energized (is that the word). If I do end up eating meat, then I feel it immediately!
That sounds really interesting about the fish heads in the compost! Guess you can start that vegetable garden once the snow clears huh?
I tried to make Turkish pizzas last night, the topping (minced meat, you can use the tofu kind, red onions, spring onions, blanched tomatoes and parsley) I was able to make, but the base didn't come out the way it should. When it is done right, you can roll it up and dip it in mayo/yoghurt/chives/parsley sauce! Yummy!