How do you prepare baked beans and toast anyhow? When I've read about it from reliable sources (translate - British fanfiction
) there seems to be a 'correct' way to prepare the toast, kinda like with tea, you're supposed to boil the water first and warm the pot and use real leaves not bags.
Here you can make baked beans from scratch with ingredients like bacon or ham or beef, onion, garlic, molasses, etc...or use them from a can/tin.
In the southeast US, we eat pinto beans over cornbread, which is kinda the same thing, though it's sounds more bland with the beans usually just being cooked with a little meat (bacon or ham usually) and flavored with salt. And not typically for breakfast.
Well Lynne theres no correct way to prepare baked beans over here, they're straight from the can, just heat and pour them on your toast. You are absolutely correct about preparing tea, you've always have to warm the teapot first (my Mum taught me that, my Mother drinks so much tea, even when she went camping she would take a china cup and saucer for her tea

)At work we always heat the teapot/coffee pots, cups and saucers.. Personally I prefer flavoured teas such as pomegranite and grape, or blackberry and apple and so forth.
I can't wait to go to the US, Chunky Monkey icecream is on the list of the "Must Eats" along with doughnuts and hotdogs (I know I have watched to many cops and robber movies

) and I want to go to a "diner"
Brunch a biscuit (bad I know but no time)
Dinner King Prawns on a bed of potatoes and red peppers, followed by brie and edam with crackers and a fig
Supper Crumpets covered in marmite